MRNA-Based Covid-19 Vaccines: Possible Integration into the Human Genome


Feb 18, 2016
Peat has spoken about this in the past.
Lets hope the effectiveness is poor, they may have created the delta variant as cover for these vaccines not working, who knows, at this stage it’s plausible they are culling the human herd.

This brief review was presented here to facilitate an independent and more balanced discussion on the potential risks due to the presence of adenovirus vector DNA (AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Sputnik V and others) or SARS-CoV-2 RNA (BioNTech/Pfizer, Moderna) in vaccines that are supposed to protect against Covid-19. Of course, injections of vector-based vaccines into human deltoid muscle is a different matter than rare chance events leading to recombination events between foreign and human DNAs in experimental systems as described above. Moreover, neither type nor frequency of consequences of rare vector integration events can be realistically assessed at present. The recently published results on the benefits of protection against Covid-19 offered by the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccines are encouraging Dagan et al. 2021]. Granted, the jury is still out on whether any of the vaccines’ will protect against the more dangerous new SARS-CoV-2 variants from the UK, South Africa, Brazil and unknown variants that might arise in the future given the poorly controlled levels of viral replication around the world. Lastly, we are ignorant about vaccine protection against the development of prolonged and late-onset symptoms of Covid-19.

The information presented in this review will help future vaccinees to weigh a risk versus benefit assessment, namely the integration events of adenovirus vector or of SARS-CoV-2 RNA reverse transcript DNA at low frequency versus hopefully high vaccine efficacy and protection. Moreover, since SARS-CoV-2 infection by itself can be associated with the integration of reverse transcripts of the viral RNA [Zhang et al, 2020], this series of events might become inescapable in any SARS-CoV-2 infection. Lastly, the extent to which adenoviral gene products might become co-expressed with the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein upon vector-vaccine injection into human deltoid muscles remains un-investigated. At present we cannot gauge their possible effects on the human organism, if actually expressed. Opportunities and risks, both at the same time, remain beyond our expectations of absolute controls because life and evolution likely have been based on “chance mechanisms” from the very beginning. Clinical observations on long lasting positive RT-PCR test results that imply SARS-CoV-2 DNA integration into the human genome in the course of some Covid-19 cases, render apprehensions about vaccine-associated integration events unrealistic, when compared to the hoped-for benefits by vaccination against Covid-19. The human population of 2021 faces a biomedical crisis of unprecedented dimensions in recent times and will have to accept the best available countermeasures against Covid-19 of the day – Vaccination.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
The information presented in this review will help future vaccinees to weigh a risk versus benefit assessment, namely the integration events of adenovirus vector or of SARS-CoV-2 RNA reverse transcript DNA at low frequency versus hopefully high vaccine efficacy and protection. Moreover, since SARS-CoV-2 infection by itself can be associated with the integration of reverse transcripts of the viral RNA [Zhang et al, 2020], this series of events might become inescapable in any SARS-CoV-2 infection. Lastly, the extent to which adenoviral gene products might become co-expressed with the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein upon vector-vaccine injection into human deltoid muscles remains un-investigated. At present we cannot gauge their possible effects on the human organism, if actually expressed. Opportunities and risks, both at the same time, remain beyond our expectations of absolute controls because life and evolution likely have been based on “chance mechanisms” from the very beginning. Clinical observations on long lasting positive RT-PCR test results that imply SARS-CoV-2 DNA integration into the human genome in the course of some Covid-19 cases, render apprehensions about vaccine-associated integration events unrealistic, when compared to the hoped-for benefits by vaccination against Covid-19. The human population of 2021 faces a biomedical crisis of unprecedented dimensions in recent times and will have to accept the best available countermeasures against Covid-19 of the day – Vaccination.

I actually read this as a rather sinister study. If I am reading correctly, the authors are saying that SARS-CoV-2 infection can also trigger integration of the spike protein into our genome, so resistance against both mRNA and DNA-vector vaccines is hypocritical and unfair as the natural infection can also do it and we can't avoid that as it is a "chance mechanism" (i.e. the usual excuse given by all doctors diagnosing somebody with a serious/lethal condition - "it was just bad luck"). As such, since this is a "biomedical crisis of unprecedented dimensions" we the plebs will "have to accept the best available countermeasures against Covid-19 of the day – Vaccination" despite the now known risks of side effects from all vaccines, including the risks of human genome integration.
They are basically setting up the stage for openly admitting the vaccines kill, maim and create mutants and if anybody raises any stink the response will be along the lines of - well, the natural virus also does all of these things, and since we can't just sit around and wait for this "unprecedented crisis" to pass we have to accept the poison as it is no worse then the virus.
I have to say, the collective character of the biomedical field probably exceeds the "elite" in terms of sociopathic/psychopathic severity. It is one thing to design genocidal interventions and unleash them on the people knowing fully well they are lethal. It is a whole new level of degeneration to develop rationalization why those lethal interventions are "good for us". It reminds me of the movie "Erin Brokovich" where PG&E not only poisoned the water of the small California town, it actually sent for years pamphlets to the town residents explaining how the chromium in the water was actually "good" for them and how all of their cancers were all just in their heads or due to bad genes. It was PG&E staff medical personnel, not the C-level suits, that developed those materials and advocated for sending them to the people.


Feb 18, 2016
I actually read this as a rather sinister study. If I am reading correctly, the authors are saying that SARS-CoV-2 infection can also trigger integration of the spike protein into our genome, so resistance against both mRNA and DNA-vector vaccines is hypocritical and unfair as the natural infection can also do it and we can't avoid that as it is a "chance mechanism" (i.e. the usual excuse given by all doctors diagnosing somebody with a serious/lethal condition - "it was just bad luck"). As such, since this is a "biomedical crisis of unprecedented dimensions" we the plebs will "have to accept the best available countermeasures against Covid-19 of the day – Vaccination" despite the now known risks of side effects from all vaccines, including the risks of human genome integration.
They are basically setting up the stage for openly admitting the vaccines kill, maim and create mutants and if anybody raises any stink the response will be along the lines of - well, the natural virus also does all of these things, and since we can't just sit around and wait for this "unprecedented crisis" to pass we have to accept the poison as it is no worse then the virus.
I have to say, the collective character of the biomedical field probably exceeds the "elite" in terms of sociopathic/psychopathic severity. It is one thing to design genocidal interventions and unleash them on the people knowing fully well they are lethal. It is a whole new level of degeneration to develop rationalization why those lethal interventions are "good for us". It reminds me of the movie "Erin Brokovich" where PG&E not only poisoned the water of the small California town, it actually sent for years pamphlets to the town residents explaining how the chromium in the water was actually "good" for them and how all of their cancers were all just in their heads or due to bad genes. It was PG&E staff medical personnel, not the C-level suits, that developed those materials and advocated for sending them to the people.
I know, they really are detached, it’s like a game of sims to them, now we have 20% of pfizer vaccine containing a mystery/secret ingredient.
I know some of the Davos crowd take antipsychotics/SSRI’s , I’m guessing big pharma also dose themselves with this stuff.

Peat was right years ago, we are becoming more psychopathic in the west at grass roots level, they were always nuts at the top, it’s a pressure cooker.


Aug 4, 2020
Peat has spoken about this in the past.
Lets hope the effectiveness is poor, they may have created the delta variant as cover for these vaccines not working, who knows, at this stage it’s plausible they are culling the human herd.

This brief review was presented here to facilitate an independent and more balanced discussion on the potential risks due to the presence of adenovirus vector DNA (AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Sputnik V and others) or SARS-CoV-2 RNA (BioNTech/Pfizer, Moderna) in vaccines that are supposed to protect against Covid-19. Of course, injections of vector-based vaccines into human deltoid muscle is a different matter than rare chance events leading to recombination events between foreign and human DNAs in experimental systems as described above. Moreover, neither type nor frequency of consequences of rare vector integration events can be realistically assessed at present. The recently published results on the benefits of protection against Covid-19 offered by the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccines are encouraging Dagan et al. 2021]. Granted, the jury is still out on whether any of the vaccines’ will protect against the more dangerous new SARS-CoV-2 variants from the UK, South Africa, Brazil and unknown variants that might arise in the future given the poorly controlled levels of viral replication around the world. Lastly, we are ignorant about vaccine protection against the development of prolonged and late-onset symptoms of Covid-19.

The information presented in this review will help future vaccinees to weigh a risk versus benefit assessment, namely the integration events of adenovirus vector or of SARS-CoV-2 RNA reverse transcript DNA at low frequency versus hopefully high vaccine efficacy and protection. Moreover, since SARS-CoV-2 infection by itself can be associated with the integration of reverse transcripts of the viral RNA [Zhang et al, 2020], this series of events might become inescapable in any SARS-CoV-2 infection. Lastly, the extent to which adenoviral gene products might become co-expressed with the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein upon vector-vaccine injection into human deltoid muscles remains un-investigated. At present we cannot gauge their possible effects on the human organism, if actually expressed. Opportunities and risks, both at the same time, remain beyond our expectations of absolute controls because life and evolution likely have been based on “chance mechanisms” from the very beginning. Clinical observations on long lasting positive RT-PCR test results that imply SARS-CoV-2 DNA integration into the human genome in the course of some Covid-19 cases, render apprehensions about vaccine-associated integration events unrealistic, when compared to the hoped-for benefits by vaccination against Covid-19. The human population of 2021 faces a biomedical crisis of unprecedented dimensions in recent times and will have to accept the best available countermeasures against Covid-19 of the day – Vaccination.
As I am still pretty green in my understanding of how cells can pick up foreign RNA and DNA from various sources that we encounter in our daily lives. It would seem to me logical that we all potentially have been exposed to this virus in one form or another as well as the mRNA shed spike protein.
I am inclined to believe that our immune system has to be suited to deal with these types of exasome like biological materials. As apprehension gives way to more logical calm thinking. I find that I have to defer to the innate wisdom of our cellular and interconnection and communication as to how to best deal with hold and/or dispose of these foreign materials.
I wholeheartedly have to disagree with the final statement that we have these gene therapies as the best available options to protect us from the viral onslaught we are currently faced with. My personal opinion is that we need to provide the body with the material it needs to defend itself and avoid the things that weaken those defences. The things that are anti inflammatory, anti viral, and increase the gut barrier whilst reducing the inflammatory stress responses keeping estrogen serotonin, aldosterone etc at minimum while bolstering androgens seem to provide the best defence. The two items focussed on in most things are vitamin D and zinc but there is so much more not even thought of by the rest of those that are opposing the gene therapies.
Regrettably this is the exact opposite of what the vaccines provide. The major concerns of the possible side effects from my simplistic understanding are all things that are talked about in Dr Peats work and @haidut’s blog. Things like cancer, multiple sclerosis, thrombosis, sepsis, stroke, hypertension etc. All seem to have a metabolic link, this is my understanding which is in a continuous state of flux and growth. All are welcome to chime in to enhance and enrich my evolution and knowledge base.


Feb 18, 2016
As I am still pretty green in my understanding of how cells can pick up foreign RNA and DNA from various sources that we encounter in our daily lives. It would seem to me logical that we all potentially have been exposed to this virus in one form or another as well as the mRNA shed spike protein.
I am inclined to believe that our immune system has to be suited to deal with these types of exasome like biological materials. As apprehension gives way to more logical calm thinking. I find that I have to defer to the innate wisdom of our cellular and interconnection and communication as to how to best deal with hold and/or dispose of these foreign materials.
I wholeheartedly have to disagree with the final statement that we have these gene therapies as the best available options to protect us from the viral onslaught we are currently faced with. My personal opinion is that we need to provide the body with the material it needs to defend itself and avoid the things that weaken those defences. The things that are anti inflammatory, anti viral, and increase the gut barrier whilst reducing the inflammatory stress responses keeping estrogen serotonin, aldosterone etc at minimum while bolstering androgens seem to provide the best defence. The two items focussed on in most things are vitamin D and zinc but there is so much more not even thought of by the rest of those that are opposing the gene therapies.
Regrettably this is the exact opposite of what the vaccines provide. The major concerns of the possible side effects from my simplistic understanding are all things that are talked about in Dr Peats work and @haidut’s blog. Things like cancer, multiple sclerosis, thrombosis, sepsis, stroke, hypertension etc. All seem to have a metabolic link, this is my understanding which is in a continuous state of flux and growth. All are welcome to chime in to enhance and enrich my evolution and knowledge base.
I agree, the thing is most people are not "peaty", even for us the initial protein creation via mRNA instruction will cause damage, we can reel it in, for everyone else it will be difficult particularly those with poor health already.

What is somewhat of a canary in the coal mine for me is the deaths of young people form the vaccine, it’s telling us something here, why would healthy teenagers get such potent side effects particularly boys.
Its telling us this vaccine is far more systemic in its effect than what they tell use.


Aug 4, 2020
I agree, the thing is most people are not "peaty", even for us the initial protein creation via mRNA instruction will cause damage, we can reel it in, for everyone else it will be difficult particularly those with poor health already.

What is somewhat of a canary in the coal mine for me is the deaths of young people form the vaccine, it’s telling us something here, why would healthy teenagers get such potent side effects particularly boys.
Its telling us this vaccine is far more systemic in its effect than what they tell use.
The myocarditis in young males is a troubling question indeed. I am not sure what it is that young males have that the females do not.
The deaths of young people I have been wondering about this for awhile now and considered that perhaps this is a validation of the studies that indicate that the young are becoming the old. A friend of mine had a heart attack a few years back and had to go to stress tests and regular cardiovascular tests, when he first went he had thought he was in the wrong place. He inquired of the receptionist if he was in the place for heart stress tests due to the fact that everyone else in the waiting room was in their twenties. The receptionist replied,”yes you are in the right place”, my buddy asked,”well what’s with all these young people in here then”, she replied, “ oh they are all here for the same reason you are they all have had heart attacks”.
A sobering thought but it does give credit to the assertion that indeed the young may be becoming the old.

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
They are basically setting up the stage for openly admitting the vaccines kill, maim and create mutants and if anybody raises any stink the response will be along the lines of - well, the natural virus also does all of these things, and since we can't just sit around and wait for this "unprecedented crisis" to pass we have to accept the poison as it is no worse then the virus.
What is missing in this false equivalence is, if you are metabolically relatively healthy, the immune system will make quick work of the virus, disposing of it before the damaging S1 proteins can even get a toehold. With the vaccines, intramuscular injection of the protein not only bypasses frontline defenses, but introduces billions of toxic proteins into the body by design. In short, in contrast to the vaxxes, people who contract the (allegedly) "natural" virus and have mild or no symptoms never are subject to the damage these toxic proteins can cause because the proteins were never produced in significant quantity. The bodies of the vaxxed are perforce required to cope with billions of them.


Aug 4, 2020
What is missing in this false equivalence is, if you are metabolically relatively healthy, the immune system will make quick work of the virus, disposing of it before the damaging S1 proteins can even get a toehold. With the vaccines, intramuscular injection of the protein not only bypasses frontline defenses, but introduces billions of toxic proteins into the body by design. In short, in contrast to the vaxxes, people who contract the (allegedly) "natural" virus and have mild or no symptoms never are subject to the damage these toxic proteins can cause because the proteins were never produced in significant quantity. The bodies of the vaxxed are perforce required to cope with billions of them.
Very well said @Doc Sandoz


Jan 26, 2020
From "Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19"

"Normally, the spike protein flips very easily from a pre-fusion configuration to a post-fusion configuration. The spike protein that is in these vaccines has been tweaked to encourage it to favor a stable configuration in its prefusion state, as this state provokes a stronger immune response (Jackson et al., 2020). This was done via a “genetic mutation,” by replacing a critical two-residue segment with two proline residues at positions 986 and 987, at the top of the central helix of the S2 subunit (Wrapp et al., 2020). Proline is a highly inflexible amino acid, so it interferes with the transition to the fusion state. This modification provides antibodies much better access to the critical site that supports fusion and subsequent cellular uptake. But might this also mean that the genetically modified version of the spike protein produced by the human host cell following instructions from the vaccine mRNA lingers in the plasma membrane bound to ACE2 receptors because of impaired fusion capabilities? What might be the consequence of this? We don’t know."

Considering the severe blood clots and other differences in vaccinated compared to those who were naturally "infected", this might be the reason why. The clots and most issues have been drawn to be from the spike rather than from the other junk in them. Incorporating the vaxx spike instead of the varus in to genome is much more dangerous... After all the virus is just a virus even though its manmade.

I think in the "covid vaccine adverse effects report here" thread nemo posted studies and stuff on how ivermectin would unplug the spike from the receptors and hcq would prevent the binding.


Dec 10, 2016
"Normally, the spike protein flips very easily from a pre-fusion configuration to a post-fusion configuration. The spike protein that is in these vaccines has been tweaked to encourage it to favor a stable configuration in its prefusion state, as this state provokes a stronger immune response (Jackson et al., 2020). This was done via a “genetic mutation,” by replacing a critical two-residue segment with two proline residues at positions 986 and 987, at the top of the central helix of the S2 subunit (Wrapp et al., 2020). Proline is a highly inflexible amino acid, so it interferes with the transition to the fusion state. This modification provides antibodies much better access to the critical site that supports fusion and subsequent cellular uptake. But might this also mean that the genetically modified version of the spike protein produced by the human host cell following instructions from the vaccine mRNA lingers in the plasma membrane bound to ACE2 receptors because of impaired fusion capabilities? What might be the consequence of this? We don’t know."
“In actual fact, the two spike proteins behave very differently in the body. According to Health Feedback, the spike proteins generated by Covid-19 vaccines differ in three key ways to those attached to SARS-CoV-2. Firstly, in the case of the vaccines, the cells mostly break down the spike proteins into fragments. Secondly, the spike protein generated by a Covid-19 vaccine doesn’t assemble into new viral particles, unlike the spike protein from SARS-CoV-2. Thirdly, the spike protein in Covid-19 vaccines is genetically modified to enhance the immune response and to stop it binding to cell receptors in the same way the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein would.


Apr 6, 2018
I actually read this as a rather sinister study. If I am reading correctly, the authors are saying that SARS-CoV-2 infection can also trigger integration of the spike protein into our genome, so resistance against both mRNA and DNA-vector vaccines is hypocritical and unfair as the natural infection can also do it and we can't avoid that as it is a "chance mechanism" (i.e. the usual excuse given by all doctors diagnosing somebody with a serious/lethal condition - "it was just bad luck"). As such, since this is a "biomedical crisis of unprecedented dimensions" we the plebs will "have to accept the best available countermeasures against Covid-19 of the day – Vaccination" despite the now known risks of side effects from all vaccines, including the risks of human genome integration.
They are basically setting up the stage for openly admitting the vaccines kill, maim and create mutants and if anybody raises any stink the response will be along the lines of - well, the natural virus also does all of these things, and since we can't just sit around and wait for this "unprecedented crisis" to pass we have to accept the poison as it is no worse then the virus.
I have to say, the collective character of the biomedical field probably exceeds the "elite" in terms of sociopathic/psychopathic severity. It is one thing to design genocidal interventions and unleash them on the people knowing fully well they are lethal. It is a whole new level of degeneration to develop rationalization why those lethal interventions are "good for us". It reminds me of the movie "Erin Brokovich" where PG&E not only poisoned the water of the small California town, it actually sent for years pamphlets to the town residents explaining how the chromium in the water was actually "good" for them and how all of their cancers were all just in their heads or due to bad genes. It was PG&E staff medical personnel, not the C-level suits, that developed those materials and advocated for sending them to the people.
I’m surprised this paper was peer-reviewed and published as it is written. The language is very personal, emotional, and subjective whereas it should be objective. Had I been a reviewer I would have brought this up to the author. The very first sentence of the abstract reads, “Vigorous vaccination programs against SARS-CoV-2-causing Covid-19 are the major chance to fight this dreadful pandemic.”

My professor had a particular disgust for Elsevier and boycotts them, encouraging me to boycott them as well.


Aug 4, 2020
“In actual fact, the two spike proteins behave very differently in the body. According to Health Feedback, the spike proteins generated by Covid-19 vaccines differ in three key ways to those attached to SARS-CoV-2. Firstly, in the case of the vaccines, the cells mostly break down the spike proteins into fragments. Secondly, the spike protein generated by a Covid-19 vaccine doesn’t assemble into new viral particles, unlike the spike protein from SARS-CoV-2. Thirdly, the spike protein in Covid-19 vaccines is genetically modified to enhance the immune response and to stop it binding to cell receptors in the same way the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein would.
Interesting take on the differences between the gene therapy generated spike protein and the SARS COV 2,spike proteins. I am unconvinced that one is less cytotoxic than the other, as well the issue mentioned of the broken down particles of the spike protein brings the question of whether the broken down particles make them less cytotoxic or just allows them easier access to other areas of the body and it’s organs.
The question of whether the opening of the blood brain barrier by the spike protein is an interesting and intriguing one that should be addressed as to the duration of time as well as the potential damage levels. There are many examples of this happening within the immediate and short term time frames, however the impact long term and how it affects those that have shown no signs of the immediate and short term effects is a question that will be answered in time.

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
“In actual fact, the two spike proteins behave very differently in the body. According to Health Feedback, the spike proteins generated by Covid-19 vaccines differ in three key ways to those attached to SARS-CoV-2. Firstly, in the case of the vaccines, the cells mostly break down the spike proteins into fragments. Secondly, the spike protein generated by a Covid-19 vaccine doesn’t assemble into new viral particles, unlike the spike protein from SARS-CoV-2. Thirdly, the spike protein in Covid-19 vaccines is genetically modified to enhance the immune response and to stop it binding to cell receptors in the same way the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein would.
Nothing like all the "misinformation fact checkers" for determining the truth. Just figure the opposite is fact.


Jan 26, 2020
That fact check actually didn't any way prove that the vaccine spike is safe, its all theory. The fact check referenced a study of salk institute showing that the spike of the virus is inflammatory, and then they say that the vax spike doesnt do that. Based on what?

From the fact check:
"In actual fact, the two spike proteins behave very differently in the body. According to Health Feedback, the spike proteins generated by Covid-19 vaccines differ in three key ways to those attached to SARS-CoV-2. Firstly, in the case of the vaccines, the cells mostly break down the spike proteins into fragments. Secondly, the spike protein generated by a Covid-19 vaccine doesn’t assemble into new viral particles, unlike the spike protein from SARS-CoV-2. Thirdly, the spike protein in Covid-19 vaccines is genetically modified to enhance the immune response and to stop it binding to cell receptors in the same way the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein would. "

1. The fragments are possibly problematic 2. Yes, your cells produces the spikes, rather than the spikes multiplying
3. Check my earlier comment in the thread. They did not prove or cite anything that shows the vax spike is safe. Its all assumption

@Mito so assuming the vaccine is quite dangerous, what do you think is the MOA then, if not the spike?
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Dec 10, 2016
@Mito so assuming the vaccine is quite dangerous, what do you think is the MOA then, if not the spike?
Maybe allergic and autoimmune responses to the vaccine ingredients including impurities (for example random proteins)?


Nov 18, 2019
Question, hoping someone has an answer. What do you say when someone is arguing that all the injected people they know seem fine and having no reactions like others are having? I have a few responses but looking for something more solid:

1) this is an experiment and they are testing different amounts - some are saline some 10 mg some 20 mg some 40 mg etc.

2) They might look fine but test their a) d - diner test shows micro clotting, b) immune markers - much like an HIV test - shows autoimmune disease developing. Any other tests or evidence we have?

3) These therapies are designed for slow kill - and high medical expenses until the end. Most deaths will come between 6 months and 3 years. Wait until 3 years and let’s have this conversation again.

Any other points?

@Mito @Pina @Drareg @Birdie @Perry Staltic Anyone else? and excuse me if I didn’t tag you.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
What is missing in this false equivalence is, if you are metabolically relatively healthy, the immune system will make quick work of the virus, disposing of it before the damaging S1 proteins can even get a toehold. With the vaccines, intramuscular injection of the protein not only bypasses frontline defenses, but introduces billions of toxic proteins into the body by design. In short, in contrast to the vaxxes, people who contract the (allegedly) "natural" virus and have mild or no symptoms never are subject to the damage these toxic proteins can cause because the proteins were never produced in significant quantity. The bodies of the vaxxed are perforce required to cope with billions of them.

I agree with all of that...however, since at least one of the COVID-19 vaccines is now officially FDA-approved as "safe and effective", that argument won't hold up in court if people try to sue doctors, nurses, school admins, etc for personal injury. All of them will say " all we did is administer a safe and effetive treatment as per FDA's official rulings". Just like the oncologists who killed a cancer patient saying well, all we did is administer a "standard of care" treatment that has been FDA-approved as safe and effective. Apparently, according to FDA, causing death is "safe" as long as it is done in an approved manner.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Question, hoping someone has an answer. What do you say when someone is arguing that all the injected people they know seem fine and having no reactions like others are having? I have a few responses but looking for something more solid:

1) this is an experiment and they are testing different amounts - some are saline some 10 mg some 20 mg some 40 mg etc.

2) They might look fine but test their a) d - diner test shows micro clotting, b) immune markers - much like an HIV test - shows autoimmune disease developing. Any other tests or evidence we have?

3) These therapies are designed for slow kill - and high medical expenses until the end. Most deaths will come between 6 months and 3 years. Wait until 3 years and let’s have this conversation again.

Any other points?

@Mito @Pina @Drareg @Birdie @Perry Staltic Anyone else? and excuse me if I didn’t tag you.

Some of the most "fine-looking" (by official normie standards at least) celebrity trainers, bodybuilders, athletes, etc died in the last year from various conditions that nobody would have thought they had (e.g. CVD, diabetes, etc). The lead actor in Black Panther looked "fine" to people around him...until he disappeared from the public space and died from colon cancer 2-3 months later. So, looking "fine" is not a criteria without objective tests.
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