Greetings everyone!


Jan 27, 2015
Hi all, first off, thanks for reading!

I've been lurking for a small while on the forum as well as reading a lot of Ray Peat's stuff over the past few months and thought I would post here to introduce myself.

A little about me :

I am a 23 year old male from the UK, planning on taking the plunge into a Ray Peat style diet. I have been looking for an optimal diet for about 2 years now after giving my body a severe battering through lack of sleep, high amounts of stress and a really rough diet (Which ironically at the time I thought was a healthy diet. Oh the joys of blind assumptions and mis-information!).

Growing up I was always very lean, happy, never had acne problems and had boundless energy. At around age 20 I wanted to have a good crack at putting on some muscle. This also coincided with me starting a new job which was 12 hours shifts, I worked my **** off and did a lot of overtime often resulting in 20 day stints of 12 hours night shifts in a physically active job with about 6 hours sleep in-between. At the same time I started eating about a kilogram of rice everyday, massive amounts of beef mince cooked in heaps of sunflower oil, a very small portion of mixed frozen veg as well as about a 1/3 of a gallon of full fat un-pasteurised milk (1.5L) and around 500g of oats a day.
Needless to say my body did not thank me, I kept this up for about 7 months and as a result suffered with terrible acne, I was constantly bloated, felt depressed and lethargic, suffered secondary hypogonadism and got hit with hair loss.

After this I shifted diets and went on a diet containing low carbs and masses of nuts and seeds to soak up all those healthy PUFAS...acne went down a bit and I leaned out again however the hair-loss, lathargy and low T all continued.

After this I then switched to a paleo style diet, no pasta/rice/oats/sugars got all my carbs from vegetables and ate lots of meat and still a fair amount of nuts, but cut out seeds. Since being on this diet I have sort of slowly leaned to more Peat style things (I eat a lot of cheese and full fat milk and am not so much afraid of sugars) but am now ready to really take the plunge...

I will post a template for my Diet in the diet section later and will do the same for supplements as well as sticking something in the Testimonials section to keep track of my progress with several markers of progress but a very simple template for what I am planning to do is this...

Diet :
Very heavy on the skim milk and orange juice,
Small amount of oysters daily,
Small amounts of liver 2 - 3 times a week,
Good amounts of gelatin obtained from making my own bone broths,
Some muscle meats 1 - 2 times a week (cuts close to the bone such as oxtail/shanks and scrag)
Watermelon and Grapes,
About 30g of 90% pure chocolate 1 - 2 times a week,
Thoroughly cooked beetroot/broccoli/parsnip 2 - 3 times a week
Coffee - With meals to inhibit iron absorption
Mushroom 1 -2 times a week

I am keeping it very restrictive right now and I know not all of this is peat recommended however I do have my vices (The root veg)


Supplements :
Vitamin E,
Thyroid Support Supplement,
Ginger Root,
Vitamin D,
Kale Broth,

I have included the Ginger, Garlic and Kale Broth in there as I am using them for supplemental effects, I will detail amounts etc in the supplements section.


Lifestyle :
8 - 10 Hours sleep a night,
An hour of walking every day,
Resistance training 3 times a week,


I realize resistance training is not Peatish in the slightest however this is something I enjoy doing. I have always had a naturally lean physique and do not want to train to failure in an attempt to gain massive amounts of muscle, I just enjoy it as an activity.

So yeah...feel free to ask any questions about any of my choices and I look forward to getting involved on the forum...sorry for the long introduction and thanks again for reading!


Mar 29, 2014
:welcome DKayJoe!

My guess is that if you put information about your current diet, supplements, progress markers, etc, all in one thread, it will be easier for people to get an overview of what might be going on for you.

If you do post more detail, you might want to mention what is in your thyroid support supplement.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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