Any Long Term High Sugar Consumers Here?

How much sugar per day?

  • 0-50g

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • 50-100g

    Votes: 3 8.8%
  • 100-150g

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • 150-200g

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • 200-300g

    Votes: 13 38.2%
  • 300-500g

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • 500+ !!

    Votes: 4 11.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
She has zero desire to do anything. Won't change her diet, won't try specific supplements. Can you force someone to do something they don't want to do simply because you want to help them? She's has a victim mentality. I have to protect my mental and physical health. My doctors have said the same thing.
This is so true. The best thing we can do is take care of ourselves and respect their choices even when we don’t agree otherwise we risk alienating them and straining the relationship. My heart goes out to you.


Mar 19, 2013
This is so true. The best thing we can do is take care of ourselves and respect their choices even when we don’t agree otherwise we risk alienating them and straining the relationship. My heart goes out to you.
Thank you.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Thank you.
You’re welcome. I went through it with my mom and it’s hard. Even 3 years after her passing though I can say she lived and died on her own terms. I can rest easy knowing I didn’t interfere with that even though deep down I wished she had made different choices. I guess it’s just comes down to how we love them.


Mar 19, 2013
You’re welcome. I went through it with my mom and it’s hard. Even 3 years after her passing though I can say she lived and died on her own terms. I can rest easy knowing I didn’t interfere with that even though deep down I wished she had made different choices. I guess it’s just comes down to how we love them.
I'm sorry for your loss. My primary told me he's a caregiver and his thoughts were the same as yours. I believe I've gone through the five stages of grief, feeling that I've come to accept that my wife is going to die on her own terms. I keep telling myself that's it out of my hands, primarily to emotionally strengthen myself. Long term care and her death will be still be a shock but my desire is to lessen that shock. I don't want to go back to in-patient. I want to land on my feet, dazed perhaps, but not broken.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I want to land on my feet, dazed perhaps, but not broken.
You will because you’re preparing in advance and taking care of yourself too. It doesn’t make it easy but better and manageable. All the best to both of you.


Feb 26, 2016
I eat about a pound of table sugar each week, about 15g/day.

Plus a half gallon of raw 1% milk & about 10oz frozen concentrated oj (in the milk) per day. Some chocolate. Coffee. Coke when I can get it. Meat & potatoes or rice about 2/3 times a week. A little cheese, eggs every other day. Fish or shellfish once a week.

Fruit when it’s good.

I use Cronometer a few months during the year to check. Probably a little low protein atm.

Feel great when the ratio between carbs:protein is about 3.5:1.

And when I’m getting outdoors to move around every day.

Been doing it like that for about 2 years. Less dialed in for about 5.5 years before that.

Everything got better, faster but less even at first. Now the tinkering has bigger effects with very small changes.


Oct 20, 2021
United States
Ive consumed around 400-500g of sugar coming from fruit, honey, milk, and maple syrup for the last year with zero negative effects


Mar 19, 2013
I’ve been averaging a daily carb intake of 400+ grams, from mostly fruit, for over a decade now. If I go too low in sugar and above a certain amount of protein, I get a hypoglycemic response and depression sets in. It wasn’t until I went fruitarian that I realized much of the depression and anxiety I’ve struggled with since birth is triggered by hypoglycemia due to hypothyroidism. Starting on NDT last year has helped with lowering my carb needs — I used to need 500+ grams a day — and fresh pressed you melon juice, raw honey and non-fat goat’s milk have been the best combination for keeping my blood sugar and mood stable. I rarely get to this point nowadays but if I start to get the shakes and thoughts of the world being better off without me, I know my sugars are crashing and I need some juice fast. Within 5 minutes of downing a liter, the shakes and dark thoughts are gone.
How's your mental/physical health at this juncture? Body temps, especially in winter? Thanks.


Jul 8, 2014
@invictus, my mental and physical health are really good considering the circumstances, but I no longer consume a high-carb, low-fat diet. I increased my (dairy) fat intake after losing my mother unexpectedly this past January. Between the trauma of her passing—she suffocated to death in my arms—and inheriting her responsibilities, I was having to increase my carbs daily to sleep through the night and ward off nightmares and even then, I lost my period and had to increase my thyroid dose. Along with all the carbs I was getting from milk, fruit and honey, I was up to a cup of sugar before deciding to increase my fat. I was hesitant to cut back on carbs for fear of triggering hypoglycemia and the anxiety attacks and depression that always ensued—I felt with my mum’s passing that I couldn’t afford to risk it—but it was one of the best dietary changes I’ve made in years. My temps are high even in winter—I shovel snow in a t-shirt and flip flops—but they were also high on high-carb, low-fat, however, I’ve since learned the latter was due to adrenaline.
Last edited:


Mar 19, 2013
@invictus, my mental and physical health are really good considering the circumstances, but I no longer consume a high-carb, low-fat diet. I increased my (dairy) fat intake after losing my mother unexpectedly this past January. Between the trauma of her passing—she suffocated to death in my arms—and inheriting her responsibilities, I was having to increase my carbs daily to sleep through the night and ward off nightmares and even then, I lost my period and had to increase my thyroid dose. Along with all the carbs I was getting from milk, fruit and honey, I was up to a cup of sugar before deciding to increase my fat. I was hesitant to cut back on carbs for fear of triggering hypoglycemia and the anxiety attacks and depression that always ensued—I felt with my mum’s passing that I couldn’t afford to risk it—but it was one of the best dietary changes I’ve made in years. My temps are high even in winter—I shovel snow in a t-shirt and flip flops—but they were also high on high-carb, low-fat, however, I’ve since learned the latter was due to adrenaline.
My condolences, Jennifer.

Yes, you sound like you're navigating the trauma of her passing with everything you've learned. I began to greatly increase my sugar consumption in my attempt to counter the stress of caring for my wife who has early stage dementia. Now at 1 cup a day. I was quite surprised that it helps. For all that sugar, along with fruit, pasta and bread, my 2 hour post prandial blood glucose ranges from mid 80's to 110-115. Fasting is 100 to 107. I eat shrimp and some cheese. I don't tolerate milk, so, more cheese. I take 80 mcg of T4 at night to improve sleep, but still using Klonopin @ .5 mg, which is a small dose. I now drink a mug of simple syrup before bed.(4 tablespoons of sugar) My goal is to get off of Klonopin, which I've been on for 16 years(treatment resistant bipolar).

I wish for you continued healing. Thanks for replying.


Mar 26, 2022
Since dropping (almost) all starch, I've been averaging about 300g of sugar a day, which would be my total carb intake for the day. I have been eating a some potatoes on the weekend recently, for 1 or 2 meals, but otherwise, it's all sugar.
What sugars are you eating? (I’m trying to figure out what carbs to eat.)


May 31, 2015
In overall, this type of diets destroys the human body and Satan can't wait on the other side to welcome you in his burning palace of hell
lol irl. I don't completely agree but I do think people sometimes run with diets that are clearly intended as emergency interventions (like consuming cups full of white sugar) and it can be easy to assume the ride will last forever. I have avoided starch for probably 2/3-3/4 of the past ~8 years (I would go through phases of trying to add it back in), and almost all of that time I was consuming sugars instead, usually like half real foods and half in various forms of chocolate, soda, etc. I can't say for sure where I went wrong, but I eventually did go wrong. Now I have weird health issues that are probably related to exotic deficiencies that are hard to untangle because this isn't a diet 99% of people ever go on so I'm kind of on my own. I still have a low BMI and normal liver enzymes but I have other issues. Definitely recommend being conscious of your micros and possibly taking a multivitamin, although that might not be enough to save you from a multiyear run of pure sugar cane. It also might mostly be people like me who has MCAS/histamine intolerance who run into the worst issues. I can't tolerate milk, liver or orange juice so...


Jul 8, 2014
My condolences, Jennifer.

Yes, you sound like you're navigating the trauma of her passing with everything you've learned. I began to greatly increase my sugar consumption in my attempt to counter the stress of caring for my wife who has early stage dementia. Now at 1 cup a day. I was quite surprised that it helps. For all that sugar, along with fruit, pasta and bread, my 2 hour post prandial blood glucose ranges from mid 80's to 110-115. Fasting is 100 to 107. I eat shrimp and some cheese. I don't tolerate milk, so, more cheese. I take 80 mcg of T4 at night to improve sleep, but still using Klonopin @ .5 mg, which is a small dose. I now drink a mug of simple syrup before bed.(4 tablespoons of sugar) My goal is to get off of Klonopin, which I've been on for 16 years(treatment resistant bipolar).

I wish for you continued healing. Thanks for replying.

Thank you. I appreciate that. :)

I’m so sorry to hear about your wife. I was a caregiver to two loved ones with dementia and Alzheimer's so I understand how difficult it is. My heart goes out to you both. I’m glad you’re having such good results with the extra sugar. I too was surprised at how much it helped, even more so than fruit. It also helped my mum sleep, which was huge since she was lucky if she got 2 hours of sleep at night. I hope it continues to be an effective tool for you and you’re able to get off the last of the Klonopin.


Aug 7, 2014
Still good?

Yes, all is still good but it’s been a weird year as I started having unique reactions to the plandemic. Blood sugar changed dramatically due to stress but still keep my regimen the same, however, I decided to try EMDR and it has changed the game completely. I didn’t really know how much my blood sugar was being effected by my thought processes and early life experiences/traumas. I’m only 7 months into EMDR but I would not be surprised if eventually I’m going to need way less food to have better blood sugar.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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