GABA As A Supplement?


Dec 10, 2016
A GABA-EEG test of the blood-brain barrier near epileptic foci. - PubMed - NCBI

The permeability of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the region of an epileptic focus may be assessed by infusing GABA and measuring a change in epileptic spike activity on the EEG. GABA does not cross the normal BBB but will suppress epileptic spike activity when it does cross where the BBB is damaged. 9 alumina-cobalt experimental epileptic foci were all initially suppressible, but 7 then became unsuppressible . When the foci were irradiated to lower the BBB, all 7 became temporarily suppressible. The experiments demonstrate that (1) epileptic foci can be equally active both with the BBB 'open' and 'closed'; (2) the intravenous GABA-EEG test can detect whether the BBB near the epileptic focus is open to GABA, and (3) anatomic tests of BBB integrity (in these experiments intravenous trypan blue) cannot determine if whether BBB near the focus is 'open' to GABA. Since the intravenous GABA-EEG test reveals the permeability of the BBB in the immediate environment of the epileptic focus, it may be very useful in the selection of a susceptible therapeutic group for inhibitory amino acid therapy.


Sep 29, 2017
Have you tried phenibut?

No I havent tried it yet. But only because here in Germany its not so easy to get it. Otherwise i think i would try it.
Another thing that sounds good to me is KavaKava. But again, here in Germany i think its not legal, you get only homeopathic extracts of kava and i dont think they would do anything ^^

But again back to GABA supplements: I'm not so sure if its so crucial to cross the blood brain barriere. Most studys i found are still animal feed performance studys, but they clearly show positive impacts as a general anti-inflammatory and anti-stress substance. And a few human trials who show it can reduce hypertension. And high blood pressure often is stress related. So in theory as someone takes GABA, even if it doenst cross the blood brain barriere itself, could lead to a relaxed peripheral body experience and therefore reduce anxiety?


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
Perhaps it finds receptors outside of the brain


Sep 29, 2017
yeah i would like to hear something about the red light therapy, too :)

i remember years ago taking a passionflower extract and i thought it helped a bit. maybe i will try that again. but like most herbs its an MAO inhibitor. in most studys they say thats responsible for the anxiolytic effect but it doesnt make sense to me that anything that raises neurotransmitters like adrenaline or serotonin via MAO could help anxiety. Cause i think my anxiety feels more like i have too much neurotransmitters.

ps: 1 hour ago i took some tiny doss of my pure GABA supplement and felt not so good. but maybe it was a nocebo effect cause of the side effects i read about before ;)


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
yeah i would like to hear something about the red light therapy, too :)

i remember years ago taking a passionflower extract and i thought it helped a bit. maybe i will try that again. but like most herbs its an MAO inhibitor. in most studys they say thats responsible for the anxiolytic effect but it doesnt make sense to me that anything that raises neurotransmitters like adrenaline or serotonin via MAO could help anxiety. Cause i think my anxiety feels more like i have too much neurotransmitters.

ps: 1 hour ago i took some tiny doss of my pure GABA supplement and felt not so good. but maybe it was a nocebo effect cause of the side effects i read about before ;)

Passionflower could also be unknown in how it exerts calming effects.


Oct 17, 2016
I had 10 X 20minute sessions in a full body red light pod with both red and infrared LEDs. MitoGen pods, developed by a guy in Aus. I have my own red light Mini as well which I started using on my face and neck for no more than about 5 mins in the morning, and on any injuries.


Sep 29, 2017
I had 10 X 20minute sessions in a full body red light pod with both red and infrared LEDs. MitoGen pods, developed by a guy in Aus. I have my own red light Mini as well which I started using on my face and neck for no more than about 5 mins in the morning, and on any injuries.

thanks for the info :)

something that came to my mind was that alcohol works very well, too to ease anxiety. i dont drink too much too often but i remember at new years celebration i drank about one bottle vodka with orange juice at playing "beer" pong. better called vodka pong haha. sounds much but i can tolerate pure vodka very good when i dont drink beer or something else. but the point is, the next day i had a little hangover but felt very calm with no anxiety and like a new person. very high libido that feels great (with is normally low). what could that mean?


Apr 19, 2017
thanks for the info :)

something that came to my mind was that alcohol works very well, too to ease anxiety. i dont drink too much too often but i remember at new years celebration i drank about one bottle vodka with orange juice at playing "beer" pong. better called vodka pong haha. sounds much but i can tolerate pure vodka very good when i dont drink beer or something else. but the point is, the next day i had a little hangover but felt very calm with no anxiety and like a new person. very high libido that feels great (with is normally low). what could that mean?
For me high doses of PURE thiamine hcl (like to the tune of 1,500 mg/day) has been a lifesaver in many ways. I believe it's partially because of its ability to raise CO2 levels, but it is also found to be deficient in alcoholics for some reason. All I know is that I was taking it religiously until I ran out, at which point bulk supplements stopped selling the hcl form and I stupidly bought a huge bag of thiamine mononitrate which promptly gave me gastrointestinal issues. Then out of desperation I went to GNC and bought their thiamine hcl without looking at the additional ingredients. Of course I wasn't feeling great and then realized they use brown rice powder ( I have been totally starch free). Finally found an alternative company on amazon that sold pure thiamine hcl for a reasonable price and instantly feel so much better since I received it. I have been eating totally Peat-y, use a thyroid supplement, progesterone, pregnenalone, niacinamide, vitamin A, vitamin D (calcirol), some DHEA, and consume a lot of gelatin. All of these things combined weren't doing it without the thiamine.


Sep 24, 2017
thanks for the info :)

something that came to my mind was that alcohol works very well, too to ease anxiety. i dont drink too much too often but i remember at new years celebration i drank about one bottle vodka with orange juice at playing "beer" pong. better called vodka pong haha. sounds much but i can tolerate pure vodka very good when i dont drink beer or something else. but the point is, the next day i had a little hangover but felt very calm with no anxiety and like a new person. very high libido that feels great (with is normally low). what could that mean?
No idea but I have experienced this more than once. Having some vodka and feeling great the next day even though I don't enjoy drinking alcohol that much anymore. It has a calming effect but it makes me tired and sleepy too soon. Usually disrupts my sleep too and sometimes I wake up after a few hours feeling very anxious. But even if I sleep poorly and feel like crap in the early morning it all changes after breakfast and I feel unusally calm, focused, have good energy, even my libido returns and it's like being 10 years younger for a few hours. I'm curious what's the mechanism behind this and if I could somehow replicate this effect without poisoning myself first.


Mar 30, 2017
For me high doses of PURE thiamine hcl (like to the tune of 1,500 mg/day) has been a lifesaver in many ways. I believe it's partially because of its ability to raise CO2 levels, but it is also found to be deficient in alcoholics for some reason. All I know is that I was taking it religiously until I ran out, at which point bulk supplements stopped selling the hcl form and I stupidly bought a huge bag of thiamine mononitrate which promptly gave me gastrointestinal issues. Then out of desperation I went to GNC and bought their thiamine hcl without looking at the additional ingredients. Of course I wasn't feeling great and then realized they use brown rice powder ( I have been totally starch free). Finally found an alternative company on amazon that sold pure thiamine hcl for a reasonable price and instantly feel so much better since I received it. I have been eating totally Peat-y, use a thyroid supplement, progesterone, pregnenalone, niacinamide, vitamin A, vitamin D (calcirol), some DHEA, and consume a lot of gelatin. All of these things combined weren't doing it without the thiamine.
Thats a lot of thiamine, I may as well give it a try. Do you do that much continuously?


Feb 13, 2016
thanks for the info :)

something that came to my mind was that alcohol works very well, too to ease anxiety. i dont drink too much too often but i remember at new years celebration i drank about one bottle vodka with orange juice at playing "beer" pong. better called vodka pong haha. sounds much but i can tolerate pure vodka very good when i dont drink beer or something else. but the point is, the next day i had a little hangover but felt very calm with no anxiety and like a new person. very high libido that feels great (with is normally low). what could that mean?

If you're a light drinker then alcohol increases testosterone the next day as a protective reaction to the estrogenic nature of alcohol. The effect does not last though. It quickly disappears if you become a moderate or heavy drinker.
Feb 26, 2018
I have noticed good muscle relaxant effects from oral gaba, just because it will not cross the bbb does not mean the other gaba receptors in the body cannot feedback to influence the gaba state of the brain. IIRC oral gaba can reach the hypothalamus because the barrier there behaves differently. Gaba held under the tongue for 5 minutes feels like it does make it to the brain. Skullcap tea and limonene are my favorite for gaba brain effects, all 3 together is better than a benzo to me - no edgy withdrawl feelings and less stupor. I used to take kava but it is so expensive, a hastle to prepare, and it is easy to feel nautious on it. Skullcap has other benefits, like chelating iron.

member 2106

Caffeine can interfere with the inhibitory effects of GABA.


Feb 18, 2018
The Netherlands
This may be of use. It focuses on lowering glutamate which is basically what you're looking for.

Lowering Glutamate & Protecting Against Glutamate Damage

I also don't respond well to theanine in general and it seems to make me feel worse. According to the author of the theanine is a glutamate analogue and so can be converted to glutamate. This would also explain why aspirin makes me feel worse too as I believe I've read is a gaba antagonist.

Fortunately, taurine and glycine work for me exactly as it's supposed too.

Oral gaba also has some effect (mostly physically) in high doses but didn't make that big of a difference overall. I'm now using only a low dose (500mg) because of the apparant anti-skin aging effect.

Two other safe herbs are magnolia or relora and bacopa. The latter is the most effective to reduce anxiety in my experience.

However,I think ultimately focusing on lowering serotonin and estrogen is the most important.


Aug 9, 2019
- taurine: tried it 2 times. Very tiny doses gave me actually more anxiety cause of a very strong heart pounding sensation that scared me. (i dont thing it was blood sugar related cause i always took it with food cause i know that could be a problem)
Been taking Taurine in the 1 - 2g dosage range. Only felt a noticeable, strong GABA effect twice. Other times it makes me mellow.
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