Stephanie Seneff and Mercola


Jul 1, 2020
Very impressive person. I had to slow my video playback down to 2.6x speed.


- RNA wrapped in an LDL like particle that ensures entry into all cells
- RNA designed with artificial ends that prevent its destruction, leading to the likelihood of it lasting 6 months in the body
- RNA of spike protein was modified to make it transcribe 1000x more than normal RNA
- cells have plenty of reverse transcriptase, meaning there is some likelihood the spike protein will become part of the DNA
- exported sperm plasmids with spike protein RNA could lead to babies being born with an immune system that sees the spike protein as part of self
- the spike protein is modified not to fold. But, this causes a binding of the ACE2 receptors, which causes problems.
- spike protein could be a prion protein, and the modification to ensure it is not folded might make it more dangerous as such
- - the spleen will package up these potential prion proteins and ship them, via vagus nerve, to the brain, which will lead to brain diseases such as parkinsons.
- exosomes do get released from the lungs, which would mean vaccinated people are potentially spreading the spike protein rna from their breath
- part of the plan might have been to just make new vaccines when the virus mutates to have a new spike protein, and that these mutations and further vaccines were expectable.
- the antibodies to some of the parts of the spike protein also bind to self proteins, causing autoimmune disease. Binding of one of the self proteins causes thyroiditis. Another binding causes antibodies to the platelets.
- mercola recommends fasting, time restricted eating, and sauna
- viruses are susceptible to heat, and particularly COVID
- the trials on the vaccines were using RNA generated through a different, much less messy process. Consequently, with the current vaccines, you can be getting RNA fragments which are untested.
- the vaccine reduces innate immunity, which makes vaccinated particularly susceptible to mutated versions of the virus
- Seneff: "I just can't fathom how we got to where we are today" "It takes a huge amount for them to finally recognize it's not working"
-- my god, super smart veteran scientists can be so naive.

I suspect that when you combine the extended length of time this artificial RNA lasts in the cells, along with its higher transcription rate, you probably will end up with a higher chance of reverse transcriptase putting it into the DNA.
Last edited:
Apr 22, 2019
I suspect that when you combine the extended length of time this artificial RNA lasts in the cells, along with its higher transcription rate, you probably will end up with a higher chance of reverse transcriptase putting it into the DNA.
Thanks for taking the time to consolidate those notes and share. Great stuff.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Very impressive person. I had to slow my video playback down to 2.6x speed.


- RNA wrapped in an LDL like particle that ensures entry into all cells
- RNA designed with artificial ends that prevent its destruction, leading to the likelihood of it lasting 6 months in the body
- RNA of spike protein was modified to make it transcribe 1000x more than normal RNA
- cells have plenty of reverse transcriptase, meaning there is some likelihood the spike protein will become part of the DNA
- exported sperm plasmids with spike protein RNA could lead to babies being born with an immune system that sees the spike protein as part of self
- the spike protein is modified not to fold. But, this causes a binding of the ACE2 receptors, which causes problems.
- spike protein could be a prion protein, and the modification to ensure it is not folded might make it more dangerous as such
- - the spleen will package up these potential prion proteins and ship them, via vagus nerve, to the brain, which will lead to brain diseases such as parkinsons.
- exosomes do get released from the lungs, which would mean vaccinated people are potentially spreading the spike protein rna from their breath
- part of the plan might have been to just make new vaccines when the virus mutates to have a new spike protein, and that these mutations are further vaccines were expectable.
- the antibodies to some of the parts of the spike protein also bind to self proteins, causing autoimmune disease. Binding of one of the self proteins causes thyroiditis. Another binding causes antibodies to the platelets.
- mercola recommends fasting, time restricted eating, and sauna
- viruses are susceptible to heat, and particularly COVID
- the trials on the vaccines were using RNA generated through a different, much less messy process. Consequently, with the current vaccines, you can be getting RNA fragments which are untested.
- the vaccine reduces innate immunity, which makes vaccinated particularly susceptible to mutated versions of the virus
- Seneff: "I just can't fathom how we got to where we are today" "It takes a huge amount for them to finally recognize it's not working"
-- my god, super smart veteran scientists can be so naive.

I suspect that when you combine the extended length of time this artificial RNA lasts in the cells, along with its higher transcription rate, you probably will end up with a higher chance of reverse transcriptase putting it into the DNA.

Excellent summary, thank you. :hattip


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
Even if the vaccinated people would shed the virus, which I suppose is a real possibility, the small amounts would not affect an unvaccinated person, not more than any other crud that is in the environment. Think of how many bacteria, mold spores and viruses we inhale on a daily basis and we are fine. And the spike protein does not replicate.


Nov 18, 2019
Even if the vaccinated people would shed the virus, which I suppose is a real possibility, the small amounts would not affect an unvaccinated person, not more than any other crud that is in the environment. Think of how many bacteria, mold spores and viruses we inhale on a daily basis and we are fine. And the spike protein does not replicate.
I think there is something to this. Keeping ourselves strong metabolically and our immune system strong is our best defense.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
I think there is something to this. Keeping ourselves strong metabolically and our immune system strong is our best defense.
Exactly, this was pointed out numerous times by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, the German pulmonologist who is on the team with Dr. Reiner Füllmich from the Corona Ausschuss. He said that the mask wearing will prevent us from stimulating our immune system. Then on the other hand, certain bacteria and mold spores can breed inside the face masks, which someone reported, she had asthma and was worried about wearing a mask, she sent hers and the mask of her daughter in to be examined by a lab, they found hundreds of different bacteria and one or two mold spores breading inside the mask!

Regarding the spike protein shedding, this could be a problem if, let’s say, one person of a couple gets vaccinated and the other isn’t. Then the unvaccinated may be exposed to the spike protein shedding on a daily basis and that over a long period. No fun. But it should still be less of a health burden than getting the actual ‘vaccine’.
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