No Thyroid - T3 T4 Ratio And Diet


New Member
Jan 22, 2017
Hello everyone,

I’ve been reading these forums for a good 5 months now, and finally feel like I need to ask for some general help from contributors.

I am a 23 year old female without a thyroid. Is there a thread specifically for this? I haven’t found much advice for not having a thyroid – most of it seems to be geared towards supporting thyroid function. I want to start T3 with my T4, but I'm feeling extremely overwhelmed by the lack of support I've gotten from doctors...turning to the forum for advice before I move forward.

A synopsis of my first year without a thyroid is below. Does anyone have any advice for dosage, diet, and anything one without a thyroid might need to focus on?

My year without a thyroid broken down...

1. A year ago, early Feb 2016, my thyroid was removed in response to papillary follicular carcinoma…there was a pretty decent tumor that you could see and my entire neck appeared swollen…couldn’t see those two little bones at all. Any way, it was removed and I was started on 88mcg of synthroid. Lost 8lbs in the month or two following. For your reference, I was 115 / 5’6 before surgery, and I’m at about 113lbs at the present. Symptoms: hair pulling out, dead tired, headaches, miserable, bloating, etc….

2. May 2016, synthroid upped to 125mcg. I had a bad endo who made me cry. I got a new endo a few weeks later who upped me to 137. Just at this time, I started talking with a good friend and close Peat follower. Too hestitant to take t3 as both doctors advised me not to, but this is about when I started to slowly start reading / implementing a bit of Peat into my life.

3. Last month my dosage was brought down to 125 (137 was giving me major anxiety / crazy person vibes). Previous to this my anxiety, hot flashes, headaches were out of control. Lowering the dose has helped with the anxiety / hot flashes…although I just started playing with Progest-e as well which has been something else very positive.

4. The present…I have a good friend helping me implement as much of the Peat life style as I can manage. Been trying to supp T3 with caffeine, eating good sugars, OJ has saved my life, started eating meat after being long time veggie, NO PUFA (to the best of my abilities– simply cannot tolerate veg oils). Considering where I’ve been this past year – I’m doing well, but the slightest lack of nutrition can trigger severe migraines, nausea, lightheadedness, etc. Digestion was doing really well..although could probably be a little bit better. I still get extremely tired, dark circles under eyes, cannot expend too much energy. Diet is important, I really cannot slack or I will pay a price…

Its time for me to start T3, and I’d really love some advice on dosage, getting the right doctor, diet, headaches, and energy. Any advice or direction will be appreciated.


Jan 6, 2015
Hey welcome!

Here ray explains it:
Thyroid: Therapies, Confusion, and Fraud

An effective way to use supplements is to take a combination T4-T3 dose, e.g., 40 mcg of T4 and 10 mcg of T3 once a day, and to use a few mcg of T3 at other times in the day. Keeping a 14-day chart of pulse rate and temperature allows you to see whether the dose is producing the desired response. If the figures aren't increasing at all after a few days, the dose can be increased, until a gradual daily increment can be seen, moving toward the goal at the rate of about 1/14 per day

Btw vitamin A is very important when you increase your thyroid hormones.

You can find more info on the forum.

Advice for someone who has had a thyroidectomy
Mar 14, 2016
You sound like you're on a good path. MDs are tough nuts to crack. Perhaps find an alternative doctor like a DO or DC that will be more open to your ideas about introducing T3. If you know what foods work for you stay vigilent. Living without a thyroid is a new life, and requires finding a new balance. I imagine that once your body settles in to the new balance, fluctuations will be less dramatic. Coffee, aspirin, and progest e will simulate thyroid while you seek out t3, although imperfectly. Many people purchase cynomel from mymexicandrugstore. Perhaps someone can chime in about the reliabolity of that site. Dosage for t3 is very variable. Id start with the 4:1 t4:t3 that peat explains. So slowly introducing ~30mcg would suit your current dosage. But maybe lowering the t4 a bit more can be helpful, as Ray says "theres no right dosage of t4" since it isnt quite helpful to any tissue but the liver. 100mcg t4 to 25mcg t3 is where I would start and I would increase the t3 (and maybe decrease t4 more) gradually according to pulse temp and symptoms. Some people on the wilson's protocol take 200+mcg t3. But some people find 5mcg very strong. Listen to the wisdom of your body and dont shy away from experimentation, after all people here know that's the true method of knowledge. From knowledge comes wisdom comes skills.
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