Three Generations of Lies vs Critical Thinking. Need Your Input.


Apr 19, 2020
This is such a great group brainstorming
While we still have brains that work and freedom to 'openly discuss' items of importance. With respect to other's views. Very important.

Basically breakdown of identity lately, and before that breakdown of womanhood/manhood/childhood, breakdown of Family, culture/society, Religion and Spirituality, nation states. They be trying break us..... or rather it has been a designed attack for generations. Check out this short vid of a longer vid from Soviet defector in 1970's to USA. He describes "KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov explains the Ideological subversion and the four stages:
Normalization "

I did see the long version years ago... quite revealing when one considers that the USA has been in the process of the STATE increasing control of our own people for Decades. And other countries follow suit/share intel and ops. (5 Eyes, British Commonwealth....). I am just under 60 years old, but it does seem like the efforts of a few have subverted/diluted/deleted much of the Freedoms and Rights once heralded by the rest of the world.


Sep 9, 2021
Bless you @Peatful

I just want to chime in about homeschooling again. I had a conversation with my 17 y. o. daughter today (homeschooled until she was ten, then in mainstream school after that) about her bank account, she said it was showing up all kind of glitches and she told me that she wanted to change banks. When we eventually got to the heart of the problem, she told me that her friends severely bullied her for being with this certain bank - it is the only one in the UK that has an ethical policy written by its customers and does not invest in *bad* stuff, and the only one I wanted her to have when she moved to the UK to board at college. We had a long conversation about giving up on her principles when people judge her so that she can be cool and how actually it was way cooler to stand up for what she believed in despite the slack she may receive from others. The other day she told me she was bullied for not knowing how to work the boarding house's microwave 'cos we never had one when she was growing up. In these cases, I believe bullied means 'banter which she has taken to heart'

I don't really know where I am going with this but as I was talking to her I was thinking about this thread. I absolutely know that a homeschooled child HAS to enter normal society at some point in their lives (they probably will get a bank account and will probably be asked to heat up someone's mac and cheese for them in something other than an oven at some point). It is a VERY subtle balancing act. I would be hesitant now to wholeheartedly recommend homeschooling to others. I do not necessarily think taking children out of school is a good thing in every case. Children really feel castigated for not being 'normal' unless you have an incredibly independent-minded child or one that just doesn't care. And I don't believe that bringing them up in a completely different environment (such as a homeschooled one) will automatically make your child independent-minded, although it seems tempting to give it a go. Both my daughters binged on TV when they left home until they became just like any other regular kid who watches it every day (you can insert any social media site for TV here). My eldest daughter got all her childhood vaccinations when she turned 18 (up to that point I'd only allowed her to have a few) including C-19 which devastated me. BUT she was an adult by that time and I had to respect her decision.

I think the best course of action in these cases and I thank my very level-headed husband for this insight, is to expect that they HAVE to and are going to make their own way in the world, and for homeschooled children it just seems like that point gets delayed a bit. He says, let them make their own mistakes, like he did, like I did and like many of you, I am sure reading this did too. I believed in every single one of the items on Peatful's list when I was younger, but my parents contributed absolutely nothing to change my mind about them. I think - and this overrides children being in or out of school - that with my children I strive to a) not be too radical in your approach, it gives them just another thing to rebel against 2) not to force your judgement on them 3) be individual, show them the alternative way and fight for everything you believe in but never make it a doctrine or a dogma. The best leaders and influencers just get on with doing their thing, without trying to convince, cajole or indoctrinate and become so inspiring that people naturally want to follow them. Read John Holt's books and you'll understand how this works with children.

If we want to emulate our grandparents, as I think this thread is alluding to, the best thing we can do is to treat them like adults from the earliest age, (which also means giving them credit to make their own choices in this world), lead by example and don't sweat it too much.

"You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth." - Khalil Gibran.
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Dec 8, 2016
Bless you @Peatful

I just want to chime in about homeschooling again. I had a conversation with my 17 y. o. daughter today (homeschooled until she was ten, then in mainstream school after that) about her bank account, she said it was showing up all kind of glitches and she told me that she wanted to change banks. When we eventually got to the heart of the problem, she told me that her friends severely bullied her for being with this certain bank - it is the only one in the UK that has an ethical policy written by its customers and does not invest in *bad* stuff, and the only one I wanted her to have when she moved to the UK to board at college. We had a long conversation about giving up on her principles when people judge her so that she can be cool and how actually it was way cooler to stand up for what she believed in despite the slack she may receive from others. The other day she told me she was bullied for not knowing how to work the boarding house's microwave 'cos we never had one when she was growing up. In these cases, I believe bullied means 'banter which she has taken to heart'

I don't really know where I am going with this but as I was talking to her I was thinking about this thread. I absolutely know that a homeschooled child HAS to enter normal society at some point in their lives (they probably will get a bank account and will probably be asked to heat up someone's mac and cheese for them in something other than an oven at some point). It is a VERY subtle balancing act. I would be hesitant now to wholeheartedly recommend homeschooling to others. I do not necessarily think taking children out of school is a good thing in every case. Children really feel castigated for not being 'normal' unless you have an incredibly independent-minded child or one that just doesn't care. And I don't believe that bringing them up in a completely different environment (such as a homeschooled one) will automatically make your child independent-minded, although it seems tempting to give it a go. Both my daughters binged on TV when they left home until they became just like any other regular kid who watches it every day (you can insert any social media site for TV here). My eldest daughter got all her childhood vaccinations when she turned 18 (up to that point I'd only allowed her to have a few) including C-19 which devastated me. BUT she was an adult by that time and I had to respect her decision.

I think the best course of action in these cases and I thank my very level-headed husband for this insight, is to expect that they HAVE to and are going to make their own way in the world, and for homeschooled children it just seems like that point gets delayed a bit. He says, let them make their own mistakes, like he did, like I did and like many of you, I am sure reading this did too. I believed in every single one of the items on Peatful's list when I was younger, but my parents contributed absolutely nothing to change my mind about them. I think - and this overrides children being in or out of school - that with my children I strive to a) not be too radical in your approach, it gives them just another thing to rebel against 2) not to force your judgement on them 3) be individual, show them the alternative way and fight for everything you believe in but never make it a doctrine or a dogma. The best leaders and influencers just get on with doing their thing, without trying to convince, cajole or indoctrinate and become so inspiring that people naturally want to follow them. Read John Holt's books and you'll understand how this works with children.

If we want to emulate our grandparents, as I think this thread is alluding to, the best thing we can do is to treat them like adults from the earliest age, (which also means giving them credit to make their own choices in this world), lead by example and don't sweat it too much.

"You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth." - Khalil Gibran.
(Appreciate you)


Oct 4, 2022
Seems like your list included mostly health related claims, many political and social ones are very important as well. I wont give an exhaustive list, but here are some important ones that I would include:

- "Diversity is a strength" (some would even say our greatest strength!)
- "The state is our friend / The state has our best interests in mind"
- "We should trust public officials. After all, they're the ones in charge for a reason!"
- "Race dosen't exist / Race is only skin deep"
- "Watching pornography is healthy and natural! / pornography helps you 'discover' your 'real' sexual desires!" (every clueless "sex positive" sexologist ever)
- "Egalitarianism is not a revolt against nature; it is actually the default state of nature!"
- "Being white is NOT okay!"
- "Mainstream media and our beloved 'independent' fact-checkers are not controlled by outside interests!"

And the list goes on.


Dec 8, 2016
Watching pornography is healthy and natural! / pornography helps you 'discover' your 'real' sexual desires!" (every clueless "sex positive" sexologist ever)
Being white is NOT okay!"
Thank you for your list.
Especially these above.

We are a white family and i am aware this is being attacked in our school system.

Especially the older kids; my friends with high schoolers.


Mar 26, 2014
Seems like your list included mostly health related claims, many political and social ones are very important as well. I wont give an exhaustive list, but here are some important ones that I would include:

- "Diversity is a strength" (some would even say our greatest strength!)
- "The state is our friend / The state has our best interests in mind"
- "We should trust public officials. After all, they're the ones in charge for a reason!"
- "Race dosen't exist / Race is only skin deep"
- "Watching pornography is healthy and natural! / pornography helps you 'discover' your 'real' sexual desires!" (every clueless "sex positive" sexologist ever)
- "Egalitarianism is not a revolt against nature; it is actually the default state of nature!"
- "Being white is NOT okay!"
- "Mainstream media and our beloved 'independent' fact-checkers are not controlled by outside interests!"

And the list goes on.
For whatever it's worth I agree completely.


Oct 4, 2022
Thank you for your list.
Especially these above.

We are a white family and i am aware this is being attacked in our school system.

Especially the older kids; my friends with high schoolers.
The status quo on sexual culture and particuarly race continually move leftward, especially when concerning public-schooling; very unfortunate to see.

On the former quote: Will it come to the point that half of all teenage men have to struggle with porn-induced erectile dysfunction and sexual issues until the pornography addiction epidemic is publicly recognized? This quote from Gary Wilson's book "Your Brain on Porn" offers some thought-provoking insight:

"If you’re wondering why there’s not yet a consensus on the effects of internet porn despite the swell of warnings from those affected and their healthcare givers, you may find the history of the Tobacco Wars instructive. Years ago, most everyone smoked, including movie stars on screen. People loved puffing. It calmed the nerves, offered a predictable buzz and looked sophisticated. How could such a wonderful activity really be detrimental? Was nicotine truly addictive? When tar showed up in cadaver lungs incredulous smokers preferred to blame asphalt."

On the latter quote: Will it have to come to the point that whites must become a minority in their own country to start taking their own side? Greg Johnson makes this important observation:

"White demographic decline is extremely advanced in the United States. Whites have gone from being about 90% of the US population in 1965 to about 60% today, and in many locations and age groups we are already a minority. Whites are projected to slip below 50% of the population around 2042. If white Americans want to see what life is like as a despised minority in a majority non-white society, they need only look at South Africa today, which was also touted as a rainbow nation."

As Peat's motto goes, here it is important to Perceive, Think, and Act accordingly.

For anyone concerned, here are some resources for the two topics discussed above:, and, respectively.

Lydie Baillie

Mar 3, 2018

This struck me

I appreciate your directness and your definition of homeschooling

School is around mid tier of my worries

I should add i “homeschooled” of sorts during lockdown
So i do have some frame of reference generally speaking

Up at nights is about a culmination of it ALL

Values of said friends families (this may be near the top of my concerns)
Screen time
Visual messages
And then the world that you and i are navigating ourselves (lgtbq; DEI; trans; satanism; occult shtt)
And all the lies listed above

A lot of my “stress” is walking this road alone
Surrounded by hundred’s of family and friends
But feel like im in a wilderness at times
I appreciate the space just to fellowship with like minded people
Totally understand. For me, the March 2020 ensuing global psychosis was quite instructive. I was a face among the 99% covered faceless, a healthful one among myriad hiding hypochondriacs.
Stay strong!


Aug 17, 2018
-oldest civilisations are 7500 BCE – 5700 BCE
-there is no reason to question all history before 1500
Do you know of any solid references that talk about human history during and pre Atlantis times?


Dec 15, 2022


Aug 13, 2020
Some more points/lies to add to your list:

-oldest civilisations are 7500 BCE – 5700 BCE
-there is no reason to question all history before 1500

Gobekli Tepe: The World’s First Astronomical Observatory?

Earth's Northern Hemisphere was covered in enormous Ice Age glaciers when a group of hunter-gatherers in southern Turkey began constructing the world’s first known temple. The site, called Gobekli Tepe, was built roughly 12,000 years ago, with some parts appearing to be even older. However, because the ancient temple is so vast and complex, archaeologists have been busy excavating it since its discovery in 1994.

Along the way, they’ve uncovered strange animal carvings, towering stone pillars, and the earliest known evidence of megalithic rituals. But despite all those years of research, they're still working to unravel the site’s biggest mysteries: Who built it, and why?

At 12,000 years old, Gobekli Tepe predated humanity’s oldest known civilizations. Its megalithic temples were cut from rock millennia before the 4,500-year-old pyramids in Egypt, 5,000-year-old Stonehenge in England, or 7,000-year-old Nabta Playa, the oldest known astronomical site. It even seems construction on some parts of Gobekli Tepe might have began as far back as 14,000 or 15,000 years ago.

Ancient site older than Gobeklitepe unearthed in Turkey

The latest archeologic excavations in southeastern Turkey discovered an ancient site older than Gobeklitepe, known as the oldest temple in the world, according to a Turkish university rector.

Ibrahim Ozcosar, the rector of Mardin Artuklu University, told Anadolu Agency that the discoveries at Boncuklu Tarla (Beaded Field) in Mardin province resemble to those unearthed in Gobeklitepe, an archeological site located in Turkey's southeastern Sanliurfa province, and even 1,000 years older.

The area is known to have been home throughout history to Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, Hittites, Assyrians, Romans, Seljuks, and Ottomans, among others.

“We have identified examples of buildings which we call public area, temples, religious places in Boncuklu Tarla that are older compared to discoveries in Gobeklitepe,” he added.

The German Archaeological Institute and Sanliurfa Museum have been carrying out joint excavations at the site since 1995. They found T-shaped obelisks from the Neolithic era towering 10-20 feet (3-6 meters) high and weighing 40-60 tons.
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Mar 15, 2014
Maurice : For most men, a woman's body is the most beautiful thing they will ever see.
faces are more attractive than bodies to me

For instance most women were indifferent to the whole development of LGBTQ2K+ and woke philosophy… until finally they got upset when men started pretending to be women and then we saw the rise of the TERF.
people care about issues that affect them, news at 11

I disagree. I don't think women are more agreeable in the slightest (maybe that's why I am disagreeing)
I have a suspicion that women from traditional matriarchal cultures are less agreeable, while the men are more agreeable
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