WHO Flip-Flops Again, Endorses Sweden's Lockdown-Free Approach To Tackling Coronavirus:


Feb 18, 2016
Anybody seeing this in mainstream news outlets?
Obviously zerohedge should be taken with a grain of salt but their just as credible as the BBC or CNN these days imo.


"In other news, after another round of gloom-and-doom comments from the WHO's Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus Adhanom, the WHO officially endorsed the approach taken by Sweden, the latest flip flop from an organization that has done more than its fair share to confuse people with guidance that's constantly changing.

The WHO initially opposed, then embraced lockdowns, and now it's apparently back to opposing them again. Unlike other European states like Italy, Sweden implemented swift and early testing regimes to weed out infected patients. This allowed it to avoid lockdowns and border closures, relying instead on social distancing guidance. The country never closed its schools, and although mortality rates have been markedly higher than its neighbors, the virus never overwhelmed its hospital system. The Swedish government's approach is widely popular within Sweden.

The director of the WHO's health emergencies program said the notion that Sweden hadn't done much to combat the virus is simply not true.

Sweden has put in place a "very strong public health policy", said Dr. Mike Ryan. Unlike many other countries, Sweden chose to rely on its "relationship with its citizenry" and trust them to self-regulate. Its healthcare system has not been overwhelmed, he said, adding that its approach could be a "model" for other countries when lockdowns begin to relax. "There are lessons to be learnt by our colleagues in Sweden."

Remember the last time the WHO praised a "model" approach to tackling the virus? It was praising China's strict lockdowns".

LOL! Its parody at this point, meanwhile we are socializing the losses of gambling banks and now corporate groups to the extremely high pitched tune of trillions and growing by the day, all of the money printed is not going to us by the way, it will be funneled to new green projects for the climate crisis, big contracts for the already big boys you just bailed out.
JP Morgan gets a loan of billions from the treasury/fed at 0.5% rates right now, they turn right around and charge you 16-18% on your credit card and much higher rates in general, they have been prosecuted no less than 3 times since the 2008 crisis for outright fraud, corruption and a 4th pending for rigging the silver markets.

You getting it yet ?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Anybody seeing this in mainstream news outlets?
Obviously zerohedge should be taken with a grain of salt but their just as credible as the BBC or CNN these days imo.
WHO Flip-Flops Again, Endorses Sweden's Lockdown-Free Approach To Tackling Coronavirus: Live Updates

"In other news, after another round of gloom-and-doom comments from the WHO's Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus Adhanom, the WHO officially endorsed the approach taken by Sweden, the latest flip flop from an organization that has done more than its fair share to confuse people with guidance that's constantly changing.

The WHO initially opposed, then embraced lockdowns, and now it's apparently back to opposing them again. Unlike other European states like Italy, Sweden implemented swift and early testing regimes to weed out infected patients. This allowed it to avoid lockdowns and border closures, relying instead on social distancing guidance. The country never closed its schools, and although mortality rates have been markedly higher than its neighbors, the virus never overwhelmed its hospital system. The Swedish government's approach is widely popular within Sweden.

The director of the WHO's health emergencies program said the notion that Sweden hadn't done much to combat the virus is simply not true.

Sweden has put in place a "very strong public health policy", said Dr. Mike Ryan. Unlike many other countries, Sweden chose to rely on its "relationship with its citizenry" and trust them to self-regulate. Its healthcare system has not been overwhelmed, he said, adding that its approach could be a "model" for other countries when lockdowns begin to relax. "There are lessons to be learnt by our colleagues in Sweden."

Remember the last time the WHO praised a "model" approach to tackling the virus? It was praising China's strict lockdowns".

LOL! Its parody at this point, meanwhile we are socializing the losses of gambling banks and now corporate groups to the extremely high pitched tune of trillions and growing by the day, all of the money printed is not going to us by the way, it will be funneled to new green projects for the climate crisis, big contracts for the already big boys you just bailed out.
JP Morgan gets a loan of billions from the treasury/fed at 0.5% rates right now, they turn right around and charge you 16-18% on your credit card and much higher rates in general, they have been prosecuted no less than 3 times since the 2008 crisis for outright fraud, corruption and a 4th pending for rigging the silver markets.

You getting it yet ?

I am waiting on WHO to start praising Belarus' approach and then the fiasco will be complete :): At some point somebody famous that people listen to for whatever reason will be "nuts" enough to get to a major MSM outlet and say "wait...all of this was for nothing!?!?"


Feb 18, 2016
They’re praising the testing, they want everyone tested for some reason....

It’s possibly to justify tracking , also using amplifying technique it’s likely most people can be shown to carry it justifying mass surveillance, they might not even need everyone to download the apps to track everyone, even if you don’t opt in Bluetooth is pinging each device, they legally can do this,as in be more intrusive with they were already doing. I’m not sure if switching blue tooth off will even help if phones are pinging each other.


Aug 17, 2016
It’s possibly to justify tracking , also using amplifying technique it’s likely most people can be shown to carry it justifying mass surveillance, they might not even need everyone to download the apps to track everyone, even if you don’t opt in Bluetooth is pinging each device, they legally can do this,as in be more intrusive with they were already doing. I’m not sure if switching blue tooth off will even help if phones are pinging each other.
I turned off my bluetooth and keep my phone wrapped in faraday cloth. It stopped ringing or getting messages. But they recently put up a new 5G pole up on my corner and now the blasting alerts are coming through the cloth as well as as phone calls.


Feb 18, 2016
I turned off my bluetooth and keep my phone wrapped in faraday cloth. It stopped ringing or getting messages. But they recently put up a new 5G pole up on my corner and now the blasting alerts are coming through the cloth as well as as phone calls.

That’s intense ,right on the corner , I think every human prefers cell phone towers further away regardless of what the "science" says, massive power towers overhead are also disconcerting ,underground via direct line is psychologically more appealing.

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
It’s possibly to justify tracking , also using amplifying technique it’s likely most people can be shown to carry it justifying mass surveillance, they might not even need everyone to download the apps to track everyone, even if you don’t opt in Bluetooth is pinging each device, they legally can do this,as in be more intrusive with they were already doing. I’m not sure if switching blue tooth off will even help if phones are pinging each other.

What apps?


Mar 3, 2016
Fake news. They didn't endorse the Swedish approach, listen to what they actually said instead.

And the reason the Swedish healthcare system hasn't been overwhelmed is because they're not giving intensive care to people over the age of 80, or people with multiple illnesses over the age of 60, instead they just give them morphine and let them suffocate to death. Now that probably doesn't affect mortality rate as much as you would think because the sanctioned treatments of oxygen therapy, chloroquine, remdesivir and whatever other toxins they can think of are not very helpful. But irregardless that's the reason why the Swedish healthcare system isn't overwhelmed.

This Mike Ryan guy sounds like an absolute retard anyways, saying Sweden has done a lot of testing and making sure the disease doesn't spread in long care facilities. It's just factually incorrect. Retirees at old folks home who get infected are basically just given morphine and then left to die, by personnel who don't even have protective equipment. A month ago it was reported that 1/3rd of old folks homes in Stockholm had patients who had tested positive for the disease. Sweden is basically a control group, not much has been done other than telling people to be careful. It's ridiculous to shut down society anyways over a disease with such a low mortality rate, especially when all your sanctioned treatments are garbage.


Feb 18, 2016
Fake news. They didn't endorse the Swedish approach, listen to what they actually said instead.

And the reason the Swedish healthcare system hasn't been overwhelmed is because they're not giving intensive care to people over the age of 80, or people with multiple illnesses over the age of 60, instead they just give them morphine and let them suffocate to death. Now that probably doesn't affect mortality rate as much as you would think because the sanctioned treatments of oxygen therapy, chloroquine, remdesivir and whatever other toxins they can think of are not very helpful. But irregardless that's the reason why the Swedish healthcare system isn't overwhelmed.

This Mike Ryan guy sounds like an absolute retard anyways, saying Sweden has done a lot of testing and making sure the disease doesn't spread in long care facilities. It's just factually incorrect. Retirees at old folks home who get infected are basically just given morphine and then left to die, by personnel who don't even have protective equipment. A month ago it was reported that 1/3rd of old folks homes in Stockholm had patients who had tested positive for the disease. Sweden is basically a control group, not much has been done other than telling people to be careful. It's ridiculous to shut down society anyways over a disease with such a low mortality rate, especially when all your sanctioned treatments are garbage.

Mike Ryan’s use of language says enough, other countries healthcare systems are not overwhelmed en masse either, they should be because lock downs were late happening and the virus was out,if it was that deadly ICU’s should have been thronged, In Italy they had the same attitude to the elderly.

Sweden isn’t a glowing success but compared to the mess in other countries it may seem that way, it has another advantage with its own currency going forward also,the economy is global so they will inevitably be effected but not as bad as their euro neighbors. The Swedish government will have little reason to enact forced vaccination which is ramping up in every other country along tracking people.


Mar 3, 2016
Mike Ryan’s use of language says enough, other countries healthcare systems are not overwhelmed en masse either, they should be because lock downs were late happening and the virus was out,if it was that deadly ICU’s should have been thronged, In Italy they had the same attitude to the elderly.

Sweden isn’t a glowing success but compared to the mess in other countries it may seem that way, it has another advantage with its own currency going forward also,the economy is global so they will inevitably be effected but not as bad as their euro neighbors. The Swedish government will have little reason to enact forced vaccination which is ramping up in every other country along tracking people.
Italy's healthcare system was overwhelmed before they decided to let old people just die. Sweden has some of the fewest hospital beds and ICU equipment in all of Europe, if they had decided to treat all its citizens then surely they would have been overwhelmed.

Depends on how you define success but if it's about pure death rate then Sweden is doing badly, much worse than its neighbours.


Oct 6, 2012
Italy's healthcare system was overwhelmed before they decided to let old people just die. Sweden has some of the fewest hospital beds and ICU equipment in all of Europe, if they had decided to treat all its citizens then surely they would have been overwhelmed.

Depends on how you define success but if it's about pure death rate then Sweden is doing badly, much worse than its neighbours.
For now yes, unless other countries wanna keep the lockdown going forever they're gonna catch up eventually, barring some kind of breakthrough treatment emerging.

Swedens approach is a success if for no other reason than that they refused to succumb to the collective panic that is currently causing the global economy to collapse and will result in hundreds of millions starving to death if no change of course comes soon.


Feb 18, 2016
Italy's healthcare system was overwhelmed before they decided to let old people just die. Sweden has some of the fewest hospital beds and ICU equipment in all of Europe, if they had decided to treat all its citizens then surely they would have been overwhelmed.

Depends on how you define success but if it's about pure death rate then Sweden is doing badly, much worse than its neighbours.

I don’t know about the broader healthcare systemic Sweden has, if it was that bad then it their numbers should be way higher considering this was labeled a deadly pandemic or implied as deadly.
It may also hint at a lack of ventilators and less likely to induce comas for this, possibly saving lives.

I’m not sure why everyone keeps comparing to sweden to its neighbors when we keep in mind Sweden’s numbers are much better than elsewhere in the world and of course the second wave shouldn’t be as bad in Sweden either compared to its lock down neighbors.



Mar 3, 2016
For now yes, unless other countries wanna keep the lockdown going forever they're gonna catch up eventually, barring some kind of breakthrough treatment emerging.

Swedens approach is a success if for no other reason than that they refused to succumb to the collective panic that is currently causing the global economy to collapse and will result in hundreds of millions starving to death if no change of course comes soon.
Corona isn't causing this economic crisis, that's what they want you to blame, it's the perfect scapegoat for their financial scheme.
I don’t know about the broader healthcare systemic Sweden has, if it was that bad then it their numbers should be way higher considering this was labeled a deadly pandemic or implied as deadly.
It may also hint at a lack of ventilators and less likely to induce comas for this, possibly saving lives.

I’m not sure why everyone keeps comparing to sweden to its neighbors when we keep in mind Sweden’s numbers are much better than elsewhere in the world and of course the second wave shouldn’t be as bad in Sweden either compared to its lock down neighbors.

Luckily there is hard data so we don't have to guess or think about what should have been the case.

Why wouldn't you compare Sweden to its neighbours? It's the only comparison that makes sense. I'm not arguing that Sweden's neighbours are handling it better, I'm just saying that if you think the ultimate goal is to have as few deaths as possible they sure are.


Oct 6, 2012
Corona isn't causing this economic crisis, that's what they want you to blame, it's the perfect scapegoat for their financial scheme.
Not Corona, the response to Corona. Or if shutting down every developed society and closing all international borders isn't causing the economic crisis, then what is?


Mar 3, 2016
Not Corona, the response to Corona. Or if shutting down every developed society and closing all international borders isn't causing the economic crisis, then what is?
Instead of letting the economy correct during the 2008 recession they chose to hyperinflate the same bubble for the last 12 years. The whole economy is fake, especially now with Trump and his fed pumping trillions of dollars directly into the stock market.


Oct 21, 2013
why do i not see a mention here or anywhere - vietnam has had 0 - ZERO deaths?


Oct 6, 2012
Instead of letting the economy correct during the 2008 recession they chose to hyperinflate the same bubble for the last 12 years. The whole economy is fake, especially now with Trump and his fed pumping trillions of dollars directly into the stock market.
I think there is a lot of real economic value being lost when people are prohibited from working, not everyone have bull**** jobs. And international supply chains being disrupted due fears of virus spread can have disastrous consequences.
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