Low Toxin Videos Dr Garrett Smiths Live stream: "DESTROYING the GLUCOSE/DEXTROSE powder FAD!!!"


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Feb 11, 2024

Pretty useless study to judge dextrose.

The study paints physiological hyperbilirubinemia, also called normal newborn jaundice, in a bad light.

60% of all newborns have this type of bilirubinemia and it usually goes away within a couple days independent of any intervention. The liver of the newborn needs a couple days to start working and there's probably some stuff in mother's milk and infant-formulas that stresses the newborn.

There's really no way to judge dextrose by giving a newborn a bit of dextrose and noticing a slight association with increased temporary bilirubinemia. Plain water acted worse than dextrose in this study. So does that mean water is bad?

The simple act of forcing something into a newborn already acts as a massive stressor to every infant that already has to deal with the trauma of being born in a hospital.

Childbirth has a long history of being medicalized by the medical establishment in order to turn women and newborns into patients, often by causing the symptoms they want to treat in the first place.

Not a single study he posted has anything to do with the topic.

Many other claims are plain wrong. Glucose does not turn into aldehydes. Glucose is not turned into fructose in the body in large amounts.

Fructose is metabolized in the liver. 50% of fructose is converted into glucose. 25% is converted to lactate, and around 20% is converted to glycogen. Glucose is only turned into fructose locally when needed: Sugar Swap: Human Brain Converts Glucose into Fructose. It seems the brain needs small amounts of fructose for optimal functioning.

He doesn't appear to read anything he posts. The paper on glucose as an antioxidant is very interesting and clearly says that glucose has both pro- and anti-oxidant abilities, and thus can't be compared to those antioxidants that indeed suppress oxidative metabolism and are flooding the market. Glucose modulates redox homeostasis on both ends.

Glucose is also not a laxative. Sucrose can be an osmotic laxative because some is not broken down quickly, but dextrose is quickly absorbed and does not attract water into the gut.

Ascorbic acid is structurally similar to glucose because in the body it's made from glucose. All animals produce large amounts of ascorbic acid from glucose to serve as a protective substance in times of stress. Humans have the ability to conserve most of their ascorbic acid so that this energetically expensive step is not necessary and dietary ascorbic acid is sufficient.

The study is about two diabetic asthmatics who also take other drugs and react to highly concentrated injections of dextrose. This is basically a reaction to a very high local concentration of dextrose in the blood. As a consequence, the study authors recommend lowering dextrose solution from 50% to 25% to prevent mast cell release. It has nothing to do with the general population.

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Unfortunately, he’s banking on the assumption that the majority of people who follow him either aren’t very intelligent or won’t take the time to read the studies and use logic and decide if what he’s saying actually makes sense. And to a degree it will work, because there are a lot people who follow him who are desperate to heal and hang on his every word and listen to the livestream and say, “oh wow that sounds scary, I definitely won’t look into taking dextrose.” But he’s just stabbing himself in the foot, because people are already starting to see him for who he truly is. By making rash, ignorant livestreams and posts like this where he straight up lies, makes things up, or only tells half the story, for the sake of being spiteful, his credibility goes way down.

Sebastian B

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Mar 12, 2024
Did anyone notice he called glucose an antioxidant? That's absurd, considering it's the opposite: glucose supports oxidative metabolism.


Feb 8, 2022
So I've been taking this live stream in pieces because it's so long and I don't have time to go through it in one sitting. Almost 2 hours in he finally brought up a study that piqued my curiosity: one that posits that glucose ingestion acutely lowers testosterone secretion in healthy males. I wonder what the implications of this study are. Does the T eventually return to baseline or does it continually go lower with regular use? Does starch or other food have the same effect on T as pure glucose?

Edit: The next study he mentioned suggests the effect lasts for 2 hours. Abrupt decrease in serum testosterone levels after an oral glucose load in men: implications for screening for hypogonadism - PubMed


Oct 25, 2019
I genuinely think that video of him “debunking” dextrose or glucose is one of his most foolish and exposing of what seems to be, absent understanding in biochemistry, physiology and science in general. The contradictory comments he makes throughout the video are concerning. It’s as if he doesn’t fully read or grasp the papers he’s referring to, he will take points out of papers that support his narrative and lay that information on to people that are so desperately dependent on his gospel word, which he knows, and they all just listen and know not to question as it will cause a huge backlash against whoever suggested anything. Probably by undermining them as usual, employing the same excuse he always does such as “I’ve been around this industry long enough, I’ve seen it all” etc etc… same thing every time. Experience does hold its imperative value, yet it doesn’t validate your ability to interpret mechanisms and understand processes to a high enough level where you can make conclusions, especially about glucose, the most fundamental source of energy cells can use.

I still don’t understand why Garrett has such influence over the Ray Peat community especially. A lot of us here possess more understanding of mechanisms and function that Garrett does. It’s concerning to see many investing a lot of time into someone with such poor and immature behaviour patterns as well, that is a reflection of your own internal health, form and function.


Oct 25, 2019
A bit paraphrased to make a point
This here which you highlighted, is precisely the examples of his absent understanding of biochemical interactions in such an intricate, metabolically complex, living system that’s changing, adapting and evolving each time we encounter a situation. In one breath, he will say a compound that mirrors in shape, form and structure, can not exert drastically different effects on cells, yet in another breath, he will reverse engineer his own example to support the narrative he wants, such as with niacin and its multiple analogues etc. It’s a shame that the bulk of followers will not identify this. If he was actually conversing with well informed, educated people in this particular field, he would be picked apart and confronted when making contradictory claims. Instead, he will just construct an analogy to support his argument knowing that if he sounds logical, people will follow.

That’s not how we move science forward.


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Feb 11, 2024
Speaking of men not being men anymore…
As a woman this gives me a strong visceral reaction and seriously repulses me.


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Jul 2, 2022
Dr Smith had a brain fart on the last stream. Anyone with enough glucose powering their brain could detect the inconsistencies.

He will be forgiven. For he showed the way with toxic bile theory. As long as he apologizes for his demeanor towards his followers treating everyone of them as children.

Also it shows he misses some basic understanding about the body and disease states like sepsis.


Oct 25, 2019
Speaking of men not being men anymore…
As a woman this gives me a strong visceral reaction and seriously repulses me.
The man who published that post is a prime example of an individual who blindly follows. If he took the time to expand on the links Garrett listed in his failed attempt to “debunk” glucose, he would immediately see the discrepancies and hopefully pursue truth by asking more questions and delving deeper into the topic.

I feel sorry that another man is blindly following another. As men, our role is to protect, lead and defend. Simply adhering to set of principles based on “Garrett is the leader of this group, therefore I will follow as he knows best” is not so far off a cult.

I do hope more people in his community raise awareness of this before giving this man their hard earned money.


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Feb 11, 2024
Dr Smith had a brain fart on the last stream. Anyone with enough glucose powering their brain could detect the inconsistencies.

He will be forgiven. For he showed the way with toxic bile theory. As long as he apologizes for his demeanor towards his followers treating everyone of them as children.

Also it shows he misses some basic understanding about the body and disease states like sepsis.
I’d argue that Karen Hurd actually showed the way with toxic bile theory, back when Dr. Smith was still loading his patients up with supplemental A and D.


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Feb 11, 2024
The man who published that post is a prime example of an individual who blindly follows. If he took the time to expand on the links Garrett listed in his failed attempt to “debunk” glucose, he would immediately see the discrepancies and hopefully pursue truth by asking more questions and delving deeper into the topic.

I feel sorry that another man is blindly following another. As men, our role is to protect, lead and defend. Simply adhering to set of principles based on “Garrett is the leader of this group, therefore I will follow as he knows best” is not so far off a cult.

I do hope more people in his community raise awareness of this before giving this man their hard earned money.
This specific man comments on almost everything just like this. It’s very sad. I said my piece today and will probably be banned from LYL, but I didn’t plan on renewing my membership after this month anyways. I can’t respect anyone promoting blatant authoritarianism and treating his followers like complete idiots.


Jul 2, 2022
I’d argue that Karen Hurd actually showed the way with toxic bile theory, back when Dr. Smith was still loading his patients up with supplemental A and D.
Your argument is valid.

He did help make it more popular and expanded it a bit, just to be fair.


Forum Supporter
Feb 11, 2024
Your argument is valid.

He did help make it more popular and expanded it a bit, just to be fair.
I agree with you for sure. I just like to point that out, because he tends to act like the authority on health and nutrition, but many of the ideas he practices came from other people and he simply expanded on them.

One thing I haven’t been able to quite wrap my head around is that Karen Hurd seems to have more success with her clients eliminating all supplements and pushing lots of soluble fiber, while it seems that many of Dr. Smiths clients are extremely slow to progress and go backwards a lot. However, I know this is probably very nuanced and there could be multiple explanations for it. Karen Hurd hasn’t quite made the VA connection yet, but I do find it interesting that for decades now she’s been putting many of her clients on an all white diet to heal.


Jul 2, 2022
I agree with you for sure. I just like to point that out, because he tends to act like the authority on health and nutrition, but many of the ideas he practices came from other people and he simply expanded on them.

One thing I haven’t been able to quite wrap my head around is that Karen Hurd seems to have more success with her clients eliminating all supplements and pushing lots of soluble fiber, while it seems that many of Dr. Smiths clients are extremely slow to progress and go backwards a lot. However, I know this is probably very nuanced and there could be multiple explanations for it. Karen Hurd hasn’t quite made the VA connection yet, but I do find it interesting that for decades now she’s been putting many of her clients on an all white diet to heal.
I also know where he "found" / stole his mineral balancing ideas from.

The dextrose show he put calling us retards made me lose respect for this man.

He thinks we are retarded or something.


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Feb 11, 2024
I also know where he "found" / stole his mineral balancing ideas from.

The dextrose show he put calling us retards made me lose respect for this man.

He thinks we are retarded or something.
I don’t fault him at all for that, because that’s what we all do. We expand on the ideas of those before us and we learn new things, etc.

But yes I have lost all respect for him too.

Apparently the Ray Peat Forum is extra retarded 😅 I’m going to start taking being called a Peatard as a high compliment.


Oct 25, 2019
Apparently I’m controlled opp, because how dare I question his idol…
Look at the state of toxicity in his “community”. This isn’t health, this isn't Christian love for one another, it’s blatant cult like behaviour from individuals who lack enough understanding to produce their own opinions on things, hence why they blindly defend a man who himself has an unbearable personality, constantly belittling others on their own pursuit to health, labelling them as crazy or stupid for holding such beliefs when in reality it’s more the fact Garrett doesn’t understand himself. He is plagued by his own ignorance, which leads him to be on the defence all the time.

Individuals like Ray Peat and David Stephons display benevolence, peace and attempt to understand people and never belittle, name call and act overly arrogant, judgmental and most importantly don’t act authoritarian, instead promote questions.

The more and more I read about LYL my view of it being a nutritional cult increase.

We are blessed to be part of a community here whereby we went to help each other and encourage questions and explanations.

Thank you all here 🙏
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