Newbie here...and lots of help needed!


Nov 21, 2012
Hello everyone,

Through lots of 'communities'(Paleo,180DegreesHealth) I began to research the work and dietary guidelines of Mr.Peat some more. He has some very interesting nutritional guidelines. I'm pondering on trying it, as I struggle with lots of hormonal imbalances,mood disorders,crappy digestion/yeast/funghi/parasites/leaky gut? ,'food issues' , energy disorders,'fear of getting too fat again',exercise disorders etc.
I've noticed his diet is heavy on fruit and drinking milk,which I both for various reasons can't do. (I actually don't really like drinking my calories/meals......and fruit/high fructose causes problems for me...and yes I know about his writings regarding fructose,but my problems are related on another level.Though I'm still on the fence regarding banana,when not too ripened,and Manuka Honey.....and I've never had Plantain before.)
He does however talk about root veggies,but not sure what are all considered safe root veggies (carrots,beets,pumpkin?....when I ate these in the past I somehow instinctively always felt the need to eat them with (leafy) greens,which I know Peat is not a fan of.Maybe bc of unstable blood sugar,fiber content,diabetes-like symptoms,not causing overeating?I have no clue)

So here's my question: I have no idea/inspirartion as to what to eat for meals,especially with my restrictions, can you maybe offer some insights as to what you guys eat on an average day? and what your activity level is?

(I like the idea of working out for homemade healthy foods,which I also have kind of a distorted past with...5to6days of 1hour high cardio yet couldnt lose my belly back then and I feel like I'm never doing enough and feeling very anxious about it especially as I'm what's considered probably underweight and currently am trapped in a very destructive not normal eatingpattern of keeping on moving/going to the gym then to a buffetrestaurant where I actually always eat the same and day after not hungry/eat the entire day and repeating the same cycle....this has various reasons*,but I have no clue anymore what to do as was only able to afford joining a cheap basic gym.So,basic advice on that is appreciated too.)
*Reasons: bc I experience for some reason such weird emotional/anxiety/not wanting to be at home,became scared/entangled by all Paleo-talk regarding:sitting too much/watching tv,too much carbs,too much fat,IFing/'normal' mealfrequency/still my own food-weight&exercise issues....and also bc I actually never liked to cook,in my 'naive food-High cardio-days I lived off breadmeals,pre-made meal salads,pasta,pizza,dining out basically stuff which didn't ask much preparation mostly just shoving in the microwave or putting some HFCS-saladdressing on top and some cheese sprinkling.....

Are there also people who experienced 'food intolerances' vanishing,eating this way? (bc I'd love to eat tomato,peppers,onions,garlic regularly again......this is part of my 'food issues'problem,that I feel I can never trust myself regarding foods I like very much/give me a blissful feeling/cause me to eat/want more of they all turned out to be heavy food intolerances in a test I did way back ago.)

My story is very complicated and I'd love to post it,so you guys get some more insight in al my 'issues' and maybe can give better advice,but it's quite long and I don't like the fact that it can be seen by everyone online.I'd actually would love to work with The Rubins regarding nutrition&exercise&emotional stuff or even do the Metabolic Blueprint program but it's waaaayyyy out of my league financially,unfortunately:'(


one possibility: drink milk and oj all day. like 4 quarts. you could add chocolate and or coffee to your milk. if you need more food, choose from cheese, eggs, potatoes, other fruits, and every once in a while shrimp, liver.


Nov 21, 2012
j. said:
one possibility: drink milk and oj all day. like 4 quarts. you could add chocolate and or coffee to your milk. if you need more food, choose from cheese, eggs, potatoes, other fruits, and every once in a while shrimp, liver.

Thanx,but like I mentioned,I actually don't like to drink my calories/food. And my therapist asked me to not consume Oranges and Cacao anyway bc of some chemical that's in there that blocks gallbladder/liver function and I never liked coffee. (I only like Green Tea)
I'm actually looking for mealsamples of what people eat on a day,preferrably the non-fruit ones as fruit is not an option for me for various reasons. Or does someone maybe know a site where I could find good recipes that fit easily within this category?

(as I find most Paleo sites have such boring/repeating same-old-same-old recipes with lots of bacon and avocado and coconutmilk.The latter of which I'm still on the fence,bc although it's healthy fatcomponent it's also high in free fructose and I think I have fructose malabsorption/FODMAP issues).


Sorry, didn't remember the part about not wanting liquids. My suggestion is to just start by completely eliminating significant sources of PUFAs. Continue your life the way it was but use coconut oil instead of other oils, butter instead of margarine, beef fat instead of pork or beef fat. The positive effects of PUFA reduction take a while to manifest, like a few months.


Nov 21, 2012
j. said:
Sorry, didn't remember the part about not wanting liquids. My suggestion is to just start by completely eliminating significant sources of PUFAs. Continue your life the way it was but use coconut oil instead of other oils, butter instead of margarine, beef fat instead of pork or beef fat. The positive effects of PUFA reduction take a while to manifest, like a few months.

Thanx J. I already have for quite a while,but I need to get off my current destructive (meal)pattern so thats why I'm desperately begging for everyone to post what they eat/recipes for breakfast/dinner/lunch. Hoping that I wont feel tired,lethargic,depressed/not wanting to exercise/anxiety/die-off? etc.

I'm also still looking for a sustainable workout program that I can easily built-upon.


I feel better than 6 months ago, the amount of time I've been Peating, but still don't want to exercise


Nov 7, 2012
Dutchie said:
... I need to get off my current destructive (meal)pattern so thats why I'm desperately begging for everyone to post what they eat/recipes for breakfast/dinner/lunch.

If you're aware that your current approach isn't working, perhaps it's a good
idea to be more open to things outside your preference, like liquid calories in
milk and OJ?

- Scott


Aug 9, 2012
You could try eating potatoes and cottage cheese and such instead. We'll get you eating fructose eventually. :D

Carrots are to be eaten raw, and don't really count towards your calories.


Nov 21, 2012
j. said:
I feel better than 6 months ago, the amount of time I've been Peating, but still don't want to exercise

Thing is I 'want to' knowing I'm going to the buffetrestaurant afterwards after working at my voluntary job all day not eating sometimes feeling growling stomach and sometimes not,where I actually eat the same thing everyday so it's actually no fun. (Thinking of it now,though I didnt know back then when it started,it's kinda Peat Style however not really nutritional at all and probably adrenal stressing,thyroid issues,leaky gut/feeding wrong bacteria?pancreas&liver souring?dont know where to start/whats causing what anymore:(.....Unfortunately I cant recreate these things for myself,besides the fact that I need to after years of (unknowingly destructive) pattern get a 'normal pattern' of 3meals a day,though I sometimes dont know anymore whats normal).


Nov 21, 2012
sctb said:
Dutchie said:
... I need to get off my current destructive (meal)pattern so thats why I'm desperately begging for everyone to post what they eat/recipes for breakfast/dinner/lunch.

If you're aware that your current approach isn't working, perhaps it's a good
idea to be more open to things outside your preference, like liquid calories in
milk and OJ?

- Scott

Hi Scott,

Well I didnt meant solid vs liquid when I mentioned 'destructive mealpattern'. (On a sidenote,liquid calories dont satiate me,I really need to chew on stuff to feel satiated,like I've actually eaten anything.)
The therapist who's treating me for Lyme,amongst other things such as lots of metabolic disregulations,asked me not to consume anything regarding oranges&cacao since there was something in both that would obstruct the gallbladder,I think, even when ingested in the smallest amounts.Besides the fact that I never really liked OJ&oranges for that matter.


Nov 21, 2012
kiran said:
You could try eating potatoes and cottage cheese and such instead. We'll get you eating fructose eventually. :D

Carrots are to be eaten raw, and don't really count towards your calories.

Hi Kiran,

I actually always loved eating carrots,preferrably raw but I have this weird thing going on with I think the Betacarotene as I turn orange by eating carrot daily and/or punpkin. And when I eat red beats my pee turns purple. I feel like I'm a fr*kin' Chameleon,the only thing that doesn't turn into something colorful within me are green&white veggies.

As I said eating fruit really messes with my satiaty,brainchemistry etc. (though I'm still on the fence regarding some greenyellowish banana,pumpkin,beets,honey,coconut milk....)
But aside from that,there's really no good resources here to get fruit apart from heavily-processed-GMO-glow-in-the-dark-doesnt-even-look-anymore-like fruits.;)


Nov 7, 2012
I can't really make any food recommendations, but I do with you the best
of luck. You might find this podcast episode interesting vis-à-vis anxiety
around food and food intolerances.


- Scott


Aug 9, 2012
That sounds like carotene overload. Have you tried grating your carrot lengthwise and/or rinsing it before eating it?

You probably want to avoid any fat around the carrot, because fats tend to increase carotene absorption.

As an alternative to the carrot, you could ingest cascara or activated charcoal to remove toxins from your gut.

Have you tried eating condensed milk with salt as a source of sugar perhaps?
Or just sugar syrup with a bit of salt? Honey should work too if you can get enough of it. I believe there's a lot of fake honey floating around though ...

Rice and Potatoes are a decent source of starch if you can't do fructose. Might lead to a bit of weight gain tho.

Green veggies: anti-metabolic food. Make it into a broth instead.
pumpkin: too much beta-carotene
Beets might be ok.

The reason Peat likes below ground veggies is that they mostly have defenses against fungi which really doesn't affect people much. Whereas vegetables do have chemical defenses (toxins) against mammals which end up being somewhat toxic to us.

Skip the cardio, and stick to weight training. Since you're sick, Don't push yourself.

The reason for ripe fruits is that fruits are essentially made to be consumed by animals and therefore have fewer toxins. Unripe fruit on the other hand ...
So there's no reason why tomatoes, onions and peppers should be bad per se. It's just that you can't tolerate them.

I used to have issues with bread, but now I can tolerate it (organic un-enriched) just fine.
Oh, and stop worrying about your carb intake...


Aug 10, 2012
Hi Dutchie and welcome.

Umm. I'll try to tell you what I've eaten today more or less. I'll skip the supplements.

Black tea with milk.
1 egg omelette cooked in lots of butter and CO, 2 pcs bacon fried-then drained-refried in CO, cooked fruit, oj with baking soda and mineral H2O, milky coffee with sugar.
More milky cof with sug.
Applesauce and cheese.
Latte with 2 sugars, 2 peppermint candies.
Raw carrot salad with lemon j, CO and sugar dressing. (Grated and rinsed carrots thoroughly.)
OJ with cheese.
Masa corn chips with oj/mineral water. (This was bad for me. Pufa chips + Starch) Heavy feeling in tummy.
OJ jello with cottage cheese.
More cheese and oj before bed.

Hope this is a little help in breaking the pattern.

Goodnight everybody.


Nov 21, 2012
kiran said:
That sounds like carotene overload. Have you tried grating your carrot lengthwise and/or rinsing it before eating it?

You probably want to avoid any fat around the carrot, because fats tend to increase carotene absorption.

As an alternative to the carrot, you could ingest cascara or activated charcoal to remove toxins from your gut.

Have you tried eating condensed milk with salt as a source of sugar perhaps?
Or just sugar syrup with a bit of salt? Honey should work too if you can get enough of it. I believe there's a lot of fake honey floating around though ...

Rice and Potatoes are a decent source of starch if you can't do fructose. Might lead to a bit of weight gain tho.

Green veggies: anti-metabolic food. Make it into a broth instead.
pumpkin: too much beta-carotene
Beets might be ok.

The reason Peat likes below ground veggies is that they mostly have defenses against fungi which really doesn't affect people much. Whereas vegetables do have chemical defenses (toxins) against mammals which end up being somewhat toxic to us.

Skip the cardio, and stick to weight training. Since you're sick, Don't push yourself.

The reason for ripe fruits is that fruits are essentially made to be consumed by animals and therefore have fewer toxins. Unripe fruit on the other hand ...
So there's no reason why tomatoes, onions and peppers should be bad per se. It's just that you can't tolerate them.

I used to have issues with bread, but now I can tolerate it (organic un-enriched) just fine.
Oh, and stop worrying about your carb intake...

I just find it to be not normal that I turn these colors,while I know people who snack on lots of carrots daily and they dont have this problem.

It's not really fear of carbs in's the fear of carbs&fat together,fearing my body wants to pack on the pounds.....and I honest to God,dont know which 'carbs' or what at all to eat anymore,what makes me feel energetic enough to wanting to workout hard(apart from going massively off-thewagon meaning going to the restaurant,which I guess kinda came to an end tonight as they told me 'they dont earn enough money by me eating lots of icecream&whipped cream' and that really scares the sh*t out of me bc I'm now forced to stay home and eat/cook&prepare 3meals a day)

Honestly,I dont consider myself to be sick.....I actually think I'm keeping myself sick for the most part by doing,or more not doing what I should, what I'm doing.Though I know there's definitely thyroid&adrenal stuff going on but it's also confusing bc both seem to benefit from contrasting dietary advices from what I read around the net.


Sep 18, 2012
I'm sorry, this is not what you want to hear - but I would suggest to get rid of that therapist. He is obviously a great danger to your health. What would it be in orange juice and cocoa that is bad for you?

The things you don't want to or are not allowed to eat are pretty much the core of what Ray Peat suggests. What if you just try it for two weeks and assess the success?

Maybe you start by reading Ray Peat's work on and search it especially for your problems. I guarantee you'll come away with some new ideas.

There is another member diagnosed with 'Lyme disease'. Maybe you'd like to read the (for now) 'progesterone thread'?


Aug 9, 2012
I was diagnosed with Lyme disease at some point too. Antibiotics helped upto a point, but following Ray Peat has been super useful. I no longer consider myself as having Lyme disease, but there's still a few annoying details to be worked out with my diet.


Oct 3, 2012
Dutchie said:
Hi Kiran,

I actually always loved eating carrots,preferrably raw but I have this weird thing going on with I think the Betacarotene as I turn orange by eating carrot daily and/or punpkin. And when I eat red beats my pee turns purple. I feel like I'm a fr*kin' Chameleon,the only thing that doesn't turn into something colorful within me are green&white veggies.

As I said eating fruit really messes with my satiaty,brainchemistry etc. (though I'm still on the fence regarding some greenyellowish banana,pumpkin,beets,honey,coconut milk....)
But aside from that,there's really no good resources here to get fruit apart from heavily-processed-GMO-glow-in-the-dark-doesnt-even-look-anymore-like fruits.;)

You can eat bamboo shoots instead of raw carrots.
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