Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ M.E. Switch To Anaerobic, Don't Replicate First Day Exercise

Wendy B

Jul 16, 2019
Norwegian 2-Day ME/CFS Exercise Study Adds Crucial Factor to Exercise Intolerance Findings - Health Rising

It's easy to think CFS is just a low thyroid, insufficient nutrients, endotoxin problem, etc. But why would it have this unique thing about it, unlike any other condition, unlike the healthy or the sick?? Two day exercise tests (unlike one day tests) reveal anomaly. But why is this happening?

"The remarkable thing is that virtually everyone, whether they’re healthy or sick with any manner of serious diseases, are able to get on a bike, pedal to exhaustion and then pump out the same amount of energy the next day. Whether we’re sick or healthy, somehow our bodies almost always retain the ability to produce energy when needed.

But not apparently in one disease. Chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) appears to be the odd man out. Put some people with ME/CFS on a bike, and their ability to generate energy (e.g. exercise) the next day plummets. That’s an important finding in a disease which introduced the term post-exertional malaise (PEM) to the medical lexicon.

If that finding holds up – and it’s held up in a number of small studies – it would suggest that exercise does things to people with ME/CFS that it doesn’t appear to do to people with other serious diseases.

When we exercise, our bodies use two different systems – anaerobic and aerobic – to produce energy.The aerobic energy production system dominates during exercise to provide a clean and abundant source of energy. When we reach the limits of our aerobic energy production capacity, the anaerobic energy production begins to dominate – but at a cost. Not only does it produce much less energy, but it also produces toxic by-products which, as they build up, produce pain and fatigue.

The VO2 max CPET exercise test has played an important role in ME/CFS because it measures the transition from aerobic to anaerobic energy. Past two-day exercise studies have suggested that many people with ME/CFS exhaust their aerobic energy production systems more quickly than usual. That leaves them dependent on less efficient anaerobic energy production – and suffering from symptoms of pain and fatigue that quickly kick in when that system predominates."


Apr 30, 2015
The remarkable thing is that virtually everyone, whether they’re healthy or sick with any manner of serious diseases, are able to get on a bike, pedal to exhaustion and then pump out the same amount of energy the next day. Whether we’re sick or healthy, somehow our bodies almost always retain the ability to produce energy when needed.

Are you sure this is actually true?

Wendy B

Jul 16, 2019
Are you sure this is actually true?
Do you have experience or data otherwise? I can't say that I know for sure that there is no other condition with this feature. I can say that those of us with CFS/ M.E. know it all too well though.


Apr 30, 2015
Do you have experience or data otherwise? I can't say that I know for sure that there is no other condition with this feature. I can say that those of us with CFS/ M.E. know it all too well though.
It might be true, I am not sure, but it sounds like a pretty big claim. If it isn't true, then there are other conditions that could be compared to ME to give insight.

Wendy B

Jul 16, 2019

Do either of you know of other conditions that has the same metabolic abnormalities shown in the article?

It seems unique. More studies could discover more, but my wonder is why do we switch to anerobic metab unlike other seriously fatiguing illnesses. Why do we not reproduce energy and improve on second day tests unlike other conditions.

A follow up article linked below explored this further...

Past studies indicate that :
"people with heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, end-stage renal disease, cystic fibrosis, mild-moderate COPD, and stroke can all jump on a bike and exercise to exhaustion one day and then hop on the bike again the next day and generate the same amount of energy. It’s a remarkable thing, indeed, that even severely ill people can hammer themselves with exercise one day and then do the same the next day – with no diminishment in their ability to produce energy.

Take pulmonary hypertension (PH), a very, very serious disease (about 50% of patients die within five years) known to cause exercise intolerance. By narrowing the blood vessels in the lungs, PH makes it difficult to get oxygen to the tissues. The disease seems the very definition of exercise intolerance, yet, in contrast to ME/CFS, exercise itself does not damage people with PH. People with PH can exercise to exhaustion one day and then do the same the next day without impairment."

The Exercise Intolerance in ME/CFS - Is it Unique? - Health Rising
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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