Memories Not Stored In The Brain But In The Entire Organism, Can Be Transmitted


Jun 12, 2016
Or these memories also become so conventional that they become background noise which we draw on when required. ' there is a season...' A culture is accumulated experience and language stretches accross time. Sometimes reading a good book written hundreds of years ago is like having a friend from another time, imagine the many thousands of other that also read that book and how you now see greater meaning in all things. This is why truth and having a relationahip to the Canon opens a type of literacy extending deeper and deeper.

We probably only need a few things to stir up a realization because we share many common experience. When you understand the massive breadth that really undergirds meaning, ie, Grammer, connotation, etc., Our intelligence is able to fill in the blanks like a game of Sudoku. Though we may start with only a few rudimentary part s there is a larger set of restraints.

A certain stirring in the breeze, the sound of a rooster crowing. All could conjur a series of emotion that echoes larger whole, maybe it is so tremendous that it feels like a foreign memory.

In computer terms it is like compression or a variable in ool only we aren't nearly like silicon.

It isn't 'stored' just as a piano doesn't store a Beethoven song but we're not entirely surprised to hear Fur Elise being played and after we hear the first bar it seems to suggest the next until we get to the end. You can play variations but there is a certain quality that defines the soul of the song which itself is cradled in the order of nature, harmony. The ancient Greeks called it Logos, also called 'the word' in the Bible.
Apr 8, 2018
The Netherlands
then it could be the junk dna or rna were memory it stored in a format that is outside our dimensional perception, coz that's the part we dont fully understand. HA
Interestingly when acupunture is done to recall or remove memories, adenosine is stimulated, but when the client has used caffeine, adenosine antagonist, that day the accupunture doesnt work. maybe adenosine is a messenger ?


Nov 9, 2017
@lisaferraro it's a rabbithole on reddit/r/holofractal

I *think* (best I can understand) the theory is that every atom in the universe has a black hole inside it that connects it to every other atom. So the universe is holofractal with each part of itself copied infinite times. And very connected.

This theory seems to link multiple woo-woo metaphysical ideas AND physics ideas.

The physics is completely over my head so it may be way off but I like to browse that subreddit and this thread immediately reminded me of the idea at a larger level.


@lisaferraro it's a rabbithole on reddit/r/holofractal

I *think* (best I can understand) the theory is that every atom in the universe has a black hole inside it that connects it to every other atom. So the universe is holofractal with each part of itself copied infinite times. And very connected.

This theory seems to link multiple woo-woo metaphysical ideas AND physics ideas.

The physics is completely over my head so it may be way off but I like to browse that subreddit and this thread immediately reminded me of the idea at a larger level.
Ah. Interesting. I am not convinced black holes exist - lol. I am not sure the evidence is conclusive. That said however, the idea of connected fractals makes more sense. We can see fractals everywhere and maybe in/as everything. Who knows?


Jun 24, 2015
In psychosomatic medicine we see a connection between psyche and illness. With this we mean that feelings, often traumas are expressed through the illness, this beeing the only way for the body to cope since the tools of the psyche for the mental processing of these feelings are lacking. It is an intreaging thought that memories of unprocessed traumatic events are stored in the cells and actually uphold an additional stress on the organism. Could it be that in the outbreak of a chronic illness the organism in fact is faced with new stresses where the psyche and the soma no longer cope, resulting in illness.
So are the Stresses of the traumas locked forever in our cells? Can the traumas, that only expressed on a physical level be transferred to a mental level if you do not have the capacity to process the feelings. Is there a way to help the cells with their "stress load"? A bit off the topic. Sorry.
This sounds like John Sarnos MD work. I’m trying to heal using this philosophy of unconscious memory/emotion. No success so far


Jul 10, 2017
This sounds like John Sarnos MD work. I’m trying to heal using this philosophy of unconscious memory/emotion. No success so far[/QUOTE

What if there is still a deeper layer than the unconcious for processing feelings, in other words the primitive bodily/ cellular level that with which infants regulate different feelings that do not yet have a psychological meaning only the sensation of stress or pain. This primitive way of coping with stress only gradually becomes connected to memories and mental coping mechanisms concious or unconcious. If however this developmental process is inadequate often related to very early stressful events without adequate containment by the caregiver, it would stand to reason that the infants primitive reaction to stress would eventually be a part of the individuals way of dealing with stress and beeing a burden for the organism.
In other words what I'm trying to say that there is really no mental way to get in touch with these early stresses they are not stored as memories in the unconcious. I believe the only way to get in touch with these early cellular coping mechanisms is through bodily manipulation like acupuncture and massage combined with psychtherapy. Bodily soothing, mother loving hands,is the earliest way the infant is relieved from stressful feelings.

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016

I saw this posted on the front page of Reddit. Seems to fall in line with what Haidut has said.
That's interesting but it seems that the decapitated worms still required a refresher course to regain the memories.
"After the team verified that the worms had memorized where to find food, they chopped off the worms’ heads and let them regrow, which took two weeks.
Then the team showed the worms with the regrown heads where to find food, essentially a refresher course of their light training before decapitation.
Subsequent experiments showed that the worms remembered where the light spot was, that it was safe, and that food could be found there. The worms’ memories were just as accurate as those worms who had never lost their heads."
Another plausible explanation is that the worms with the regrown heads could memorize new information faster and with less training than worms with their original and older heads.

I would like to know if the worms had any of their old memories without the refresher.
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Sep 11, 2017
Does anyone have a reference to the cases of brains being almost fully damaged and memories staying intact?


Sep 11, 2017
Here you go. And it is by far not the only report.
Transplant recipients pick-up donor memories

If Luc Montagnier is right and DNA is an antenna, which cells use to communicate with other cells and possibly the "ethereal" plane, then it makes perfect sense.

Are you familiar with the Akashic Records? That is one very good, albeit non-technical, analogy/explanation of where "memories" would be stored. I guess one could say there are no memories, only events stored in the ethereal plane (lilke a database) and the cells can access specific records there based on their makeup/RNA, which affects/determines their resonance with the ether.
Akashic records - Wikipedia

Peat made a statement a few years ago that is eerily similar to the "ethereal storage" and/or Akashic story above.
Childhood Stress
"..."Nothing is stored [in the organism]; it's like the pasts are all present in the same room, and we periodically have a different perspective on them. When the present balance of stuff, toxicants, euphoriants, etc., is good, you can think and feel what you want to about things." —Ray Peat

The bracketed words are mine, to clarify what I think he said he meant by stored.

This is my fave Peat quote


Sep 11, 2017
"We claim that our experiments demonstrate transfer of the memory—or essential components of the memory—for sensitization. Now, although sensitization may not comport with the common notion of memory—it’s not like the memory of my Midwestern grandmother’s superb blueberry pies, for example—it nevertheless has unambiguous status as memory. Formally, sensitization is a type of nonassociative learning/memory; by definition, it is not stimulus-specific. Another example of nonassociative learning/memory is habituation, my lack of awareness of the feeling of the watch on my wrist unless I suddenly attend to it. Nonassociative forms of memory differ from associative forms of learning and memory, such as classical conditioning and operant conditioning; but although there are formal and mechanistic differences between nonassociative and associative memory, that does not mean that nonassociative memories are not real memories. We do not claim in our paper that declarative memories—such as my memory of my grandmother’s blueberry pies—or even simpler forms of associative memories like those induced during classical conditioning—can be transferred by RNA. That remains to be seen." - Guzman


Jul 8, 2019
That's interesting but it seems that the decapitated worms still required a refresher course to regain the memories.
"After the team verified that the worms had memorized where to find food, they chopped off the worms’ heads and let them regrow, which took two weeks.
Then the team showed the worms with the regrown heads where to find food, essentially a refresher course of their light training before decapitation.
Subsequent experiments showed that the worms remembered where the light spot was, that it was safe, and that food could be found there. The worms’ memories were just as accurate as those worms who had never lost their heads."
Another plausible explanation is that the worms with the regrown heads could memorize new information faster and with less training than worms with their original and older heads.

I would like to know if the worms had any of their old memories without the refresher.

I did this exact thing as a school science project in the early 1970s, without the refresher. The worms did not remember where the food was. They just learned the maze faster.


Jun 15, 2020
So when are we gone create the 'Memory Man'??
(a man with the memories of all of humanity)
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