Aspirin reduces testosterone and sperm count



This study on salicylic acid (the main metabolite of aspirin) and sperm mobility


We have studied the in vitro effect of different concentrations of salicylic acid on the motility of normal human spermatozoa. Sperm motility was evaluated over 48 h at 0, 50, 100, and 200 mg/L of salicylate concentrations. Results are reported as the mean % motility, where 100% motility at each time interval was taken to be the motility of the control (0 mg/L of salicylate). At 48 h, the mean % motility (n = 12) was 61, 43, and 33% at 50, 100, and 200 mg/L of salicylate. Twenty-four-hour values (n = 17) were 75, 65, and 48%. Eosin supravital staining demonstrated that the decrease in sperm motility was caused by direct inhibition of motility rather than by spermatozoal death. Four healthy males (17-51 years of age) gave a semen specimen prior to taking 650 mg of salicylate four times daily, followed by a second semen specimen 72 h later. Each individual, therefore, served as his own control. The mean % motility in the postdrug sample at 2, 24, and 48 h was 49, 53, and 47% of the motility found in the predrug sample (n = 4). We conclude that salicylate significantly decreases sperm motility in vitro and in vivo.


Apr 18, 2018
The first human study you posted is not really a study. Its a survey and as such could quite easily be argued against based on lifestyle factors which may be numerous. Very difficult to control. I dont believe lumping aspirin in with other available NSAIDs is helpful. I dont think a conclusion can be drawn positive or negative from that study because of the large potential for variability. How many of the participants ate bananas? and how often?

The second study uses quite a lot of aspirin over a short period. Representative of how aspirin might be used? Arguable. Those dosages are getting up to probably the kind of dose which might be considered to help cancer. I cant see the full study so its difficult to comment logically. The affect on motility was attributed to the analgesia inducement, not the death of sperm so it could be argued that it doesnt prove or disprove your thread title in any way.

I'll reiterate what I posted before, looking at a substance in isolation is too big pharma for me. Its just my opinion, but anything which increases cellular resporation is only ever going to push health in a positive direction. Can you over do things though, absolutely.


Jul 5, 2019
It doesn't really surprise me, everything that works against hair loss / baldness mess up with testosterone and androgens, always. This is always like a trade between your hair or your balls
You are stupid. Go back to reddit.


Apr 15, 2020
Hi guys, i did a lot of researches on aspirin recently.

I came to the conclusion that low dose aspirin (81mg) is anti estrogen and pro testosterone. In fact, aspirin is only a cox1 inhibitor in such doses. It has effect on cox2 too but on high doses only .

Aspirin is a very powerful cox1 inhibitor even in very small doses (as low as 20mg) but has no effects on cox2 at these dosages. Asprin is 170 times more effective at inhibiting cox1 than cox2

We all know that aspirin is anti estrogen because it reduces pge2. In fact, pge2 greatly increases aromatase expression (aromatase is the enzyme that convertes testosterone to estrogen).

Pge2 is produced from cox1 AND from cox2.

On the other hand, i think high doses aspirin are anti estrogen AND anti androgen. In fact, aspirin, at high doses, inhibits cox 1 and cox 2. Cox 2 is responsible for the formations of severals prostaglandins, in which pgd2. The problem is that pgd2 is needed for testosterone production. Pgd2 is very tied to androgens. In fact it is used by the testicles (leydig cells) for testosterone production. So if you reduce it too much (325 mg of aspirin reduces serum pgd2 by 86%), it will probably reduces testosterone.

A 81 mg pill of aspirin per day reduces serum pge2 by 45% but has no effect on cox 2 and pgd2. I think it can be a very powerful tool against estrogen at this dosage. But dont take high doses if you want to reduce estrogen and increase testosterone. Because it will reduces testosterone level too.
Thank you very much

Matt C

Nov 25, 2018
Guess i'll just half a dissolvable aspirin every other day or so. This thread has a lot of conflicting info.
Nov 21, 2015
My experience again is directly opposite. I’m wondering if perhaps in the studies the subject suffered from low vitamin K status.


Aspirin makes me have disgustingly rock hard erections and makes me recede even faster
I have the exact opposite experience ?

Aspirin completely stopped my shedding in less than a month and kills my sex drive


Feb 13, 2021
Hmm, I haven't found any studies where aspirin would be given in the long term. Six months, a year? Where are they? How will it affect testosterone? I would also like to see a study where K2, aspirin + K2 and just aspirin

I have seen several studies where the figure of 15 days appeared. Why is it exactly 15 days? Maybe they know something about aspirin that happens on the 15th day?
Apr 25, 2018
Hmm, I haven't found any studies where aspirin would be given in the long term. Six months, a year? Where are they? How will it affect testosterone? I would also like to see a study where K2, aspirin + K2 and just aspirin

I have seen several studies where the figure of 15 days appeared. Why is it exactly 15 days? Maybe they know something about aspirin that happens on the 15th day?
Idk about testosterone but definitely helps for cancer



Feb 3, 2020
I hypothesize that‘s because aspirin blocks an enzyme called cyclooxygenase, COX-1 and COX-2, which is involved with the ring closure and addition of oxygen to arachidonic acid converting to prostaglandins. A comparison to aspirin could be a arachidonic acid deficiency, which leads to low levels of PDG2 and which is known to cause issues in regards to fertility, reproductive health, growth, skin health, digestive health and immunity.


Jul 10, 2021
I take a gram or so a day often and my testosterone is high and my semen output is quite good. So for me aspirin has been a blessing.
How would you compare to the pre-aspirin times compared to now in testicular size and sperm thickness? I’ve personally seen a significant decrease in both and that makes me worried because aspirin is the only thing to have ever made a significant change in both my mood and depression as well as strength and muscle tone positively. Would be such a shame if it has long term negative effects!
Nov 21, 2015
How would you compare to the pre-aspirin times compared to now in testicular size and sperm thickness? I’ve personally seen a significant decrease in both and that makes me worried because aspirin is the only thing to have ever made a significant change in both my mood and depression as well as strength and muscle tone positively. Would be such a shame if it has long term negative effects!

all good in that department for me.
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