Bill Gates Kept Telling Us A Pandemic Was Coming, In Oct 2019 He Ran A Simulation Of A Coronavirus


Sep 13, 2012


Mar 3, 2016
None of the religions? You mean apart from the radical Islamists that make up the ranks of the IS? IS was formed by the remnants of the Hussein-Baath party and other toppled Sunnis in Iraq to regain control, it is no secret. Thry instruentlized young radical muslims for their cause because there are many of them and they are easily fooled in their radicalisation. No secret elites involved, and certainly no israli or jewish.

I understand you want to protect Islam from being portrayed like being like ISIS and radicals in general. It isn't, everybody knows, but there are radical factions, more than in any other religion. It's a problem that the muslims have to adress.
Utter nonsense. ISIS was created by USA, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and probably some other NATO powers. It's public knowledge, it's admitted. According to documents from the Pentagon itself, these powers were trying to create an Islamic caliphate in Syria in order to isolate Assad. They toppled Qaddaffi in Libya by funding and arming islamist terrorists, as well.

“the Salafist [sic], the Muslim Brotherhood, and AQI [al-Qaeda in Iraq] are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria,” the document states that “the West, Gulf countries, and Turkey support the opposition,” while Russia, China and Iran “support the [Assad] regime.”

Why are you so philosemitic? Israeli officials have admitted to giving islamist terrorists from Syria medical care and then letting them go, and they have publically said on numerous occasions that ISIS is a lesser evil in the region. One time ISIS accidentally bombed Israel, ISIS literally gave a formal apology to Israel. Islam has problems with radicalization but Judaism is the most radical hateful supremacist religion of them all. They lead a rogue ethno-nationalist theocratic terrorist state, ever heard of the Samson option? They funded Hamas in the early days, to divide and conquer, and to make irrational islamist forces the most influential political force of Palestinians. All of this is easily verifiable fact.


Sep 13, 2012
I wish. He's a dysgenicist*
Well that narrative still fits. Allow the low IQ people to keep having kids to supply the high IQ people with the means of production. I mean where is Bill Gates going to get his raw materials to produce technology if he doesn't have cheap labor? He doesn't want Africans thriving he just wants them to survive long enough to mine for rare earth metals and be part of the global picture as I said. I also think the tax evasion fits. Billionaires hate giving up their money. It's philanthropy without true empathy.


Utter nonsense. ISIS was created by USA, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and probably some other NATO powers. It's public knowledge, it's admitted. According to documents from the Pentagon itself, these powers were trying to create an Islamic caliphate in Syria in order to isolate Assad. They toppled Qaddaffi in Libya by funding and arming islamist terrorists, as well.

Why are you so philosemitic? Israeli officials have admitted to giving islamist terrorists from Syria medical care and then letting them go, and they have publically said on numerous occasions that ISIS is a lesser evil in the region. One time ISIS accidentally bombed Israel, ISIS literally gave a formal apology to Israel. Islam has problems with radicalization but Judaism is the most radical hateful supremacist religion of them all. They lead a rogue ethno-nationalist theocratic terrorist state, ever heard of the Samson option? They funded Hamas in the early days, to divide and conquer, and to make irrational islamist forces the most influential political force of Palestinians. All of this is easily verifiable fact.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Unfortunately the numbers are A LOT higher. I know some people with first hand knowledge and they say the real numbers of infected are in the thousands and the deaths much higher.

I do agree that it is likely overblown in terms of being a Spanish flu epedemic. A large part of the reason why there are so many more deaths in third world countries is because hygiene is soooo bad. China basically has no concept of soap even hospitals often don't have them.

This video from a YouTuber who lived in China for many years who's wife is a doctor from China and has many friends in China who are doctors does a very good job explaining the reality of the situation.

Lol didn’t ray peat say soap is an endocrine disruptor


Oct 1, 2019
Peat meant washing your whole body everyday with soap is not adivsable. Using it daily on your hands and once in a while on your whole body is no problem.

Globalist is jingoist rhetoric used by nationalist politicians. I don't know his organization in depth and don't particularly like it but I don't really see much reason to believe he only cares about money. Steve Jobs was an obvious psycho.

Jobs was a choleric possibly npd. Gates has more traits of a psychopath.


Forum Supporter
Apr 5, 2016
Lol didn’t ray peat say soap is an endocrine disruptor

Yes covering your whole body with soap every day is probably not very good. However in the case of a pandemic situation especially in china where there is virtually zero concept of western cleanliness I think death might be more of a disruptor.


Sep 24, 2016
Utter nonsense. ISIS was created by USA, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and probably some other NATO powers. It's public knowledge, it's admitted. According to documents from the Pentagon itself, these powers were trying to create an Islamic caliphate in Syria in order to isolate Assad. They toppled Qaddaffi in Libya by funding and arming islamist terrorists, as well.

Why are you so philosemitic? Israeli officials have admitted to giving islamist terrorists from Syria medical care and then letting them go, and they have publically said on numerous occasions that ISIS is a lesser evil in the region. One time ISIS accidentally bombed Israel, ISIS literally gave a formal apology to Israel. Islam has problems with radicalization but Judaism is the most radical hateful supremacist religion of them all. They lead a rogue ethno-nationalist theocratic terrorist state, ever heard of the Samson option? They funded Hamas in the early days, to divide and conquer, and to make irrational islamist forces the most influential political force of Palestinians. All of this is easily verifiable fact.

I‘m aware that said powers supported Islamist groups in Syria. I’m not a proponent of the criminal insurgence against Assad there, far from it.
But I don’t buy into your wholesale antijudaist stance. Jews and Israelis are hardly nationalists or supremacists in general. Some sick elitish circles, yes can’t avoid them, those exist in any nation and state.

Whatsoever, I wanted to address the OPs ridiculous antijudaism and racistic anti-sino bull**** while at the same time denying the obvious problems that Islam has with radical, violent factions.


Oct 11, 2016
Well that narrative still fits. Allow the low IQ people to keep having kids to supply the high IQ people with the means of production. I mean where is Bill Gates going to get his raw materials to produce technology if he doesn't have cheap labor? He doesn't want Africans thriving he just wants them to survive long enough to mine for rare earth metals and be part of the global picture as I said. I also think the tax evasion fits. Billionaires hate giving up their money. It's philanthropy without true empathy.

No, that's their narrative for fear & control. They're not really higher IQ. The same argument is used for why Jews disproportionately hold so many powerful positions - which is based on a very skewed study of cherry picked data from a long time ago. The argument destroys itself upon analysis. If they had higher IQs, then they should be better at having relationships without having to commit sexual assault... Gates is a pawn. He's given a certain amount of luxury, sure - but it is still soul destroying to constantly lie and, how can I put this nicely: have you seen his wife? The oppression narrative is part of the control mechanism. People like Bill Gates have such a shitty experience of life that they can't help but want to share it with everyone. IQ doesn't mean "a measure of intelligence only useful for the conquering of other tribes," it is a measure that should apply to such a low bar as "being able to get through life without selling your soul." Without getting into this too deeply: there is no way gays like Gates are at the top... How many poor people do you know that would pay a buck for privacy? If the answer is at least a few, then you should come to terms with how much those who can literally print money (i.e. control the FED) will pay for it. The typical argument that "its evil capitalist behavior" is also wrong. These people are constantly destroying their profits in order to promote the globalist agenda. And if you've read this far, then you might as well realize that there's not "a chance the globalists might win." Globalism has been the norm for at least several hundred years.


Oct 11, 2016
Whatsoever, I wanted to address the OPs ridiculous antijudaism and racistic anti-sino bull**** while at the same time denying the obvious problems that Islam has with radical, violent factions.

Really you're going to argue "reeeiiiciiiist!" Does that spell really still work on people?:rollingred

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Yes covering your whole body with soap every day is probably not very good. However in the case of a pandemic situation especially in china where there is virtually zero concept of western cleanliness I think death might be more of a disruptor.
have you traveled to china? you can go to a bathhouse for 50 cents and thats where most people go after work.


Sep 13, 2012
No, that's their narrative for fear & control. They're not really higher IQ. The same argument is used for why Jews disproportionately hold so many powerful positions - which is based on a very skewed study of cherry picked data from a long time ago. The argument destroys itself upon analysis. If they had higher IQs, then they should be better at having relationships without having to commit sexual assault... Gates is a pawn. He's given a certain amount of luxury, sure - but it is still soul destroying to constantly lie and, how can I put this nicely: have you seen his wife? The oppression narrative is part of the control mechanism. People like Bill Gates have such a shitty experience of life that they can't help but want to share it with everyone. IQ doesn't mean "a measure of intelligence only useful for the conquering of other tribes," it is a measure that should apply to such a low bar as "being able to get through life without selling your soul." Without getting into this too deeply: there is no way gays like Gates are at the top... How many poor people do you know that would pay a buck for privacy? If the answer is at least a few, then you should come to terms with how much those who can literally print money (i.e. control the FED) will pay for it. The typical argument that "its evil capitalist behavior" is also wrong. These people are constantly destroying their profits in order to promote the globalist agenda. And if you've read this far, then you might as well realize that there's not "a chance the globalists might win." Globalism has been the norm for at least several hundred years.
Yeah I don't believe in the IQ thing just that's what is said about it. I think Gates is psycho. His software isn't even good. I mean we all know about the huge amount of problems Microsoft has had. The blue screen of death anyone? Sure its working okay nowadays but it still isn't that great for the amount of time it's been around.

I'm not sure if I followed everything you said especially the part about destroying profits for globalism. Can you go into that further? Is it about the one world government they are after?

He has so many nefarious agendas we could go on for days. One of them I'm particularly paying attention to is their goal to digitally register every human being on the planet to be sure they all are vaccinated.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Yeah I don't believe in the IQ thing just that's what is said about it. I think Gates is psycho. His software isn't even good. I mean we all know about the huge amount of problems Microsoft has had. The blue screen of death anyone? Sure its working okay nowadays but it still isn't that great for the amount of time it's been around.

I'm not sure if I followed everything you said especially the part about destroying profits for globalism. Can you go into that further? Is it about the one world government they are after?

He has so many nefarious agendas we could go on for days. One of them I'm particularly paying attention to is their goal to digitally register every human being on the planet to be sure they all are vaccinated.
J&J scientific officer 'pretty confident' they can create coronavirus vaccine as outbreak widens


Sep 13, 2012

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
It is literally the same rhetoric that was said over every single novel viral outbreak. Zika, ebola, h1n1, SARS, MERS. They said the exact same thing... "we have to expect that it could be a global pandemic." But don't panic about it we are working on a vaccine. So weird how this script is exactly the same as the others.
yes, and the economic implications are interesting too, the video about event 201 is a conference of "leaders" from UPS, Johnson & Johnson, John Hopkins School, Bill Gates Foundation, talking about how to keep the global economy afloat in the midst of a pandemic. Seems like weaponized health care and medicine, the same way imperialist wars are devised to move resources, imperial (corona meaning crown) viruses and bacteria are pawns in the stock game. The video is a simulation of a corona virus pandemic from October 2019.


Sep 13, 2012
yes, and the economic implications are interesting too, the video about event 201 is a conference of "leaders" from UPS, Johnson & Johnson, John Hopkins School, Bill Gates Foundation, talking about how to keep the global economy afloat in the midst of a pandemic. Seems like weaponized health care and medicine, the same way imperialist wars are devised to move resources, imperial (corona meaning crown) viruses and bacteria are pawns in the stock game. The video is a simulation of a corona virus pandemic from October 2019.
Wow. Thanks for posting that. It's clear this isn't just a sickness, it's a pawn in the game.


Nov 14, 2016
Jingoism combats globalism by saying our nation does it better and it should be left to our internal decision making.

Jingoists are as much about world domination as the 'globalists' they criticize. They just want to be the ones dishing it out and not taking it
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