Vitamin C Is An Endotoxin Antagonist And Can Reduce Cortisol And Inflammation


Jan 25, 2014
So digging around a bit with Vitamin C, turns out, it's pretty well known at opposing or neutralizing the effects of endotoxin, and I couldn't find a thread discussing this, so I decided to create one.

Sepsis, Endotoxin and Vitamin C

"Intense or endurance exercise produces a concentration of endotoxin in the blood similar to that found in patients with sepsis. Oral ascorbate pretreatment of as little as 1 gram has been demonstrated to completely block the increase in circulating endotoxin and nitrite typically found during and after intense exercise."

"Stress (including exercise) in general causes a mild ischaemia to the gut and LPS translocation increases dramatically. We know from exercise studies that oral ascorbate decreases or completely blocks LPS translocation from the gut. The most likely explanation here is that ascorbate attenuates the mild inflammatory response in the gut epithelium which is a response to decreased perfusion. Preventing mild inflammation prevents the increased vascular leaking associated with it."

Apparently, one study done on ultramarathoners found that Vitamin C could also reduce Cortisol and other stress and inflammatory markers after the race-

Vitamin C supplementation attenuates the increases in circulating cortisol, adrenaline and anti-inflammatory polypeptides following ultramarathon running.

Mean pre-race concentrations of serum vitamin C in VC-500 and VC-1500 groups (128 +/- 31 and 153 +/- 34 micromol/l) were significantly higher than in the P group (83 +/- 39 micromol/l). Immediate post-race serum cortisol was significantly lower in the VC-1500 group (p < 0.05) than in P and VC-500 groups. When the data from VC-500 and P groups was combined (n = 17), immediate post-race plasma adrenaline, IL-10 and IL-1Ra concentrations were also significantly lower (p < 0.05) in the VC-1500 group.

Some other studies-

Protective effects of vitamin C, alone or in combination with vitamin A, on endotoxin-induced oxidative renal tissue damage in rats. - PubMed - NCBI

L-Ascorbate Attenuates the Endotoxin-Induced Production of Inflammatory Mediators by Inhibiting MAPK Activation and NF-κB Translocation in Cortical Neurons/Glia Cocultures

High Doses of Vitamin C Reverse Escherichia coli Endotoxin–Induced Hyporeactivity to Acetylcholine in the Human Forearm

There was also that study that showed drinking orange juice could neutralize the effects of endotoxin after what's termed a "High Fat Meal." It was, but it was also highly processed, high in iron (especially free iron in the bread), and high in starch-

Orange juice neutralizes the proinflammatory effect of a high-fat, high-carbohydrate meal and prevents endotoxin increase and Toll-like receptor ex... - PubMed - NCBI

"TLR2 and TLR4 messenger RNA (mRNA) and protein expression; mRNA expression of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 in MNCs; and plasma concentrations of endotoxin and MMP-9 increased significantly after glucose or water were consumed with the meal but not when orange juice was consumed with the meal."

I've seen speculation that it may be due to substances like naringin (and that may be part of it), but in light of the other studies, I think Vitamin C would be a big factor. This video about the study clearly states that the orange juice was "fresh squeezed," so Vitamin C would not have been affected from heat pasteurization-

So, it looks like adequate C in blood serum, or 360mg taken with a meal that would produce an endotoxin response is enough to neutralize or seriously reduce the effects.

Ahhhhh...... but what about Vitamin C's Iron Absorption effects?

Well, it mainly has been studied on non-heme iron, and the thinking is that it doesn't affect heme much. Much of that is done from a single meal with radiolabeled isotopes of iron-

Interaction of vitamin C and iron. - PubMed - NCBI

Over time..... it's not so conclusive-

The Effect of High Ascorbic Acid Supplementation on Body Iron Stores

"The subjects were instructed to take two 500-mg tablets of vitamin C with each of the two largest meals of the day. Seventeen participants took these levels of vitamin C for I 6 weeks and nine of them continued in the study for a total of 24 months.

"Serum ferritin levels before and after megadoses of vitamin C are listed together with baseline measurements of iron status in Table 1 . The level fell in eight subjects and increased in the remaining nine. The mean serum ferritin value before supplementation was 46 jsg/L and remained virtually unchanged after 16 weeks (mean, 44 g/L). It is of interest that of the four subjects whose initial serum ferritin values were below 10 sg/L, only one, the male volunteer, had an increase in the level to within the normal range." (Table Attached)

So, I don't know if there is much reason to avoid taking Vitamin C with meals, especially if you're a regular blood donor. It doesn't appear to increase iron burden in those with high iron stores, and it can prevent an endotoxin and inflammatory events if you do consume a meal with free iron.

Some other really quick hit studies on Vitamin C... It's an anti-histamine-
Histamine and ascorbic acid in human blood. - PubMed - NCBI

It might help shift workers or others with impaired sleep schedule-
Exploring the effect of vitamin C on sleep deprivation induced memory impairment. - PubMed - NCBI

And the title of this one is about treating and preventing Obesity-
Exploring the effect of vitamin C on sleep deprivation induced memory impairment. - PubMed - NCBI


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Aug 6, 2017
Thanks for this thread, i find the vitamin c caution on this forum misguided and based on weak arguments in contrast to all the benefits documented. This endotoxin prevention is yet another clear benefit.


Jan 25, 2014


Sep 27, 2015
I don't take C because I can't formulate an opinion on what the safest version/brand is. C supplements are contaminated with lead, right?


Jan 25, 2014
I don't take C because I can't formulate an opinion on what the safest version/brand is. C supplements are contaminated with lead, right?

That's the claim. The solution that Janelle525 came up with was to ask the manufacturer for a COA. The brand she uses has less than 3ppm of lead. I am using some powder I got from Bulk Supplements, and they will send a COA on request. It would be up to you to decide if any potential contamination is an issue or not.

Personally, I am not worried that much about it. I think that issue is likely blown out of proportion.


Feb 20, 2013
This is super interesting. I didn't know vitamin C was effective in neutralizing endotoxin. Thanks for posting.
I am going to give vitamin C a try, anything that opposes endotoxin is likely to help to increase oxidative metabolism and mitochondrial function.
Endotoxin is one of the biggest blockers of proper oxidative phosphorylation and stimulaters of anaerobic glycolysis. These changes lead to both increased chances of developing auto-immune diseases and also cancer.
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PUFA Causes Hypoxia And Hypoxia ALWAYS Causes Cancer


Sep 16, 2017
I don’t notice much benefit from supplementing of it (at any dosage) personally. And I tried the brand that Janelle recommended. The way Nathan Hatch was raving about it in his blog you’d think it was some kind of miracle health aid. For some it probably is.


Feb 20, 2013
I don’t notice much benefit from supplementing of it (at any dosage) personally. And I tried the brand that Janelle recommended. The way Nathan Hatch was raving about it in his blog you’d think it was some kind of miracle health aid. For some it probably is.
Which brand does Janelle recommend? I want to give this a try.


Mar 9, 2018
I've been using Now brand C crystals pure powder pharmaceutical grade. Any learned opinion about this brand?
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