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Nov 11, 2014
Did I forget a buzzword?
I'm a disgusting racist. I just totally hate people for their ethnicity. My mother did a DNA test and found out she was 1/64 Iranian. I don't talk to her anymore. I'll go back to my damp cave and feel ashamed of my dirty thoughts.


I'm a disgusting racist. I just totally hate people for their ethnicity. My mother did a DNA test and found out she was 1/64 Iranian. I don't talk to her anymore. I'll go back to my damp cave and feel ashamed of my dirty thoughts.

I am happy you became reasonable after all.
You see, diversity is our strength and in the end only love matters.
Europe will not be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century.


Nov 11, 2014
Where does it talk about genetics?
I don't understand what you are asking. Are you saying an East Asian, a European and an African don't have different genetics?

They haven't found any isolated "intelligence gene" no. However, you don't need one, because the observable differences between the various ethnicities are clear and widespread. It's not racist for NBA to be filled with African genotypes. It's because that environment encouraged changes that select for the physical attributes for basketball. East Asians are incredibly good at ping pong, because that environment selected for more fast-twitch muscle fibres.

The colder the environment, the more intelligence was selected for, along with a more altruistic attitude because the environment was more harder to deal with, and the tribe needed more integrity. You had to be able to survive long winters with no food, this encouraged intelligence through the necessity of forward thinking. It's not better or worse to have an ethnicity bred for intelligence. It's just an inherited genetic trait. The data is out there and it's very clear. Ignorance of the facts is far more damaging than acceptance. You can have all the immigrants you want, but understand that with certain ethnicities they will not be employable, and therefore become a crutch. Lower intelligence traits are highly heritable, and therefore no amount of environmental intervention will fix the problem.

I'm not judging those people for it. In fact I'm doing them a favour. This disregard for facts is causing significant confusion and suffering, both for Europeans bearing the brunt of the welfare costs for these immigrants, which will collapse the state soon enough, and for the immigrants themselves, as they generally come to the conclusion their impotence is due to structural racism, instead of inherent genetic differences. It's a horrible truth to swallow. Inherent inequality exists, and is going nowhere.


Nov 11, 2014
I am happy you became reasonable after all.
You see, diversity is our strength and in the end only love matters.
Europe will not be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century.
I know right. And think about all the cool exotic cuisines we get to enjoy. THINK ABOUT THE CUISINE. And the cool costumes. I can't wait to go for a jog in my burka later. Soon I'll get all my resources for free, because Venus Project. It'll be great. People are always complaining about having a family and a job and sharia law, it's just so dull. Yay my instagram got another follower. Who needs society when you can get happiness from making cupcakes and booing at Boris Johnson as he leaves for work. He's really posh and has exceedingly blonde hair at 52. The evil runs deep in him.



Dec 13, 2015
Well, this thread rapidly change of subject and matter. How long before somebody bring hairloss and the high prevalance of bald man in the UK...


Nov 11, 2014
Well, this thread rapidly change of subject and matter. How long before somebody bring hairloss and the high prevalance of bald man in the UK...
Where has subject matter changed? It's just discussion directly relating to Brexit. Understanding the context of Brexit requires information on psychology of politics and the doubling of yearly immigration numbers in the UK due to the obligatory Schengen Agreement, which has caused a rapid rise in nationalistic sentiment across Europe, due to the mass immigration and free movement of peoples from the Middle East and North Africa (mainly Islamic) over the past couple of years. European ideology is the opposite of Islamic ideology, and associated issues related to economic destruction of Europe have their source, at least partially, in racial intelligence differences. Race, ideology and economic health are the fundamental reasons for British citizens voting to leave the EU, and for subsequent movements growing across Europe as we speak.


Dec 13, 2015
I wasn't talking about that... I was talking about the whole intelligence, IQ, etc. Blaming those variables has the sole reason for the lack of ability to integrate to new society and way of functionning within, is in my opinion just too simplistic.

I agree with most of the others things you wrote about. Ignoring it and calling it racism or xenophobia is just ridiculous.
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Sep 9, 2015
The ECB rates are at zero as with most other western countries.
Banks get cheap money from the ECB ,money for nothing,this can't last without severe repercussions, whatever the banks charge the customer is beyond corrupt when the customer is bailing them out.

I'm with you there, but the bank loan rates to businesses are still really high, I know because I have one!

But I'm going to bow out of the thread because the horrible racists are trying their best to bait someone into an argument.

I'm kind of amazed the forum censors swearing considering what else it tolerates.


I'm with you there, but the bank loan rates to businesses are still really high, I know because I have one!

But I'm going to bow out of the thread because the horrible racists are trying their best to bait someone into an argument.

I'm kind of amazed the forum censors swearing considering what else it tolerates.

Ignoring and censoring dissentient opinions is not really in the spirit of Ray Peat.

That might be the reason.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I'm kind of amazed the forum censors swearing considering what else it tolerates.
A big reason curse words are blocked out is because of search engine reasons.

If you see something that you think needs to be brought to the attention of moderators then please click the "report" button within a post and let us know. Or simply send us a private conversation. :hattip


Sep 9, 2015
A big reason curse words are blocked out is because of search engine reasons.

If you see something that you think needs to be brought to the attention of moderators then please click the "report" button within a post and let us know. Or simply send us a private conversation.

No Charlie it's fine. I think it's more that the community as a whole seems to tolerate some seriously dubious beliefs rather than a moderation issue.

You know the saying you can judge a man by the company he keeps? Well you can judge a forum by the crack-pots it attracts.

Between this and the flat earth thread and people sleeping in giant metal cages, I think despite loads of cool science and personal experimentation on here it may be a little too whackadoo around here for me.



Dec 21, 2014
No Charlie it's fine. I think it's more that the community as a whole seems to tolerate some seriously dubious beliefs rather than a moderation issue.

You know the saying you can judge a man by the company he keeps? Well you can judge a forum by the crack-pots it attracts.

Between this and the flat earth thread and people sleeping in giant metal cages, I think despite loads of cool science and personal experimentation on here it may be a little too whackadoo around here for me.

Only someone with poor reasoning skills can't tolerate other's "dubious beliefs". There's no problem with people being wrong if you always think for yourself.

Ray Peat forum will naturally attract open minded people.

For the record I'm still not convinced that anyone actually believes the Earth is flat.

You know the Faraday shields really do block radiation, right? I would try it. And why not? Might as well do everything you can to be healthy. I want to get a canopy. That way I can be fancy while also blocking radiation.


Feb 18, 2016
No Charlie it's fine. I think it's more that the community as a whole seems to tolerate some seriously dubious beliefs rather than a moderation issue.

You know the saying you can judge a man by the company he keeps? Well you can judge a forum by the crack-pots it attracts.

Between this and the flat earth thread and people sleeping in giant metal cages, I think despite loads of cool science and personal experimentation on here it may be a little too whackadoo around here for me.


It's not neccesarily beliefs the forum tolerate in every case, it's more to encourage the spirit of dialogue. The faraday cage is a work of art Imo.

In relation to business loans, the reason they are giving them out is because central banks are at 0% very soon to be negative. A banking industry with a semblance of normality would not be loaning to cafe after cafe in the same areas of a city yet they are. It's just like the mortgages for anyone at this point.

They are more or less forced to give loans to businesses by the ECB, most businesses are similar,we have market saturation all over the world, many will start to fail soon, add to that they are taxing more and people are spending less. They have done this and it created a fake recovery,fake hope, how long can someone run a business which is a lifestyle for just about breaking even per year?
The bank is using businesses profits to bulk up their own books and in some cases gamble your money,remember it's just zeros on a screen, if you went in to withdraw 250k cash on Monday they will stop you.
Banks worldwide are on the verge of collapse, the Bank of England just bailed out british banks to the tune of 250 billion,the don't use the term bailout anymore, upsets average joe.

They have made small-medium business owners tax donkeys in the west.

If the forum attracts crackpots,what brought you here?


Jan 3, 2014
the Bank of England just bailed out british banks to the tune of 250 billion,the don't use the term bailout anymore, upsets average joe.
What do they call them now?
I've really enjoyed reading your posts, drareg.


Feb 18, 2016
What do they call them now?
I've really enjoyed reading your posts, drareg.

They just make it up at this point, Ray Peats last interview on KMUD speaks of something similar.
How about,lets bail the banks out cause that's why or let's bail the banks out again as we sincerely have no clue what is going on anymore.
If they revert to the old system which is in tune with natures cycles it will rectify, believing we can constantly grow is the gist of their current theories,the biological equivalent is a cancer of sort. What's more deplorable is this cancer was curable , now we are pushing to a cliff edge, we as in team global.

It's entirely possible at this point that soon you won't get money out of your bank in the USA, once things get more chaotic that is,to fix this mess many will suffer initially.
It isn't alarmist anymore to speak this way. Inflation can take hold within a week rendering millions broke.


Nov 11, 2014
I'm with you there, but the bank loan rates to businesses are still really high, I know because I have one!

But I'm going to bow out of the thread because the horrible racists are trying their best to bait someone into an argument.

I'm kind of amazed the forum censors swearing considering what else it tolerates.

Are you referring to my comments?


Apr 13, 2016
Are you referring to my comments?

Yes, I would venture to guess that she is referring to your diatribe with overtones of the master race, i.e. certain races can never enjoy the freedom of self-determination. Maybe lower IQ correlates with lesser education in 3rd world countries. Remember that democracy started in Greece, and civilization started in the Middle East, so we don't need to bring in "winter naturally selects for intelligence" kind of theories.


Mar 15, 2016
It's about time. The EU is obsolete, outdated, and useless (unless for the euro-elite and marxists).


Oct 10, 2012
It's about time. The EU is obsolete, outdated, and useless (unless for the euro-elite and marxists).

People like Blake, Higgins, and Marx have realized that there are different ways of being, that one is fragmented and diminished, and the other is whole, alive, and growing. - Ray Peat Generative Energy page 143
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