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Feb 18, 2016
He doesn't understand the fundamental differences between voluntary and involuntary, force and non-force redred. Positive and negative rights if you will. It's just really sad not even realizing that people could cooperate together without one side having the legal right to use violent force against all others, and people vying for control of that force machine.


What's sad with your posts overall is your lack of energy to perceive a future different than your current paradigm.


Feb 18, 2016
I think its very hard to have a happy multiethnic society with high taxation. Libertarianism is appealing to white autists who doesnt realize that violence will always exist. The native indians in america had great health if im not mistaken and were slaughtering eachother all the time.

Drareg, peat is a full on cultural marxist like alot of his generation.


Like many in this thread, when your lack of reasoning is put to you we get a response like the above.


Mar 13, 2016

What's sad with your posts overall is your lack of energy to perceive a future different than your current paradigm.

I think you both sounds like mormons trying to convert eachother lol. Its funny how extremely politized the west is. It was the same thing for the west roman empire before it got invaded.


Feb 18, 2016
Speak for yourself, I realize violence will always exist and things can never be perfect. Libertarianism just have the radical belief that violence shouldn't be institutionalized and codified into monopolistic law.

You realise this because you haven't been to the future. Just like the sun will always rise.
To understand what's perfect you need to understand what reality is made of, you have no clue of this,your own moral issues are coming through here.
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Feb 18, 2016
I think you both sounds like mormons trying to convert eachother lol. Its funny how extremely politized the west is. It was the same thing for the west roman empire before it got invaded.

That's your problem ,you just read.
Try think with coherent perception first then try acting, whatch the magic unfold.


Mar 13, 2016

Like many in this thread, when your lack of reasoning is put to you we get a response like the above.

USA will have 65 million people by 2024 according to cia, imf, un etc is that a strawman also?

I knownyou wont watch this but this might be of interest to others.



Feb 18, 2016
I would rather say its a gender issue. When women got the right to vote the western world went straight downhill. Communisn is just a female adaption of politics. Men compete, females conspire.

He who controls the passion controls the man. Sexual freedom in west has replaced political freedom. And everytime there is sexual freedom there is dictatorship around the corner. Hustory will tell us the future.

Bending reality is the female trait, which is also the signature of the marxist ruling class, the male counterpart is cold objectivity. For females mind belief is everything, if you believe it its true. Everybody can be everything. Its very marxist isnt it.

I can give more and more examples of this. What happened to all great civilizations happened to our western also, women destroyed it.

It's incredible how it's not covered more that men get more damaged by rejection than women.
Is it Unrequited love was it or did the alpha even try?
used rejected rage energy to become well read in the hope of attracting females?

To male minds those with a pathological bent not having the ability to get model like lady drives them into bitterness and rage, when they are young they believe money/power can get them there but then the sad realisation comes in later years that the money/power isn't coming,regress back from society and ruminate on intellectual material with bias toward reality and society being horrible specifically toward topic that rejected them.

Your Marxist labels are redundant, you use history because you have no energy to look forward.


Feb 18, 2016
USA will have 65 million people by 2024 according to cia, imf, un etc is that a strawman also?

I knownyou wont watch this but this might be of interest to others.

Yes it's a strawman continuing from another strawman.
Your pathological believe gives you blind spots when you read posts.


Feb 18, 2016
USA will have 65 million people by 2024 according to cia, imf, un etc is that a strawman also?

I knownyou wont watch this but this might be of interest to others.

The current population of USA is 318 million, are you implying they are going to die?

Kyle M

Mar 20, 2016
I remember seeing that demoralization video. I am interested in more historical examples of this kind of thing happening to empires, where specifically women destroy them. Also, am I to assume what you're posting means you support a guy like Trump? I think that the idea of empire itself, national greatness, would lead to these outcomes, but I don't think people have to organize themselves around that idea. Or maybe they do, it's impossible to know I guess.


Feb 18, 2016
Bezmenov a professional propagandist changed form KGB bad guy to being a good guy, sure,let's believe every word he says now.
More like he was profiteering from attaching a story with his propaganda skills to an already unfolding pattern based on human behaviour.


Mar 13, 2016
I remember seeing that demoralization video. I am interested in more historical examples of this kind of thing happening to empires, where specifically women destroy them. Also, am I to assume what you're posting means you support a guy like Trump? I think that the idea of empire itself, national greatness, would lead to these outcomes, but I don't think people have to organize themselves around that idea. Or maybe they do, it's impossible to know I guess.

Changing president won't change anything the cancer is in the system (goverment, state level etc) already. What is the difference really between trump and hillary? Both wants war with Iran (and russia), they want a big goverment. It's probably easier to sell a war by the neo cons if its trump who is president. Then all these patriotard people will just cheer for trump like lambs to the slaughter.

As for the destructive change women have with civiliaations, look at every culture who went down. It is the same pattern. In the beginning there is growth, the man is in control of the family, not the state. Then women scream for more power to get more power. Then the state is the husband (because the state grows so big, because of women) then men grow tired of being whipped around and then crash. Europe and north america is a great example of this today. Humans are driven by incentives.

And its not really about empires, apply it on a smaller scale and you get the same result. Take the american indians weston price met during his travels. No sane man in those tribes would be with a woman if she could divorce and get half his possesions and make him pay half his salary to her. Ancient rome tried to solve the crisis marriage (young men didnt want to get married) by levying a bachelor tax. Did it solve the problem? No.

Kyle M

Mar 20, 2016
Good points, but I have to disagree about Hillary and Trump. I'm a Rothbardian mind you, and don't like Trump, but I see him as different than Hillary and every Republican that ran except maybe Rand Paul, and that difference is centered around war. In particular he seems to want to have an alliance with Russia. Maybe it's just populism, but I suspect he, as an outsider, could potentially shift the power structure and even whistle blow. At the very least he signifies the maturation of the new political system, I guess this is the 8th, I haven't been following the recent ones but was very interested studying the previous political changes in this country.
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