This Is My Story - Ukall


May 21, 2016
First, let me introduce myself:

I am 25 years old guy. I’m 183 cm tall and I weight 74 kg. I am Portuguese and I am currently a college student.

Since my childhood and as far I can remember, I have been always an anxious person, with serious difficulties on concentrating. Also, I always was constipated. However, it was throughout my youth that my anxiety problems started to cause me some real problems: my grades on school fell off, I became even more anxious and stressed. Around my 15 years old, I was diagnosed with OCD. It was there that the never-ending psychology/psychiatrist cycle started. What can I say is that I ingest an infinite amount of pills: Sertraline, Escitalopram, Fluvoxamine, Clomipramine, Risperidone, Ritalin, Prozac and so on…
Some days I was literally sleeping for about 16h.

But, on September from last year, I randomly went to a medical quantum doctor.
What I can say it that I was very impressed (and I still am) with the results I got.
The main thing I did there was ‘only’ to change my eating habits: remove milk, wheat foods (remove gluten essentially) and sugars; start to eat more nuts, seeds and more fish. I also took some supplements and probiotics. Nevertheless, constipation was gone, concentration problems were not so strong and anxiety slowed down a bit.
My main foods were essentially vegetables, seeds, grains, little fruit, little meat, fish and teas (no sugar, no milk, no salt).

After some time, when I finished all the supplements and probiotics, constipation appeared again. I felt very frustrated because she simply prescript to me more probiotics again and said that I still have to adapt to it. I was not very happy with this...
Regarding my personality, I could see that I became a more serious, arrogant type of a person; had no libido, feeling cold all the time and became very slim. I could say to myself and believe that I had solved my concentration issues, but I clearly hadn't... I just wanted to believe that I had on that time.

After this, I started to be very skeptical and critical about the way we are manipulated by the food industry and how it affects us completely. I started to search and investigate more about this whole subject: what is the ideal/perfect diet for us human beings.
Everyone knows that there are thousands and thousands of different diets out there. However, when I began to explore more about this, only specific diets interested me (accordingly what I have learned after being consulted by that doctor).

The first person I found to understand about healthy foods was Dr. Andrew Weil. I read many things from him. While I was reading and searching more, I found the concept of Intermittent Fasting, which I had never heard before. I was really surprised with the benefits that IF provided (at least from what I read). Then, I started to search more about IF and find Dr. Joseph Mercola. I read some of his articles too. And, lastly, I ended up finding Ori Hofmekler and his Warrior Diet. He was the person who most convinced me about the final verdict how bad we utilize food nowadays. The main reason was because he approaches our natural instincts (with his own perspective) unlike most diets.
I think Ori has an excellent point of view on his approach. I still didn’t read his book completely but I’ve already read a lot about how his diet consists. Then, I actually started to follow his diet plan. Another thing that I agreed with him, for example, was about respecting our circadian clock and the fact that our Biological Feeding Time is at night (according to him). Well, I always hated the fact that after having a huge lunch, I tended to be very tired right after and wanting to take a nap. Also, I became more alert. I can say that this made my productivity increase a bit.

Starting doing IF changed of course my metabolism. Basically I would start eating around 17h and stopped eating around midnight.
However, vegetables were still the main thing for me: I would eat a huge salad, lots of grains, seeds, etc.
That didn't really solved my constipation issues (but, that time, I always read: eat more fiber to solve it).

Well, IF, probably didn't help me, I still don't know what to conclude. That time, I liked the way it worked for me. At least, I was not feeling sleepy all the time. But was it really good for me overall...? I can't really tell.

I ended up finding the Wai Diet essentially for solving my constipation issues. I have been doing this diet for about 3 months (not that much time). Since IF was still a thing for me, I mixed both.
(I was still taking Prozac before started the diet. I withdrawn completely Prozac on the meantime - March 17, to be more specifically).
I must say that I solved my constipation issues for sure and I think my overall health was better too.
However, I have been experiment some cons... What I mean is if was stressed and cold before, I think I started to be even more stressed and colder after the diet.
The worst was that I started to have some shortness of breath symptoms, continuously having a discomfort on my throat, lots of palpitations, even more dark circles under eyes, no hunger. (Well, about hunger, the main culprit could be IF I think)
About being cold, and I don't know if it is because the amount of liquids, but my hands are always cold and I always have purple/blue nails.

I was basically drinking OJ and eating fruits (avocado included), Olive Oil / Coconut Oil, nuts (mostly Hazelnuts), Salmon, Egg Yolks.
The first thing that bothered me is the fact my skin turned really orange. Every single day, people asks me if I am sick (maybe I am orange, but can it also be because of my metabolism?). So few days ago I switched OJ for Melons and Kiwis. Well, that didn't ended up well: my muscle legs started disappearing (I was only taking 125g Salmon + Some Yolks or 250g Salmon daily). Maybe this was too little protein...
This is what it I wonder about fruits: I feel like I can't really trust them regarding their nutritional values.

I've done some blood tests recently, so I am going to attach them here also (they are in portuguese, hope you can still understand. Anything you don't, please ask me to translate):

I just want to like to add some questions regarding them:

- Erythrocytes - 4.11 x10¹²/L :: 4.50 - 5.90 -> Anemic? How can I raise them?
- MCV - 104 fL (Macrocytosis) :: 80 - 100 -> :S ?
- Urea - 13 mg/dL :: 15 - 39 ; 2.2 mmol/L :: 2.5 - 6.5 -> What is this suppose to mean? Low protein intake?
- Alkaline phosphatase - 45 UI/L :: 46 - 116 -> Herm, ok?
- Urine:
-- pH = 8.5 -> How can I acidfy this?
-- Aspect: Cloudy -> I'm been checking the next couple days and it's always clean. Dunno why it was cloudy that day...

To be honest with you guys, I am pretty noob in this world: not only about Peat's vision, but about health in general. The only thing I know is that I want find what's the best for me that's why I am sharing my story with you here.

And, I think it's all.
I must say that I don't like the idea of using supplements. I mean, I have been taking pills since I remember and the results were not that great. Actually, I had always to increase the amount infinitely or change the medication. This may sound naive, but I prefer to follow the way what Hipocrates said “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
I would like to your opinions. I would certainly appreciate it. Also, this may be a way to learn even more about Peat's world and start seeing how it works :)

The main issues that concern about my health atm are:
- My muscles on my legs. I feel like an old man that has to be really really careful for not breaking his knees (no joking!). I have been walking really slow, otherwise both my knees hurt.
- My blood tests
- The discomfort on my throat and my breathing feeling most of the times unnatural
- Feeling cold, having cold hands and also purple/blue nails all the time
- Not hungry most of the time (but I think this is mainly because IF. I have stopped doing it since nearly a week)
- Bowel Movements are not that regular (sometimes I only go to the bathroom after 4 days. They aren't rock solid, though)
- Low libido


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Mar 29, 2014
Welcome Ukall

Do you want to spell out a bit more about what and how much you are eating in a typical/average day?
Have you tried putting a typical day into cronometer or similar to get an idea of whether there are nutritional gaps? Peat would recommend minimising PUFAs (coconut oil and butter for preference), getting at least 80-100g good quality protein, and lots of sugars, esp along with minerals esp from fruit/juice, milk and honey, more calcium than phosphorus.

Can I ask roughly how much you are eating in the average day? I might be wrong, but some of your symptoms look as though they could be a result of prolonged undereating - cold hands, stressed, anxious, fatigued, and maybe the feelings that have lead to diagnoses and prescriptions. Since you are very thin and have been restricting gluten and sugar, that seems consistent. More thoughts here: Recovery From Undereating - Youreatopia

I had trouble reading your attached files, so sorry if I am asking about info that is there.
-- pH = 8.5 -> How can I acidfy this?
What was this test on? Blood is usually quite tightly controlled in the range 7.35 - 7.45. Edit to add: sorry, I missed that you clearly said UpH.
Urine pH can vary much more from person to person and over the day and depending on recent food etc. Normal average 24 hr UpH is somewhere in the range 6.3-6.7, according to Peat.
I'd be inclined to get some pH test strips and measure yourself several times over several days, and consider the average rather than just a single reading. If you are eating any baking soda, I'd drop it.

Another thing that I agreed with him, for example, was about respecting our circadian clock and the fact that our Biological Feeding Time is at night (according to him). Well, I always hated the fact that after having a huge lunch, I tended to be very tired right after and wanting to take a nap.
My impression from some reading and my own experience is that the body is often better able to use food during daylight hours, and in my case and some others the morning through middayish is an important time to eat well.
If you've been under-eating your body is likely in stress mode a lot of the time. Sometimes this feels good/energetic/alert, but it tends to break the body down rather than heal it. Then when you eat a decent amount of food, the stress hormones can come down and you can feel like sleeping/resting - the body taking the opportunity to rest, digest and heal.
It could be that this is exactly what you are needing - food and rest to make use of it.
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Forum Supporter
Nov 14, 2014
Sex hormones and cortisol, prolactin, CRH would be extremely helpful, as they would tell us if there is an endocrine component to your issues. I also had OCD, as young as 13. I was a very anxious child. Diagnosed with bipolar in my late teens.


May 21, 2016
Thank you very much for your attention. I really appreciate it :)

Do you want to spell out a bit more about what and how much you are eating in a typical/average day?
Have you tried putting a typical day into cronometer or similar to get an idea of whether there are nutritional gaps?
Can I ask roughly how much you are eating in the average day?
Oh, sorry, you're right, I completely forgot! Lately I stopped registering my foods on Cronometer because I was a little demotivated to keep doing it. I'll attach 3 examples of what I was eating:
- April 11 - Essentially OJ
- April 20 - OJ still the main source of energy
- May 11 - I started switching to melons because my skin was starting to be to much yellow.
I can post more examples if needed. But this was basically it.
Peat would recommend minimising PUFAs (coconut oil and butter for preference), getting at least 80-100g good quality protein, and lots of sugars, esp along with minerals esp from fruit/juice, milk and honey, more calcium than phosphorus.
The other day I took the Carrot + CO salad and I didn't like the experiencing. CO seems to cause me some panic attacks, heart racing symptoms.
I must say that it was rare eating more than 80g of protein. I was always around 50g-80g.

In this past week, I started to stop doing IF and I am trying to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. Like I used too. But the problem is that I am never hungry and that concerns me. And my legs are really thin, seriously.

Can I ask roughly how much you are eating in the average day? I might be wrong, but some of your symptoms look as though they could be a result of prolonged undereating - cold hands, stressed, anxious, fatigued, and maybe the feelings that have lead to diagnoses and prescriptions. Since you are very thin and have been restricting gluten and sugar, that seems consistent. More thoughts here: Recovery From Undereating - Youreatopia
If you've been under-eating your body is likely in stress mode a lot of the time. Sometimes this feels good/energetic/alert, but it tends to break the body down rather than heal it. Then when you eat a decent amount of food, the stress hormones can come down and you can feel like sleeping/resting - the body taking the opportunity to rest, digest and heal.
It could be that this is exactly what you are needing - food and rest to make use of it.
I don't know about gluten and sugar. I would blame first IF and low protein instead. This past 3 months I was having plenty of sugar actually.
Maybe the problem was that... I was looking for ways to feel more alive, and indeed, this made me feel more energetic and not be sleepy right after eating lunch (which I hated because I am on college and my classes in the afternoon were completely a waste).
Now I am probably depending on my stress hormones for my energy. And also, sometimes I wonder how my digestion is... If I am really absorbing all the nutrients since high cortisol levels can affect digestion.

What was this test on? Blood is usually quite tightly controlled in the range 7.35 - 7.45. Edit to add: sorry, I missed that you clearly said UpH.
Urine pH can vary much more from person to person and over the day and depending on recent food etc. Normal average 24 hr UpH is somewhere in the range 6.3-6.7, according to Peat.
I'd be inclined to get some pH test strips and measure yourself several times over several days, and consider the average rather than just a single reading. If you are eating any baking soda, I'd drop it.
I am not taking any baking soda. But maybe since I had too little protein on my daily basis, made my urine too much alkaline. I don't know... :S

My impression from some reading and my own experience is that the body is often better able to use food during daylight hours, and in my case and some others the morning through middayish is an important time to eat well.
Yes, I want to be back to those days. I mean, since I am a person that is normally anxious, maybe IF was not the best approach for me indeed.

Sex hormones and cortisol, prolactin, CRH would be extremely helpful, as they would tell us if there is an endocrine component to your issues. I also had OCD, as young as 13. I was a very anxious child. Diagnosed with bipolar in my late teens.
I wanted to check more on my blood tests, but the doctor I went didn't let me lol. She said that I was crazy.
How are you feeling now? I mean, here we seem to lower our serotonin levels, and with all those SSRI I have been taking on my life, it seemed that I needed the exact opposite (more serotonin). Ahhhh!, it is all so confusing for me! :S

So what do you advise me to do? Can I recover only by eating more? I will read what Youreatopia says meanwhile.

Ah, let me add some more information:
- Since I stopped fasting I am not having that much problem on breathing, but I still have cold hands
- Btw, having grey hair is equivalent of having high adrenaline levels in my body, isn't it? I think I have more grey hair now than before
- My body temperature when I awake is normally 35.4ºC and my pulse rate 58. After eating breakfast, I don't have any noticeable difference.
- Another weird symptom I have is that my upper back tend to be more compressed/tightened; I easily get in a slump position if I am not aware of it enough. Is this low CO2 in the body?
- Btw, on my blood tests my Insulin level was 2.3 μUI/mL and my HOMA was 0.54. Both below the norm. Well, since I was doing IF, these were good news for me. I hope now it isn't the contrary, and my pancreas started to produce less insulin :S (I was fasting for about 13 hours when I did these blood tests)
- Before I used to have a lot of hair on my hands; now I have less; why did this happen?


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Jan 7, 2016
I've had good luck with B1 (thiamin) for breathing, and it also helps with sugar utilization. I know you prefer not to supplement, but just thought I would mention it. It reportedly acts, at least in part, by reducing the enzyme (carbonic anhydrase), which increases carbon dioxide levels, thereby increasing oxygen absorption, if I understand correctly (I'm not a science guy either). Although I admittedly take too many supplements, that is the only one I wouldn't do without. It helps me breath easier through my nose, and I suspect it helps in other ways, by increasing CO2. I've had no blood tests, so can't say for sure it is working the way I think it is.


Mar 29, 2014
I don't know about gluten and sugar. I would blame first IF and low protein instead.
Yeah, that makes sense that they could also be components of undereating.

So what do you advise me to do? Can I recover only by eating more?
Looking at your cronometer shots, they don't look extremely low cal or low protein, though you may well be able to use more. Were you eating a lot less before you you made the change to this kind of diet?
I don't know if getting adequate food will be enough for full recovery, but I expect it is necessary, and may take you a good part of the way. I'd try that first and then after a few months consider whether other tactics are also needed. If you have trouble getting enough of some of the nutrients, I think there can be a case for some supplements sometimes.

My eyesight was struggling with reading the detail - I didn't see much calcium in there- maybe I'm missing something? If milk doesn't currently agree with you, it may be worth getting/making some clean eggshell powder or next best clean oystershell.
Check magnesium - tight muscles often respond well to getting a bit more - low metabolism can have trouble retaining magnesium, so may need more than healthy people. There are various forms wit various pros and cons. Transdermal - epsom salt baths or Mg oil (MgCl) are amongst the options.

- Since I stopped fasting I am not having that much problem on breathing, but I still have cold hands
That sounds like an improvement. Hopefully you will get the warm hands in a while too. In the meantime, keep warm by whatever means you can - heaters, warm cloths - woolley singlet, socks, gloves and hat etc, warm bed with electric blanket, or whatever works for you. Cold extremities can add to the problem.

- Another weird symptom I have is that my upper back tend to be more compressed/tightened; I easily get in a slump position if I am not aware of it enough. Is this low CO2 in the body?
Could be low energy from many possible contributing causes. I find it easier to maintain decent posture and to let muscles relax when general energy is better. Low CO2 could be part of it; so could low fuel or particular micronutrients.

- My body temperature when I awake is normally 35.4ºC and my pulse rate 58. After eating breakfast, I don't have any noticeable difference.
I think Peat said the tems usually comne up faster when things are working, and the resting heart rate can lag.

- Btw, on my blood tests my Insulin level was 2.3 μUI/mL and my HOMA was 0.54. Both below the norm. Well, since I was doing IF, these were good news for me. I hope now it isn't the contrary, and my pancreas started to produce less insulin :S (I was fasting for about 13 hours when I did these blood tests)
I'm not competent to analyse those results, but I know there are people who have improved their ability to handle carbohydrates.

- Before I used to have a lot of hair on my hands; now I have less; why did this happen?
Can't answer for sure, but hair loss seems to be a symptom that sometimes goes with low metabolism.


Mar 29, 2014
Another thought - some peopel seem to do well with Peat's recommendations for lots of fruit etc. But others have said they have needed more starchy foods to recover and maintain good metabolism. May be worth experimenting with well-boiled spuds or rice or something - maybe it would improve your appetite and serve you in some way.


Mar 29, 2014
Have you read Peat's article about fish oil? I'm not going to say don't eat any salmon if you love it, but may be good to consider not having it every day - eg swap some of it out for low-fat fish and/or ruminant meat and/or cheese if it agrees with you?


Sep 11, 2013
Bananas are thought here to have too much serotonin by the way, and good luck!

I would regularly track your temps. That convinced me that there must be some truth in this all, because it corresponds so well with how I feel.


May 21, 2016
Were you eating a lot less before you you made the change to this kind of diet?
I think I wasn't. I was eating normally minus sugar, gluten and milk.

My eyesight was struggling with reading the detail - I didn't see much calcium in there- maybe I'm missing something?
No, you were not missing anything. You probably don't know how the Wai Diet works. Before Wai, I was taking some vegetable milk with extra calcium... That works too?
And what is the thing about Calcium after all? :S
Also, vegetable milk can't really be a substitute, can it?
Check magnesium - tight muscles often respond well to getting a bit more - low metabolism can have trouble retaining magnesium, so may need more than healthy people. There are various forms wit various pros and cons. Transdermal - epsom salt baths or Mg oil (MgCl) are amongst the options.
I have to check where can I get those. I still didn't find Epsom salt anywhere here in Portugal. Maybe I have to order some...
Hopefully you will get the warm hands in a while too.
Well, if I eat 'normally' (a meal with rice, meat, grains, vegetables + soup), I indeed feel warmer. Maybe is the extra salt that the food has? Or the fact it is warmed?
In the meantime, keep warm by whatever means you can - heaters, warm cloths - woolley singlet, socks, gloves and hat etc, warm bed with electric blanket, or whatever works for you. Cold extremities can add to the problem.
Been doing that all the time. What are the benefits of it?
I find it easier to maintain decent posture and to let muscles relax when general energy is better. Low CO2 could be part of it; so could low fuel or particular micronutrients.
Since I am normally feeling cold, I tend to be more constricted. Maybe that's one of the reasons too.
Can't answer for sure, but hair loss seems to be a symptom that sometimes goes with low metabolism.
What Your Feet Say About Your Health , this can be related to it too. After all, having my hands always cold must mean something for sure...
Another thought - some peopel seem to do well with Peat's recommendations for lots of fruit etc. But others have said they have needed more starchy foods to recover and maintain good metabolism. May be worth experimenting with well-boiled spuds or rice or something - maybe it would improve your appetite and serve you in some way.
That's a thing I still didn't understand well.
Some say that starchy foods are bad because feeds bacteria. Other seems to be approve starch. So confusing :S
Have you read Peat's article about fish oil? I'm not going to say don't eat any salmon if you love it, but may be good to consider not having it every day - eg swap some of it out for low-fat fish and/or ruminant meat and/or cheese if it agrees with you?
As I said on the other thread, it was all about following the Wai Diet. Any fish is fine for me, but raw salmon is very practical to eat. Btw, what does Peat say about raw food (raw eggs, raw meat, raw fish specifically) regarding bacteria?
Bananas are thought here to have too much serotonin by the way, and good luck!
All my life I have been taking SSRIs because I had low serotonin... But now, here, serotonin seems to be bad... :S
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May 21, 2016
Okay, I must share this.
It is something I've noticed before, but I was never sure about it.
When I ate something that makes my bowels move, I tend to feel palpitations. For example, I remember one time, when I took 5 egg yolks at the same time, I had a palpitation and, at the same time, I felt my bowels moving.
Today, I had several palpitations during the day and my heart was beating like it usually is: very hard.
Few minutes ago, I had a bowel movement.
While I was reading things on the Internet, suddenly, I noticed that not only I can't hear or feel my heart, but also I am not experiencing any palpitations till now (1 hour). Before I was having palpitation every +/-7 mins. I feel lighter.
There is probably some food that my body doesn't react very well.

What are the symptoms when the food is high on histamine? (since I still don't know what to eat, I ate what I usually eat before being on Wai. So today I ate an avocado, and I know it is high on histamine. Hence the question)
Or is it the bacteria?
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Mar 29, 2014
I think I wasn't. I was eating normally minus sugar, gluten and milk.
For me and most people on common diets round here, this would result in severe undereating - wheat, milk and sugar are ubiquitous. If that was not the case for you, that's great.

Epsom salt
Where I am, I've found epsom salts intended for human consumption in small quantities in supermarket or pharmacy, and bulk intended for agriculture in farm supplies (called magnesium sulphate).

And what is the thing about Calcium after all? :S
As I understand it, it's the mineral that the body needs the largest supply of in diet. It is a major component of bones, and it also needs to be in good balance in circulation to support good functioning of nerves and muscles etc. In the wrong places, it causes destructive calcification. Optimal balance of hormones and supply of vit-D, K, Mg and no doubt other factors support the body in using it well.

Standard RDI of Ca is ~800-1000mg/day. Peat usually recommends more than this.
He says that insufficient dietary calcium can (counter-intuitively perhaps) increase the risk of harmful calcification (as well as osteoporosis etc).

Calcium and Disease: Hypertension, organ calcification, & shock, vs. respiratory energy
Osteoporosis, harmful calcification, and nerve/muscle malfunctions

I have no idea what is in your vegetable milk.

Well, if I eat 'normally' (a meal with rice, meat, grains, vegetables + soup), I indeed feel warmer. Maybe is the extra salt that the food has? Or the fact it is warmed?
That sounds good. Could be those reasons, and could possibly also be that starchy foods are having more of a warming effect than just sugars. Maybe you also eat more calories with those foods?

Been doing that all the time. What are the benefits of it?
Good. We are warm-blooded, which means our biochemical processes (reactions etc) are designed to function optimally in the normal temperature range. Lots of things don't work as well when too cold or too hot. In the extreme, hypothermia can shut down all body processes. I don't know all the ins and outs, but I think some additional factors may be: being cold feels stressful and tends to encourage tense muscles. Cold temps encourage more unsaturation of fats. Cold temps may increase estrogen? - not sure on this one. Peat has said cold feet can create some problematic chemicals.
I've had chronically cold hands a lot of my life too. Not so often these days.

High adrenaline tends to reduce blood flow to extremities, so this can cause cold hands and feet even when ambient temps and core temps are OK.

Since I am normally feeling cold, I tend to be more constricted.
I guess you are not managing to keep warm enough after all.

Some say that starchy foods are bad because feeds bacteria. Other seems to be approve starch. So confusing :S
Starchy foods do tend to feed bacteria, and some of the bacteria produce endotoxin. Endotoxin that gets through gut barrier into system is a burden on the system. There are also concerns about undercooked or dry cooked starch being able to persorb and cause trouble in the circulation (well-boiled starches shouldn't have this problem, AIUI). For some people, excessive starch tends to mess with blood sugar regulation. However, for some avoiding starches in favour of sugars may bring other issues. Different starchy foods bring different proteins and micronutrients with them, too. Peat has talked about potatoes containing good nutrition, and tends to be less keen on grains, though masa harina, well-cooked rice and oats may be more benign than some. I'd recommend trying and seeing what seems to serve you. Personally, I seem to do better if I have both starchy and sweet foods in my diet.

Any fish is fine for me, but raw salmon is very practical to eat.
Salmon is high in omega 3 fatty acids. Peat discusses the harmful effects of fish oil here: The Great Fish Oil Experiment.
I understand about salmon being practical and delicious. I really like fresh salmon sushi, so I indulge in that now and then, but I wouldn't make it a staple.

Btw, what does Peat say about raw food (raw eggs, raw meat, raw fish specifically) regarding bacteria?
He mentioned cooking oysters since a friend/colleague caught something nasty from raw ones. Otherwise I'm not sure.
I'm going on the principle that freezing fish to very cold temps (can't remember the number, but it's a lot colder than your average domestic freezer) kills off parasites etc, and this is what is required for 'sushi grade' raw fish. I believe cultures that traditionally eat a lot of raw fish also often have practices for regularly eradicating parasites. I imaginge a healthy robust metabolism and digestion would be much better at killing off pathogenic bacteria than a weaker one - eg ability to produce strong stomach acid.

All my life I have been taking SSRIs because I had low serotonin... But now, here, serotonin seems to be bad... :S
How do you know you had low serotonin? SSRIs in many countries get prescribed pretty liberally based on clinical presentations and misunderstandings about serotonin's functions. In some countries, they have options to prescribe the opposite - SSREs (enhancers) instead of SSRIs (inhibitors) for depression and other issues.

Serotonin, depression, and aggression - The problem of brain energy.
Serotonin: Effects in disease, aging and inflammation
Tryptophan, serotonin, and aging


May 21, 2016
For me and most people on common diets round here, this would result in severe undereating - wheat, milk and sugar are ubiquitous. If that was not the case for you, that's great.
Yeah I know. Well, RP seems to say to avoid gluten and I am ok with that.
But on that time, believe it or not, my 'cure' was starting to eat more fat.
Where I am, I've found epsom salts intended for human consumption in small quantities in supermarket or pharmacy, and bulk intended for agriculture in farm supplies (called magnesium sulphate).
I'm going to search on those places then. Thanks :)
He says that insufficient dietary calcium can (counter-intuitively perhaps) increase the risk of harmful calcification (as well as osteoporosis etc).
What about this? Lifetime high calcium intake increases osteoporotic fracture risk in old age. - PubMed - NCBI
I have no idea what is in your vegetable milk.
Well, good point, I read the ingredients and it has Sunflower Oil :(
That sounds good. Could be those reasons, and could possibly also be that starchy foods are having more of a warming effect than just sugars. Maybe you also eat more calories with those foods?
Hmm, yeah, probably I am eating more in one sit. But I have to share an experience from the past: when I added salt to my OJ, I felt warmer immediately too. However, on the next day, I was like a balloon (gained 4kg of water).
High adrenaline tends to reduce blood flow to extremities, so this can cause cold hands and feet even when ambient temps and core temps are OK.
I can relate with that. When I was fasting for about 12hours, the colder I felt and probably, I had more adrenaline in my blood too.
I found this interesting too:
3. Eat More and Drink Less
Eating more was the single best thing I did to raise my metabolism (second was eating more carbs, and third was getting enough sleep). I’m the type to go all day without eating because I’m too busy working and I don’t have time to sit down and eat a meal.

Matt Stone said to just eat a handful — so I started snacking or eating small meals every few hours. A handful of salty pretzels or nuts, a few bites of ice cream, a slice of leftover pizza, some crackers and cheese.

Matt writes, “When you are cold, especially in the hands and feet, your urine is clear, the urge to urinate is strong, or you are peeing frequently… YOU NEED TO EAT MORE AND DRINK LESS. When you are hot, especially in the hands and feet, your urine is dark or you haven’t peed in a really long time… YOU NEED TO EAT LESS AND DRINK MORE.” (source: 10 Simple Tricks to Raise Your Metabolism)
I guess you are not managing to keep warm enough after all.
Well, when I am outside or at college, sometimes is not easy :(
But, now that I am not doing IF, I am not experience so much cold in my body.
Salmon is high in omega 3 fatty acids. Peat discusses the harmful effects of fish oil here: The Great Fish Oil Experiment.
Some people are promoting Omega-3 Supplements... Actually, I've taken them in the past. I don't understand anything at all :S
I understand about salmon being practical and delicious. I really like fresh salmon sushi, so I indulge in that now and then, but I wouldn't make it a staple.
You're still answering like I love salmon. I mean, I like it, but the major reason was the fact I was doing the Wai Diet... Since it is all about raw food, salmon was easier/safer regarding parasites and bacteria. That's all :p
I imaginge a healthy robust metabolism and digestion would be much better at killing off pathogenic bacteria than a weaker one - eg ability to produce strong stomach acid.
I agree. Also, if we're constantly dealing with the presence of bacteria, our body becomes more immune and knows how to deal with them easily.
How do you know you had low serotonin? SSRIs in many countries get prescribed pretty liberally based on clinical presentations and misunderstandings about serotonin's functions. In some countries, they have options to prescribe the opposite - SSREs (enhancers) instead of SSRIs (inhibitors) for depression and other issues.
You're right. All psychiatrists I went, didn't have a clue if I had low or high serotonin in the body.
I still didn't manage to read those articles, but in my ignorant world, I always thought serotonin was the 'happy hormone'.
Also, this might sound weird, but for example, after having a BM, I tend to feel a little sluggish. It's really weird. Is there any explanation for that?

And about the palpitations, I think avocados are the major culprit.
Also, I still don't get it why my palpitations are somehow related with my bowels. Actually, why people after eating coconut oil, experience heart racing and, ironically, makes you have BM too. So, one could say that is accelerating our metabolism. (avocados are also fat after all, this could mean that they could be accelerating my metabolism too)


Apr 9, 2015
Another thought - some peopel seem to do well with Peat's recommendations for lots of fruit etc. But others have said they have needed more starchy foods to recover and maintain good metabolism. May be worth experimenting with well-boiled spuds or rice or something - maybe it would improve your appetite and serve you in some way.

This is me. I dont tolerate any fruit at all. I do extremely well on starch though. Potatoes in particular.


Sep 11, 2013
This is me. I dont tolerate any fruit at all. I do extremely well on starch though. Potatoes in particular.

Yes, something surely to experiment with. Some react better on potatoes, some react better on fruits. I used to do much and much better on potatoes. But now I react good on both, I prefer fruit now, because I can eat it faster. A potato meal take me 30-45 min to eat. While orange juice is just like 5 min.


May 21, 2016
How much does a person poop doing a Potato Diet? That must be some kgs of poop there xD
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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