What is happening when I reduce T4 ?


Mar 8, 2015
Does anyone have any idea on why I feel good after reducing down my thyroxine dose, but then I run into problems about a week later. So I have increased again.

I have been on T4 for about 12 years now. I sometimes use a bit of T3, but not that often. I take 125mcg T4

Bloods 0ct 2023

FT4 23 pmol/l (12-22)

Ft3 4.67 pmo/l (3.1 - 6.8)

TSH 1.16 (0.27-4.2)

If I take more T4 then I feel not as good. I feel tighter in my stomach and chest area. Sort of a greater pressure in the body.

I have noticed my blood pressure has been going up recently so thought I might try a reduction to see how less T4 worked out. I dropped down to 100mcg per day.

I felt really good initially. The pressure in my chest and stomach dropped a lot. I felt like the body was working a lot better. I lost weight around my stomach area (I am not over weight here, but I could tell the body was loosing some fatty tissue).

After a week I started to have wind in the evening (farting a lot) and I needed to go to the toilet much more suddenly in the mornings (my normal time). It seemed like I was experiencing some symptoms of when I first became unwell and didn't know what was happening to me. I also was getting a bit more tired.

So I have gone back to a dose of 125/100 alternate days. I am still getting adjusted, but feel a bit down as I thought I might not need the T4 as much any more.

I also take testosterone 100mcg per week. Its a normal physiological dose and it has helped my hormone issues.

Possible reason:

The body needs the T4, but not as much as I take and it would be better to add in some T3 instead.


Nov 28, 2014
Based on your labs, it certainly looks like you have plenty of t4. Maybe your body is struggling a little to convert to t3 this time of year, if it's winter where you are. So the t4 is pooling a bit, rather than getting converted. I find I need a little more t3 in the winter.
I think I remember that you've read Dr. Blanchard's book on hypothyroidism? He says TSH values tend to go down in fall and winter. This would also affect conversion.


Mar 8, 2015
I do think that my T4 is too high. So I am dropping down to 112.5 per day. I will also try use more T3 at 6.25mcg per day. I've used some today and I certainly feel better for it this evening. I didn't know TSH drops in the winter, but do know I generally feel worse in the winter most years. I'm in the UK. It's just frustrating as I feel like I am close to being in a really good space, but then I get blown off course.
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