Why Are Globalists and Governments so Desperate for 100% Vaccination Rates? –


Jul 25, 2020
Nobody I know that got Covid was old except my cousin's father-in-law, and he didn't have any illness. He was in lockdown at his home with his wife when he fell and had to go the hospital. He went home and days later had Covid. He got it from the hospital and was put on a ventilator and died. Everyone else was in their 30's to 60's, except for the 2 year old, and healthy. My uncle and one of my best friend's also go Covid badly right away after getting their second vaccine shot. My husband has an acquaintance with a woman he deals with in business and she had an aunt die from Covid in April of last year. The family attended the funeral, with a cousin not telling anyone that she had tested positive. Lots of that family that went to the funeral got Covid and the cousin that gave it to everyone died as well as her mother, who was the sister of the woman who the funeral was for. I don't know anything about their health.. Even my sister and her boyfriend got it last year pretty bad, but not their 4 year old. He works for the prison and has no health conditions, but my sister is on blood pressure medicine. I see no rhyme or reason for who gets it bad and who doesn't.
well some are seeing some patterns, it could be not enough rest, crowds, not eating protein, eating too much starch, being on big-pharma meds, etc and not getting enough sleep. We hope to avoid hospitals no matter what and try to avoid gatherings. Sorry for your losses stay well. Get your sleep

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
do some research on non government controlled news sites. I cannot spoon feed people. Seek and you shall find
I know people online are saying it, I thought this was something that was officially confirmed. anything is possible, but there are many more possibilities beyond hospitals being given additional funding for covid deaths/patients.
Mar 10, 2021
well some are seeing some patterns, it could be not enough rest, crowds, not eating protein, eating too much starch, being on big-pharma meds, etc and not getting enough sleep. We hope to avoid hospitals no matter what and try to avoid gatherings. Sorry for your losses stay well. Get your sleep

It is hard to attribute a whole family getting it, including a 2 year old, to not enough rest, protein, meds or starch. Covid is a thing. I know too many normal healthy friends and family who gotten it and said it was worse than the flu. I know just as many who just lost their smell and taste for months and had a slight fever. I wonder if it is more of the dose of the strain that makes the difference. My family that got it bad, with two heathy adults in their late 30's, two adults in their 60's and a two year old getting it is the best personal case study for me. I don't know about the man in his 60's health, but everybody else is not overweight whatsoever, no meds and the male in his 30's works out everyday and is into keto, he's very fit.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
It is hard to attribute a whole family getting it, including a 2 year old, to not enough rest, protein, meds or starch. Covid is a thing. I know too many normal healthy friends and family who gotten it and said it was worse than the flu. I know just as many who just lost their smell and taste for months and had a slight fever. I wonder if it is more of the dose of the strain that makes the difference. My family that got it bad, with two heathy adults in their late 30's, two adults in their 60's and a two year old getting it is the best personal case study for me. I don't know about the man in his 60's health, but everybody else is not overweight whatsoever, no meds and the male in his 30's works out everyday and is into keto, he's very fit.
the keto is not healthy from a peat perspective even if visually the person looks muscular and lean or fit, they likely have high cortisol levels. Actually even when I did a lower carb diet, like 100g to 120g carbs a day, and used creatine regularly, I would actually have an appearance where I was very fit and lean, muscular, but my face looked puffy. At the time I thought it was maybe whey protein powder swelling the face and bloating me which also happens, but even then my face was just abnormally puffy or chubby considering how lean I was, as I saw many people with more overall bodyfat than me yet slimmer faces or similar face size...
were any of those people following Peat type diets and lifestyles


Nov 22, 2017
the keto is not healthy from a peat perspective even if visually the person looks muscular and lean or fit, they likely have high cortisol levels. Actually even when I did a lower carb diet, like 100g to 120g carbs a day, and used creatine regularly, I would actually have an appearance where I was very fit and lean, muscular, but my face looked puffy. At the time I thought it was maybe whey protein powder swelling the face and bloating me which also happens, but even then my face was just abnormally puffy or chubby considering how lean I was, as I saw many people with more overall bodyfat than me yet slimmer faces or similar face size...
were any of those people following Peat type diets and lifestyles

This is an important point. From what I can gather, middle aged individuals who get very sick are disproportionately identified as "very fit" or practicing some type of health conscious diet. Being in ketosis, eating a partially vegan/healthy/carnivore diet, having a low pulse and doing cross-fit are all factors which will probably contribute to increased risk of adverse outcomes, from any infection, or stress vs. a sedentary individual eating a normal diet including milk, eggs etc.
Mar 10, 2021
the keto is not healthy from a peat perspective even if visually the person looks muscular and lean or fit, they likely have high cortisol levels. Actually even when I did a lower carb diet, like 100g to 120g carbs a day, and used creatine regularly, I would actually have an appearance where I was very fit and lean, muscular, but my face looked puffy. At the time I thought it was maybe whey protein powder swelling the face and bloating me which also happens, but even then my face was just abnormally puffy or chubby considering how lean I was, as I saw many people with more overall bodyfat than me yet slimmer faces or similar face size...
were any of those people following Peat type diets and lifestyles

I didn't say it was healthy, just eluding to the fact the guy doesn't each junk. The rest of family doesn't do keto. So there is no common dietary factors. I agree is very aging. And to your question about family following a Ray Peat lifestyle, does anybody you know follow it? We are a rare breed :)


Aug 10, 2012
I wanted to say something about the "unvaxxed" who we hear are being hospitalized with Covid. The definition of unvaxxed is not what the mainstream media watchers think it is.

Probably most here know the unvaxxed include anybody who has not had 2 shots plus 35 days (or is it 30?) past the second shot. That's a long time period there.

So, one shot + Covid = unvaxxed case. Two shots + Covid = unvaxxed case unless it's 36 days later.


Aug 17, 2016
Ray Kurzwel has been talkiing about putting nanobots on our neo-cortex to connect us to the cloud. What if the keeping the fear of covid and its variants up whilst saying the vaccines can't keep up--need more and more boosters and maybe even a daily pill--is setting us up for the 'relief breakthrough' of taking a nanobot that will constantly search and destroy covid. Keeping us safe.


Oct 11, 2015
Ray Kurzwel has been talkiing about putting nanobots on our neo-cortex to connect us to the cloud. What if the keeping the fear of covid and its variants up whilst saying the vaccines can't keep up--need more and more boosters and maybe even a daily pill--is setting us up for the 'relief breakthrough' of taking a nanobot that will constantly search and destroy covid. Keeping us safe.
Its very possible. Things are already a mess with virtual reality. Kids as young as 1 year old are being handed cell phones/tablets as automated pacifiers and baby sitters from their parents. Most of the Parents think this is perfectly normal and acceptable. I hear boys/young men yelling or getting excited at online video games while going for walks at night, and during the day every other person seems to have airpods on. People are always checking their cell phones while driving, especially Women, but Men do it all the time too.


Its very possible. Things are already a mess with virtual reality. Kids as young as 1 year old are being handed cell phones/tablets as automated pacifiers and baby sitters from their parents. Most of the Parents think this is perfectly normal and acceptable. I hear boys/young men yelling or getting excited at online video games while going for walks at night, and during the day every other person seems to have airpods on. People are always checking their cell phones while driving, especially Women, but Men do it all the time too.
I was out with a friend once and she kept checking her phone in the middle of our conversation. Not wanting to repeat myself, I had previously expressed my discomfort with it which she ignored. I reached into my handbag and took out my book, I read it whilst she looked at her phone. When she was ready to engage me again I ignored her and continued reading. She finally got the message but we are no longer friends lol.

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
I was out with a friend once and she kept checking her phone in the middle of our conversation. Not wanting to repeat myself, I had previously expressed my discomfort with it which she ignored. I reached into my handbag and took out my book, I read it whilst she looked at her phone. When she was ready to engage me again I ignored her and continued reading. She finally got the message but we are no longer friends lol.
I hate "smart" phones. Their introduction was the beginning of the end of unmediated human relationships, starting with the social acceptance of rudeness and general lack of caring about the feelings of one's fellow humans.
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I hate "smart" phones. Their introduction was the beginning of the end of unmediated human relationships, starting with the social acceptance of rudeness and general lack of caring about the feelings of one's fellow humans.
I agree. Same friend used to let her baby, yes baby still in nappy, hold a tablet for hours. I made my feelings known. Perhaps it was this that ended our friendship.
Mar 10, 2021
I was out with a friend once and she kept checking her phone in the middle of our conversation. Not wanting to repeat myself, I had previously expressed my discomfort with it which she ignored. I reached into my handbag and took out my book, I read it whilst she looked at her phone. When she was ready to engage me again I ignored her and continued reading. She finally got the message but we are no longer friends lol.

You crack me up!
Mar 10, 2021
I hate "smart" phones. Their introduction was the beginning of the end of unmediated human relationships, starting with the social acceptance of rudeness and general lack of caring about the feelings of one's fellow humans.

I would say it started with Facebook, which I have never had and never will.

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
I would say it started with Facebook, which I have never had and never will.
Facebook sucks too, other side of the same coin. It launched in 2004, but didn't start becoming big until about the same time as "smart" phones were introduced, the bloody Iphone coming out in Jan 2007. The late oughts are when things started going to hell fast.


Oct 22, 2014
Adding to what's already been said - the reason it's so hard to combat this process is (to extend the Holocaust analogy) the people lining up with their sleeves up are both "Jew" and "Nazi". The cognitive dissonance is unlike anything. People have been primed for 20 years to believe that "anti-vaxxers" are rank murderers and rightful social outcasts - so now any questions or concerns are a "conspiracy theory". In today's liberalism, people aren't considered capable of parsing the truth for themselves, but rather the truth can only be known via external authority; arguments from authority are not only acceptable, they're the only way of knowing. On another thread someone said there are probably multiple forces, some well intentioned and some malevolent. Kind of like how the human body works with different elements interacting on various pathways, and overall society is undergoing a sick disease process. It's hard to talk with friends and family candidly because, not only did they take the shot themselves, many have given it to their teens or urged family members to do so. And then there are all the pregnant and breastfeeding mothers who took it. Telling people they may have done irrepereable harm to themselves and their children is simply "not done"; and a lot of us are trying not to lose our social networks while threatened with job and education loss. The soundtrack if this were a movie would include the Grateful Dead song, "Am I the victim or the crime?" - which is the question that pro-mandatory-vax folks never ask themselves and (usually) cannot tolerate. I try to meet people where they're at. Ivermectin is a good starting point. It is paradoxically getting easier to discuss now that the defects of the program are becoming a bit more apparent.
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Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Facebook sucks too, other side of the same coin. It launched in 2004, but didn't start becoming big until about the same time as "smart" phones were introduced, the bloody Iphone coming out in Jan 2007. The late oughts are when things started going to hell fast.
i like the IG/facebook apps, you can see so many different people, places on them, that you otherwise wouldn't see even if you were out and about travelling all the time

Nicole W.

Nov 28, 2016
This is an important point. From what I can gather, middle aged individuals who get very sick are disproportionately identified as "very fit" or practicing some type of health conscious diet. Being in ketosis, eating a partially vegan/healthy/carnivore diet, having a low pulse and doing cross-fit are all factors which will probably contribute to increased risk of adverse outcomes, from any infection, or stress vs. a sedentary individual eating a normal diet including milk, eggs etc.
I have noticed the same phenomenon: it’s always the marathon runners, triathletes, type A personalities that go hard etc… that get sick. Then they become notorious due to society’s erroneous perception of what constitutes health. It’s a remarkable surprise to people that they fall ill. “But they were so healthy!”, they exclaim.
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