Most Effective Supplements After Cortisone Induced Damage?


Jun 6, 2016
I (25, male) need some advice on what to take to help my body regenerate after prolonged hydrocortisone-damage. The cortisone led to the typical degeneration of skin, muscle and bones, for example I have diagnosed osteoporosis. Immune system is probably compromised. Hair is thinned out compared to 5 years ago; wound healing slow. My short term memory sufferered and remembering names is the most difficult, although long-term is ok I guess. Learning ability is decreased, its hard to learn new stuff.

I won't go into detail how I got into this situation, but it all started when my adrenals stopped producing cortisol and it took a few years to figure out how to reduce the replacement dosage (it was chronic infections and low CO2, basically). Suffice to say I almost died a few years ago and nowadays I am simply glad to be alive and have access to great knowledge and can maybe undo some of the negative effects over time. I am blessed with a great doctor who supports everything I do; his main focus is healing inflammation, infection and increasing cellular energy production.

To counteract the negative effects and reduce cortisol requirements and inflammation as much as possible I already take.

- Vitamin D 2000 and K2 1 mg
- Pregnenolone 100 mg
- Progesterone 80 mg
- Cyproheptadine occasionally
- BCAA, Tyrosine, Taurine, Theanine
- niacin 250 mg
- aspirin 400 mg
- probiotics, cascara and some herbs
- antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals occasionally

Since the damage cortisone does is essentially systemic catabolism, I'm working towards an anabolic state. That includes a good diet, obviously, with lots of sugar and protein.

I cannot take anything that has a direct impact on the adrenals, like thyroid hormones or acetazolamide. It messes up everything for me.

If there's anything Ive missed, please share.
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Jun 6, 2016
Ideas, anyone? I would have thought some of you guys here are pretty knowledgeable about this topic.

@Thouashant, Thanks. I am already taking B12 and antibiotics. I think the protective effect is partially due to increased calorie consumption.


Oct 25, 2014
Hi @mosaic01 . Sorry to see nobody pitched in with suggestions. How have you been doing? Did you manage to recover after cortisone shots? Can you produce own cortisol?


Jan 25, 2014
I (25, male) need some advice on what to take to help my body regenerate after prolonged hydrocortisone-damage. The cortisone led to the typical degeneration of skin, muscle and bones, for example I have diagnosed osteoporosis. Immune system is probably compromised. Hair is thinned out compared to 5 years ago; wound healing slow. My short term memory sufferered and remembering names is the most difficult, although long-term is ok I guess. Learning ability is decreased, its hard to learn new stuff.

I won't go into detail how I got into this situation, but it all started when my adrenals stopped producing cortisol and it took a few years to figure out how to reduce the replacement dosage (it was chronic infections and low CO2, basically). Suffice to say I almost died a few years ago and nowadays I am simply glad to be alive and have access to great knowledge and can maybe undo some of the negative effects over time. I am blessed with a great doctor who supports everything I do; his main focus is healing inflammation, infection and increasing cellular energy production.

To counteract the negative effects and reduce cortisol requirements and inflammation as much as possible I already take.

- Vitamin D 2000 and K2 1 mg
- Pregnenolone 100 mg
- Progesterone 80 mg
- Cyproheptadine occasionally
- BCAA, Tyrosine, Taurine, Theanine
- niacin 250 mg
- aspirin 400 mg
- probiotics, cascara and some herbs
- antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals occasionally

Since the damage cortisone does is essentially systemic catabolism, I'm working towards an anabolic state. That includes a good diet, obviously, with lots of sugar and protein.

I cannot take anything that has a direct impact on the adrenals, like thyroid hormones or acetazolamide. It messes up everything for me.

If there's anything Ive missed, please share.

sea water hypertonic solution may help.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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