The Energy Metabolism Dysfunction in Schizophrenia


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Jan 12, 2024

I thank @HDD for linking this study. He asked if there was anything interesting about this study worth mentioning in 2018.

From my understanding there are a lot of interesting things in this study. It mainly confirms a lot about what Ray Peat, Haidut, and Hans were talking about.

This study looks at the brains of people who've passed away from having schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder. They did what's called a proteomic analysis. Just learned that it's the study of the protein complement of a cell, tissue, or organism. Couldn't find a definition describing protein complement but they were basically able to identify and determine expression levels of proteins related to energy metabolism. My focus will be on schizophrenia. They found 92 differentially expressed proteins related to energy metabolism.

25% of total glucose is used by the brain. It uses it for glycolysis, the tricarboxylic acid cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation. What's interesting is that in gray matter there is a majority of excitatory synapses and account for most of the energy demands. When there's a need for energy when gray matter is active, there's an increase in blood flow to that area.

Blood sample of antipsychotic schizophrenics have elevated insulin, insulin resistance, hyperglycemia in many, and impaired glucose tolerance.
This extends to having brain regions with lower metabolism and altered blood flow.

This focus is now on unmedicated schizophrenics. One brain region is the cingulate gyrus. Unmedicated schizophrenia patients had lower glucose metabolic rates and volumetric reductions
In a different study, three thalamic nuclei were found to have reduce glucose metabolism. Specifically the pulvinar nucleus's poor glucose metabolism is linked to severity of hallucinations and positive symptoms.

Once again, this highlights the importance of the brain's ability to break down glucose for energy. I will be looking for more herbs to better break it down in the brain. Hans has a great article on optimizing glucose metabolism. The Ultimate Guide to Restoring Glucose Metabolism » TESTONATION

Another brain region the mediodorsal thalamus was found to have significantly lower levels of pyruvate. Probably also has elevated lactate levels and is more acidic.

In Schizophrenia there's mitochondrial dysfunction, mutations, and polymorphisms.

Haidut has always pointed out the importance of oxidative phosphorylation in energy production. Here in Schizophrenics they have alterations in the enzymatic activity of Complex I leading to dysfunction in oxidative phosphorylation and decreased ATP production. In Han's article on glucose metabolism he said "If one of the complexes isn’t working properly, then the NADH and/or FADH2 builds up and the electrons react with oxygen, fats, proteins, DNA, etc., and creates oxidative stress, inflammation, protein damage, etc. It can then also increase lactate dehydrogenase".

He also wrote "Eating a nutritious diet with ample vitamins and minerals (especially vitamin B1, B2, B3, vitamin E, copper and choline) will ensure that the complexes have the proper “building blocks” for running as they should.

A few important compounds that can alternatively accept the electrons from NADH and FADH2 and give it to cytochrome C oxidase are:

  • Methylene blue (R)
  • Vitamin K2 (R)
  • Vitamin C (R)
  • Lapachol (R)
  • CoQ10 (R)
  • PQQ (R)
This is needed throughout the whole body. But since we're focusing on the brain. That means we need to increase brain levels of these vitamins and compounds. That's why I think sublingual and temple application is working.

It's day 2 of doing sublingual vitamins, minerals, and hormones. So far my voices have been very quiet during the day time and night time. I do believe it's doing something but am still waiting before I get excited.

So this is what I've gathered from this study. Hope this was helpful.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Dr. Hoffer used Niacin as Nicotinic Acid to heal many people from Schizophrenia.


Forum Supporter
Jan 12, 2024
Dr. Hoffer used Niacin as Nicotinic Acid to heal many people from Schizophrenia.
I use niacin. Didn't notice any difference however I'm only able to take 500 mg. I threw up after using 1.5 grams. Not sure why that happened. Hoping if I take 500 mg for a long time I'll notice a difference


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I use niacin. Didn't notice any difference however I'm only able to take 500 mg. I threw up after using 1.5 grams. Not sure why that happened. Hoping if I take 500 mg for a long time I'll notice a difference
There is a fake niacin out there, and you also need to buffer it when going over 150mg. Which Niacin are you using?


Forum Supporter
Jan 12, 2024
I'm using niacin from Now. What do you mean by buffer? How would I do that?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I'm using niacin from Now. What do you mean by buffer? How would I do that?
I would consider "Bulk Supplements" powder Niacin. You buffer the Niacin by basically mixing it in water with potassium bicarbonate or baking soda. For simplicity sake, a 1:1 mix is a good place to start. So basically it you took 500mg of niacin you would buffer it with either 500mg of baking soda or potassium bicarbonate. I prefer the potassium.


Forum Supporter
Jan 12, 2024
I would consider "Bulk Supplements" powder Niacin. You buffer the Niacin by basically mixing it in water with potassium bicarbonate or baking soda. For simplicity sake, a 1:1 mix is a good place to start. So basically it you took 500mg of niacin you would buffer it with either 500mg of baking soda or potassium bicarbonate. I prefer the potassium.
Thank you so much. Can't believe I forgot. I learned about buffering before. Use to do it in chem. Definitely will use this method. Does it reduce the flush you get from it? Also side effects like vomiting?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Does it reduce the flush you get from it?
No it does not, the flush is fine. It reduces the acidity so its easier on your teeth and body so it does not have to deal with the acid load. Its just one less stress on the body.
Also side effects like vomiting?
First I would question the source of your Niacin, that could be it. But if you vomit on Bulk Supplements then seems like something is happening and your liver is trying to purge, I dont know. Personally, I would just back down to where I am comfortable and then hang out there for a while and then slowly try to raise the amount. No reason to push through anything, if it hurts don't do it and back down. Your stores will build up even with low dosing.


Forum Supporter
Jan 12, 2024
No it does not, the flush is fine. It reduces the acidity so its easier on your teeth and body so it does not have to deal with the acid load. Its just one less stress on the body.

First I would question the source of your Niacin, that could be it. But if you vomit on Bulk Supplements then seems like something is happening and your liver is trying to purge, I dont know. Personally, I would just back down to where I am comfortable and then hang out there for a while and then slowly try to raise the amount. No reason to push through anything, if it hurts don't do it and back down. Your stores will build up even with low dosing.
Thanks man. Will try it and ease into it. Also do you know a good source for progesterone powder? Been using 500 mg and it's helping me out. I used to use suchlabs but they're no longer in business.
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Mar 2, 2016
Have you seen this book? I think it is an excellent resource.
The Schizophrenias: Ours to conquer

One interesting observation among people diagnosed with schizophrenia is an absence of seasonal allergies or allergic response, and in general a reduced to response to nearly any stimulus. Some schizophrenics under treatment with niacin did not experience any flushing or only flushed at incredible doses.


Feb 3, 2020
B2 (FAD) seems very important.


  • MTHFR_B2_FAD.pdf
    3.8 MB · Views: 39


Forum Supporter
Jan 12, 2024
Have you seen this book? I think it is an excellent resource.
The Schizophrenias: Ours to conquer

One interesting observation among people diagnosed with schizophrenia is an absence of seasonal allergies or allergic response, and in general a reduced to response to nearly any stimulus. Some schizophrenics under treatment with niacin did not experience any flushing or only flushed at incredible doses.
Just saw it from youngsinatra this morning. Will read it. Thank you

That's very interesting. I used to get allergies in the spring time. Will see if I get it this time around. If by reduced response to nearly any stimulus includes stress than I can see that. I had many stressful experiences but was always able to stay calm and collected. I experience flushing with low dose niacin. My case might be a bit different since I don't have any symptoms of schizophrenia except auditory hallucinations. I used to have much more.


Mar 26, 2014
It's day 2 of doing sublingual vitamins, minerals, and hormones. So far my voices have been very quiet during the day time and night time. I do believe it's doing something but am still waiting before I get excited

This is excellent news!


Dec 8, 2016
Who diagnosed you as schizophrenic?

Do you display the other behavioral, cognitive and physical signs or symptoms of schizophrenia?

Are you embracing this dx?
You are over peak diagnostic age iirc.
Your thinking or writing is not disorganized
Is your speech incoherent and disorganized?

Are you concentrating on “eating a nutritious diet” or just supplementation?

I too had hallucinations
I had them nearly daily
Also brain zaps
I was stressed and underfed

Nourish yourself
In every aspect

I would certainly refuse to consider myself schizophrenic with simply one symptom

I knew a family in college that schizophrenia was true for them
And it was absolutely devastating

Have you seen this book? I think it is an excellent resource.
The Schizophrenias: Ours to conquer

One interesting observation among people diagnosed with schizophrenia is an absence of seasonal allergies or allergic response, and in general a reduced to response to nearly any stimulus. Some schizophrenics under treatment with niacin did not experience any flushing or only flushed at incredible doses.


May 13, 2015
He also wrote "Eating a nutritious diet with ample vitamins and minerals (especially vitamin B1, B2, B3, vitamin E, copper and choline) will ensure that the complexes have the proper “building blocks” for running as they should.
Please note the mention of B1. B1 is thiamine. Thiamine is a very big deal. Without it the brain (along with all the other cells in the body) cannot make ATP = cellular energy.

You also mentioned being interested in sublingual types of supplements. Here is info about sublingual thiamine. Here is a source for sublingual thiamine. Thiamine deficiency is believed to be implicated in all the dementias. Thiamine deficiency is known to cause hallucinations.

Both of my siblings were diagnosed with schizophrenia by the time they were 20. I think both of them suffered mercury poisoning via mercury amalgam fillings. Mercury is extremely toxic. I've dealt with that problem too for many years. Have you ever had mercury exposure?

Mercury toxicity causes selenium deficiency. Selenium deficiency causes lots of problems, including the inability to convert T4 thyroid hormone into the active T3 thyroid hormone. Without T3, body (and brain) energy plummets. Selenium supplementation is helpful but care must be taken not to overdo it; 200mcg of selenium might be enough; checking selenium blood levels would be a very good idea especially if taking more than 200mcg/day. Getting a full panel of thyroid hormones (blood testing) would be a very good idea. Because of the possible problem with T4 to T3 conversion, taking synthetic T4 only would not be helpful; taking desiccated thyroid supplement which includes T3 would be a much better way to go.

I believe that mercury also causes thiamine (B1) deficiency. Thiamine includes a sulfur component and mercury is attracted to sulfur so it bonds to it and destroys the thiamine molecule in the process. I have found high dose thiamine hcl to be extremely helpful. It has resolved my symptoms, including the cerebral symptoms.

Although Hoffer was a strong proponent of high dose niacin, others did not agree with high dose niacin because the niacin flush releases inflammatory things. Ray Peat always recommended niacinamide, not niacin.

also this search: bioenergetic search which yielded this result (about halfway down). You can go to the link and click on the paragraph to activate the audio.


Ray Peat: "Well, niacin sometimes refers to nicotinic acid or even its slow release form. Nicotinic acid happens to increase your histamine, serotonin, and prostaglandins, all of which are inflammatory. So I don't think it's good for anyone to take nicotinic acid other than as it occurs in food. Niacinamide is a form of that same vitamin that is active in cells and doesn't release those inflammatory problem materials. So niacinamide is safe? Yeah."

So I take niacinamide, 100mg, 4Xday; I don't take niacin (nicotinic acid). It is extremely important to minimize inflammation.
Last edited:


Forum Supporter
Jan 12, 2024
Who diagnosed you as schizophrenic?

Do you display the other behavioral, cognitive and physical signs or symptoms of schizophrenia?

Are you embracing this dx?
You are over peak diagnostic age iirc.
Your thinking or writing is not disorganized
Is your speech incoherent and disorganized?

Are you concentrating on “eating a nutritious diet” or just supplementation?

I too had hallucinations
I had them nearly daily
Also brain zaps
I was stressed and underfed

Nourish yourself
In every aspect

I would certainly refuse to consider myself schizophrenic with simply one symptom

I knew a family in college that schizophrenia was true for them
And it was absolutely devastating

Nobody diagnosed me. But I had many of the symptoms of schizophrenia. I would have been diagnosed if I went to a doctor.

Speech isn't incoherent. The only symptom I have now is auditory hallucinations and internal visual hallucinations (imagination/visualizations). Can't find anything about visualizations as a form of visual hallucinations anywhere. Might be the only one or one of very few

I am eating a very nutritious diet. Will be including organ meats soon. Thanks


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Forum Supporter
Jan 12, 2024
Please note the mention of B1. B1 is thiamine. Thiamine is a very big deal. Without it the brain (along with all the other cells in the body) cannot make ATP = cellular energy.

You also mentioned being interested in sublingual types of supplements. Here is info about sublingual thiamine. Here is a source for sublingual thiamine. Thiamine deficiency is believed to be implicated in all the dementias. Thiamine deficiency is known to cause hallucinations.

Both of my siblings were diagnosed with schizophrenia by the time they were 20. I think both of them suffered mercury poisoning via mercury amalgam fillings. Mercury is extremely toxic. I've dealt with that problem too for many years. Have you ever had mercury exposure?

Mercury toxicity causes selenium deficiency. Selenium deficiency causes lots of problems, including the inability to convert T4 thyroid hormone into the active T3 thyroid hormone. Without T3, body (and brain) energy plummets. Selenium supplementation is helpful but care must be taken not to overdo it; 200mcg of selenium might be enough; checking selenium blood levels would be a very good idea especially if taking more than 200mcg/day. Getting a full panel of thyroid hormones (blood testing) would be a very good idea. Because of the possible problem with T4 to T3 conversion, taking synthetic T4 only would not be helpful; taking desiccated thyroid supplement which includes T3 would be a much better way to go.

I believe that mercury also causes thiamine (B1) deficiency. Thiamine includes a sulfur component and mercury is attracted to sulfur so it bonds to it and destroys the thiamine molecule in the process. I have found high dose thiamine hcl to be extremely helpful. It has resolved my symptoms, including the cerebral symptoms.

Although Hoffer was a strong proponent of high dose niacin, others did not agree with high dose niacin because the niacin flush releases inflammatory things. Ray Peat always recommended niacinamide, not niacin.

also this search: bioenergetic search which yielded this result (about halfway down). You can go to the link and click on the paragraph to activate the audio.


Ray Peat: "Well, niacin sometimes refers to nicotinic acid or even its slow release form. Nicotinic acid happens to increase your histamine, serotonin, and prostaglandins, all of which are inflammatory. So I don't think it's good for anyone to take nicotinic acid other than as it occurs in food. Niacinamide is a form of that same vitamin that is active in cells and doesn't release those inflammatory problem materials. So niacinamide is safe? Yeah."

So I take niacinamide, 100mg, 4Xday; I don't take niacin (nicotinic acid). It is extremely important to minimize inflammation.
This is great. Thank you so much.

Less expensive and easier to do since it will absorb better. I see many different vitamins and hormones available so will try it out. My nail test showed elevated mercury at roughly 4.56 2 years ago. Now it's at .0117 which is in range but at the upper limit. Not sure how reliable these tests are. It's hard to believe it dropped that significantly. I did a regular blood test for mercury and it came back negative.

Succinic acid, calcium bentonite, chlorella, vitamin e, selenium, and nac can help for metals. I'm using cardenosine sublingually to hopefully get succinic acid into the brain. I read a really good article talking about the combination of red light therapy and sauna heat that makes you sweat significantly lower the author's heavy metals to really low levels. Proved it with a heavy metal test before and after. Something worth trying. There are places that offer this sort of service.

Do your siblings take the sublingual vitamins? Have they noticed anything? How bad are their symptoms?

Do you have anything? If not what do you think prevented you from getting it?

I'm doing well with getting adequate thiamine intake. I take a multivitamin and a B complex.

So far I use niacin and haven't noticed anything. But I'll keep that in mind. I thought it only works if its niacin and not niacinamide.


May 13, 2015
Nobody diagnosed me. But I had many of the symptoms of schizophrenia. I would have been diagnosed if I went to a doctor.
Doctors are not trained in nutrition, including vitamin deficiencies. They are also not trained in environmental toxin poisoning and the symptoms.
Speech isn't incoherent. The only symptom I have now is auditory hallucinations and internal visual hallucinations (imagination/visualizations). Can't find anything about visualizations as a form of visual hallucinations anywhere. Might be the only one or one of very few
Research "thiamine and schizophrenia" also research "thiamine and hallucinations".
I am eating a very nutritious diet. Will be including organ meats soon. Thanks
This response does not tell us much. If you consume a high carb/high sugar diet, you will exacerbate a thiamine deficiency. If you consume coffee or tea, you will block thiamine function. Many pharmaceutical drugs, including many antibiotics, block thiamine function. If you have a thiamine deficiency or thiamine functional blockage, you cannot recover simply by consuming foods high in thiamine. The RDA for thiamine is only enough to keep you breathing.

Here's a couple of links for your consideration:


Forum Supporter
Jan 12, 2024
Doctors are not trained in nutrition, including vitamin deficiencies. They are also not trained in environmental toxin poisoning and the symptoms.

Research "thiamine and schizophrenia" also research "thiamine and hallucinations".

This response does not tell us much. If you consume a high carb/high sugar diet, you will exacerbate a thiamine deficiency. If you consume coffee or tea, you will block thiamine function. Many pharmaceutical drugs, including many antibiotics, block thiamine function. If you have a thiamine deficiency or thiamine functional blockage, you cannot recover simply by consuming foods high in thiamine. The RDA for thiamine is only enough to keep you breathing.

Here's a couple of links for your consideration:
Fair enough. I forgot about the RDA and how it's values are to prevent disease not optimize functioning.

I'll look into thiamine and hallucinations. I do consume a high carb diet. I make a heavy fruit shake with coconut water and coconut flakes. I take a B complex, MCT oil with naturelo multivitamin, pyrucet, aspirin, and more to help with glucose metabolism. I eat more fruits in evening (apple, tangerines and grapes). I drink OJ as well. I don't get fatigue after eating carbs like I used to and actually feel more energized. So I seem to be okay. But more is better in this case.

Maybe you can help me out. I'm looking for herbs that help break down glucose in the brain. Struggling to find anything on PubMed. Let me know if you know or find something. Only one I found was luteolin which improves Alzheimer's Disease.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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