My dog had tooth removed & now has disc problems


Mar 12, 2018
My dog had an nasty abscess from a rotten tooth resulting in green gunk running from her eye and nose after the tooth was removed. Infection was treated with antibiotics and homeopathy.

In the following 8 months she started to gain weight and then have back spasms.

A couple of months ago she had a full blown back episode were the spine and discs were inflamed and causing pain.

After some research I have come to the conclusion some of the bacteria from the abscess made it's way into the disks between the vertebra and spine. She's a greyhound and apparently with long- spined dogs like greyhounds and dashounds bacteria likes to go the spine.

Treatment would be long-term antibiotic therapy 6 months + which my vet is reluctant to do.

I have her on a mixture of mushrooms like Turkey tail, Rieshi and chaga and also egg shell membrane and a little progesterone. She's raw fed, eats a lot of organ meats and wild rabbit, milk & fruit

I'm looking for any suggestions I can try at all. I wondered if Thiamine could help with speeding up her digestion as I know low thiamine is a cause for SIBO and help rid of some bacteria. Many thanks


Jan 26, 2020
Well high dose methylene blue is antibacterial and it penetrates every tissue. How well it would work for spine is questionable. Super High dose niacinamide could also work, I'm not sure about the conversion for doggos. Niacinamide Can Help Treat Highly Drug-resistant Bacterial Infections

However these are just theories. You should definitely go the antibiotics route, they are tried and tested and known to work. The earlier the better.

Keeping the intestines well is good and preventative but its not going to fix the spine


Feb 9, 2022
Here's an article about actual colloidal silver metal/ions:

"Silver has attracted a lot of attention as a powerful, broad spectrum and natural antimicrobial agent since the ancient times because of its nontoxic nature to the human body at low concentrations. It has been used in treatment of various infections and ulcers, storage of water and prevention of bacterial growth on the surfaces and within materials. However, there are numerous medical and health benefits of colloidal or nanosilver apart from its microbicidal ability which as yet has not been fully embraced by the medical community. These include antiplatelet activity, antioxidant effect, anticancer activity, wound healing and bone regeneration, enhancement of immunity, and increase in antibiotic efficiency. Additionally silver also provides protection against alcohol toxicity, upper respiratory tract infections and stomach ailments. Although nanosilver has been proposed for various topical applications, its usage by ingestion and inhalation remains controversial due to the lack of detailed and precise toxicity information. These beneficial properties of silver can be utilized by using silver at very low concentrations which are not harmful to the human body and environment. The following review discusses the diverse medical applications of silver and further recommends human clinical studies for its in vivo usage."

"Natural colloidal silver was used as a strong and broad-spectrum antibiotic, since the late 1800s with no harmful side effects observed, for well over 100 years. There have been anecdotal references of ancient Greeks using silver plates, silver cups and silver utensils which conferred antimicrobial properties and prevented them from infectious illness. Besides, silver has a long history of medical usage and was mostly used empirically even before the understanding that microbes were the agents of infection (Alexander 2009). Silver preparations were used by Hippocrates the ‘Father of Medicine’, to treat ulcers and promote healing of wounds (Hippocrates (400 B.C.E.))."

So, in other words, silver has been empirically proved through trial and error and tradition to be synergistic with the terrain of the human body.



Historically silver has been used as a major therapeutic agent in medicine especially in infectious diseases including surgical infections (Alexander 2009). However, there have been apprehensions associated with the usage of nanosilver through this long and diverse history of its applications. A continuous debate on the benefits and drawbacks of the use of silver-incorporated products in healthcare and medicine has prevailed ever since. The physician Paracelsus who founded the discipline of toxicology quoted back in 1529 that ‘Poison is in everything, and no thing is without poison. The dosage makes it either a poison or a remedy.’ Silver can be highly beneficial to the human body when used within limits and potentially harmful when used in excess. It is reported to have an advantageous risk: benefit ratio. Further studies on nanosilver with increasing time of exposure and dose and with additional organ systems are recommended. In order to use the potential medical benefits of silver, in vivo human clinical studies and trials are required.

So if you have toxoplasmosis, lyme disease, malaria, babesia, try homemade colloidal silver in small amounts. People have consumed colloidal silver from silverware daily for millenia and have not had noticeable neurodegenerative or toxic effects while still gaining the benefits. If you don't want to try homemade colloidal silver, at least get yourself a set of silverware. It could help swing the chronic infection to your body's favor.
Could try colloidal silver. 5V cell charger and two strips of .9999 silver less than $20 will last a lifetime.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
Could try colloidal silver. 5V cell charger and two strips of .9999 silver less than $20 will last a lifetime.
I use 500 ppm colloidal silver from Innovative Natural Products. Don’t use low ppm colloidal silver, it didn’t work for an abscess that I had from a puncture of a dirty scraper during teeth cleaning.

Then chlorine dioxide drops may work, it cured the early onset of arthritis with two stiff fingers of the caretaker of my mom back in 2012. She took four activated drops each day and after 5 days the stiffness and swelling of her fingers was gone! You have to proportion this according to the dog’s weight. Probably just one activated drop or half of this per day.

You could also brush your dog’s teeth & mouth with colloidal silver or chlorine dioxide.


Feb 9, 2022
I use 500 ppm colloidal silver from Innovative Natural Products. Don’t use low ppm colloidal silver, it didn’t work for an abscess that I had from a puncture of a dirty scraper during teeth cleaning.

Then chlorine dioxide drops may work, it cured the early onset of arthritis with two stiff fingers of the caretaker of my mom back in 2012. She took four activated drops each day and after 5 days the stiffness and swelling of her fingers was gone! You have to proportion this according to the dog’s weight. Probably just one activated drop or half of this per day.

You could also brush your dog’s teeth & mouth with colloidal silver or chlorine dioxide.
You can make colloidal silver as strong as you want by increasing electrolysis time. You can test it with a laser pointer for approximate values or you can use a PWT (pure water testing) meter. Measuring PPM of Colloidal Silver - Concentration in Parts per Million Just make sure you use distilled water.

I would advise against using chlorine dioxide regularly, it should be used to treat specific ailments usually that you have found it to quickly cure in the past.


Apr 26, 2018
You can make colloidal silver as strong as you want by increasing electrolysis time. You can test it with a laser pointer for approximate values or you can use a PWT (pure water testing) meter. Measuring PPM of Colloidal Silver - Concentration in Parts per Million Just make sure you use distilled water.

I would advise against using chlorine dioxide regularly, it should be used to treat specific ailments usually that you have found it to quickly cure in the past.

You might help eliminate the back spasms and inflammation with CBD drops for dogs. Be sure and get the ones made specifically for animals. IT could bring your dog great relief. Don't overdose.


Apr 26, 2018
My dog had an nasty abscess from a rotten tooth resulting in green gunk running from her eye and nose after the tooth was removed. Infection was treated with antibiotics and homeopathy.

In the following 8 months she started to gain weight and then have back spasms.

A couple of months ago she had a full blown back episode were the spine and discs were inflamed and causing pain.

After some research I have come to the conclusion some of the bacteria from the abscess made it's way into the disks between the vertebra and spine. She's a greyhound and apparently with long- spined dogs like greyhounds and dashounds bacteria likes to go the spine.

Treatment would be long-term antibiotic therapy 6 months + which my vet is reluctant to do.

I have her on a mixture of mushrooms like Turkey tail, Rieshi and chaga and also egg shell membrane and a little progesterone. She's raw fed, eats a lot of organ meats and wild rabbit, milk & fruit

I'm looking for any suggestions I can try at all. I wondered if Thiamine could help with speeding up her digestion as I know low thiamine is a cause for SIBO and help rid of some bacteria. Many thanks

Sorry to repeat this but I answered the wrong person....
You might help eliminate the back spasms and inflammation with CBD drops for dogs. Be sure and get the ones made specifically for animals. IT could bring your dog great relief. Don't overdose. It is not an antibiotic.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
You can make colloidal silver as strong as you want by increasing electrolysis time. You can test it with a laser pointer for approximate values or you can use a PWT (pure water testing) meter. Measuring PPM of Colloidal Silver - Concentration in Parts per Million Just make sure you use distilled water.

I would advise against using chlorine dioxide regularly, it should be used to treat specific ailments usually that you have found it to quickly cure in the past.
I have used three activated drops twice a day for two years, since the beginning of the Covid plandemic. Never got sick, not even a cold. But I also used all the recommended supplements.


Feb 18, 2017
I would go with the antibiotics. If I couldn't convince the vet I'd buy it directly. BenGay (mostly methyl salicylate) a couple times per day directly on the spine might help ease the discomfort. Beware of dosing too much but it might be that an effective dose does not risk salicylate poisoning. Likewise progesterone directly on the spine. Maybe mix with olive oil to spread a smaller dose. It can be sedating. In both cases you might need countermeasures to licking it off. Very sorry for your troubles and best of luck to you both.


New Member
Mar 6, 2022
My dog had an nasty abscess from a rotten tooth resulting in green gunk running from her eye and nose after the tooth was removed. Infection was treated with antibiotics and homeopathy.

In the following 8 months she started to gain weight and then have back spasms.

A couple of months ago she had a full blown back episode were the spine and discs were inflamed and causing pain.

After some research I have come to the conclusion some of the bacteria from the abscess made it's way into the disks between the vertebra and spine. She's a greyhound and apparently with long- spined dogs like greyhounds and dashounds bacteria likes to go the spine.

Treatment would be long-term antibiotic therapy 6 months + which my vet is reluctant to do.

I have her on a mixture of mushrooms like Turkey tail, Rieshi and chaga and also egg shell membrane and a little progesterone. She's raw fed, eats a lot of organ meats and wild rabbit, milk & fruit

I'm looking for any suggestions I can try at all. I wondered if Thiamine could help with speeding up her digestion as I know low thiamine is a cause for SIBO and help rid of some bacteria. Many thanks
I'm really sorry to hear about your dog's health problems. The experience with my old Chow's failing health reminds me of the three basic things I tried that worked for pain relief, mobility and quality of life improvement. Borax in his water 5 days out of the week takes number one spot. Marinading his raw meat in live kefir is number two. Diatomaceous earth in his food is number three. I think it was the synergy of the three that worked really well. Chows are very reserved and suspicious dogs in the best of times so gaining his cooperation with this was a job. But his dignity when he eventually walked the green mile still makes me teary.
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