
Oct 5, 2014
@Mauritio @Drareg @haidut

I have a negative feeling today. I suspect what they are trying to do is reach a very low % of unvaxxed. One that is manageable by police and judges, and then close the fist and crush us. They cannot yet. That is why the non-stop scaremongering, since as the situation is now, if they enforce something there are still millions of unvaxxed people and they cannot control that. Once we are a 0.5%... we'll see...

Therefore, my focus now is not convincing already vaxxed people (those are completely lost) but to convince non-vaxxed to stay non-vaxxed. That is the only way we can fight.


Nov 23, 2020
@Mauritio @Drareg @haidut

I have a negative feeling today. I suspect what they are trying to do is reach a very low % of unvaxxed. One that is manageable by police and judges, and then close the fist and crush us. They cannot yet. That is why the non-stop scaremongering, since as the situation is now, if they enforce something there are still millions of unvaxxed people and they cannot control that. Once we are a 0.5%... we'll see...

Therefore, my focus now is not convincing already vaxxed people (those are completely lost) but to convince non-vaxxed to stay non-vaxxed. That is the only way we can fight.

Weather that is deliberate or not, it is valid anyway, as it will be a list no way you look at at.


Jan 27, 2021
Yep, and now I am surprised to see even triple-vaxxed people on the street/bars talk about Sweden, Vietnam, India, Mexico, Japan, etc who have low vaccinations and basically no pandemic. Actually, Sweden has a high rate of vaccinated but I think Vietnam has only like 10% vaccinated and Japan/Mexico are also low on vaccinations and all have sort of moved on from pandemic as far aback as last August (or even earlier) while Western Europe, Australia, NZ, etc continue to live in hell despite high vaccination rates. Sooner or later, the people who supported this narrative earlier b/c it benefited them (mostly financially) are starting to get burned too and realize they are also part of the plebs and they will not be spared the horrors of fascism any more the unvaxxed will.
Totally. Already starting to see some friends who got the vax be like, "man... I only took that thing so I could do things in society... maybe it was a bad idea.". Revolutionary prospects x1000 if people start to get hip to how much harm these things have done already and will do in the future. Sharpen your pitchforks, kinda vibes. Also worth pointing out I currently know more people who have killed themselves during the lockdowns than anyone who actually died from covid.


Aug 8, 2020
Every country gets the government it deserves - Comte Joseph de Maistre 1785

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. And the absolute ability and willingness to inflict violence upon those who would attempt to coerce anyone. Willful denial of this historically proven fact is what got us to where we are.


Dec 10, 2019
I think we already have enough information on the agenda which world politicians are following and how terrible the situation can become. Already we have many of our freedoms restricted because of made up reasons. The time is ticking not in favor of us.
Does anyone have suggestion as a practical way of fighting against this madness ?
What one can do to oppose this worldwide fascism before it is too late ?

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
I think we already have enough information on the agenda which world politicians are following and how terrible the situation can become. Already we have many of our freedoms restricted because of made up reasons. The time is ticking not in favor of us.
Does anyone have suggestion as a practical way of fighting against this madness ?
What one can do to oppose this worldwide fascism before it is too late ?
#1 - Under no circumstances take the injection. The more people that have done it, the further they will push the limits because there will be fewer and fewer resisting. Health is obviously not the reason for mandatory jabs - they are worse than the illness. The real goal is submission to a universal global digital I.D. starting with a global vaxx passport system. Once that infrastructure is in place, centralized control of money and all activity will be easy. The more people that resist the harder it will be to put this system in place. At this point less than 40% of the world has received the clot shots, so purebloods still have a chance. Resist the jab at all costs.


Oct 5, 2014
Plus another sinister fact... If I am not mistaken the demonvaxes get out of the emergency approved drug around Feb-March 2022. Is this why the austrian tyrant is waiting till then?


Oct 5, 2014
#1 - Under no circumstances take the injection. The more people that have done it, the further they will push the limits because there will be fewer and fewer resisting. Health is obviously not the reason for mandatory jabs - they are worse than the illness. The real goal is submission to a universal global digital I.D. starting with a global vaxx passport system. Once that infrastructure is in place, centralized control of money and all activity will be easy. The more people that resist the harder it will be to put this system in place. At this point less than 40% of the world has received the clot shots, so purebloods still have a chance. Resist the jab at all costs.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
How to create a guaranteed market with 7 billion repeat customers:

1) Convince everyone they’re going to die.
2) Tell them you have a drug that will keep them alive.
3) After 1st dose, reveal that it wanes and must be taken every 6 mos.
4) Force those who didn’t buy into 1-3.
5) and make a ton of money to treat those injured by the jabs.


Oct 5, 2014
5) and make a ton of money to treat those injured by the jabs.
6) After everyone, ill or healthy, young or old, have been cashed out and hooked for life, then release a patented drug to treat the illness that the point 2 failed to protect from. A drug that of course has side effects and works worse than ivermectin. So you can resell the drug to the vaxxed that fall sick because vaxxes don't work. Double combo


Jun 20, 2015
I just looked it up. They call it "Erzwingungshaft" (coercive detention). But they can't imprison you longer than 3 months.

That's Germany, though. I don't know about the situation in Austria.
In Austria "Erzwingungshaft" exists, too. According to Epoch Times it's unclear at the moment if the authorities will be allowed to jail people that refuse to get the injection and don't pay the fine.

I wonder if you can be fined several times.

Österreich verhängt Lockdown und will Impfpflicht mit Geldstrafen durchsetzen

Generelle Impfpflicht ab 1. Februar 2022

Die geplante Impfpflicht soll ab 1. Februar 2022 offenbar insbesondere mit Geldstrafen durchgesetzt werden. Ein Verstoß werde als „Verwaltungsübertretung“ behandelt, sagte Österreichs Bundeskanzler Alexander Schallenberg am Freitag. Dabei handelt es sich um das Äquivalent zu einer Ordnungswidrigkeit in Deutschland.

Die in Medienberichten zuvor gehandelte Option einer Erzwingungshaft ist damit aber auch noch nicht ganz vom Tisch. In Österreich ist eine Freiheitsstrafe wegen einer Ordnungswidrigkeit möglich, wenn dies notwendig ist, um eine Person von weiteren Übertretungen gleicher Art abzuhalten. Sie darf bis zu sechs Wochen dauern.


Jun 14, 2020
The point of that was to show the absurdity of "reframing" your mind rather than trying to change your circumstances in some situations. The stoic solution to some things is as absurd as saying the way to end rape is to always give consent rather than to actually stop rapists. I'm not against stoicism in general, I just think it's taken way too far nowadays in a way that's impractical and detached from reality.
My thoughts exactly.


Oct 5, 2014
My thoughts exactly.
I think you are not getting it. An example: You can spend years of your life trying to reverse gray hair or balding (and getting ashamed for getting old) whereas a stoic would say : is this under my control? clearly not. What is under my control? What I tell myself about getting old. Change the later, and the problem is solved. Now, if you think being bald or having grey hair prevents you the slightest to have an equally fully satisfying and meaningful life than others that don't, then a stoic would say : change your thoughts (what you can control) and you'll be happy again.

Now you can say... take action and reverse it by improving metabolism. Good luck :) You can only delay it. And you will spend an insane amount of hours, time and energy just to delay it and being paranoid the next time a grey hair pops up in your head.

To put it in other words : Whatever "action" you take, the outcome is uncertain. Whereas YOUR thoughts are ALWAYS under your control therefore the outcome IS certain. That is what a stoic would say. I guess, I am not one myself.

After all, it is not that different from CB therapy.

Just an example. And stoicism is just a philosophy (a way of living) it doesn't necessarly mean it fits everyone. There are many philosophies you can practice : Cinics, Epicureans, Stoics... you choose. It was all invented 2500 years ago. Not new.
Last edited:


Aug 9, 2019
Therefore, my focus now is not convincing already vaxxed people (those are completely lost) but to convince non-vaxxed to stay non-vaxxed. That is the only way we can fight.
Convincing those vaxxed with 2 doses to give up on their booster matters too, making them question the narrative. We have to get the vaccinated on our side.


Nov 28, 2014
Convincing those vaxxed with 2 doses to give up on their booster matters too, making them question the narrative. We have to get the vaccinated on our side.
Good point. The vaxxed with regrets who will soon be considered unvaxxed as well if they don't get their boosters.


Feb 26, 2018
The real goal is submission to a universal global digital I.D. starting with a global vaxx passport system. Once that infrastructure is in place, centralized control of money and all activity will be easy. The more people that resist the harder it will be to put this system in place. At this point less than 40% of the world has received the clot shots, so purebloods still have a chance. Resist the jab at all costs.
I think so ,too. I could see them implementing new digital/crypto currencies run by governments. Maybe they will make bitcoin collapse and say :"Well, you all wanted a crypto currency , we have a safer one for you"

How they would make people use it ? There are many ways and the infrastructure for forcing people to do things is already there at this point.
Maybe there will be lower taxes for crypto/ higher fees for cash .
Maybe at some point you wont get your salary at all if you dont use government-crypto...

They could see who buys what, when for how much and even forbid certain people to buy certain things . Total control .

Btw digital yuan exists already. Digital euro is already planned.


Jan 28, 2019
Are you self-employed or work alone in a building? Starting Wednesday, unvaccinated employees must get tested every day if they want to go to work (but as far as I know, only if they have contact with other people there).
I work as self-employed in Germany and rent a flat that I may use (recently used to) for living. I have a webshop with German VAT ID.
It is a very difficult decision what to do, as free PCR-like Gurgel test in Austria is not recognised and accepted in Germany. Other tests are more expensive.


Oct 5, 2014
I work as self-employed in Germany and rent a flat that I may use (recently used to) for living. I have a webshop with German VAT ID.
It is a very difficult decision what to do, as free PCR-like Gurgel test in Austria is not recognised and accepted in Germany. Other tests are more expensive.
WHAT? Every day? Not 48hr or 72hrs?



Jan 28, 2019
WHAT? Every day? Not 48hr or 72hrs?

You may see German law says test is obigatory twice per week and I must show the paper at the border for the policeman. Bridge is located between Salzburg (AT) and Freilassing (DE). Last week policemen of both countries checked cars and people. German police has a check point at the center of the bridge, Austrian police has a metal-box office next to bridge on the Salzburg site. I used to cross the border over the small bridge of water power station, that was closed by a very big metal block in March.
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