
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Full censorship is finally here. YouTube will start banning any videos discussing COVID-19 vaccines that "...contradict consensus from local health authorities or the World Health Organization." The funny thing is that there is hardly any consensus among WHO and the various federal, state and local health authorities on COVID-19 vaccines. Some of them push hard for vaccines and claim the vaccines are completely safe, others are more cautious and point to the H1N1 vaccine fasco, and yet others still just flat out state that they will issue a ruling discouraging vaccine administration altogether until more is known about their risks and there is more data on their long term safety. This way YouTube can always point to some "health authority" that claims to have the "correct" position on COVID-19 vaccines and as such your video would be found to be in violation and banned.
Furthermore, YouTube also said they will ban "borderline content" in regards to COVID-19 vaccines. Yet, they refused to provide examples of such "borderline content". But wait, it gets "better". YouTube will also start banning videos that speak against social isolation and social distancing, even if the video does not make any claims in regards to vaccines (COVID-19 or otherwise)!! I think that last part is truly an abomination and if it survives a legal challenge then it would be a good indication that the legal system is fully null and void...or in on the conspiracy.
Bottom line - no matter what you say in regards to COVID-19 on their platform, if they don't like it they will ban it. Now, quite a few people have already woken up to the mass censorship that the IT moguls have imposed on the population and are trying to come up with with alternative platforms that value free speech. However, those platforms are also not safe because ISPs can ban hosts/servers/accounts they do not like. A recent high profile example was 8Chan, which while hosting high objectionable content, was not doing anything illegal yet was still banned by their hosting provider and their CDN. Considering we live in a "pandemic" with many locations imposing states of emergency, I think an ISP ban on a free-speech promoting platform would be much easier to implement than the 8Chan ban a few years ago during "normal" times.
Let's see how this unfolds. If the COVID-19 content censorship efforts fail at the platform level I would not be surprised if the ISP are quickly recruited to literally pull the plug on the systems hosting defiant platforms.
YouTube bans coronavirus vaccine misinformation

"...The video platform said it would now ban any content with claims about COVID-19 vaccines that contradict consensus from local health authorities or the World Health Organization. YouTube said in an email that this would include removing claims that the vaccine will kill people or cause infertility, or that microchips will be implanted in people who receive the vaccine."

"...YouTube says it already removes content that disputes the existence or transmission of COVID-19, promotes medically unsubstantiated methods of treatment, discourages people from seeking medical care or explicitly disputes health authorities’ guidance on self-isolation or social distancing....In its email, YouTube said it had removed over 200,000 videos related to dangerous or misleading COVID-19 information since early February.

"...Andy Pattison, manager of digital solutions at the World Health Organization, told Reuters that the WHO meets weekly with the policy team at YouTube to discuss content trends and potentially problematic videos. Pattison said the WHO was encouraged by YouTube’s announcement on coronavirus vaccine misinformation. The company also said it was limiting the spread of COVID-19 related misinformation on the site, including certain borderline videos about COVID-19 vaccines. A spokesman declined to provide examples of such borderline content.

@Drareg @Regina @boris @tankasnowgod @jb116
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Jul 8, 2020
Things like this is why I don't think governments will make vaccines mandatory. It is easier to make any arguments against them disappear rather than get involved with the legal issues with forcing vaccines.


Oct 1, 2019
I noticed they were easing up recently with the bannings, more videos came back and less were deleted. I guess now that winter season and big v payday is coming, it's important to get the mainstream eyes off of troubling information again.

Germany's 2 biggest pharma puppets Dr. Drosten and TV science propaganda actress for children Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim, who both are very outspoken about the need for more censorship (Mai Thi who not only tries to make the chinese credit system attractive to our next generations, but recently even said only "approved" scientists should be able to ever have a public voice and everyone else should be silenced), both received the "Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany" our highest accolade/award of the state. Really absurd times we live in.




Jan 28, 2019
If they start banning on ISP level, we are doomed as we might not even have access to this forum


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
If they start banning on ISP level, we are doomed as we might not even have access to this forum

I think at the ISP level it would be ruled unconstitutional (I hope...) as the ISPs have already been legally determined by courts to be a de-facto monopoly in their dominant market areas. So, the argument "if you don't like it then go to another provider" won't (hopefully) hold legally. The case of 8Chan was NOT litigated even though a number of high-profile lawyers urged the site owner to go to court and offered to represent him pro-bono.
But I do think being extra cautious is a good idea in this case. Maybe @charlie is already thinking of alternative ISP-censorship-resilient hosting options for the forum such as a .onion (Tor) site or maybe IPFS.
InterPlanetary File System - Wikipedia
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Oct 1, 2019
When the Pandemic started they blocked the private website of a german lawyer who filed a lawsuit against the lockdown. And they blocked the private website of Wolfgang Wodarg.

Both websites came back after a while, but still. I think the trend is clear that sometime in the future there will be something like a general upload filter to keep the internet "clean". Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, Youtube killed many forums and united wide parts of the web in one place, full control over those is a big step.


Aug 17, 2016
Full censorship is finally here. YouTube will start banning any videos discussing COVID-19 vaccines that "...contradict consensus from local health authorities or the World Health Organization." The funny thing is that there is hardly any consensus among WHO and the various federal, state and local health authorities on COVID-19 vaccines. Some of them push hard for vaccines and claim the vaccines are completely safe, others are more cautious and point to the H1N1 vaccine fasco, and yet others still just flat out state that they will issue a ruling discouraging vaccine administration altogether until more is known about their risks and there is more data on their long term safety. This way YouTube can always point to some "health authority" that claims to have the "correct" position on COVID-19 vaccines and as such your video would be found to be in violation and banned.
Furthermore, YouTube also said they will ban "borderline content" in regards to COVID-19 vaccines. Yet, they refused to provide examples of such "borderline content". But wait, it gets "better". YouTube will also start banning videos that speak against social isolation and social distancing, even if the video does not make any claims in regards to vaccines (COVID-19 or otherwise)!! I think that last part is truly an abomination and if it survives a legal challenge then it would be a good indication that the legal system is fully null and void...or in on the conspiracy.
Bottom line - no matter what you say in regards to COVID-19 on their platform, if they don't like it they will ban it. Now, quite a few people have already woken up to the mass censorship that the IT moguls have imposed on the population and are trying to come up with with alternative platforms that value free speech. However, those platforms are also not safe because ISPs can ban hosts/servers/accounts they do not like. A recent high profile example was 8Chan, which while hosting high objectionable content, was not doing anything illegal yet was still banned by their hosting provider and their CDN. Considering we live in a "pandemic" with many locations imposing states of emergency, I think an ISP ban on a free-speech promoting platform would be much easier to implement than the 8Chan ban a few years ago during "normal" times.
Let's see how this unfolds. If the COVID-19 content censorship efforts fail at the platform level I would not be surprised if the ISP are quickly recruited to literally pull the plug on the systems hosting defiant platforms.
YouTube bans coronavirus vaccine misinformation

"...The video platform said it would now ban any content with claims about COVID-19 vaccines that contradict consensus from local health authorities or the World Health Organization. YouTube said in an email that this would include removing claims that the vaccine will kill people or cause infertility, or that microchips will be implanted in people who receive the vaccine."

"...YouTube says it already removes content that disputes the existence or transmission of COVID-19, promotes medically unsubstantiated methods of treatment, discourages people from seeking medical care or explicitly disputes health authorities’ guidance on self-isolation or social distancing....In its email, YouTube said it had removed over 200,000 videos related to dangerous or misleading COVID-19 information since early February.

"...Andy Pattison, manager of digital solutions at the World Health Organization, told Reuters that the WHO meets weekly with the policy team at YouTube to discuss content trends and potentially problematic videos. Pattison said the WHO was encouraged by YouTube’s announcement on coronavirus vaccine misinformation. The company also said it was limiting the spread of COVID-19 related misinformation on the site, including certain borderline videos about COVID-19 vaccines. A spokesman declined to provide examples of such borderline content.

@Drareg @Regina @boris @tankasnowgod @jb116
It's despicable.
And even more so is calling these private IT companies. And not State sponsored military products (NSA, CIA, DARPA).

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
I dont need YouTube to know about Corona virus being just a Tool... And bull****. Even at Facebook groups that are centered around recipes for celiacs are full of lawyers or doctors that comment on this topic and are saying that TV news are lying alot, the only problem are dumb people that got scarred. And I saw some demonstrations at UK, hope people will do something with this.


Feb 18, 2016
Twitter pulled the same thing with the Biden emails yesterday, whether you like trump/Biden or you know both are crooks twitter is wrong.
It also created a Streisand effect on twitter highlighting how full of hubris and stupidity these organizations are, an idiot would have known these emails are relevant.
Most of the usual pathological globalist MSM outlets didn’t even report the emails, Biden is a criminal and these psychotic frauds say nothing.
No surprise though, nothing is being said either about the central banks buying up toxic assets and giving free money to banks along with creating money out of nothing.

We need to move away from these platforms, they are clearly part of the pathological liberal globalist delusion, this is what happens when idiots make billions for text boxes on a screen, at least in the past monopolizing required some level of intelligence and energy expenditure like building railways, mining etc.


Jan 25, 2014
Full censorship is finally here. YouTube will start banning any videos discussing COVID-19 vaccines that "...contradict consensus from local health authorities or the World Health Organization." The funny thing is that there is hardly any consensus among WHO and the various federal, state and local health authorities on COVID-19 vaccines. Some of them push hard for vaccines and claim the vaccines are completely safe, others are more cautious and point to the H1N1 vaccine fasco, and yet others still just flat out state that they will issue a ruling discouraging vaccine administration altogether until more is known about their risks and there is more data on their long term safety. This way YouTube can always point to some "health authority" that claims to have the "correct" position on COVID-19 vaccines and as such your video would be found to be in violation and banned.
Furthermore, YouTube also said they will ban "borderline content" in regards to COVID-19 vaccines. Yet, they refused to provide examples of such "borderline content". But wait, it gets "better". YouTube will also start banning videos that speak against social isolation and social distancing, even if the video does not make any claims in regards to vaccines (COVID-19 or otherwise)!! I think that last part is truly an abomination and if it survives a legal challenge then it would be a good indication that the legal system is fully null and void...or in on the conspiracy.

Youtube has been doing this for months now already. It was sort of like Whack A Mole, I would watch a video, often with a Doctor, questioning part of the so called "official" narrative, and a few days later, BAM, the video was gone. But a few days after that, a new doctor and video would show up, and the cycle would repeat. At least now they are forced to be honest about what they are doing.


Jan 25, 2014
Twitter pulled the same thing with the Biden emails yesterday, whether you like trump/Biden or you know both are crooks twitter is wrong.
It also created a Streisand effect on twitter highlighting how full of hubris and stupidity these organizations are, an idiot would have known these emails are relevant.

It's so big and deliberate at this point, I'm starting to wonder if that's the point- draw attention to this side through obvious censorship campaigns. Censorship and other forms of speech suppression can and do work, but only if done on a scale small enough not to be noticed.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Youtube took out a ton of Patriots today.


Oct 16, 2017
Youtube and Google were banning the content of an Anarchist journalist who is against the New World Order, against Big pharma, reveals the dangers of vaccines etc. Excluding his videos, comments, content in his blogger (owned by google), since 2012. His name is Fernando Negro or Black Fernando, he has some awesome and unique content, in PT, EN, ES, and is very transparent about his sources. Thankfully he moved to other platforms.
Um blogue pró-Liberdade, anti-Nova Ordem Mundial


Jul 31, 2019

She has a repulsive character, and symbolizes everything that is wrong with science and our society. Authoritarianism combined with indoctrination and smug arrogance make her the perfect spokeswoman for post-corona "science communication". While someone like me can only feel a sense of Fremdschämen when she tries to be cool, her hipness seems just enough to impress the average idiot of the current generation.
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