Experience with drugs for chronic pain?


Aug 25, 2020
What medicine gas helped any of you with chronic pain? I have sciatica and I was prescribed robaxin some kind of topical nsaid my insurance denied and tylenol which is kind of useless but at least I get some cheaper tylenol.

My pain is very very extreme and I'm going to see a pain management doctor and a spine surgeon soon. Does anyone have any idea how similar robaxin is to valium or flexeril? I've only had experience with those two drugs and every opioid painkiller I have had too because of several surgeries. I physically can't finish college or work a job because my pain is random and severe so I don'thave much of a choice here.

I don't have experience with chronic pain medicines that they use to avoid opioids so I was wondering if anyone here has some experience? I expect my doctors to try a lot of medications. Also Is anyone on opioids long term?
Mar 10, 2021
What medicine gas helped any of you with chronic pain? I have sciatica and I was prescribed robaxin some kind of topical nsaid my insurance denied and tylenol which is kind of useless but at least I get some cheaper tylenol.

My pain is very very extreme and I'm going to see a pain management doctor and a spine surgeon soon. Does anyone have any idea how similar robaxin is to valium or flexeril? I've only had experience with those two drugs and every opioid painkiller I have had too because of several surgeries. I physically can't finish college or work a job because my pain is random and severe so I don'thave much of a choice here.

I don't have experience with chronic pain medicines that they use to avoid opioids so I was wondering if anyone here has some experience? I expect my doctors to try a lot of medications. Also Is anyone on opioids long term?

There is a good collection of alternative natural remedies in this thread linked below…



Sep 12, 2020
look into TMS and Dr John Sarno, lots of new people have taken his thinking and are on youtube.. lots of good books also
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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