All Cause Mortality During COVID 19 Is Likely Signature Of Mass Homicide By Government Response


Jan 25, 2014
This report by DG Rancourt is excellent. He points out some interesting things looking at All Cause Mortality during the so called COVID 19 "Pandemic."

(PDF) All-cause mortality during COVID-19: No plague and a likely signature of mass homicide by government response

"The latest data of all-cause mortality by week does not show a winter-burden mortality that is statistically larger than for past winters. There was no plague. However, a sharp "COVID peak" is present in the data, for several jurisdictions in Europe and the USA.

This all-cause-mortality "COVID peak" has unique characteristics:

• Its sharpness, with a full-width at half-maximum of only approximately 4 weeks;
Its lateness in the infectious-season cycle, surging after week-11 of 2020, which is unprecedented for any large sharp-peak feature;
• The synchronicity of the onset of its surge, across continents, and immediately following the WHO declaration of the pandemic; and
• Its USA state-to-state absence or presence for the same viral ecology on the same territory, being correlated with nursing home events and government actions rather than any known viral strain discernment."

As Rancourt points out, this late season peak is completely unprecedented in 50 years of data, as is the synchronicity of it showing up in several regions not close geographically in the slightest.

This pretty much sums it up-

"I postulate that the “COVID peak” represents an accelerated mass homicide of immunevulnerable individuals, and individuals made more immune-vulnerable, by government and institutional actions, rather than being an epidemiological signature of a novel virus, irrespective of the degree to which the virus is novel from the perspective of viral speciation."

Looks like more numbers have been added to the 21st Century "Democide" list.

20th Century Democide

Here is the author being interviewed-

CONFIRMED! The Absolute SCIENCE Behind MASKS And The PROOF THAT THEY DON_T WORK with Denis Rancourt!


Nov 20, 2012
Tennessee, USA
@tankasnowgod I remain of the opinion that you are not very smart, or very honest. The gibberish in the study you first cite is just that, gibberish. It lacks any coherence of thought and fact.


Jul 8, 2020
@tankasnowgod I remain of the opinion that you are not very smart, or very honest. The gibberish in the study you first cite is just that, gibberish. It lacks any coherence of thought and fact.

As far as I can see, the OP hasnt said anything that Peat hasnt already said or alluded to. That this is nothing special, there is no killer virus, government actions causes unnecessary stress which reduces peoples immune systems and if their immune systems are already low this causes more deaths.


Forum Supporter
Jun 26, 2017
@tankasnowgod I remain of the opinion that you are not very smart, or very honest. The gibberish in the study you first cite is just that, gibberish. It lacks any coherence of thought and fact.

Obnoxious comment. Insulting and lacking in facts or any coherent argument.


Oct 1, 2019
Same thing happened in Germany. Lockdown did nothing for viral activity:

The graph shows the "reproductive factor" of the virus: Lockdown started 23.03.

The biggest viral activity was already over and a spike in mortality came only long after the lockdown.

There was also an analysis from the Ministry of the Interior showing that the collateral damage caused by lockdown exceeds the coronavirus damage, for example because of millions of delayed treatments and operations. The employee who did the analysis got fired for it.
Waren Corona-Maßnahmen Fehlalarm? – Bundespressekonferenz zur Analyse aus Bundesinnenministerium


Oct 1, 2019
"The current COVID-19 pandemic itself and the economic impact of mitigation efforts imposed to control it are both expected to result in direct increases in rates of mental health and substance use disorders (MHSUD), including deaths associated with suicide, overdose, and violence (especially domestic violence)."

"I. Projected Increases in Deaths from Suicide
Using data from many countries and different recessionary periods, researchers have consistently found that reduced per capita GDP and associated rises in unemployment are directly associated with increases in suicide. It is also important to keep in mind that, for every person who dies from suicide, many more experience suicidal thoughts and even more experience MHSUD associated with suicide, especially depression. Based on U.S. state-level data from 1997 to 2010, which includes the 2007–2009 recession, each percentage point increase in the unemployment rate results in a 1.6% increase in the suicide rate. MMHPI estimates that a COVID recession on par with the 2007–2009 recession (in which U.S. workers experienced a 5% increase in unemployment) would result in the loss of a nearly 4,000 additional Americans per year to suicide because of unemployment alone. To the extent that this relationship is linear, with each additional percentage point increase in the rate of unemployment, approximately 775 more Americans would be lost to suicide. If the unemployment rate were to increase by 20%, just exceeding the 23% unemployment rate during the Great Depression, MMHPI estimates that approximately 18,000 more Americans could die from suicide."

"II. Projected Increases in Deaths Due to Overdose and Substance Use Disorders Increases in unemployment rates are also associated with increased rates of substance use disorders (SUD) and overdose deaths. Brown and Wehby19 used state-level data from 1999 to 2014 to estimate the association between unemployment and drug overdose-related deaths. They found that each one percentage point increase in unemployment was associated with an increase of 0.334 overdose deaths per 100,000 people.20 Using this effect size, each 5% increase in unemployment would result in an additional 5,500 overdose-related deaths across the U.S. per year. If the unemployment rate increases by 20%, MMHPI estimates that more than 22,000 Americans could lose their lives from drug overdoses related to unemployment alone."
"Text messages to the federal government’s disaster distress hotline increased by more than 1,000 percent in April — a month most Americans spent under lockdown because of the novel coronavirus.
Quarantined Americans are seeking help for domestic violence, mental illness and substance abuse at higher rates than normal. Dozens of states and locally run distress hotlines have reported sizable increases in call volume. Sales of alcohol are surging. Nearly half of Americans sheltering in place have reported a worsening of their mental health."
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Oct 1, 2019
KFF Health Tracking Poll – Early April 2020: The Impact Of Coronavirus On Life In America
"People are also increasingly reporting that coronavirus is having a negative effect on their mental health. More than four in ten adults overall (45%) feel that worry and stress related to coronavirus has had a negative impact on their mental health, up from 32% in early March."

"About one in five (19%) say it is has had a “major impact” including about one-fourth of women (24%), Hispanic adults (24%), and black adults (24%). Large shares across demographic groups report that worry or stress related to coronavirus has had a negative impact on their mental health."

We all know what stress does to our health and especially to already compromised people.


Sep 8, 2016
The paper’s all cause mortality graph also shows something else that is strange with this COVID-19 pandemic. All past pandemics shown on the graph peaked Around December and then declined. The sars-cov2 started in February and All cause mortality peaked in June(NYTimes data) . Why was this virus so different from all past viruses? This may have escaped from the lab?


The paper’s all cause mortality graph also shows something else that is strange with this COVID-19 pandemic. All past pandemics shown on the graph peaked Around December and then declined. The sars-cov2 started in February and All cause mortality peaked in June(NYTimes data) . Why was this virus so different from all past viruses? This may have escaped from the lab?
Probably because they weren't killing people as much with the others.


Feb 18, 2016
Everyone should try access your countries actual deaths in previous years, in some countries they predict deaths for each year, in many countries they under estimate deaths each year, they then use predicted averages in some cases and claim deaths are higher than predicted,I’m curious to know if the narrative is framed as higher than predicted deaths, it’s something worth checking just in case.


Jan 25, 2014
The paper’s all cause mortality graph also shows something else that is strange with this COVID-19 pandemic. All past pandemics shown on the graph peaked Around December and then declined. The sars-cov2 started in February and All cause mortality peaked in June(NYTimes data) . Why was this virus so different from all past viruses? This may have escaped from the lab?


A good explanation is offered in the title of the paper. Do you disagree with that idea?

Are you still attached to the idea that "a virus" is the only thing driving all cause mortality?


May 3, 2015
This video was published May 5 2020.

A New Zealand professor of epidemiology explains that life expectancy is the average age of all deaths over a year.

He says that the average age of people dieing from Covid-19 was 80, or pretty much the normal life expectancy. This suggests that Covid-19 is equivalent to previous seasonal influenzas.

Death is often a result of a gradual diminishing of health through one’s life. However the official cause of death is usually noted as the final insult.

The epidemiologist says that in many countries deaths with Covid-19 are being counted rather than deaths from Covid-19. That is, in many cases the final cause of death should be noted as car accidents, cardiovascular disease, etc. and not Covid-19.

Also many young people have caught the virus but had minimal symptoms and were not tested when the infection was active. Serological tests overseas suggest anywhere from 3% to 30% of the population have already been infected with Covid-19, and are no longer contagious.

He says at first the infection mortality rate of Covid-19 looked like 3.5% but as time has gone on, correcting the overestimate of deaths and underestimate of infection cases means the true death rate is closer to 0.03% like other seasonal influenzas. (Total seasonal influenza infection mortality rate is usually 0.01% to 0.05%).

He also recommends carbohydrate restriction, but it is not clear whether that is epidemiologically driven advice or not!

As per this thread, he suggests lockdown causes problems in itself.

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Feb 18, 2016
This video was published May 5 2020.

A New Zealand professor of epidemiology explains that life expectancy is the average age of all deaths over a year.

He says that the average age of people dieing from Covid-19 was 80, or pretty much the normal life expectancy. This suggests that Covid-19 is equivalent to previous seasonal influenzas.

Death is often a result of a gradual diminishing of health through one’s life. However the official cause of death is usually noted as the final insult.

The epidemiologist says that in many countries deaths with Covid-19 are being counted rather than deaths from Covid-19. That is, in many cases the final cause of death should be noted as car accidents, cardiovascular disease, etc. and not Covid-19.

Also many young people have caught the virus but had minimal symptoms and were not tested when the infection was active. Serological tests overseas suggest anywhere from 3% to 30% of the population have already been infected with Covid-19, and are no longer contagious.

He says at first the infection mortality rate of Covid-19 looked like 3.5% but as time has gone on, correcting the overestimate of deaths and underestimate of infection cases means the true death rate is closer to 0.03% like other seasonal influenzas. (Total seasonal influenza infection mortality rate is usually 0.01% to 0.05%).

He also recommends carbohydrate restriction, but it is not clear whether that is epidemiologically driven advice or not!

As per this thread, he suggests lockdown causes problems in itself.

It’s all coming out now that the numbers are basically influenza numbers, it may even be lower.


Oct 1, 2019
2,345 | Questions for Lockdown Apologists

„We now have mortality data for the first few months of 2020 for many countries, and, as you might expect, there were steep increases associated with the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in each one.

Surprisingly, however, these increases did not begin before the lockdowns were imposed, but after. Moreover, in almost every case, they began immediately after. Often, mortality numbers were on a downward trend before suddenly reversing course after lockdowns were decreed.“


Aug 6, 2017
Also many young people have caught the virus but had minimal symptoms and were not tested when the infection was active. Serological tests overseas suggest anywhere from 3% to 30% of the population have already been infected with Covid-19, and are no longer contagious.
COVID19 seems to have been circulating about a year before the wuhan outbreak. Most probably 100% of the population has been exposed by now (in fact we have no idea, this disease might have been with us for decades). Tests only show who has been exposed very recently since the body does not think it is severe and does not maintain immune response for long.

Coronavirus traces found in March 2019 sewage sample, Spanish study shows
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