Why Are Globalists and Governments so Desperate for 100% Vaccination Rates? –


Jul 25, 2020
This is an important point. From what I can gather, middle aged individuals who get very sick are disproportionately identified as "very fit" or practicing some type of health conscious diet. Being in ketosis, eating a partially vegan/healthy/carnivore diet, having a low pulse and doing cross-fit are all factors which will probably contribute to increased risk of adverse outcomes, from any infection, or stress vs. a sedentary individual eating a normal diet including milk, eggs etc.
I agree and not only the middle aged suffer. Most people become stressed from pushing their bodies into anything excessive. I also agree with eating a normal milk and eggs diet . . .


Jul 25, 2020
Ray Kurzwel has been talkiing about putting nanobots on our neo-cortex to connect us to the cloud. What if the keeping the fear of covid and its variants up whilst saying the vaccines can't keep up--need more and more boosters and maybe even a daily pill--is setting us up for the 'relief breakthrough' of taking a nanobot that will constantly search and destroy covid. Keeping us safe.
ha - another nightmare, spare us. [:-]] Most of his predictions have not materialized. Anyone in collaboration with big-G is suspect. If we have to have a brainiac envision the future for us I vote for Musk. I confess that I enjoyed how dismissive and bored Musk was with the press for expecting him to go about moaning and groaning about having had the covid-FLU.


Jan 23, 2017
Adding to what's already been said - the reason it's so hard to combat this process is (to extend the Holocaust analogy) the people lining up with their sleeves up are both "Jew" and "Nazi". The cognitive dissonance is unlike anything. People have been primed for 20 years to believe that "anti-vaxxers" are rank murderers and rightful social outcasts - so now any questions or concerns are a "conspiracy theory". In today's liberalism, people aren't considered capable of parsing the truth for themselves, but rather the truth can only be known via external authority; arguments from authority are not only acceptable, they're the only way of knowing. On another thread someone said there are probably multiple forces, some well intentioned and some malevolent. Kind of like how the human body works with different elements interacting on various pathways, and overall society is undergoing a sick disease process. It's hard to talk with friends and family candidly because, not only did they take the shot themselves, many have given it to their teens or urged family members to do so. And then there are all the pregnant and breastfeeding mothers who took it. Telling people they may have done irrepereable harm to themselves and their children is simply "not done"; and a lot of us are trying not to lose our social networks while threatened with job and education loss. The soundtrack if this were a movie would include the Grateful Dead song, "Am I the victim or the crime?" - which is the question that pro-mandatory-vax folks never ask themselves and (usually) cannot tolerate. I try to meet people where they're at. Ivermectin is a good starting point. It is paradoxically getting easier to discuss now that the defects of the program are becoming a bit more apparent.
Having known people who have been in obvious religious cults, I found it usually impossible to talk them out of continuing with the cult using reason and evidence. In trying to talk people out of getting covid vaccines, I found it usually impossible using reason and evidence to convince them to avoid it. An irrational belief that's reinforced or nourished by various psychological elements is decisive towards making religious cultists and what amounts to cultists of medical authoritarianism immune to reason and evidence.


Jul 25, 2020
Having known people who have been in obvious religious cults, I found it usually impossible to talk them out of continuing with the cult using reason and evidence. In trying to talk people out of getting covid vaccines, I found it usually impossible using reason and evidence to convince them to avoid it. An irrational belief that's reinforced or nourished by various psychological elements is decisive towards making religious cultists and what amounts to cultists of medical authoritarianism immune to reason and evidence.


Jun 7, 2016
Anyone who is pro vaxx and If they know all the rebuttals to any of your concerns about the vaccine are extremist, especially if they ignore facts which you present them. GPs wont even know all of it.

If a person at this point after 18 months of this and reading and listening to it all the time so they can keep up and argue are obsessed and extreme, no sain person could do this, they would switch off, it’s damaging to the mind because of the way main stream news present the information.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Anyone who is pro vaxx and If they know all the rebuttals to any of your concerns about the vaccine are extremist, not ever GPs will know all of it. Think about that.

If a person at this point after 18 months of this and reading and listening to it all the time so they can keep up and argue are obsessed and extreme, no sain person could do this, they would switch off, it’s damaging to the mind because of the way main stream news present the information.
who are you referring to mate


Jun 7, 2016
who are you referring to mate
Just general people. I don’t want the vaccine and am firm about it but I never bring it up with anyone including family and I am a live and let live person so I don’t care what other people do but when they ask me and I say I’m not getting then it turns into them debating me and they have all these facts they got from the television programs and I was surprised how they are loaded with all these facts, ready for someone like me. I don’t think it’s healthy for them because they would have had to spend a lot of time to remember this stuff.


Aug 4, 2020
I will chime in on this one with a personal experience. I have a guy at work whom everyone is always so impressed with because he gets up early and goes for a five mile run before work then will hit the weights when he gets home and go on a bike ride, an impressive regimen I will admit. However he is double gene therapy treated and last Wednesday night/ Early Thursday morning was not feeling well so he went to the hospital and it turns out he has viral meningitis. Now to be clear I am not celebrating this fact but I cannot help but wonder if this might be a result of the immunosuppressive nature of these gene therapies. Dr Ryan Cole made mention that he was seeing patients with decreased T Cell levels which is opposite of H.I.V wherein the helper cells are reduced.
I am unsure if viral meningitis is a retrovirus I do not believe it is but I am not sure. But as Dr Peat mentioned the immune system would be focussed on one threat but it would be left vulnerable to everything else that we encounter daily and regularly if we add in the heavy workout regimen as another stressor this combination might fit the scenario as to this extemely healthy person fell ill to this viral infection . This seems like a more plausible possibility but I would be open to others thoughts on this.


Mar 30, 2020
I will chime in on this one with a personal experience. I have a guy at work whom everyone is always so impressed with because he gets up early and goes for a five mile run before work then will hit the weights when he gets home and go on a bike ride, an impressive regimen I will admit. However he is double gene therapy treated and last Wednesday night/ Early Thursday morning was not feeling well so he went to the hospital and it turns out he has viral meningitis. Now to be clear I am not celebrating this fact but I cannot help but wonder if this might be a result of the immunosuppressive nature of these gene therapies. Dr Ryan Cole made mention that he was seeing patients with decreased T Cell levels which is opposite of H.I.V wherein the helper cells are reduced.
I am unsure if viral meningitis is a retrovirus I do not believe it is but I am not sure. But as Dr Peat mentioned the immune system would be focussed on one threat but it would be left vulnerable to everything else that we encounter daily and regularly if we add in the heavy workout regimen as another stressor this combination might fit the scenario as to this extemely healthy person fell ill to this viral infection . This seems like a more plausible possibility but I would be open to others thoughts on this.
My roommate is very health focused. She was vaccinated 2 weeks ago, and just recently became insanely sick with some kind of mucous cough. I've never seen her sick before. She got tested and was relieved to hear that it isn't covid.

Could just be a coincidence, but I'll keep an eye out for this pattern.


Nov 18, 2019
Beware of this friends. Know this is happening in a place like Switzerland:

The Swiss cardiologist was taken to and held against his will at a mental facility for a week (while undergoing testing) because he was publicly sharing his concerns about the COVID injection. This is a story everyone should be know about. Great interview with an honorable MD.
Thomas Binder interviewed by Willem Engel (bitchute.com)


Jul 25, 2020
I will chime in on this one with a personal experience. I have a guy at work whom everyone is always so impressed with because he gets up early and goes for a five mile run before work then will hit the weights when he gets home and go on a bike ride, an impressive regimen I will admit. However he is double gene therapy treated and last Wednesday night/ Early Thursday morning was not feeling well so he went to the hospital and it turns out he has viral meningitis. Now to be clear I am not celebrating this fact but I cannot help but wonder if this might be a result of the immunosuppressive nature of these gene therapies. Dr Ryan Cole made mention that he was seeing patients with decreased T Cell levels which is opposite of H.I.V wherein the helper cells are reduced.
I am unsure if viral meningitis is a retrovirus I do not believe it is but I am not sure. But as Dr Peat mentioned the immune system would be focussed on one threat but it would be left vulnerable to everything else that we encounter daily and regularly if we add in the heavy workout regimen as another stressor this combination might fit the scenario as to this extemely healthy person fell ill to this viral infection . This seems like a more plausible possibility but I would be open to others thoughts on this.
Friend of mine with a husband 10 years younger who now has a bad heart condition would run all the way to work and all the way home. He was a cost estimator and a math whiz. He is still alive last I heard although now on heart meds. They wont even read Peat. Dr. Peat is very kicked back, doesnt over extend himself by flying to give lectures here and there and doesnt travel much (if any these days) so that may be one of the reasons he is still alive at his age.
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