Social Distancing Kills An 86 Year Old Woman


Mar 27, 2018
86-Year-Old Is Killed in E.R. Over Social Distancing

I'm being hyperbolic, obviously the lady that pushed her killed the 86-year old woman, but the Social Distancing requirements opened the door for this incident.

The woman, Janie Marshall, who had dementia, grabbed onto another patient’s IV pole to regain her balance and orient herself, the police said.

The patient, Cassandra Lundy, 32, had apparently become irate that Ms. Marshall had broken the six feet of personal space recommended to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus, law enforcement officials said. Ms. Lundy shoved the older woman, knocking her to the floor. Ms. Marshall struck her head and died three hours later.

Ms. Marshall’s death underscored how hospital officials are struggling to keep order in health care facilities overrun by the pandemic, as crowding generates a new level of fear and anxiety.

Initially, hospital officials handed Ms. Lundy a summons for disorderly conduct. But a week later, after the medical examiner ruled Ms. Marshall’s death a homicide, the police charged Ms. Lundy with manslaughter and assault.

“How do you put your hands on a 86-year-old woman?” said Ms. Marshall’s grandniece, Antoinette Leonard Jean Charles, 41, a medical student in Tennessee. “I also understand the fear level of every person in New York has. There is a notion of every man for themselves. But attacking an elderly person? That went too far.”

Cassandra, the attacker is also a victim in this story - a victim of the mass hysteria created by the powers that be.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Social distancing = social destruction.


Jan 25, 2014
86-Year-Old Is Killed in E.R. Over Social Distancing

I'm being hyperbolic, obviously the lady that pushed her killed the 86-year old woman, but the Social Distancing requirements opened the door for this incident.

Well, according to the CDC, that 86 year old woman should probably be listed as a COVID death, regardless of any COVID testing.

See page 6 -

An 86-year-old female with an unconfirmed case of COVID–19

An 86-year-old female passed away at home. Her husband reported that she was nonambulatory after suffering an ischemic stroke 3 years ago. He stated that 5 days prior, she developed a high fever and severe cough after being exposed to an ill family member who subsequently was diagnosed with COVID–19. Despite his urging, she refused to go to the hospital, even when her breathing became more labored and temperature escalated. She was unresponsive that morning and her husband phoned emergency medical services (EMS). Upon EMS arrival, the patient was pulseless and apneic. Her husband stated that he and his wife had advanced directives and that she was not to be resuscitated. After consulting with medical command, she was pronounced dead and the coroner was notified.

Comment: Although no testing was done, the coroner determined that the likely UCOD was COVID–19 given the patient’s symptoms and exposure to an infected individual. Therefore, COVID–19 was reported on the lowest line used in Part I. Her ischemic stroke was considered a factor that contributed to her death but was not a part of the direct causal sequence in Part I, so it was reported in Part II.


Dec 1, 2014
Cassandra, the attacker is also a victim in this story - a victim of the mass hysteria created by the powers that be.

"The defendant reportedly has 17 previous arrests, including a 2016 accusation in which she had choked her 61-year-old boyfriend for not letting her invite friends over for drugs, and a 2017 claim in which she punched a 54-year-old woman in the face."

She punched and 86 year old lady which knocked her down and led to her death. This women needs to be behind bars for life, this isn't an isolated incident with her.


Oct 21, 2013

"The defendant reportedly has 17 previous arrests, including a 2016 accusation in which she had choked her 61-year-old boyfriend for not letting her invite friends over for drugs, and a 2017 claim in which she punched a 54-year-old woman in the face."

She punched and 86 year old lady which knocked her down and led to her death. This women needs to be behind bars for life, this isn't an isolated incident with her.
The hospital should be in for some lawsuits too, they did not allow any family to stay with the dementia patient, and then failed to adequately protect that vulnerable person from criminal activity. You can argue that they didn't know the attacker had a criminal history, but most likely they know upon admittance that the victim had dementia.


Jun 16, 2020

"The defendant reportedly has 17 previous arrests, including a 2016 accusation in which she had choked her 61-year-old boyfriend for not letting her invite friends over for drugs, and a 2017 claim in which she punched a 54-year-old woman in the face."

She punched and 86 year old lady which knocked her down and led to her death. This women needs to be behind bars for life, this isn't an isolated incident with her.
The grandneice's comment was spot-on, how can you push an 86 year old woman?

This woman seems to have an issue with the elderly. Maybe it's a powerlessness issue, and enjoying the feeling of being stronger than old people.


Overcrowding?? Are they kidding me? Yeah then stop funneling patients to the same hospitals while closing and evacuating all others! Because that was the only way they could create the illusion of a pandemic. I've been working this entire time with my delivery van and I deliver to these medical places. I seen all the empty hospitals all the empty makeshift test centers and triages. All empty. And I've seen places like Elmhurst that were packed to the brim with other hospitals furloughing the staff. All an illusion. LOL the real pandemic is this control and also willful obedience and savagery.
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