Addicted To Pornography


Sep 9, 2019
There are probably times when your friend is properly stimulated that masturbating doesn’t even come to his mind besides despite being “addicted” to it. It should be his goal to maximize these situations. His body is just screaming for dopamine. I fervently disagree with the willpower mindset.
Fis you can't replace your tugging habit with a gambling problem and call it a solution.


Sep 9, 2019
It used to be, just a few short decades ago, that you had to seek out porn. Whether that was going out to get a magazine, or rent a movie, or what have you. It became easier with the advent of cable and PPV to get it in your own home, but you still had to arrange some sort of contract to pay for it (like, say, calling your cable company to get the Spice network, or whatever). But now (much like a Yakov Smirnoff joke), porn really can seek out you. It could be a popup ad, or a NSFW google search or what have you. And you don't have to pay with money of account, but simply with your time (and maybe your soul).
Just think, without corporate personhood and money mechanics as they are, the 4 major IaaS and myriad large VPS or colocation providers would never have been established. The cost of hosting porn would be exorbitant and there'd be no way to monetise it without direct payment or subscription. The industry would shrink back to obscurity.

Maybe that last part's a stretch but you get the idea.


Jan 25, 2014
Just think, without corporate personhood and money mechanics as they are, the 4 major IaaS and myriad large VPS or colocation providers would never have been established.
I'm not sure exactly what you are saying here. I've seen the term "corporate personhood" before, but I think the people using that term don't understand what the legal definition of "person" is. It's not the same as common parlance. You might as well say "corporate corporationhood."
The cost of hosting porn would be exorbitant and there'd be no way to monetise it without direct payment or subscription. The industry would shrink back to obscurity.

Maybe that last part's a stretch but you get the idea.
No doubt the tube sites that host this content don't get the same type of advertisers that Youtube (or even it's competitors) do. I think some do offer subscriptions, but it does seem like there is a concerted effort to subsidize it, so that it can be viewed as far and wide as possible.


Sep 9, 2019
I'm not sure exactly what you are saying here. I've seen the term "corporate personhood" before, but I think the people using that term don't understand what the legal definition of "person" is. It's not the same as common parlance. You might as well say "corporate corporationhood."
Or they do, and don't have a problem with a natural person being ascribed a legal fiction. I get from your writing elsewhere at times you seem to take more of an anarchical or self governing view of such legal instruments than I would be comfortable taking. I'm English after all.

"Corporationhood" probably is fairer in that they're not exactly the same. But they are remarkably similar and afford top brass protections that let their natural persons get away with, almost but not quite, murder.

Even without the money mechanics, it's debatable you could accumulate and concentrate capital to create the hosting services described without this mechanism. The people behind them would take too much heat on the way up.

No doubt the tube sites that host this content don't get the same type of advertisers that Youtube (or even it's competitors) do. I think some do offer subscriptions, but it does seem like there is a concerted effort to subsidize it, so that it can be viewed as far and wide as possible.
I'm not sure exactly what you are saying here. Are you suggesting "free" online porn isn't monetised. Because it is, that it's likely still not enough to cover the actual cost is where systems above come in handy for corporate powers that be.

Subsidy is systemic, losses are socialised.


Jan 25, 2014
Or they do, and don't have a problem with a natural person being ascribed a legal fiction. I get from your writing elsewhere at times you seem to take more of an anarchical or self governing view of such legal instruments than I would be comfortable taking. I'm English after all.
Well, yeah. You have to bow to the King then, don't you? He's the only sovereign in your country, right?
"Corporationhood" probably is fairer in that they're not exactly the same. But they are remarkably similar and afford top brass protections that let their natural persons get away with, almost but not quite, murder.

Even without the money mechanics, it's debatable you could accumulate and concentrate capital to create the hosting services described without this mechanism. The people behind them would take too much heat on the way up.
True, but it's not like that would be the only difference in the world. There's a lot of industries that would be radically different without this mechanism.
I'm not sure exactly what you are saying here. Are you suggesting "free" online porn isn't monetised.
How could you get that? I mentioned advertisers, which suggests monetization.
Because it is, that it's likely still not enough to cover the actual cost is where systems above come in handy for corporate powers that be.
I agree. But, if you re-read my original post that you quoted, I suggest the remedy still lies within the system, and it can be taken by "Jane Doe" and her fellow casemates, to strike a huge blow to (at least) the tube site industry. They own their videos, and their "work." What happened to them is truly horrible, but from a commercial point of view, that's irrelevant, but they can still hit those exact same sites with commercial liens for profiting off of their "work" without payment or permission. And they can make those liens staggeringly high, into the hundreds of millions of dollars, if they so choose. It's the exact same principle as a mechanics lien. Contract makes the law.

I get the sense that a lot of people on this forum (and in general) just want to complain about how unfair everything is. They would rather wallow in misery. But really, in any situation, there is ALWAYS a remedy. I prefer to look at things, and at least make an attempt to make things better.


Sep 9, 2019
Well, yeah. You have to bow to the King then, don't you? He's the only sovereign in your country, right?
I am the King of England Mr Horse :grimacing:

True, but it's not like that would be the only difference in the world. There's a lot of industries that would be radically different without this mechanism.
Exactly! And none of that would be a bad thing. Nor would the way back be particularly problematic, if we could muster the will to take these legislative spells off the books.

How could you get that? I mentioned advertisers, which suggests monetization.
You appeared to diminish advertising revenue by comparison to youtube, where mega corps are comfortable advertising their crap. Where targets and demographics are surgical.

I agree. But, if you re-read my original post that you quoted, I suggest the remedy still lies within the system, and it can be taken by "Jane Doe" and her fellow casemates, to strike a huge blow to (at least) the tube site industry. They own their videos, and their "work." What happened to them is truly horrible, but from a commercial point of view, that's irrelevant, but they can still hit those exact same sites with commercial liens for profiting off of their "work" without payment or permission. And they can make those liens staggeringly high, into the hundreds of millions of dollars, if they so choose. It's the exact same principle as a mechanics lien. Contract makes the law.
Mr Horse "Jane Doe" and her bare arse could "hit those exact same sites" until kingdom come. You're not going to slay the demon we've summoned without sticking it in the heart.

I get the sense that a lot of people on this forum (and in general) just want to complain about how unfair everything is. They would rather wallow in misery. But really, in any situation, there is ALWAYS a remedy. I prefer to look at things, and at least make an attempt to make things better.
That's why I like to bring up and trivialise systemic issues and solutions :D

And I don't think expecting "Jane Doe" and her bare arse to deal with this situation is counter to your point there.


Jan 25, 2014
I am the King of England Mr Horse :grimacing:
Well Charles, nice to meet you!
You appeared to diminish advertising revenue by comparison to youtube, where mega corps are comfortable advertising their crap. Where targets and demographics are surgical.
I don't think companies like Toyota, Walmart, Coca Cola and such are advertising on those types of sites. But they sure advertise on Youtube.
Mr Horse "Jane Doe" and her bare arse could "hit those exact same sites" until kingdom come. You're not going to slay the demon we've summoned without sticking it in the heart.

And I don't think expecting "Jane Doe" and her bare arse to deal with this situation is counter to your point there.
YIKES. I take it you didn't listen to the interview I posted (even a few minutes), nor even read the brief description I posted about her story, nor read youtube description of her story. Are you always that disrespectful to women who have been brutalized against their will?

I'm not necessarily expecting her to do anything, but you clearly also don't have any idea about the power of Commercial Liens, either. The demon is a multi billion dollar industry. Hitting some companies within that industry with Commercial Liens (potentially into the hundreds of millions of dollars) would be sticking it in the heart.

In some ways, she's still be trafficked (though her name and image of the horrible things that happened to her). Yes, the company and men that did those crimes to her and the others (at least some of them) are in jail now, but hitting those sites with a Commercial Lien (or Liens) would be a potentially massive blow.


Sep 9, 2019
YIKES. I take it you didn't listen to the interview I posted (even a few minutes), nor even read the brief description I posted about her story, nor read youtube description of her story. Are you always that disrespectful to women who have been brutalized against their will?

I'm not necessarily expecting her to do anything, but you clearly also don't have any idea about the power of Commercial Liens, either. The demon is a multi billion dollar industry. Hitting some companies within that industry with Commercial Liens (potentially into the hundreds of millions of dollars) would be sticking it in the heart.
Except that you are, except that I do and except that it won't. Thereby making it far more appropriate for me to ask, are you always that disrespectful to women who have been brutalized against their will?

You appear taken by the idea that you can have your cake and eat it. If commercial liens is a better route to dismounting the "porn" industry, why on earth were people now distantly affiliated so desperate to establish control of monetary and corporate legal orders. And perhaps more importantly, what will you do about the other industries using powers that affords to steamroll your liberty.


Jan 25, 2014
Except that you are, except that I do and except that it won't. Thereby making it far more appropriate for me to ask, are you always that disrespectful to women who have been brutalized against their will?

You appear taken by the idea that you can have your cake and eat it. If commercial liens is a better route to dismounting the "porn" industry, why on earth were people now distantly affiliated so desperate to establish control of monetary and corporate legal orders. And perhaps more importantly, what will you do about the other industries using powers that affords to steamroll your liberty.
I have zero clue about what you are even talking about here. It's very clear we don't understand each other. But beyond that, there is zero reason for you to be so disrespectful in regards to this subject. Maybe if you watch some of "Jane Doe's" interview I posted above, you will understand a bit better. Her story states that she never agreed to do porn in any way, shape, or form. That video of her out there was NOT consensual. And there are court convictions now to back that up.

I would appreciate it if you don't comment on any of my posts in the future, I am hitting the ignore button, and doing the same.


Sep 9, 2019
But beyond that, there is zero reason for you to be so disrespectful in regards to this subject.
For the rest of RPF, "Jane Doe" is a multiple-use placeholder and all I did was turn @tankasnowgod's ridiculously disrespectful question back to him.

 I also don't think expecting the victim of any grand systemic issue to deal with it in the way he described is very respectful at all.

I'd posit he did understand and the block is more a result of having no response to flat rejection of yet another one of his legalese youtube video series ideas.

It is a shame, life goes on.


Jan 25, 2014
For the rest of RPF, "Jane Doe" is a multiple-use placeholder and all I did was turn @tankasnowgod's ridiculously disrespectful question back to him.
To the rest of RPF- Not in the context of this thread it's not, and it's very clear if you read my posts from the beginning. I constantly use the term "Jane Doe" in regards to the interview I posted earlier in this thread, and as it is the name this woman, who was raped on film, used during this interview-


Anyone who read my comments should have known full well that it was in reference to some specific woman, as I kept on referring to "the interview I posted," and such. And put it in quotes, to denote it as a referring to a specific person, not a multiple use placeholder.

And if you watch the interview, it's also clear why she is using a psuedonym, since her real name will frequently direct back to that video of the horrible things that happened to her.

 I also don't think expecting the victim of any grand systemic issue to deal with it in the way he described is very respectful at all.
Again, I don't expect her to do anything. I realize the chances of her reading this forum are slim to none. But, if you watched the interview, she clearly states the video of this rape is constantly re-uploaded to the tube sites, and she (and her fellow case mates) are constantly going through the "official" removal processes. My suggestion was not at all disrespectful, as I was only talking about a more potent way to achieve her goal (removal of the video from tube sites) than she is currently utilizing. She even mentions, during the interview, that she now has "ownership" of the video that was made. I have no idea how in the world that could be disrespectful.

But you denigrating a specific rape victim with your ignorant comments? Yes, that is very disrespectful.

I'd posit he did understand and the block is more a result of having no response to flat rejection of yet another one of his legalese youtube video series ideas.

There is nothing "legalese" about any of the videos I posted in this thread. Simply more proof that you didn't even take a cursory look at any of them. Which suggests you are completely ignorant about what you are talking about, in regards to the subjects of this thread.


Aug 21, 2020
Time outside in sunlight.
Socializing properly.
Low screen time.
Meaningful activities.
Sorround yourself with beautiness.
Cut stimulants.
Lower stress.
Then pornography feels kinda gross and unnecessary.
Which is strange because I think a bit of it is even probably beneficial.
I agree, and I would add that looking at beautiful women, even on a screen, can be a powerful stress reliever.

It is for me, anyway, and I don't even have a sex drive (thanks to big pharma).


Oct 5, 2014
I agree, and I would add that looking at beautiful women, even on a screen, can be a powerful stress reliever.
Well I said "sorrounding yourself with beautiness." That counts beautiful women as well :P


May 30, 2018
From Reddit:

I just want to briefly share my experience of dry fasting and how it helped me with my excessive masturbation addiction.

So I have been addicted to masturbation since I was 17 (22 now) and It has been a problem haunting me for years. It came to a point where it ruled my life. Masturbation controlled my mood, my thoughts and my energy and even though I tried stopping many times, I never made it past a week.

A couple of months ago I did my first 72 hour dry fast and I have not been wanting to masturbate since. Do not get me wrong I still get the urge sometimes, but my will power is so much stronger and my desire to masturbate is not nearly what it was three months ago.

I am truly grateful that I found dry fasting and the dry fasting community. It is awesome!

Thank you all!!


Jul 27, 2022
How to break the cycle from a hormonal peaty view? This doesn’t apply to me but I know a friend who’s severely addicted to porn.

Perhaps lowering starches and favoring simple sugars to have clear head alongside methylene blue supplementation for its mental benefits? Willpower is key at the end.

What has helped you?

Update on this , if you want to target it with specific biological approach also

low D2 receptor is linked to addiction (common in low iron, low iron = 40%-60% lower d2 binding in the caudate, which gets corrected within 3 weeks of iron replenishment diet) -
the theory is it makes baseline living less rewarding , so people with this their brains seek stimulus (video games, drugs, porn) to get some sort of activation
This hypothesized self-perpetuating process could be interpreted in light of proposed mechanisms in drug addiction where individuals with lower striatal dopamine receptor availability are assumed to medicate themselves with drugs
*d2 receptor overexpression reduces alcohol addiction in rats Overexpression of dopamine D2 receptors reduces alcohol self-administration - PubMed

Porn might lower gray matter in the right caudate region of the brain (cause , or effect?). and connection between caudate -> prefrontal cortex


So a biological focus could = restore D2 sensitivity, and increase BDNF / neurogenesis in the caudate. along with behavioral strategies

caudate is in the dorsal striatum
Voluntary Exercise Boosts Striatal Dopamine Release: Evidence for the Necessary and Sufficient Role of BDNF
Here, we report that voluntary exercise for 30 d leads to an increase in evoked DA release throughout the striatum and an increase in BDNF in the dorsal (motor) striatum
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May 10, 2018
Update on this , if you want to target it with specific biological approach also

low D2 receptor is linked to addiction (common in low iron, low iron = 40%-60% lower d2 binding in the caudate, which gets corrected within 3 weeks of iron replenishment diet) -
the theory is it makes baseline living less rewarding , so people with this their brains seek stimulus (video games, drugs, porn) to get some sort of activation

*d2 receptor overexpression reduces alcohol addiction in rats Overexpression of dopamine D2 receptors reduces alcohol self-administration - PubMed

Porn might lower gray matter in the right caudate region of the brain (cause , or effect?). and connection between caudate -> prefrontal cortex

View attachment 48903

So a biological focus could = restore D2 sensitivity, and increase BDNF / neurogenesis in the caudate. along with behavioral strategies

caudate is in the dorsal striatum
Voluntary Exercise Boosts Striatal Dopamine Release: Evidence for the Necessary and Sufficient Role of BDNF
Here, we report that voluntary exercise for 30 d leads to an increase in evoked DA release throughout the striatum and an increase in BDNF in the dorsal (motor) striatum
Great post, other than the iron connection you made, what do you think would be the most appropriate ways to restore D2 sensitivity through a Peat lens?


Jul 27, 2022
Great post, other than the iron connection you made, what do you think would be the most appropriate ways to restore D2 sensitivity through a Peat lens?
havent seen much on this yet, biggest negative effect / restoration effect ive seen is from brain iron too low, the aerobic exercise effect isnt profound but has an impact, tho the peaty form of exercise is weight based i guess. but maybe similar effect depending on how its done
this one was 3 days a week combined 30 mins walking / jogging + 30 mins resistance training. for 8 wks, gave ~+10% D2 receptor in the striatum Effect of Exercise Training on Striatal Dopamine D2/D3 Receptors in Methamphetamine Users during Behavioral Treatment

caffeine but in doses high enough to cause negative effects (due to A2A receptor fuckery, which low brain iron also induces)
looks like +10% D2 binding

interested to know more too . aside from the amount that comes naturally with time away from dopamine flooding stuff over a couple weeks / months
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