Men Should Ejaculate at Least 21 Times a Month To Slash Their Prostate Cancer Risk


Aug 21, 2020
Would you dispute the notion that exercising complete mastery over your sexual urge is a fundamental part of taking control of your life?
I think mastery over your body and thoughts in general is essential, but it needs to be guided by wisdom.

Abstaining from masturbation in the absence of sex seems like a useless, stressful waste of time and energy.

I can accept that people have different beliefs about this, but isn't that just what they are – beliefs?


Jan 6, 2019
I think mastery over your body and thoughts in general is essential, but it needs to be guided by wisdom.

Abstaining from masturbation in the absence of sex seems like a useless, stressful waste of time and energy.
Well said, yet a question must be asked: is it ever wise to give in to your base impulses? Indulging in masturbation due to the stress of not doing so is like indulging in laziness due to exercise being stressful, or indulging in alcohol due to sobriety being stressful: if you're unaccustomed to either abstinence, exercise or sobriety, they're going to produce stress -- yet such stress would be merely transient, and the long-term consequences largely beneficial.

I can accept that people have different beliefs, but isn't that just what they are – beliefs?
Some have unsubstantiated beliefs. Others have empirical knowledge. One man may be led to another direction than the other, but they would both be wise to ensure that they belong to the former group. Question: for how long should one pursue abstinence until they can conclude that it's not for them?


Jun 12, 2016
I tried it for three months and it just made me miserable and tense.

I'd argue the discomfort men in pursuing abstinence is 80% a conditioned response. E.g., not because you're some manly man with a powerful libido. A toxic environment and pornographic culture will warp one's glandular and nervous system. Social isolation, cultural decadence, poor diet and lack of meaningful pursuits will make masturbation a powerful "outlet."

But we know that "outlet" isn't really a complete metaphor as there is a corresponding morphological changes into the coomer phenotype. If you spend your formative years masturbating, you will establish powerful habitual tendencies you will live with until your sexual faculties fade away unless you consciously change. This of course is amplified tremendously when if porn is involved.


Jan 27, 2021

It will be interesting to see the nofap brigade try to justify their belief and bury their head in the sand even deeper. How could facts get them to change their religious belief since decades of similar research has not managed to steer them on a rational path?

I have been advocating release 2 times per week, but seems like maybe 3 is a better minimum to aim for.
I think thats fair actually.
The older you get, the less you should fap mostly to conserve energies.
I think it mostly porn that ***** people up.

Fapping and connected/consensual sex can be high energy.
Jun 30, 2021


Once you understand the Chakra system, everything starts making sense

It's quite simple — most people will live their entire life stuck in their root chakra, never expressing that energy into higher forms of creation

Semen retention is a journey of energy cultivation and transmutation into creative and spiritual outlets

Jun 30, 2021
The central nervous system resembles a sperm cell for a reason.


Cultivate your energy. Retain your seed.
Apr 25, 2020
Masturbation is a sin and an degenerated act. Turn to Jesus Christ for help!

Don't fall for not even well thought out propaganda pieces like this.


Aug 21, 2020
Well said, yet a question must be asked: is it ever wise to give in to your base impulses? Indulging in masturbation due to the stress of not doing so is like indulging in laziness due to exercise being stressful, or indulging in alcohol due to sobriety being stressful: if you're unaccustomed to either abstinence, exercise or sobriety, they're going to produce stress -- yet such stress would be merely transient, and the long-term consequences largely beneficial.

Some have unsubstantiated beliefs. Others have empirical knowledge. One man may be led to another direction than the other, but they would both be wise to ensure that they belong to the former group. Question: for how long should one pursue abstinence until they can conclude that it's not for them?
These are good questions, and I find myself asking them often these days, although not about masturbation specifically.

Many of the strategies promoted on this forum seem to be effective in the short term (as a way of allowing the body to heal), but counterproductive in the long term. I have seen this in my own life, especially in the context of exercising or staying home. Over time, forcing myself to go outside despite feeling terrible has brought me closer to good health than staying at home and relax. I think everyone should try to find his happy medium.

However, let's not forget that sex is a basic physiological need, and unlike alcohol or other addictions, the urge to masturbate is simply an innate response to a lack of sex – not to mention a general sign of healthy sexual function. No man should be made to feel guilty about it.


Jun 18, 2021
At everyone, nice thoughts you have here.

But how about deliberately ejaculating before the sexual intercourse (to last longer) -- and also ejaculating outside your partner (to avoid pregnancy); do you think it's healthy?

I'm trying to be formal with my words here... haha.
Nov 21, 2015
I have been practicing non-ejaculatory sex and refraining from masturbation for many many years now and it is an incredibly good lifestyle for me.

I could never imagine that I would want to refrain from masturbation if I didn’t have a partner. I do have a partner and she is wonderful and we have sex very very often. I just don’t ejaculate that often. Once a week or once every other week.

I think if you don’t ejaculate often enough, and you have a high sex drive, then you will induce semen resorption which can create antibodies in your blood against your own semen.


Jun 18, 2021

Man, that's though... so basically most times you just dip it in?
I couldn't even last that long without ejaculating before hand (on Carnivore I could though).

In regards to the semen resorption which I only knew just now,
I guess that's the main premise of the study referenced in the OP.
Nov 21, 2015

Man, that's though... so basically most times you just dip it in?
I couldn't even last that long without ejaculating before hand (on Carnivore I could though).

In regards to the semen resorption which I only knew just now,
I guess that's the main premise of the study referenced in the OP.

I have intercourse many times each week, as often as possible. Ejaculating rarely helps tremendously.


Jan 6, 2019
However, let's not forget that sex is a basic physiological need, and unlike alcohol or other addictions, the urge to masturbate is simply an innate response to a lack of sex – not to mention a general sign of healthy sexual function. No man should be made to feel guilty about it.
Human connection could be classified as a basic need.. Sex in itself, not necessarily so -- many thrive without the latter, but hardly anyone without the former. Guilt is indeed unwanted, rather what is desirable is full acknowledgement and acceptance of the consequences of the act. However, in a situation where one makes themselves go through the act & consequences against their true will, guilt is an apt reaction. Is it not so?


Mar 18, 2021
I have been practicing non-ejaculatory sex and refraining from masturbation for many many years now and it is an incredibly good lifestyle for me.

I could never imagine that I would want to refrain from masturbation if I didn’t have a partner. I do have a partner and she is wonderful and we have sex very very often. I just don’t ejaculate that often. Once a week or once every other week.

I think if you don’t ejaculate often enough, and you have a high sex drive, then you will induce semen resorption which can create antibodies in your blood against your own semen.

When practicing non-ejaculatory sex do you get the so called dry orgasms? Does it culminate into a pleasurable endorphin-like sensation and relaxation?
Nov 21, 2015
When practicing non-ejaculatory sex do you get the so called dry orgasms? Does it culminate into a pleasurable endorphin-like sensation and relaxation?

I don't. I have whole body orgasmic feelings for 30 minutes or more. As long as my wife is willing. Afterwards it is very satisfying.


Aug 21, 2020
Human connection could be classified as a basic need.. Sex in itself, not necessarily so -- many thrive without the latter, but hardly anyone without the former. Guilt is indeed unwanted, rather what is desirable is full acknowledgement and acceptance of the consequences of the act. However, in a situation where one makes themselves go through the act & consequences against their true will, guilt is an apt reaction. Is it not so?
Sure, sex is not necessary for the survival of the individual, but it is the reason we are all here and, in my opinion, our ultimate biological drive.

Thinking about it, the reason masturbation has been so frowned upon in the past could be the same as for homosexuality: it deprives sexual activity of the possibility of procreation, which is of utmost importance for the survival of the community. That said, I think the invention and widespread use of contraception changed everything, and the days where sex was primarily about reproduction are definitely over (though the problem of sub-replacement fertility remains).
Apr 25, 2018

You are too young to understand how harmful masturbation is. There are people who are much more physically developed than you who refrain from this practice that is degrading not only physically. From the reports of many I noticed that they are also mentally intact and not losers with neural problems.

I assume anyway that it does not allow your time and even if it would allow you, you do not seem to have the necessary patience to document a little about how harmful this act of masturbation is.

Those who encourage masturbation are either dependent on it, ignorant or unconscious, there are also those who know the danger to which the masturbation practitioner is exposed, the latter encourage this procedure or present it as beneficial, with the criminal intention of creating and amplify the health problems of naive young people.

The benefits of not practicing masturbation are innumerable, but it is easier to throw tendentious words left and right, unknowingly. For those addicted to this practice, look for a partner, get married and then you will have real benefits!
Typical tradcon b.s. chicks are having sex with 100+ guys now on average but we're worried about young men jerking off bc it's a sin...

The nofap crew consistently cite people like Tesla, Tyson etc. as examples when there's plenty of examples of people who jerk off nonstop and are successful and fine both with women and in life. Tyson Fury for example?
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