Proof That Flu Like Symptoms Are From Endotoxins (not Necessarily Flu)

Nov 21, 2015
Inhibition of Cyclo-oxygenase Attenuates the Metabolic Response to Endotoxin in Humans

Acute infection initiates fever, acute-phase changes, and catabolic responses in the host, resulting in weight loss, hypermetabolism, and accelerated proteolysis. To test the hypothesis that cyclo-oxygenase inhibition might attenuate these responses, we administered Escherichia coli endotoxin intravenously to seven normal volunteers and to seven additional subjects pretreated with a cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor (ibuprofen). Control studies were also performed following administration of saline and ibuprofen alone. Vital signs, metabolic rate, and concentrations of pituitary and stress hormones, as well as those of other substrates, were serially measured. Endotoxin administration produced a response similar to an acute illness, with flulike symptoms, fever, tachycardia, increased metabolic rate, and stimulation of stress hormone release. These changes were markedly attenuated by cyclo-oxygenase inhibition. The leukocytosis, hypoferremia, and elevation of the C-reactive protein level induced by endotoxin were unaffected by cyclo-oxygenase inhibition. These data indicate that activation of the cyclooxygenase pathway is necessary to produce many of the metabolic changes observed during critical illness.

I’ve learned to recognize acute endotoxemia and it is frequent for me. I get certain recognizable body aches. I’m sure the level of LPS is quite low compared to what it is in this study, but it does produce symptoms.

I wonder if most people’s chronic sickness isn’t because of 1) hypothyroid and 2) endotoxin. Maybe 95% of it is...


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
This is an interesting point, and I'll add a few things I've observed here. I have noticed many people often "feel sick" or "get sick" but they aren't actually sick insofar as having some directly attributable infection or illness in particular. I also hear of relatives complaining of "stomach sickness" and "headaches" and stuff, but never any direct cause is identified -- just persists regularly and people grow to think they're "getting sick" or "becoming ill" constantly when it's likely inflammation, serotonin, PUFA, thyroid, etc. in many cases. This is also similar to "high energy mania" like states some get in to -- basically like a pseudo-hyperthyroid on some level. People feel symptoms commonly associated with actual infections or energy states, but aren't actually getting infected/high energy -- the feelings just arise due to many common factors we've seen here over and over again (the diet often being one big initial source). These considerations are the same as people feeling "super motivated/energized" out of nowhere/random bursts (mania-like) from possibly drinking/serotonin (as I've seen) or just in general when they really don't have that much actual energy.

Consider I'm no expert on this, but these observations seem to perfectly align with some known and believed effects of these hormones/states/behaviors.


Mar 29, 2016
I recently developed a belly and I look back at my notes and can only conclude it is due to endotoxemia. I started to urinate a lot, which I felt was to excrete endotoxins. But this would involve the liver detoxifying, and perhaps the liver, being overwhelmed, allowed estrogen to not be fully glucoronidated and excreted. This led to increase in serotonin levels, and this disturbed my sleep. I wasn't able to restore fully my glycogen stores, and I would feel periods of low energy and depression in between meals. My frequent urination would lead to deficiency in potassium and thiamine. And it would impair/restrict my glucose metabolism. This led to blood sugar increasing enough to cause insulin to lower it excessively, leading to low blood sugar. At the same time, blood sugar was being converted to fat. This led to my developing a belly.

I agree. I can see endotoxins as the devil behind many pathological conditions.


Mar 29, 2016
I think that might be true in more than just a metaphorical sense...
Very much so, I'm afraid.

I lost hair. I am frequently at a loss for words that I'm familiar with. At the tip of my tongue often. And my virility is seriously degraded.

Working on my comeback though.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
I recently developed a belly and I look back at my notes and can only conclude it is due to endotoxemia. I started to urinate a lot, which I felt was to excrete endotoxins. But this would involve the liver detoxifying, and perhaps the liver, being overwhelmed, allowed estrogen to not be fully glucoronidated and excreted. This led to increase in serotonin levels, and this disturbed my sleep. I wasn't able to restore fully my glycogen stores, and I would feel periods of low energy and depression in between meals. My frequent urination would lead to deficiency in potassium and thiamine. And it would impair/restrict my glucose metabolism. This led to blood sugar increasing enough to cause insulin to lower it excessively, leading to low blood sugar. At the same time, blood sugar was being converted to fat. This led to my developing a belly.

I agree. I can see endotoxins as the devil behind many pathological conditions.
I also got a belly, a fat butt, my pimples are ripe and juicier than ever, blood pressure rises, and the jock itch, that had been completely in remission for several years, now starts to come back. Meh....



Mar 29, 2016
I also got a belly, a fat butt, my pimples are ripe and juicier than ever, blood pressure rises, and the jock itch, that had been completely in remission for several years, now starts to come back. Meh....

That's a good question.

I'm having to order a Chinese herb blend where each of the 4 herbs have been mentioned in PubMed searches to have anti-endotoxin uses.

It seems to me TCM has the answer to it even though the salutary effects of these herbs are empirical and the mechanism of action have yet to. be. understood.

The stuff we have in this forum don't measure up to the vile of endotoxin.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
The stuff we have in this forum don't measure up to the vile of endotoxin.
What do you mean by that, yerrag? That, for example, antibiotics, garlic, essential oils, curcumin, MB etc., ...... are useless?


Mar 29, 2016
Not useless, but I'm not seeing sustained improvement in resolving my distressed state.

Endotoxins come from different sources, just as a dog, one specie, consist of countless breeds. Try battling a multi-headed hydra with different personalities to each head. That's what endotoxins are. Perhaps just a Chinese herb won't do. That's why a blend may just be what's needed to vanquish this hydra.
Jul 7, 2020
Very much so, I'm afraid.

I lost hair. I am frequently at a loss for words that I'm familiar with. At the tip of my tongue often. And my virility is seriously degraded.

Working on my comeback though.

How's everything going now? Did you fully recover from the endotoxins?


Mar 29, 2016
How's everything going now? Did you fully recover from the endotoxins?
It wasn't endotoxins. It actually were immune complexes. So, I'm approaching it differently from endotoxins. Dry fasting, urine therapy, homeopathy.

I was too much into pharma and too too much into supps about it. They don't work when the problem relates to the body's immune system working against itself, as I'm finding out.

Immune complexes can deposit in capillaries and in synovial fluid in joints. These deposits can block flow of nutrients into tissues, and in the scalp, cause hair loss. In the organs like liver, heart, and kidneys degeneration and dysfunction. And the inflammation causes symptoms such as hypertension (kidneys), poor detoxification and insulin resistance (liver), labored heart pumping, and arthritic pains (joints).

So I'm stepping back from pharma, not that I ever bought into the drug culture aspect in parts of this forum. I want to consider giving the body more credit in fixing its issues.

Dry fasting I've tried for 2 day durations. Working up to three days, then to four, not wanting to go throw caution into the wind.

Urine therapy I'm looking into. A good natural medicine. The urea may be able to clear the immune complexes where pharma couldn't. Without side effects.

Homeopathy as well. It may just flick a switch in the body to fix itself.

So much else to try. Like Rife machine. And TCM.

Too many options it's tempting to mix them all in and make a terrible stew. But certainly given the low success rate in the forum with regard to pharma, I have to look beyond the imperfect, reductionist, and inconclusive blabber of 'evidence-based medicine' that marginalized the wisdom of our own bodies, a wisdom honed by evolution over millions of years.

I'm not after instant results. 2 days of dry fasting and I became very alert during the day - no lows nor sleepy periods, and I get to sleep very well. No drugs involved. Just on energy alone, if we can have more of it, that energy will itself provide improved internal health first. It may be that improved hair and skin and virility will come last, as the body prioritizes optimality of function over optimality of form.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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