Need Advice On What To Do


Jul 19, 2017
Hello everyone!
First of all, I want to thank you all because this forum is really an amazing place where I always look at if I have any question regarding biochemistry, biology etc.
Thanks to all the information I was able to get from the forum and from Ray's articles I basically cured my hypotiroidsm two years ago (I went from 4.5+ TSH to like 1.5, improving a lot my digestion problems I had when I was on low carb high fiber paleo).
Now I would really love your advice since I find myself into a pretty annoying condition and I don't know where to start to fix it.
I'm a quite fit young man (26), working out since I was 18, but last year, due to a sternum problem I had to stop training. Not only that, but last December I woke at like 1 A.M. with this terrifying feeling of difficulty of breathing. Not feeling oppressed or something like that, but something more like I really have to force it like I have to lift weights, it was like my hearth was producing a lot of lactic acid (probably was not, just the feeling), and that really scares me. After two hours it got better a bit and I was able to sleep. From that night I have always felt tired, but not really like tired when you have done something heavy, it's more like I am deprived of energy (some days more some days less). I had a couple of cases of those strange hearth attacks but it's like 5-6 months that I don't have one anymore (now I really try to avoid any kind of stress).
That's pretty much it, I feel like there is something in my chest that is subtracting my energy from me and the feeling is like the one you have when you want to cry a lot and scream but force yourself not to. Some nights this feeling makes me think that I'm going to have an hearth attack or something so I'm really annoyed and I want to investigate since it's too much time I'm having this.
For sure I will do blood labs, any suggestion about what to measure?
Also I think I will screen some of my organs, the problem is probably somewhere between hearth, lungs and stomach I think (what do you think?) and maybe infection related (I always had bacterial problems, took like A LOT of probiotics during my paleo period). Is there some check to do which is not harmful like x-rays?
Thanks a lot for reading this lol and sorry for my bad English, not my native language.


Dec 8, 2016
Are your metabolic needs being met?
You’re young and active and now have a healthier metabolism according to your TSH.
Better metabolism equals greater need.

At night, have you tried drinking sugared milk- or some oj, salt, gelatin, coconut milk combo?
The OJ combo is great because it is balanced macros with a pinch of salt- and gelatin relieves stress.
Sugar lowers cortisol. Salt lowers adrenaline.
As I healed I greatly underestimated my needs for both sugar and salt.


Jul 19, 2017
Are your metabolic needs being met?
You’re young and active and now have a healthier metabolism according to your TSH.
Better metabolism equals greater need.

At night, have you tried drinking sugared milk- or some oj, salt, gelatin, coconut milk combo?
The OJ combo is great because it is balanced macros with a pinch of salt- and gelatin relieves stress.
Sugar lowers cortisol. Salt lowers adrenaline.
As I healed I greatly underestimated my needs for both sugar and salt.
I usually have my largest meal at dinner, to make sure I have energy during the sleep. I will try the combo tonight anyway and see if I notice any difference. Regarding my energy needs it is indeed possible that I'm undereating but I really struggle to find something I can eat in large quantities. Sugar I struggle to eat more than 150g/day so I dont know, maybe I will go for more SFA.


Jul 19, 2017
Sorry for double post guys. But last saturday I went to the emergency hospital due to a sudden worsen of my symptoms :( I was at a friend party (very easy, no alchol or drugs or whatever) and even if I wasn't hungry I ate a lot of rice just to make sure I have enough energy to go through the evening. A bit after midnight I went to bed and then I started to tremble A LOT, my temp dropped to like 35.5 celsius and my hearth rate was 120-130bpm so I went to the hospital.. They did me a X-ray to the chest and some labs (which I integrated today with some others) and I really don't understand the results.. My hearth looked fine (also tested troponine and it was low) and there was no sign of infection (low crp, ultra low esr, white blood cells in range). My x ray scan showed something on the 10th rib and the physician told me it is usually a sign of pneumonia but since the inflammation markers were really low she said that it was just an "artifact" of the scan. BUT now that I see my other labs and I have positive anti streptolysin O, (299 and the bound is 200) so I don't know what to think. I also have very low vitamin D, 13 ng/mL. It is possible that I have an infection but my immune system just doesn't do much? Have someone any idea? I have no others values out of scale (tsh ok albumin ok electrolytes ok etc), only colesterol is high (266) but I think it's ok since I'm 25 lean and muscular


Oct 1, 2019
Rice alone? Balanced meals are the best. Just eating carbs will increase serotonin, stress.

Read Rays articles on Serotonin, I had similar symptoms as you when I was following a carnivore diet. Extreme chest tightness, inability to breath comfortably as if something is pressing on my lungs and not enough oxygen enters. Heart pounding at night, inability to fall asleep.


Jul 19, 2017
Rice alone? Balanced meals are the best. Just eating carbs will increase serotonin, stress.

Read Rays articles on Serotonin, I had similar symptoms as you when I was following a carnivore diet. Extreme chest tightness, inability to breath comfortably as if something is pressing on my lungs and not enough oxygen enters. Heart pounding at night, inability to fall asleep.
I ate rice with chicken but actually it was not much so yeah almost rice alone..
I will read them for sure thanks!


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
If it were me I’d work on getting the vitamin D level up and also follow up/get a second opinion on the chest x-ray results.


Jul 19, 2017
If it were me I’d work on getting the vitamin D level up and also follow up/get a second opinion on the chest x-ray results.
Yes, I was thinking about getting 10.000UI per day since it's winter now.. About the scan I don't know who I can show it aside my family physician (and I think I will) but the streptococcus anticorps plus the scan make sense to me that I could be like cronic pneumonia or something like that


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Yes, I was thinking about getting 10.000UI per day since it's winter now.. About the scan I don't know who I can show it aside my family physician (and I think I will) but the streptococcus anticorps plus the scan make sense to me that I could be like cronic pneumonia or something like that
I think your family doctor is a good place to start especially since you have had low energy, breathing issues, high heart rate and the abnormal lab. Best wishes


Mar 29, 2014
I'm with Blossom about getting your doctor's opinion if there's a chance there are heart or lung issues.

If s/he doesn't find anything serious, some other ideas ...

I usually have my largest meal at dinner, to make sure I have energy during the sleep. I will try the combo tonight anyway and see if I notice any difference.
This may work for you, but for some people, having a lot of food to digest at night can be a burden, and the body can often use it better in the day. You cld experiment with eating more earlier in the day?
Regarding my energy needs it is indeed possible that I'm undereating but I really struggle to find something I can eat in large quantities.
You can try logging a few days in to see what you are getting in. Some personal variation for size, activity etc, but of the order of approx 3000 cals is normal.

Do you know if you sleep with your mouth open or closed? If open, you could try mechanical support to help keep it closed (eg gentle chinstrap or gentle tape). Unaware hyperventilation at night is fairly common. It can cause disturbing symptoms in some people. Best to first check out potential infections etc, though.

When I'm fighting infections, I increase vit-C.


Jul 19, 2017
I'm with Blossom about getting your doctor's opinion if there's a chance there are heart or lung issues.

If s/he doesn't find anything serious, some other ideas ...

This may work for you, but for some people, having a lot of food to digest at night can be a burden, and the body can often use it better in the day. You cld experiment with eating more earlier in the day?

You can try logging a few days in to see what you are getting in. Some personal variation for size, activity etc, but of the order of approx 3000 cals is normal.

Do you know if you sleep with your mouth open or closed? If open, you could try mechanical support to help keep it closed (eg gentle chinstrap or gentle tape). Unaware hyperventilation at night is fairly common. It can cause disturbing symptoms in some people. Best to first check out potential infections etc, though.

When I'm fighting infections, I increase vit-C.

Thanks for the answer tara. Regarding eating in the evening, I have much more appetite then in the first part of the day, but anyway I will try to eat dinner a bit earlier so I have more time to digest before going to bed.

During the day I'm sure I only breath with my nose since if I try breathing with mouth I feel really bad after just a minute, so it is spontaneous for me now breathing with nose. I think that is true also at night since I never found myself mouth breathing in bed but I don't know maybe during the REM phase something may change..

I'm eating lots of fresh squeezed OJ now since here in Italy we have our oranges, I will try to add some synthetic vit. C to up the dose.
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