Area-1255 Is Finally Here



Jul 12, 2016
I don't think his attitude fits in with this forum. He's coming across as some high-strung pompous individual who's more interested in appearing intelligent rather than being intelligent. This isn't anabolic men or longecity (thankfully) or wherever else he hangs out on the internet. This is the Ray Peat Forum. In this thread, two people suggested he explore more of Peat in relation to his diet and in response he's been defensive and aggressive.

He needs to climb down from his self-erected pedestal, relax and maybe take some OJ & milk (with sugar -- and don't forget the pinch of salt). :happy:
It's clear you haven't read many of my posts, and you are coming across the same way. If you had read any of my posts besides the posts in this thread, you would already know that. Instead, you are attempting to fuse your arrogance into my thread, the ultimate irony is you have no idea who or what I am nor any idea about Area-1255 as a whole or an organization - because you hadn't done your research. That right there, is an absolute mistake on your part - one that you will understand quite soon. :rolleyes:


Apr 13, 2016
Well we can rule out beets, nuts, and oats being a potential treatment for narcissistic personality disorder.


Mar 2, 2015
I guess coming on the scene like you are "BLESSING US WITH YOUR PRESENCE" is an issue here. Thats what I'm seeing anyway. Humbleness is a better attribute for most imo. Many times the good works are dampened by loud entries.


Mar 10, 2016
Welcome Area-1255.

At the RPF we always need new arguments and information to sharpen our minds on.


Aug 15, 2015
Even though I haven't heard of Area 1255 before, welcome to the forum. Good to see new refreshing ideas. :) Have fun here brother


Jul 12, 2016
Even though I haven't heard of Area 1255 before, welcome to the forum. Good to see new refreshing ideas. :) Have fun here brother
Thanks for the welcome. At least we know you're not one of the wanna be gangbangers above, lmao.
Nov 11, 2014
Alright ladies and gentlemen, CantStopPeating is finally here to give his renown judgement on this individual. As many of you current members know, my posts on here run the gamut from hormones to general health topics to carrots. Clearly, this Jason fellow didn't do any research as to who or what I'm about, as both an individual and as an organization. Stand up straight, listen up and get your pens & paper ready because I'm about to surmise this Jason character:

  • With his frequent ominous and veiled threats, he sees himself as a "wanna be gangbanger":
    • And I think you should dial down your sarcasm before you find yourself in a bad position. ;)
    • Lmao, sure is. But I think he'll stay quiet for a while now. ;)
    • ...the ultimate irony is you have no idea who or what I am nor any idea about Area-1255 as a whole or an organization - because you hadn't done your research. That right there, is an absolute mistake on your part - one that you will understand quite soon. :rolleyes:
I could go on, but I've got people to do and things to see. When I've finished my consult with Peat (he needs help with his diet), I might free up some time to finish this summary. Until then, keep up the intellectual discussion.


Pet Peeve

Nov 9, 2015


Oct 9, 2015
Cantstoppeating, I absolutely agree with everything you said in this thread here and find it hilarious, although I have to admit, I have no idea about Area-1255 as a whole or an organization either. As for the blog posts about nutrition, I didn't find anything useful, very generic information with conflicting claims (that is the opposite of peat mostly eg: link to Mark's Daily Apple's how to be a fat burner post) with affiliate links to random products. The blog is badly designed and painful to read, not something I expected after reading the self praise in this thread.

I find areas comments cringeworthy, especially after reading his blog.
"Oh trust me, once you start reading you'll never stop. ;)
Truth is, the fact that me and Peat's beliefs and interests are strongly aligned makes this forum that much more, feeling like 'home'."

"Serotonin is about intimacy, and empathy. It can increase the feelings of 'closeness' but it can also decrease those feelings in high amounts. Serotonin can be activating, stimulating, calming, anxiety-provoking, anxiety-relieving, angering, mentally abrasive, irritating, delaying, impulse stopping, impulse activating, rage relaying, rage removing and as such it is a hormone of mixed habits. Serotonin truly is a unique creature within us and can create opposite effects from each person."

"That's it folks...
Stay tuned for the next powerhouse article from...Area-1255! ;)"

It may be just me, but I don't find a strong alignment between your beliefs and Peat's


Aug 15, 2015
I see where this is going, soon enough the forum members will unleash the most hurtful insult in the "Peat world" toward the thread creator -- authoritarian. Once you're called that, you're doomed :)


Apr 30, 2015
My hunch is that he is here to promote his website, and from some of the questions he's asked Haidut, try and copy some of his supplement ideas. If you google "Agent 1255," you will see the same introduction given over and over again to many different forums. You will see people questioning why he is there, why he is promoting his website and his products, and what he has to do with the topic of their forums. What concerns me is that he does not seem to know much about Peat, despite saying his ideas align. When asked why his diets include things like oats, almonds, and beans, he became defensive instead of explanitory.

With all that said, we should give him a chance. He seems to have some knowledge, and Peat has definitely made me into a more humble and understanding person overtime. In many forums, knowledge like his is used for personal ego enrichment, arrogance, and duhn dhun dhunnnnnnnn authoritarianism... This forum is an exception, and person ego, defensiveness, and arrogance are usually not that tolerated, as this thread shows. This is probably because Peat seemingly has none of those qualities. The moral compass of a group can really set the environment. Here is a great recent quote Danny posted from Karen that may help guide:

Karen Mcc on "Peating":

“If you are reading this and want to learn more about this intelligent man, you may come upon chat groups that are also dedicated to learning more. You’ll come across the term ‘Peating’ and it means something like: you only drink milk, eat certain fruits, and you avoid polyunsaturated fats with the religious fervor of a nun who avoids relations. You may find it all a little scary actually.

However I would like to throw my hat into the ring and weigh in on this, not to hurt anyone’s feelings but for the sake of discussion. Maybe it could be of some help to people. If 'Peating' really is your intended goal, in order to have the complete experience of 'Peating' you would have to continually keep the big picture in mind like he does. You would be of service to your fellow humans asking for nothing in return. You would study first-hand other scientists and philosophers and make interesting connections that give you a comprehensive view of life. You would also write and paint and have a strong connection to nature as well as value humor. That would be truly Peating.” —Stop RePeating by Karen Mcc (2015)


Aug 9, 2013
Agree with everything Cantstoppeating wrote on here.

Amazing how in just a few sentences Area can demonstrate he's the polar opposite to Peat, all while trying to convince us he's on the same path. As Tarmander wrote: arrogant, egoic and defensive.

BTW don't troll HIS thread anyone.


Jul 12, 2016
Woww, after having a look at your site I've just had a kind of flashback; time ago -more than a year- when reading about some neuro-subjetc at longecity, one poster linked to an article to that site, "area-1255", that I now remember it was amazing to read; I may have that page at some lost bookmark directory somewhere, but with time I lost track of it.

Now, at entering again at the site, I recognized it inmediately; seeing the name and the web style again, its like if it resurfaced from some remote place in my brain. Glad to refresh it up, and see you by here ;)
Your research is very much in line with Ray Peat's teachings.
Reading your intro @Area-1255 , I felt an internal feeling of goodness. Nice. Also it speaks volumes about Ray Peat and this forum that so many heavy weight thinkers are converging here in this space
Thanks to everyone on this forum for all I learn on a daily basis AND :welcome2 Jason!
The Inferno has some Peat things in it, like milk, steak, honey, juice.
Allan said:
Area's teachings are very similar to peat in a lot of ways.
Oh look, I guess many people would disagree with the above imbeciles, which are likely being coerced by CantStopPeating, who's one of those arrogant comedians and still hasn't a read a single detail shared on the first page.


Jul 12, 2016
So looks like it's 6 against 5 here, and I'm ahead. Nice try, though. :rolleyes:
If you all wanna step it up a notch, you'll see how intense my support can get. ;):spades:


Apr 30, 2015
So looks like it's 6 against 5 here, and I'm ahead. Nice try, though. :rolleyes:
If you all wanna step it up a notch, you'll see how intense my support can get. ;):spades:

Damnit dude, stop making it so hard for people to like you. You are knowledgeable so explain, don't treat people like they should know how great you are. Get outta here with this us vs them crap and use your knowledge.
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