'The "Merry Christmas Coronary" And "Happy New Year Heart Attack" Phenomenon'


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
- The "Merry Christmas Coronary" and "Happy New Year Heart Attack" Phenomenon

"In 1999, my research group published a study that examined whether there are seasonable variations in cardiac mortality in a location where winter weather is mild—Los Angeles County, Calif.1 During a 12-year period, there were consistently more deaths from ischemic heart disease during the winter than there were during the summer. About one third more deaths from ischemic heart disease were recorded in December and January than from June through September in Los Angeles County. We initially thought that this phenomenon might be explained by colder temperatures. Colder temperatures have been associated with an increase in vascular resistance, coronary vasospasm, blood pressure, and hemostasis, as reviewed by Spencer et al.2 Temperatures in Los Angeles during the winter, although colder than they are during the summer, are still mild as compared with other climates. When we plotted daily rates of death from ischemic heart disease in Los Angeles County during November, December, and January, we were struck by an increase in deaths starting around Thanksgiving, climbing through Christmas, peaking on New Year’s Day, and then falling, whereas daily minimum temperatures remained relatively flat during December and January. We postulated that this peak in cardiac deaths during the holidays might result from other factors, including the emotional stress of the holidays, overindulgence during the holiday season, or both.1"

"The study by Phillips and coworkers3 in this issue of Circulation is an important contribution that extends our initial observation of an increase in cardiac deaths during the holiday season. They have done this by widening the investigation to the entire United States, extending the number of years examined, and examining both cardiac and noncardiac causes of death. Their analysis not only confirms our observation of an increase in cardiac deaths during the holiday season,1 but they also describe 2 discrete peaks in cardiac death—one for Christmas and one for New Year’s.3 They observed this holiday peak nationwide, and it seems to be worsening, especially in the last several years studied."

"Interestingly, the phenomenon is slightly less pronounced in northern compared with southern border states. Perhaps residents of northern states become better acclimated to stress in a colder climate."

"[..]fatty meals can have acute adverse effects on endothelial function."

"Emotional stress is another factor that still may be important. During the holiday season, patients may feel stress from having to interact with relatives whom they may or may not want to encounter; having to absorb financial pressures such as purchasing gifts, traveling expenses, entertaining, and decorating; and having to travel, especially in the post– September 11, 2001, era. Even people with Alzheimer disease may be forced into a more unfamiliar environment or become stressed by the increased commotion or interaction with visitors during the holiday period."

"Respiratory issues still may be important. Burning wood in fireplaces, which tends to be a popular activity during the winter holidays, releases toxic particulate material into the air. Particulate airborne pollutants have been associated with an increase in cardiac events and an increase in blood pressure.5–7"

"Inappropriate delay in seeking medical care is an intriguing concept that Phillips and colleagues describe, and this may be important.3 Of equal concern are the possibilities that staffing levels at hospitals and other healthcare facilities may be reduced during the holiday season or that holiday on-call scheduling may result in staff caring for patients with whom they are less familiar. Clearly, more research is needed to nail down the exact mechanism(s)3 for the “Merry Christmas Coronary” and “Happy New Year Heart Attack.” If the mechanism(s) can be identified and appropriate therapies developed, then significant numbers of cardiac deaths can be avoided."​

- Heart failure and the holidays



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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Or Happy New Year Sudden Cardiac Arrest and Stroke.
Happy New Year @Amazoniac!
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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