Why the Vaxed Look Healthy, the Unvaxed not so?


Oct 6, 2020
Here on this forum, most of us are against the vax and it's many evils to the individual, families and society. On the last Donny Roddy podcast, he and Georgi listened to Ray as he plunged them and viewers deeper into fear and foreboding similar to the dystopia of George Orwell's 1984. Georgi joked that the Appalachian Mountains are a possible escape route. Yet, many people I know who have been vaccinated, including my sister and her 30 year old son are in perfect health. They took the vax almost a year ago, and they are strong, vibrant, and energetic, and don't show any of the 'deadly' signs detailed by the anti-vax camp. I can instantly tell the difference between a vaxed and unvaxed person. The unvaxed is afraid, weary and wary. Masked, he acts and thinks the whole world is against him. Not so, the vaxed. As I mentioned above they're the exact opposite. So, what to do? Do we continue to listen to the doomsayers who'd tell us about the deadly contents of the vax, or do we take into account that the vaxed are not dying or suffering from serious crippling side effects (excluding the thousands who were killed in hospitals with ventilators).

We really need to soberly, calmly and truthfully address this issue. Especially we need to stop listening to the fake videos made by the anti-vax camp which are heavily infiltrated and abused by the fear-mongering "Destroy the U.S., and Western world" camp. I personally am against any vaccination. I refused the Flu vax since they aggressively started pushing it on people more than 10 years ago. And I'm not saying I'm about to give up and take the jab, I'd probably be the last person on earth to take it. This post is a call to answer the question: why the vaxxed are not dying, but are living normal, healthy lives? A gregarious young lady neighbor got vaxed, and she hasn't stopped laughing and giggling since. Personally, I think a woman who laughs a lot is starved for sex. Unfortunately I'm too old for her :D. @haidut, @charlie, @tankasnowgod, @boris, @Mr.Bollox, @Blossom, @ecstatichamster, @Pina, @Vileplume, @Lollipop2, @Drareg, @Birdie, @Jon2547,

Personally i know people who now after the vax are worse off than before it.

I also think some unvaxxers or thoose who get put into the camp of conspiracy theorys and "being crazy" are in this place because they are or have been victims of illness, medical failure, societal exlution. They experienced unscientific, reckless and unhumane treatment. Things normal healthy people woudn't even believe until they exeperience it themself. Meaning while they may look worse than the vaxed, does not automaticly mean that they are wrong.
Most healthy people are blessed with ignorance.

Very important aswell is the fact that vaxxed people get "good boy" points and privileges and thhus are taking alot less stress in day to day life which is imo a huge factor, As someone said in the threat before, unvaxxed have to fear the loos of their job, their right to buy food, to move from a to b etc.
In that sense its not corona or the virus making people sick and unwell, but the goverment and its regulations.


Mar 29, 2016
Personally i know people who now after the vax are worse off than before it.

I also think some unvaxxers or thoose who get put into the camp of conspiracy theorys and "being crazy" are in this place because they are or have been victims of illness, medical failure, societal exlution. They experienced unscientific, reckless and unhumane treatment. Things normal healthy people woudn't even believe until they exeperience it themself. Meaning while they may look worse than the vaxed, does not automaticly mean that they are wrong.
Most healthy people are blessed with ignorance.

Very important aswell is the fact that vaxxed people get "good boy" points and privileges and thhus are taking alot less stress in day to day life which is imo a huge factor, As someone said in the threat before, unvaxxed have to fear the loos of their job, their right to buy food, to move from a to b etc.
In that sense its not corona or the virus making people sick and unwell, but the goverment and its regulations.
Well said Ben!


Jan 6, 2019
Does anyone get the feeling when reading posts like this that they are made by people who are being paid to milk certain groups to find out what they're thinking so that the payers can devise countering strategies. Not saying this is necessarily one of those.
Yes. My first instinct was to check the user's post history. Custom-tailored online shilling is a real phenomenon. In present time, it would be foolish to give a suspicious post the benefit of doubt.


Jun 18, 2016
In the ferret studies the ferrets initially showed robust immunity (this may be what you are witnessing now in the vaccinated), but after a short period of time when they were exposed to wild virus, lungs collapsed, organ failure death.

The unvaccinated are being exposed to leaky vaccines and spike proteins from the vaccinated.


Apr 6, 2018
Here on this forum, most of us are against the vax and it's many evils to the individual, families and society. On the last Donny Roddy podcast, he and Georgi listened to Ray as he plunged them and viewers deeper into fear and foreboding similar to the dystopia of George Orwell's 1984. Georgi joked that the Appalachian Mountains are a possible escape route. Yet, many people I know who have been vaccinated, including my sister and her 30 year old son are in perfect health. They took the vax almost a year ago, and they are strong, vibrant, and energetic, and don't show any of the 'deadly' signs detailed by the anti-vax camp. I can instantly tell the difference between a vaxed and unvaxed person. The unvaxed is afraid, weary and wary. Masked, he acts and thinks the whole world is against him. Not so, the vaxed. As I mentioned above they're the exact opposite. So, what to do? Do we continue to listen to the doomsayers who'd tell us about the deadly contents of the vax, or do we take into account that the vaxed are not dying or suffering from serious crippling side effects (excluding the thousands who were killed in hospitals with ventilators).

We really need to soberly, calmly and truthfully address this issue. Especially we need to stop listening to the fake videos made by the anti-vax camp which are heavily infiltrated and abused by the fear-mongering "Destroy the U.S., and Western world" camp. I personally am against any vaccination. I refused the Flu vax since they aggressively started pushing it on people more than 10 years ago. And I'm not saying I'm about to give up and take the jab, I'd probably be the last person on earth to take it. This post is a call to answer the question: why the vaxxed are not dying, but are living normal, healthy lives? A gregarious young lady neighbor got vaxed, and she hasn't stopped laughing and giggling since. Personally, I think a woman who laughs a lot is starved for sex. Unfortunately I'm too old for her :D. @haidut, @charlie, @tankasnowgod, @boris, @Mr.Bollox, @Blossom, @ecstatichamster, @Pina, @Vileplume, @Lollipop2, @Drareg, @Birdie, @Jon2547,
My observation at work is that most of my colleagues that got the vaccine became brain fogged where they forget what happened last week. One colleague has been forgetting what happened 5 minutes ago and has been getting migraines for the past several months. Everyday is ground hog day for that individual. Some colleagues have became chronically ill following the vaccine.

On a personal level I know someone that:
- went blind within a day of the first dose and now suffers from chronic migraines
- someone that had a life-threatening blood clot event requiring emergency hospitalization
- someone who needed emergency gall bladder surgery.
This is quite alarming…

One issue with many vaccines, especially at the beginning of the vaccinations, was poor handling and instruction. They required special refrigeration for low temperature storage and many vaccine vials were exposed to too much heat for too long which was rendering them less active. Another issue was some manufacturers were requiring the vials to be diluted with a solution which some clinics did not understand and resulted in some individuals receiving inactive solution instead of the actual vaccine. Hence how some individuals attest that they felt nothing and experienced no deleterious effects while others suffered.
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Jun 18, 2016
My observation at work is that most of my colleagues that got the vaccine became brain fogged where they forget what happened last week. One colleague has been forgetting what happened 5 minutes ago and has been getting migraines for the past several months. Everyday is ground hog day for that individual. Some colleagues have became chronically ill following the vaccine.

On a personal level I know someone that went blind from the vaccine, someone that had a life-threatening blood clot, and someone who needed gall bladder surgery. This is quite alarming…

One issue with many vaccines, especially at the beginning of the vaccinations, was poor handling and instruction. They required special refrigeration for low temperature storage and many vaccine vials were exposed to too much heat for too long which was rendering them less active. Another issue was some manufacturers were requiring the vials to be diluted with a solution which some clinics did not understand and resulted in some individuals receiving inactive solution instead of the actual vaccine.
I know 6 people who have died, 3 hospitalized with blood clots, 1 stroke, and 2 strange cancers (all vaccinated). I do not know too many people. This is obviously a bio-weapon.

I am shocked how people who have gotten the vaccines will not allow themselves to admit that they made a mistake and the excuses they make for all of these strange heart conditions/blood clots.


Mar 29, 2016
I’m a Physical Therapist and without fail every one of my vaxxed patients (which is almost all) have had a decrease in function. Most significantly. I’ve had patients die a couple weeks later after taking the vaccine. I had a patient I had been working with for months ambulating 350ft, got the vax and could only ambulate 20ft the next week. The elderly don’t tolerate the short term effects well but I assume for a young healthy person the long term effects will come from lowered immunity, continuous inflammatory spike protein production, and micro clotting which will eventually shut down organs. Time is not on anyone’s side after the vax. No matter how healthy they “seem”.


Sep 13, 2012
My husband's Grandma died a few weeks after the vaccine from a blood clot and subsequent organ failure. She wasn't super healthy to begin with but she made it thru the PLANdemic fine.


I’m a Physical Therapist and without fail every one of my vaxxed patients (which is almost all) have had a decrease in function. Most significantly. I’ve had patients die a couple weeks later after taking the vaccine. I had a patient I had been working with for months ambulating 350ft, got the vax and could only ambulate 20ft the next week. The elderly don’t tolerate the short term effects well but I assume for a young healthy person the long term effects will come from lowered immunity, continuous inflammatory spike protein production, and micro clotting which will eventually shut down organs. Time is not on anyone’s side after the vax. No matter how healthy they “seem”.
Thank you for taking time to post this. This is valuable information


My husband's Grandma died a few weeks after the vaccine from a blood clot and subsequent organ failure. She wasn't super healthy to begin with but she made it thru the PLANdemic fine.
sorry for your loss


Jun 20, 2019


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
My husband's Grandma died a few weeks after the vaccine from a blood clot and subsequent organ failure. She wasn't super healthy to begin with but she made it thru the PLANdemic fine.
My ex-mother in-law, I am still ‘family’, died a couple of months ago. She had chronic leukemia for 30 years, she had been vaccinated. Did the vaccine caused her death? I didn’t bring up that question of my son’s mom’s side of the family since all of them, except my son, got vaccinated.

It makes me depressed to think that some of them may not make it through the winter. They all seem ok but I pray that their immune system is still ok. And then the booster shots will be given. When they finally wake up it may be too late.

If a loved one has to take the vaccine, consider supplementing with Zeta Aid, it strengthens the colloidal system of the blood and may prevent blood clotting. But I can’t guarantee it.

Mar 10, 2021
My uncle is 81 and never had diabetes, that is, until after he got the jab. My oldest son chose to get the clot shot, then he got shingles. Like i said earlier, what have you been smoking?

My friend got shingles too, 3 days after her first jab. She was miserable with the worst pain of her life, she said, for more than a month. Needless to say she canceled her second shot.


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Mar 10, 2021
Here on this forum, most of us are against the vax and it's many evils to the individual, families and society. On the last Donny Roddy podcast, he and Georgi listened to Ray as he plunged them and viewers deeper into fear and foreboding similar to the dystopia of George Orwell's 1984. Georgi joked that the Appalachian Mountains are a possible escape route. Yet, many people I know who have been vaccinated, including my sister and her 30 year old son are in perfect health. They took the vax almost a year ago, and they are strong, vibrant, and energetic, and don't show any of the 'deadly' signs detailed by the anti-vax camp. I can instantly tell the difference between a vaxed and unvaxed person. The unvaxed is afraid, weary and wary. Masked, he acts and thinks the whole world is against him. Not so, the vaxed. As I mentioned above they're the exact opposite. So, what to do? Do we continue to listen to the doomsayers who'd tell us about the deadly contents of the vax, or do we take into account that the vaxed are not dying or suffering from serious crippling side effects (excluding the thousands who were killed in hospitals with ventilators).

We really need to soberly, calmly and truthfully address this issue. Especially we need to stop listening to the fake videos made by the anti-vax camp which are heavily infiltrated and abused by the fear-mongering "Destroy the U.S., and Western world" camp. I personally am against any vaccination. I refused the Flu vax since they aggressively started pushing it on people more than 10 years ago. And I'm not saying I'm about to give up and take the jab, I'd probably be the last person on earth to take it. This post is a call to answer the question: why the vaxxed are not dying, but are living normal, healthy lives? A gregarious young lady neighbor got vaxed, and she hasn't stopped laughing and giggling since. Personally, I think a woman who laughs a lot is starved for sex. Unfortunately I'm too old for her :D. @haidut, @charlie, @tankasnowgod, @boris, @Mr.Bollox, @Blossom, @ecstatichamster, @Pina, @Vileplume, @Lollipop2, @Drareg, @Birdie, @Jon2547,

Wait till the end of winter and let's see if you feel the same.
Mar 10, 2021
My girlfriend and her husband are fully vaccinated and the BOTH still got Covid, as well as several other people I know. I don't see anyone looking any healthier or not from getting vaccines or not getting them.

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
Personally i know people who now after the vax are worse off than before it.

I also think some unvaxxers or thoose who get put into the camp of conspiracy theorys and "being crazy" are in this place because they are or have been victims of illness, medical failure, societal exlution. They experienced unscientific, reckless and unhumane treatment. Things normal healthy people woudn't even believe until they exeperience it themself. Meaning while they may look worse than the vaxed, does not automaticly mean that they are wrong.
Most healthy people are blessed with ignorance.

Very important aswell is the fact that vaxxed people get "good boy" points and privileges and thhus are taking alot less stress in day to day life which is imo a huge factor, As someone said in the threat before, unvaxxed have to fear the loos of their job, their right to buy food, to move from a to b etc.
In that sense its not corona or the virus making people sick and unwell, but the goverment and its regulations.
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