Peat + Old School Bodybuilding? An Experimental Quest



Feb 13, 2021
I hear you about the sensitive teeth thing, honey sends mine to the moon! What about using a really ripe fruit for smoothies using your milk? I blend milk, fruit and a sweetener (usually sweetened condensed milk) add in a pinch of salt and some vanilla flavoring and throw it in my ice cream maker, a couple times a week! You could even take your milk, add in instant coffee grounds and throw your dried fruit in there for a blended coffee shake. There is a lot to be said about food being a mental thing too, so don't torture yourself :D
Ah, smoothies are actually a pretty good idea. Thinking about adding a few raw egg yolks too. Thnx!


Oct 6, 2020
Good stuff, you'd use the sauna after training right?
Exactly, Unlike cold which slows protein/nutrient delievery and blood flow to the "injured" muscles and all the byproducts, heat improves/accelerates it. So sometime after the training. I would be careful tho with sauna after training due to water/mineral loss. Depending on how intense the workout was, sauna may also cause to much stress ontop of the one caused by the workout.

So, do it after training (does not have to be immeiately, could be 1-4 hours later, w/e works for you) and do it aslong as it is comfortable and not stressing. No "powering" trough the burn from the sauna. That is counterproductive. It does not have to be a long session. If no sauna or bath is available, taking a 5-10 minute walk after the workout can work too.

There is benefit to switching between cold and heat to widen the blood vessels but after a workout i think this may be to much excessive stress, rather do that on off/regeneration days.


Feb 23, 2020
Ah I see. Have never had that problem, but it seems like carrot salad might help. Unless you've tried that already?

You could also look into colonic hydrotherapy. Very powerful stuff.

My macros are about 50/25/25 F/P/C on average. Attached is yesterday's cronometer (cals are conservative here).
Thank you man.
It's really a high fat diet, have you always eaten so high fat?
Carbs give you some problem?


Jan 29, 2021
Something you could try for improving digestion and so making more efficient use of all those foods you're eating: triphala tea in the morning and maybe before bed. It's a popular Ayurvedic (Indian) "herbal" tea ("herbal" but it's really just three kinds of fruit). There's lots of information available online nowadays about it being one of the safest and most generally useful medicines in India and Tibet for thousands of years. Bodybuilders didn't use it, but it's a lot easier to get nowadays in the West, and could be a good simple addition to what was popular for bodybuilders in the '50s-70s. It's a very mild laxative when drank in normal doses (a coffee mug), but strengthens the digestive system so that not only is there not a dependence on it if you stop using it (like the comical-strength kind of pharmaceutical laxatives) but the digestive strengthening effect persists; it's not really a laxative in normal doses, it's a gentle tonic for the digestive system that's safe to use every day long term. It's the powder of three fruits, you put a teaspoon in a mug, pour just-boiled water over it, mix it, let some sediment settle to the bottom as it cools for 5-10 minutes, and drink the infusion. It's best to drink it first thing in the day giving 20-30 minutes after drinking it before eating, and/or before bed after 2-3 hours since the last meal so it doesn't mix too much with the last meal being in the small intestine. You can get a pound of it for $10-20, and because you don't need to make the infusion very strong, that pound should last a few months or more. It's a good value because of how it can help digestion of the other foods that can get expensive. Consistently drinking triphala infusion will help normalize digestive function regardless of what you eat, and when you're eating such nutritious foods too, it'll both help the assimilation of them, and help you have an appetite for eating that much because of the digestion being less inefficient and maybe sluggish and gross feeling. Also, interesting thing I noticed -- in Chinese medicine, the health of the large intestine and the lungs are complementary (paired yin and yang organ systems), and when I drink triphala consistently I can sing a lot better ("lungs" in the Chinese thinking apparently meaning not just breathing volume but also range and resonance of the voice).

Anyway, cool experiment you're doing. I have similar habits nowadays too -- similar diet and exercise -- and the results are good. It would've been cool to have known to do these things when I was a teenager while still growing a lot, but at that age my biohack idea I was excited about was smoking a cigarette in each hand while jogging to maximize the nicotine blood flow to my brain.
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Feb 13, 2021
Thank you man.
It's really a high fat diet, have you always eaten so high fat?
Carbs give you some problem?

I've tried all sorts of macro ratios, including the high carb/moderate protein/very low fat diet that's theoretically best for lean muscle gain.

Have been eating high fat most of the time since trying carnivore last summer. It seems like my body just does not like the carbs above a certain point.


Feb 13, 2021
Update 6


AM training: 20 squats, then 2 x 10 pullovers. The usual! Might switch up the squats to Tom Platz-style narrow stance squats at some point, just to get some variety.

PM training: 'push' day. Wasn't sure about going for a bench PR, so did singles up to max in the overhead press instead. Beat my prior PR by about 20 pounds! (It was pretty low lol). Then did a few short sets of weighted dips, then some standing tricep presses. Was a little shaky after this workout - may have overdone things a little.

Also went on a nice walk, as always.

Nutrition: Got in close to 4800 calories. I think between the smoothies Rinse & rePeat suggested and these date+coconut rolls I found at the grocery store, 5,000 calories should be doable! Also added in extra collagen powder per tankasnowgod's suggestions.

It's not exactly enjoyable to eat so much, tho. I was overheating and practically sweating thru my clothes. And my libido is higher than it was when I was 16 - kind of nice, kind of annoying. (Sorry if TMI lol)

On the plus side, I do feel like I'm gaining muscle and strength. If these are the side effects then so be it.
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Feb 13, 2021
Something you could try for improving digestion and so making more efficient use of all those foods you're eating: triphala tea in the morning and maybe before bed. It's a popular Ayurvedic (Indian) "herbal" tea ("herbal" but it's really just three kinds of fruit). There's lots of information available online nowadays about it being one of the safest and most generally useful medicines in India and Tibet for thousands of years. Bodybuilders didn't use it, but it's a lot easier to get nowadays in the West, and could be a good simple addition to what was popular for bodybuilders in the '50s-70s. It's a very mild laxative when drank in normal doses (a coffee mug), but strengthens the digestive system so that not only is there not a dependence on it if you stop using it (like the comical-strength kind of pharmaceutical laxatives) but the digestive strengthening effect persists; it's not really a laxative in normal doses, it's a gentle tonic for the digestive system that's safe to use every day long term. It's the powder of three fruits, you put a teaspoon in a mug, pour just-boiled water over it, mix it, let some sediment settle to the bottom as it cools for 5-10 minutes, and drink the infusion. It's best to drink it first thing in the day giving 20-30 minutes after drinking it before eating, and/or before bed after 2-3 hours since the last meal so it doesn't mix too much with the last meal being in the small intestine. You can get a pound of it for $10-20, and because you don't need to make the infusion very strong, that pound should last a few months or more. It's a good value because of how it can help digestion of the other foods that can get expensive. Consistently drinking triphala infusion will help normalize digestive function regardless of what you eat, and when you're eating such nutritious foods too, it'll both help the assimilation of them, and help you have an appetite for eating that much because of the digestion being less inefficient and maybe sluggish and gross feeling. Also, interesting thing I noticed -- in Chinese medicine, the health of the large intestine and the lungs are complementary (paired yin and yang organ systems), and when I drink triphala consistently I can sing a lot better ("lungs" in the Chinese thinking apparently meaning not just breathing volume but also range and resonance of the voice).

Anyway, cool experiment you're doing. I have similar habits nowadays too -- similar diet and exercise -- and the results are good. It would've been cool to have known to do these things when I was a teenager while still growing a lot, but at that age my biohack idea I was excited about was smoking a cigarette in each hand while jogging to maximize the nicotine blood flow to my brain.
Hey, thanks so much! Will look into this type of tea. Relieved that it's affordable, as supplemental stuff can really add up. I need to start a list of all the contributions & ideas everyone has given already.

Interestingly enough, I've always had a pretty quiet, 'weak' voice - wonder if triphala tea could improve that, similar to how it did for you.

Yeah...I wish I had started doing this when I was 16 or 18! Lol about the creative nicotine maximization.'s not too late now. At least not when following in the footsteps of giants, and using Peaty principles to optimize metabolism! Making up for lost time.


Feb 13, 2021
Progress Pics Idea

First things first: don't want to go total Narcissus here.

But I may take the same 4 physique pictures every 2 weeks, as opposed to every month, in order to more accurately gauge progress. Feels like I'm gaining muscle pretty fast right now. My arms are finally at 16" with a pump. Finally!

Wonder what is attainable naturally. Reg Park got to 20" upper arms - at 250 pounds. I think Eric Bugenhagen is at 20" too. (Do the math and you'll see what a huge increase in volume that is.)

Granted, they're both genetic freaks...but still fun to wonder about. I'd be pretty stoked with 18" arms.


Feb 13, 2021
Same,do you think taking andro/ 5adhp and the like for theists is permissable
Hmm...I think it's okay. This physical world is so corrupt that anybody who wants to be healthy in the long run has a lot of catching up to do.

If being healthy requires hormonal manipulation, then just do so in the safest, most holistic way possible.

But that's just my perspective. Will definitely start DHEA + prog at some point.


Feb 13, 2021
Update 7

AM workout: 20 squats, 20 pullovers. Felt a little tired, but really good afterward.

PM workout: Zercher deadlift PR, weighted pullup for 3 PR, more pullups, heavy DB curls.

Nutrition: About 4800 calories. Normal diet plus a shake/smoothie of raw milk, maple syrup, egg yolk, whey protein, and collagen.

Feeling a little less fresh than when I started training 6 days/week, but strength is still going up. Will keep at it!
Mar 10, 2021
Update 7

AM workout: 20 squats, 20 pullovers. Felt a little tired, but really good afterward.

PM workout: Zercher deadlift PR, weighted pullup for 3 PR, more pullups, heavy DB curls.

Nutrition: About 4800 calories. Normal diet plus a shake/smoothie of raw milk, maple syrup, egg yolk, whey protein, and collagen.

Feeling a little less fresh than when I started training 6 days/week, but strength is still going up. Will keep at it!
Yay you did my smoothie idea!


Jan 4, 2021
Hmm...I think it's okay. This physical world is so corrupt that anybody who wants to be healthy in the long run has a lot of catching up to do.

If being healthy requires hormonal manipulation, then just do so in the safest, most holistic way possible.

But that's just my perspective. Will definitely start DHEA + prog at some point.
Same thoughts. With all the hormone distruptive stressors from the environment, sperm count and testosterone levels declining in men we will have to get to a point where we have to counteract that.
You’re starting to see that already but in kind of a crue way, as a lot of men are hopping on TRT.
Eventually we’ll get really good at it and everyone can be a 1200 T 6’9 gigachad... but that might still be out for a while.

I’ve been looking at progesterone + DHEA for a while too now. Going to add some vit E and T3/T4 too I think.
The plan is too take it when I’m done bulking and go into a cut to mitigate the stress from cutting.


Feb 8, 2021
Same thoughts. With all the hormone distruptive stressors from the environment, sperm count and testosterone levels declining in men we will have to get to a point where we have to counteract that.
You’re starting to see that already but in kind of a crue way, as a lot of men are hopping on TRT.
Eventually we’ll get really good at it and everyone can be a 1200 T 6’9 gigachad... but that might still be out for a while.

I’ve been looking at progesterone + DHEA for a while too now. Going to add some vit E and T3/T4 too I think.
The plan is too take it when I’m done bulking and go into a cut to mitigate the stress from cutting.
So the ideas is to take the steroids to boost your own steroid production? Would you say that is handing in your natty card
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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