Vaccines Do Cause Autism


Jun 11, 2018

You mean the sixties ?

By that time, all the regulatory agencies were long bought and paid for already.

Guy is a troublemaker, just like Shiva, both pretending to be the opposition, asking people to support them then leading them to nowhere.

As i wrote, that's textbook standard political operation.

I wrote make the regulatory agencies and drugs work. Before that I wrote make USA like it was during his childhood. A sort of a dream, an idyllic childhood land. Something some call the American Dream, a land where people can get rich, where justice eventually wins, where people are healthy, where you can make real change with lawsuits, a land of the free and brave, I can´t describe it better. But I really think this is the solution he has in mind. I believe the old system must be taken down and be replaced with a new one.


Jan 1, 2013
A sort of a dream, an idyllic childhood land. Something some call the American Dream, a land where people can get rich, where justice eventually wins, where people are healthy, where you can make real change with lawsuits, a land of the free and brave, I can´t describe it better.

That would be a world without politicians.

That's what Kennedy really needs to work for if he truly meant what he says.
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Apr 3, 2013
That's what they want you to believe: that you are the only one thinking like that.

These people are trolls and 99% of internet's messages boards are choke full of them.

It's also because people like them that any Wikipedia page treating about health cannot be edited anymore: if the edit goes against pharma interests, it will get deleted in a matter of 30 seconds.
That makes sense that there is a silent majority for sure...I get really discouraged being the only maskless person in the store though. But I hope you're right that most of the online bull crap is not a true representation of the collective. Thank you for your response!


Feb 4, 2019
truly heart breaking. i am a labor and delivery nurse. the other day a baby was born, vigorous alert baby, he was suckling like crazy, making tons of eye contact, just a very alert aware baby. he breast fed for a bit before being taken to the nursery for his routine assessment which includes a hep B vaccine. when the mother received her baby a few hours later, she said "wow what did they do to him in the nursery? he is so quiet now.." he was making way less eye contact and generally dozing off, did not want to feed. it could be low blood sugar, babies get very sleepy if they dont feed immediately after the delivery, they are usually super active for the first hour and then if they don't get fed (and if they do) they fall asleep. but i would be lying if i denied that the autistic like effects of the hep B vaccine are notable almost immediately after administration.

the baby will scream upon being injected, look really contacted, stiff and stressed, and then basically go silent. most babies, upon being born, look at you in the eyes with lots of feeling. every single time i have tried to make eye contact with a baby after delivery they hold my gaze. every time i try to make contact with a baby who is a few hours old and received their hep b vaccine, they cannot hold my gaze. my experiences are not necessarily scientific, and it could be any number of things, hospital stimuli are very stressful, low blood sugar could present as autistic like symptoms in a newborn, trauma from separation from the mother, etc. regardless, i still remain sure that the immediate change in disposition is autistic like and has such a close proximity to the administration of the hep b vaccine that there is more than likely a very strong relationship between the two.

Wow @raysputin, quite an account. Thanks for sharing, even though I find heartbreaking as well.


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
Good one.

I'm not really interested in politics anymore: been there, done that. I now understood it's all a fake, and you can only count on yourself.

For all i know, Shiva is in it too.

"Dr. Ayyadurai had earlier pointed out the hypocrisy of Mr. Kennedy, who purports to support medical freedom and the environment, but in point of fact had endorsed Hillary Clinton three times, despite knowing Hillary Clinton being a strong proponent of mandatory vaccinations, the largest recipient of contributions from Big Pharma in the 2016 election, and being pro-Monsanto. Moreover, Dr. Ayyadurai publicly shared Mr. Kennedy’s video in which Mr. Kennedy states that he is “fiercely pro-vaccine” and supports government “policies that encourage full vaccination for all Americans.”"
... and your correct about Shiva - apparently also involved with vaccines.
Shiva, the Vaccine Maker
Shiva never mentions the fact that he is a vaccine maker. Shiva owns a pharmaceutical company, Cytosolve, that partners with vaccine and drugmakers to accelerate FDA approvals for vaccines and other pharmaceutical drugs. His principal business partner is Pfizer, the world’s #4 vaccine maker. Are Shiva’s attacks on our Movement calculated pandering, to court affection from Pfizer and the HHS regulators––upon whose favor his financial success relies––and to win their blessings by discrediting a Movement that questions vaccine products?


Jan 1, 2013
... and your correct about Shiva - apparently also involved with vaccines.
Shiva, the Vaccine Maker
Shiva never mentions the fact that he is a vaccine maker. Shiva owns a pharmaceutical company, Cytosolve, that partners with vaccine and drugmakers to accelerate FDA approvals for vaccines and other pharmaceutical drugs. His principal business partner is Pfizer, the world’s #4 vaccine maker. Are Shiva’s attacks on our Movement calculated pandering, to court affection from Pfizer and the HHS regulators––upon whose favor his financial success relies––and to win their blessings by discrediting a Movement that questions vaccine products?

Yes, i read that too.

Now the irony is double, since Shiva exposed Kennedy for being "fiercely pro vaccine", and in return Kennedy blames Shiva for being a vaccine maker, something for which he's himself "fiercely pro".

These people have perfected this game for decades.
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Oct 1, 2019
Yes, i read that too.

Now the irony is double, since Shiva exposed Kennedy for being "fiercely pro vaccine", and in return Kennedy blames Shiva for being a vaccine maker, something he's himself "fiercely pro".

These people have perfected this game for decades.

This is a comedy.


Mar 30, 2020
truly heart breaking. i am a labor and delivery nurse. the other day a baby was born, vigorous alert baby, he was suckling like crazy, making tons of eye contact, just a very alert aware baby. he breast fed for a bit before being taken to the nursery for his routine assessment which includes a hep B vaccine. when the mother received her baby a few hours later, she said "wow what did they do to him in the nursery? he is so quiet now.." he was making way less eye contact and generally dozing off, did not want to feed. it could be low blood sugar, babies get very sleepy if they dont feed immediately after the delivery, they are usually super active for the first hour and then if they don't get fed (and if they do) they fall asleep. but i would be lying if i denied that the autistic like effects of the hep B vaccine are notable almost immediately after administration.

the baby will scream upon being injected, look really contacted, stiff and stressed, and then basically go silent. most babies, upon being born, look at you in the eyes with lots of feeling. every single time i have tried to make eye contact with a baby after delivery they hold my gaze. every time i try to make contact with a baby who is a few hours old and received their hep b vaccine, they cannot hold my gaze. my experiences are not necessarily scientific, and it could be any number of things, hospital stimuli are very stressful, low blood sugar could present as autistic like symptoms in a newborn, trauma from separation from the mother, etc. regardless, i still remain sure that the immediate change in disposition is autistic like and has such a close proximity to the administration of the hep b vaccine that there is more than likely a very strong relationship between the two.

Hi, I cant believe they give newborn babies vaccines straight away? Having two children myself I really struggled with the decision if I should let them get vaccinated or not. But here in Norway children are given the Hep B vaccine when they are at least 3 months old. Do you think that would make a difference? I feel they are making vaccines mandatory in a lot of European countries now. Where children are not able to attend kindergarten og schools unless they are vaccinated. And you cant work in healthcare.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Hi, I cant believe they give newborn babies vaccines straight away? Having two children myself I really struggled with the decision if I should let them get vaccinated or not. But here in Norway children are given the Hep B vaccine when they are at least 3 months old. Do you think that would make a difference? I feel they are making vaccines mandatory in a lot of European countries now. Where children are not able to attend kindergarten og schools unless they are vaccinated. And you cant work in healthcare.
Some hospitals give the hep B vaccine as the baby is delivered, before it is even put on the mothers chest. I think it would be best to delay all vaccines until at least age 2.


Sep 12, 2015
Hi, I cant believe they give newborn babies vaccines straight away? Having two children myself I really struggled with the decision if I should let them get vaccinated or not. But here in Norway children are given the Hep B vaccine when they are at least 3 months old. Do you think that would make a difference? I feel they are making vaccines mandatory in a lot of European countries now. Where children are not able to attend kindergarten og schools unless they are vaccinated. And you cant work in healthcare.
Vaxxed vs. Unvaxxed

International scientists have found autism's cause. What will Americans do?

The Foundation for Al Adjuvant Safety Is False

Assumptions I had when I was a pro-vaxxer

Genetic Sequencing of Common Vaccine Finds Entire Male Genome From Aborted Human Baby

Countering False Vaccine Safety Claims

Luis aguilar

Oct 5, 2019
truly heart breaking. i am a labor and delivery nurse. the other day a baby was born, vigorous alert baby, he was suckling like crazy, making tons of eye contact, just a very alert aware baby. he breast fed for a bit before being taken to the nursery for his routine assessment which includes a hep B vaccine. when the mother received her baby a few hours later, she said "wow what did they do to him in the nursery? he is so quiet now.." he was making way less eye contact and generally dozing off, did not want to feed. it could be low blood sugar, babies get very sleepy if they dont feed immediately after the delivery, they are usually super active for the first hour and then if they don't get fed (and if they do) they fall asleep. but i would be lying if i denied that the autistic like effects of the hep B vaccine are notable almost immediately after administration.

the baby will scream upon being injected, look really contacted, stiff and stressed, and then basically go silent. most babies, upon being born, look at you in the eyes with lots of feeling. every single time i have tried to make eye contact with a baby after delivery they hold my gaze. every time i try to make contact with a baby who is a few hours old and received their hep b vaccine, they cannot hold my gaze. my experiences are not necessarily scientific, and it could be any number of things, hospital stimuli are very stressful, low blood sugar could present as autistic like symptoms in a newborn, trauma from separation from the mother, etc. regardless, i still remain sure that the immediate change in disposition is autistic like and has such a close proximity to the administration of the hep b vaccine that there is more than likely a very strong relationship between the two.
I like your post, babies are born enlightened or "Just being aware of whats happening" they dont know that they are a baby that is aware of whats happening... no.... they are just THE "Being aware of whats happening".. the evidence is clear an enlightened persons eyes naturally go towards yours and lock on with pure joy.... its very sad that these vaccines are messing up the kids brains to make them in a sense less awareness and more dullness :(


Sep 20, 2015
Fascinating thread describing how the first instances of autism occurred in the first two countries to use aluminum in vaccines. Be sure to click "Show this thread" after post #6


On this subject of aluminum in the body from vaccines and it's role in alzheimers, autism, MS, etc., here is a great video. I'd like to get input from Peat people on the idea that drinking silicon-rich mineral water is the only proven way to rid of the body of aluminum.


Mar 22, 2022
West Side
Its all about keeping the "Viruses cause disease" myth alive. Viruses do NOT cause disease. And are not contagious. There is no medical reason to inject us upon birth with multiple injections to keep us "safe" from an invisible enemy. Its all BS fed by our overlords.
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Dec 21, 2014
Its all about keeping the "Viruses cause disease" myth alive. Viruses do NOT cause disease. And are not contagious. There is no medical reason to inject us upon birth with multiple injections to keep us "safe" from an invisible enemy. Its all BS fed by our overlords.
Mind providing an alternative theory? Why do we get sick? What are we catching from each other?


Mar 22, 2022
West Side
Mind providing an alternative theory? Why do we get sick? What are we catching from each other?
Toxemia is the main reason for disease. There are other subtle energies that can make us sick and not so subtle like radiation ionizing/EMF etc.

The SEASONAL flu/colds are a cyclical detox of the human body that is correlated with low light/low humidity/low temps.

We are catching something from each other as much as the women who live together catch the menstrual cycle synchronization virus.

There is no need for a particle to exchange bodies to make us sick. And because it has never been proven and used by globalists/satanists to keep us in fear, it is 99.999% false information/theory. The whole charade about covid was around the idea that THERE IS A VIRUS. Its all a lie.



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Uncoupling of ATP-mediated Calcium Signaling and Dysregulated IL-6 Secretion in Dendritic Cells by Nanomolar Thimerosal

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Activation of Methionine Synthase by Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 and Dopamine: a Target for Neurodevelopmental Toxins and Thimerosal

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