Crepitus (Loud Cracking) Of The Knees


Feb 14, 2017
Hello all,

Over the last two years, my right knee has begun to pop and crack with every step, twist, and movement. It is not painful necessarily but definitely uncomfortable. I just turned 30 as well, so I feel I am a little young to experience this.

Is this a sign of calcification or inflammation? I tried taking high dose Vit k2 to see if it would help, but it seemed to make it worse.

Does anyone experience this? Searching the web did not really bring up any helpful resources.


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Jul 8, 2014
I have that cracking sound in my left knee, but only if I bend my knees down. The cracking sound is a series of pops, like if you break a bunch of twigs. If I keep in that position for an extended time and then get up, it hurts a little for a moment and then it is normal again. I am 64 and I don't remember when it started but I had trouble with my other knee when a teenager. My son, 24, has also trouble with his knees, may be hereditary? To me the cracking is a result of 'slipping' of the cartilage, instead of rolling in the joints. It may be a result of injury of the surrounding tendons. I had once trouble with that knee a few years ago, we were on vacation in Germany and I was limping the whole trip but it was manageable. The pain was on the right lower side of my knee, where a tendon attaches to the bone. After returning to Reno, I sought the help of a friend of mine, Dr. Gary Buchanan, whom I helped develop a sound treatment, he named it 'Sonatherapy' but it is also known as Cymatherapy. After a single visit, the pain was completely gone! I should have done that before our trip. Another interesting story: A few years before that, on the long return flight, my tail bone started to hurt and it wouldn't go away, for days or weeks. Another friend of mine, a D.O., Dr. David Holt, pointed a red laser to the area of the tail bone, which I was lying on an examination table, with all my clothes on. I laid there maybe for 20 minutes and after that the pain was gone and has never come back! I was very impresses.

I want to do more sound therapy on my knee but I am also thinking of getting a red diode laser to try on my knee, it doesn't have to be high power, I think 5 mW is all it takes.
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