For Many Cancers Early Diagnosis Can Actually Be Deadly


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
A great article in line with one of Ray's latest interviews on KMUD, in which he says that modern medicine needs to apply the prostate cancer approach of "leaving it alone" to many other cancers as well. Given the current state of medicine of not being able to successfully cure most cancers, I think Ray's point is that it's probably best to leave the body to try to handle the cancer itself using mechanisms honed through billions of years of evolution rather than subjecting the patient to the "poison, cut, burn" approach. There is also the part of rendering people "doomed" even by the very fact of diagnosing them as cancer patients, which the article claims is often more dangerous than the disease itself. ... our-health

"...Getting the message across that not all cancer is deadly, and finding it early can actually do more harm than good, hasn't been easy, Welch said. "All the forces line up to support early cancer detection," he explained. "On first inspection it makes total sense, it's so intuitively appealing. And then the more people who are diagnosed with thyroid cancer, who have their thyroids taken out, and who are doing well — other than the fact that they're on medications or may have vocal-chord paralysis — the more they are seen as survivors."


"What was going on 20/30 years ago was that they were diagnosing people with cancer with tests that was not accurate." Dolores Cahill

"A lot of the language used medically in relation to cancer has been to promote the business of of the oncologist. 50 or 60 years ago cancers were things that were definitely identified as benign the language was escalated so that something which formerly was not cancer was called pre-cancer and then cancer the if you use the language of 1940 many cancers wouldn't exist that are now officially named as as a cancer." Ray Peat

“Things that had been non-cancer became cancer, and so if you cure all of these cases of non-cancer, it shows that your treatment is effective. But if you look at the actual death from cancer, the deaths from cancer increased exactly at the speed that the treatment for cancer increased. By definition, they were having a tremendous success in curing cancer by creating a strawman of disease and curing it, but meanwhile, the bystander patient was dying at a higher rate.” Ray Peat

“An article in JAMA about 40 years ago looked at the evidence of how the pathology methods of analyzing the properties of the cytoplasm nucleus ratio and the matter of disorganization and invasion and so on and in this article it was demonstrated that a healing wound if it's biopsied will show all of the properties that are used by the pathologist to identify cancer so that what is defined as cancer has become more inclusive and if you happen to have an injury that gets biopsied it'll be called cancer because it has the properties of of rapid growth uh invasive appearance and so on.” Ray Peat
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