Expensive Peat Practitioners


Mar 17, 2013
I am sorry if I came off sounding too critical. I didn't mean to insult anyone. It's the Internet weirdness. I was talking with my sister and her husband the other day and we all agreed that people tend to be a little or a lot unlike themselves on forums. There's some sort of disconnect. There's this stream of consciousness tendency. In fact I may just give it up all together. Too disturbing.
On the other hand it might be a good way to argue with someone, because you can look back and review exactly what you said. Then you know when you should apologize.


Feb 7, 2013
Swandattur said:
I am sorry if I came off sounding too critical. I didn't mean to insult anyone. It's the Internet weirdness. I was talking with my sister and her husband the other day and we all agreed that people tend to be a little or a lot unlike themselves on forums. There's some sort of disconnect. There's this stream of consciousness tendency. In fact I may just give it up all together. Too disturbing.

I don't think you did Swandattur and I think this "disconnect" you mention is exactly what I am alluding too. That sometimes there seems to be a disregard of civility and sayings things one would not say in front of others.

That said, I think it's simply a matter of mindfulness and that our online conversations can be both meaningful and respectful. It does allow us to meet and talk to people we would not have the chance to otherwise and to learn from them too.

We surely do not have to agree and can enter into vigorous discussion and debate if need be. But we can temper it with civility and treat one another as we wish to be treated. I find this forum rather refreshing in this regard and very different from the usual internet fare.

So please, don't silence your voice here. It is needed and very much welcomed!

I had wanted to clarify my first comment, especially as I did not at all find your comments to be critical, rather the thread itself I think has the potential of creating needless disharmony and acrimony, if one is not careful to exercise appropriate self restraint.


Mar 17, 2013
You're right about the tendency for things to get out of hand at times. Maybe there needs to be a way for some kind of signal to be made that means, "Hey everybody, examine your discourse," like when you were a kid or even grown and your mom calls you to order when your behavior is drifting south or whatever. It was kind of you to say to stay on. Sometimes I write things and later start thinking about it, and think maybe that sounded silly. Oh well, I guess a little silly isn't so bad.


Feb 7, 2013
Swandattur said:
Oh well, I guess a little silly isn't so bad.

Silly is GREAT!



Mar 17, 2013
I was just reading some follow up question and answer on a post on Danny Roddy's site, and I just wanted to say that he has a lot of helpful information on his website. So, if he makes money on any books he writes, I think he's paid his dues and there's nothing wrong with being paid for writing a good book. I'm sure many other Peat oriented practitioners contribute free information, too. So, I wouldn't want to be unfairly critical. I know I sometimes tend to be overly skeptical, which I think has something to do with the immediate state of my physiology. Being thoughtful and selective is good, but I don't want to be so skeptical and negative that I miss seeing the good things.


Sep 19, 2013
I think some of the practitioners are definitely very useful and well worth the money. Unfortunately, I can not recommend Josh. I think his blogs and videos are more useful than working one on one.

I could make some serious referral money pushing people to certain RP practitioners, lol! ;)


Nov 21, 2012
iLoveSugar said:
I think some of the practitioners are definitely very useful and well worth the money. Unfortunately, I can not recommend Josh. I think his blogs and videos are more useful than working one on one.

I could make some serious referral money pushing people to certain RP practitioners, lol! ;)

Why wouldnt you recommend josh?out of curiosity bc i cant afford consults anyway. I did find the cookbook a bit disappointing though.
Have you consulted many practitioners,bc you say there are a few whom youd recommend?...care to spill the beans?:)

I frequently read about this rob turner guy....is it correct that he used to be a (famous) footballplayer?


Aug 9, 2013
iLoveSugar said:
I think some of the practitioners are definitely very useful and well worth the money. Unfortunately, I can not recommend Josh. I think his blogs and videos are more useful than working one on one.

I could make some serious referral money pushing people to certain RP practitioners, lol! ;)

Interesting, can you elaborate.

I get annoyed because his videos all give like 50% of the information, then hold back the important stuff "i can't tell you how much and when to take, because that's a personal consultation". I think if he gave out more specifics, ironically he'd get more clients.

Also, basically people have the right to charge whatever they want for services, if you don't like it, don't use them, but you cannot control market forces or complain about the presence of freedom. I do think Ray Peat should make his general/diet-focused work more accessible, and I actually blame him for this in some way. Maybe he doesn't realise the impact he has had, but like it or not, people are putting his ideas into practice, and there is a hell of a lot of confusion about them. He puts out an enormous amount of work, but most people are interested in where to begin, what foods to eat and when.

I'm sure his practice of answering emails could be just put on a forum where everyone would get to benefit more openly from the questions and answers, he could affect more people with less time. The amount of repetitive questions he must get asked would be HUGE. With a forum like this the repetitive questions would give far more time to deal with individual depths.


Sep 19, 2013
Basically, it's like this. Josh does some awesome blogs, and even more so videos. They make it sound like, if you work with him, he knows all the right buttons to push, and helps from every angle. The matter of the fact is, once you pay him, he pretty much tells you straight out that he doesn't like using any supplements at all. All food based, and basically just says to 'eat more'. Can this work for some? Absolutely. But to pay $1200 for this? Absolutely crazy. Even Ray himself, knows many people need certain types of anti-inflammatories, thyroid, steroid support, etc. After spending $1200 with Josh, I feel like it was the biggest waist ever. There are other Peat practitioners that do the same 'food based help', for a fraction of the cost. Whoever mentioned Rob Turner, I fully support him. He stays on track 100%, provides a broad based support system, and I believe is much more affordable. I think he's been working 'Peaty' longer as well. Josh is just an 'excellent marketer', in my honest opinion.


Mar 17, 2013
aquaman, the idea of a forum or blog where RP could give advice that way sounds interesting. It would seem like a way to help more people with less repetition of the same information.

To me Josh Rubins comes across as rather obnoxious, anyway, but maybe that's just a personality thing.


Nov 21, 2012
iLoveSugar said:
Basically, it's like this. Josh does some awesome blogs, and even more so videos. They make it sound like, if you work with him, he knows all the right buttons to push, and helps from every angle. The matter of the fact is, once you pay him, he pretty much tells you straight out that he doesn't like using any supplements at all. All food based, and basically just says to 'eat more'. Can this work for some? Absolutely. But to pay $1200 for this? Absolutely crazy. Even Ray himself, knows many people need certain types of anti-inflammatories, thyroid, steroid support, etc. After spending $1200 with Josh, I feel like it was the biggest waist ever. There are other Peat practitioners that do the same 'food based help', for a fraction of the cost. Whoever mentioned Rob Turner, I fully support him. He stays on track 100%, provides a broad based support system, and I believe is much more affordable. I think he's been working 'Peaty' longer as well. Josh is just an 'excellent marketer', in my honest opinion.

Josh isnt the only practitioner peatinspired that doesnt like to use supplements and advices to eat more/lots of calories to raise metabolism.

I do find that his videos are becoming more markdtinglike compared to the older ones.
Does Rob Turner have videos as well and whats his rate? I suppose fairly high since he s a more or less sportscelebrity to americans from what ive gathered.


Mar 17, 2013
It doesn't seem so bad to avoid supplements, because it's hard to find ones that are properly made without intestinal irritants, but they may be needed at times.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Swandattur said:
It doesn't seem so bad to avoid supplements, because it's hard to find ones that are properly made without intestinal irritants, but they may be needed at times.
In most of Ray Peat's newsletters you see him mention some kind of supplement, especially thyroid. Any "Ray Peat practitioner" who does not suggest the needed supplements to obtain optimal metabollic rate is holding you back from obtaining health at a much faster rate, on your dime. These days, for most who are at the point they are seeking intervention, food only, will just not get it. :2cents

Ray Peat said:
It's the stored PUFA, released by stress or hunger, that slow metabolism. Niacinamide helps to lower free fatty acids, and good nutrition will allow the liver to slowly detoxify the PUFA, if it isn't being flooded with large amounts of them. A small amount of coconut oil with each meal will increase the ability to oxidize fat, by momentarily stopping the antithyroid effect of the PUFA. Aspirin is another thing that reduces the stress-related increase of free fatty acids, stimulating metabolism. Taking a thyroid supplement is reasonable until the ratio of saturated fats to PUFA is about 2 to 1.


Mar 17, 2013
That seems right to me, too. If you are paying the big bucks, a health practitioner ought to be knowledgable about supplements and which brands are good.


Sep 19, 2013
Swandattur said:
That seems right to me, too. If you are paying the big bucks, a health practitioner ought to be knowledgable about supplements and which brands are good.

Absolutely; these forums or other people can simply say 'eat more of this'.

For someone healthy, just wanting to optimize things, Josh may be legit. For someone truly not well, there are much better choices and ways to drop $1200.


Oct 11, 2016
In terms of the basics of diagnostics, I wonder how much different it really is to work with practitioners from this list:
Find A Practitioner

In terms of responses to the results of various tests, a "Peat practitioner" would probably differ.
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