Another seeker


Mar 19, 2013
Hello all. Not new to reading RP. A most fascinating scientist and person. Mainstream medicine, both physical and psychiatric, do not know what to do with me. I'm 62, with treatment resistant ultradian cycling bipolar illness, autoimmune problems, libido issues(one of whom is my sexually averse wife, lol), low grade fatigue, muscle aches and probably, adrenal issues, in addition to being hypothyroid. My wife's an ovo-lacto vegetarian and I followed suit six months after we met, 21 years ago. She did it for spiritual reasons and I did it because I was a fool in love :lol: As my health began declining in 2005 after working as a courier(on the road 8 to 10 hours a day)I remained a vegetarian but by 2009, after a brief break up, I returned and told my wife I was going to start eating fish. My psychiatrist felt omega-3 would help, so I dived into salmon, sardines and fish oil caps.

When I found RP's web site and read what he said about omega-3, I began to wonder if all that 'healthy' oil was screwing up my thyroid and libido, but I didn't stop eating it. However, as my health has continued to decline, I'm trying to give RP's dietary recommendations a go. My new primary, who left the HMO I was previously a member of, through my wife's insurance, wants to start me on Armour. Also started on pregnenolone, along with coconut oil, selenium yeast and zinc picolinate, a couple of weeks ago and have already seen a slight improvement in body temp and libido. So much more to say, but I'll end it for the moment.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Invictus, welcome to the forum. :welcome

You are in the right place. As you can see, results show themselves pretty quickly. But it indeed is a long road to full recovery.

See you around!


Jul 22, 2012
Welcome, Invictus!

Sounds like you're on a good track.
You were fortunate to have a doc who went with Armour. That's rare!
Good decision with the pregnenolone, too.
Personally, on the selenium and zinc supps, I'd be very conservative with the dosage
and better yet replace them by simply getting some oysters and shrimp every couple of weeks.
I doubt I could talk you into a bit of beef liver every week or so. :lol:
I get the idea you're eating eggs, so I think that's good too.

How about coffee, carrot, and salt?


Feb 20, 2013
Welcome Invictus
Your ovo=lacto vegetarian diet can be quite healthy and in line with RP recommendation.
He is a huge fan of dairy and sweet fruits. How is your cholesterol?
On a ovo-lacto diet most likely you have a good iron status. Low iron of milk is very helpful.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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