Dealing with fear.


Jan 12, 2014
How do we deal with fear about the world? Fear about terrorism, especially when living in a big city like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, etc. feeling like at any moment your life could be in danger...


May 27, 2015
That terrorism is all bull**** .. if you knew how the system really works you would die on the spot. The trick to all that is to not let it make you afraid of otber people or yourself. Stop wwtching the news. Check out if you want to knkw the true story.


Jan 12, 2014
goodandevil said:
post 112422 That terrorism is all bull**** .. if you knew how the system really works you would die on the spot. The trick to all that is to not let it make you afraid of otber people or yourself. Stop wwtching the news. Check out if you want to knkw the true story.

Please elaborate. How does the system work? Why would I die on the spot? What does that mean?
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May 31, 2015
Honestly I find "the news" to be very unhelpful to my intelligence, curiosity, productivity and sense of well-being. I am learning to be more engaged with only the immediate realities around me with my loved ones and community as they require a lot of attention in themselves and i can actually do sonething about those issues, whereas i have no ambitions of being a politician or otherwise a player on the national or international stage. Fear has a lot to do with inaction, I try not to consume too much inactionable information as far as warnings or conflict goes anymore.


Aug 6, 2015
Stop watching/reading the news. Engage in meaningful activities. Lower stress hormones and inflammation. Meditate.


Mar 29, 2014
I think Peat said something along the lines of that doing something about the irrationalities helps reduce the stress of knowing they exist.

I don't think it make sense to shut out all the news. Just trying to avoid knowing or thinking about it strikes me as a helpless attitude, if it is taken to extremes. But it may help to seek out sources of news that put thinngs in a meaningful perspective, and that include the hopeful parts, like what people are doing about the messes. And that don't just tell the story from the point of view of pretending it's all either OK or inevitable.
Pick something important to you in the world, find out what groups are doing good work towards making it good, and join in.
Do courageous things and shake a lot.

Laughing also helps relieve fear.
Nov 26, 2013
Type "good news network" on Google and use that website after the normal news and you will find a very profound lowering in stress hormones. You will also become able to imagine why the normal news always picks sad stories.

Greg says

Nov 6, 2014


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Greg says

Nov 6, 2014
answersfound said:
post 112392 How do we deal with fear about the world? Fear about terrorism, especially when living in a big city like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, etc. feeling like at any moment your life could be in danger...

The News is addictive. Short, quick Breaking News headlines. Detach from that, or at least know its propagandha.

This is what they do. Terrify you. Then you do what they want.

Your life is NOT in immediate danger.


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Aug 6, 2015
tara said:
I don't think it make sense to shut out all the news. Just trying to avoid knowing or thinking about it strikes me as a helpless attitude, if it is taken to extremes.
It's just that I think it's a waste of time.

Personally I'm tired of loosing my time just reading/watching at stressful and sad stories all day long and being manipulated by the same psychopatic lobbies that control Big Pharma and other lobbies. I'm not following the news since many years now and I am happy I stopped it because I feel better and I'm not polluted by useless stuff like advertisement anymore.
These people know psychology and that the more you are exposed to something the more you are going to be affected by it/think about it/remember it/like it/want it so they can manipulate anyone to obtain what they want. They also want to earn all the money they can so they are trying to release the most shocking things, more shocking that other papers or channels, they don't care about truth they just care about audience.
On the other hand history is written by the winners and journalists make people believe what they write even if that is false.
I love networks that allow the world to be wired and able to communicate (like on this forum) but I don't want to stay passive, that's why I prefer to use the web to be active and more independant of lobbies trying to control my opinions, beliefs and emotions to obtain informations.

On the other hand you will learn all the important stuff quickly, there will always be someone to call you, send you a message, or inform you when you meet them, etc, to talk about important events just after they have been on the TV.

BTW I live in France were the attacks occured and I don't give a ***t about it, it changed nothing in my life, I believe that there is a higher risk to die in a car accident than from a terrorist attack and there are a lot more of people dying in the world in horrible conditions because of our system of society but nobody cares about it because this is not in the news. But maybe I'm thinking like that because I'm probably schizoid/asperger and am not really affected emotionally by things.


Dec 21, 2014
Such_Saturation said:
post 112457 Type "good news network" on Google and use that website after the normal news and you will find a very profound lowering in stress hormones. You will also become able to imagine why the normal news always picks sad stories.
Man, now all we need is a realistic news network.

Parsifal said:
am not really affected emotionally by things.
o rly
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May 27, 2015
goodandevil said:
That terrorism is all bull**** .. if you knew how the system really works you would die on the spot. The trick to all that is to not let it make you afraid of otber people or yourself. Stop wwtching the news. Check out if you want to knkw the true story.

A long, long time ago the crowd was fooled by the rulers' knowledge of solar events. Nothing has changed. I used to beoieve in the america ideal, but in fact there never was an america. We paid king george royalties, and have done so for the history of our country. After king john in the 1200s, the t4easury and land of england has been ruked by the catholic church, and nothing bas changed. Therefore when we are young we are sold ideals, ideals which further the interests of the church, as shocking as that sounds. There are nunerous references, inckuding the treaty or verona in congressional records to back up my assertion. So there's nothing wrong with being apwthetic towards the opinions we are supposed to posess and agree with. The way we are being trained to behave is to hate certain types of people- muslims, conspiracy theorists, welfare recipients, certain celebrities who misbehave. The way i see it, if you ignore the "issues" and treat peope well, without fear, that is tbe answer to our problems, it's the right way to behavem. It is far from ignorance. As i said, there's many sources inckuding black's law dictionary, ecclesiastical lawx etc. Yiu may want to read edward bernay's, it's probably the most comfortable introduction. There's no hope to organize your life without knkwing th3 truth, i believe. It gives you the power to believe in yourself admist the throng


Mar 29, 2014
Parsifal said:
post 112463
tara said:
I don't think it make sense to shut out all the news. Just trying to avoid knowing or thinking about it strikes me as a helpless attitude, if it is taken to extremes.
It's just that I think it's a waste of time.

Personally I'm tired of loosing my time just reading/watching at stressful and sad stories all day long and being manipulated by the same psychopatic lobbies that control Big Pharma and other lobbies. I'm not following the news since many years now and I am happy I stopped it because I feel better and I'm not polluted by useless stuff like advertisement anymore.
These people know psychology and that the more you are exposed to something the more you are going to be affected by it/think about it/remember it/like it/want it so they can manipulate anyone to obtain what they want. They also want to earn all the money they can so they are trying to release the most shocking things, more shocking that other papers or channels, they don't care about truth they just care about audience.
On the other hand history is written by the winners and journalists make people believe what they write even if that is false.

I don't suggest spending all day passively sucking up the distorted views propagated by the mainstream media, which is dominated by profit motives and commitment to unworkable social and economic systems and sometimes belligerence. If you can avoid the advertisements to, so much the better.

I'd recommend seeking out more independent and balanced or at least different sources of news, and spending a little time regularly getting informed. Getting wider and more realistic perspectives can help with not getting so confused and discouraged by the mainstream bombardment.

Allowing the rulers to do whatever they like without paying attention gives them too much power. It is in their interests that we switch off and ignore what they do.

Don't know what it's like where you are. Where I am, I find public broadcasting a bit more balanced and less dominated by advertising than the major private networks, but I still seek other news and perspectives too, from time to time.

But you also have to attend to your immediate personal needs, too, and sometimes that just has to come first for a while. Don't let the wider news completely distract you from what you need to do to take care of yourself.
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Oct 29, 2015
Try not to live life by the "what if". Stop watching the news if it provokes the fear of "what if". Be the best you can be and encourage that from others.


Nov 9, 2012
answersfound said:
post 112392 How do we deal with fear about the world? Fear about terrorism, especially when living in a big city like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, etc. feeling like at any moment your life could be in danger...

Rationally? Look at the ratio of yearly number of death from terrorism to population count. That ratio is so small, it is not worth even mentioning from a purely statistical point of view.
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Mar 29, 2014
jyb said:
post 112554 Rationally? Look at the ratio of yearly number of death from terrorism to population count. That ratio is so small, it is not worth even mentioning from a purely statistical point of view.
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