How to mitigate harm from roof terrace sealing?


Sep 24, 2016
Hi guys,

If you please help me brainstorm some ideas to help with the following situation:

A sister and her family are moving to their new place, a nice condo / apartment which features a big terrace. (~60 m2)

The terrace is also the roof of the condo beneath it - the apartments a built like a set of stairs above each other into a slope

Now, the Surface of the terrace/roof was renovated 3 years ago and features mandatory insulation. That’s not the problem.
The problem is Joe that construction is sealed / waterproofed:

By a black roofing Membrane which is a rubbery plastic. It’s PVC-P, so PVC with a shitload of plasticizers.

It’s a „state of the Art“ material praised by the roofers. I’ve the Data-sheet. According to it the Membrane is free of Heavy metals. Good.

It’s also claimed to be free of SVHC-phthalates and other SVHC (substances of very high concern) and only features <0.1% VOCs

Well that doesn’t read / sound too bad.
It still contains loads of plasticlizers and phthalates - those that the industry and lobbyists Label of no concern to human health. I don’t take their word on it.

The thing is constantly exposed to southwest and the sun. Even when it’s moderately summery warm outside (25 degree Celsius) it easily heats up to 70 degree) - and to me it begins to stink rubbery, plasticaly. So that’s only 0.1% VOCs gassing out of it? I doubt it.

Now there will be coming tiles of stone coming onto it as the actual surface to walk on which will keep direct Sun radiation at bay. But there are up to 6cm between the tiles and the Membrane and the tiles still give off heat to the Membrane
And everything the Membrane might emit circulates from beneath the tiles.

My question:
Have you any ideas if there is another material that could be put thinly onto that rubbery Membrane to keep more heat and radiation off of it and is itself free of ***t?

Also, would you think that a small layer of gravel could be helpful to dissipate additional heat and sunrays and maybe even filter or ward off VOCs and plsticizers emmiting? I think I’ll suggest that to them.

What about those rubbery surfaces used at outdoor sport-courts and playgrounds? They don’t seem to get so hot even when shone on the entire day? But they are not the most harmless Material mix either?

Thanks a lot for any ideas!
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Jan 9, 2019
Those outdoor rubber things still stink. I always avoid those playgrounds (I don't have kids, I do my outdoor workouts when they are free).
The best thing would be to let the place off gas and keep the windows open, or encourage some kind of air flow. Then before moving back into the place (stay at a friend or family for a bit) ozone it. Then when moved back in use a VOC destroying or filtering air purifier.


Mar 27, 2018
If the work is being done by a roofer or professional contractor, I would use the standard materials because if you start asking for modification, that will work against you if you ever have to sue them because the materials you want them to use may not be covered under a standard warranty, or covered less.

Firestone 180 is a material that is commonly used and it is basically car tire material, which is quite durable and I've never had any off smells while driving or living under my roof.

I understand your concerns, but this could be the cost of living in industrialized society, I would much prefer to have a bamboo thatch roof, but it's not happening.


Sep 24, 2016
Thanks @SOMO

Yes, good points and I already considered them where warranty is concerned. That’s why at best I’d add another layer loosely that could be deconstructed easily and not modifies the construction in a real sense.

Firestone 180. So bitumen Roofing. I actually wouldn’t mind bitumen roofing as much as this more modern stuff they have. It doesn’t get as hot and and stinks less.

The problem is that Everything that might gass out comes from beneath your feet when you sit on the terrace instead of over your head. I wouldn’t mind a flat roof sealed that way that wasn’t used as a terrace


Sep 24, 2016
Well nowadays there are EPDM-membranes that are free of plasticizers. Can’t believe the constructors didn’t use that instead of the plasticizer-shitload membrane.

I did some research and contacting of institutes in the matter. Even stately ones and independent ones that allegedly are in to protecting environments and health.

Some of those guys completely deny thsf plasticizers can Gas out. They have never heard of Semi volatile organic compounds despite them being academics in environmental sciences.

Or they deny that if those SVOCs Gas out abd fly around those could be taken up by human beings. Seemingly we don’t breathe.

Or eat.

State institutes simply claim there are hazardous plasticizers / phthalates but those are not in use and those Thad are in use are „safe“

Oh dear.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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