COVID mRNA Shots Are A ‘Technology Designed To Poison People’


Aug 13, 2020
COVID mRNA shots are a ‘technology designed to poison people’: Canadian doctor

Dr. Michael Palmer, a Canadian board-certified doctor, medical microbiologist, and professor of pharmacology and toxicology at the University of Waterloo, briefly explained in a video posted online last month how the mechanisms within the novel mRNA COVID-19 vaccines function. He also articulated why he thinks the experimental injections present a serious and potentially fatal toxicity risk to recipients.

“The second component is the lipid nanoparticles,” the doctor continued. “These lipids, fat-like molecules, they encase the messenger RNA and they serve two purposes. One is to protect the messenger RNA while it is in transport and secondly also to help it enter the body cells.”

According to Palmer, the issue that arises from this is that one of the components of these lipid nanoparticles, the “cationic” or “electrically positively charged lipid,” is “known to be quite toxic” as a “general property.”

As a result, once these toxic lipids enter the cell, “they tend to disrupt the mitochondrial respiration, the cell respiration,” which is a process that humans need “for producing energy.” Palmer states that if this process is disrupted, the oxygen from respiration is not properly “reduced to water” but instead is reduced to “reactive oxygen species” that can “react with anything,” including “our DNA” in a way that inflicts “damage.”

Even worse, Palmer elaborates that the result of this mechanism is the same result radiation treatments for cancer patients produce, which he says means there are strict limits on how much the human body can withstand before dying.

Michael Palmer - Associate Professor

Biography Summary

Michael Palmer carries out research in biochemistry. His research focuses on the interaction of peptides and proteins with biological membranes. One current area of interest is the action mode of lipopeptide antibiotic daptomycin, as well as the mechanism of bacterial resistance to it. His experiments involve a range of methods including fluorescence, protein chemistry, and molecular biology.

Research Interests

  • Fluorescence
  • Antibiotics
  • Membranes
  • Lipopeptides
  • Pore-forming toxins
  • Biochemistry and Biophysics
  • Climate Extremes and Food Production
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Oct 6, 2020
So not only does he say people can "only" take that much vaccines before they are lethal, he also calls the event that the vaccine cause dormant or inactivated viruses to surface or become problematic for which pfizer and moderna will conveniently have new vaccines ready?

Someone bring me the popcorn ... i hope he's dead wrong.


Jul 13, 2014
COVID mRNA shots are a ‘technology designed to poison people’: Canadian doctor

Dr. Michael Palmer, a Canadian board-certified doctor, medical microbiologist, and professor of pharmacology and toxicology at the University of Waterloo, briefly explained in a video posted online last month how the mechanisms within the novel mRNA COVID-19 vaccines function. He also articulated why he thinks the experimental injections present a serious and potentially fatal toxicity risk to recipients.

“The second component is the lipid nanoparticles,” the doctor continued. “These lipids, fat-like molecules, they encase the messenger RNA and they serve two purposes. One is to protect the messenger RNA while it is in transport and secondly also to help it enter the body cells.”

According to Palmer, the issue that arises from this is that one of the components of these lipid nanoparticles, the “cationic” or “electrically positively charged lipid,” is “known to be quite toxic” as a “general property.”

As a result, once these toxic lipids enter the cell, “they tend to disrupt the mitochondrial respiration, the cell respiration,” which is a process that humans need “for producing energy.” Palmer states that if this process is disrupted, the oxygen from respiration is not properly “reduced to water” but instead is reduced to “reactive oxygen species” that can “react with anything,” including “our DNA” in a way that inflicts “damage.”

Even worse, Palmer elaborates that the result of this mechanism is the same result radiation treatments for cancer patients produce, which he says means there are strict limits on how much the human body can withstand before dying.

Michael Palmer - Associate Professor

Biography Summary

Michael Palmer carries out research in biochemistry. His research focuses on the interaction of peptides and proteins with biological membranes. One current area of interest is the action mode of lipopeptide antibiotic daptomycin, as well as the mechanism of bacterial resistance to it. His experiments involve a range of methods including fluorescence, protein chemistry, and molecular biology.

Research Interests

  • Fluorescence
  • Antibiotics
  • Membranes
  • Lipopeptides
  • Pore-forming toxins
  • Biochemistry and Biophysics
  • Climate Extremes and Food Production



Jan 24, 2022
Whats the best way to prevent this if you took the vaccine in October 2021? This scares me a little


Jun 29, 2021
Whats the best way to prevent this if you took the vaccine in October 2021? This scares me a little
You're probably fine if it's been that long but there's reports of cancer rates being 300% higher in the vaccinated. Soooo... no one knows what the antidote is and there probably isn't one. Long term affects are unknown.

It's such a ridiculous lie for them to say there are no long term term effects when the clinical study wasn't even 1 year long.


Jan 24, 2022
You're probably fine if it's been that long but there's reports of cancer rates being 300% higher in the vaccinated. Soooo... no one knows what the antidote is and there probably isn't one. Long term affects are unknown.

It's such a ridiculous lie for them to say there are no long term term effects when the clinical study wasn't even 1 year long.
In my family, we have genetic risk for Diabetes and heart disease, in fact, my aunt died of heart disease a week before we took the vaccine, now god knows if we'll end up in the same situation now

Lord Cola

"What do they know that we don't?" is a misguided question since mRNA injections had not been the norm before 2020. Countries that used mRNA injections are the ones that should have justified why they didn't use older, better known technology instead.


"What do they know that we don't?" is a misguided question since mRNA injections had not been the norm before 2020. Countries that used mRNA injections are the ones that should have justified why they didn't use older, better known technology instead.
Ignore the clumsy journalism but isn’t it interesting that China is not using mRNA whilst the rest of the world is rushing head with it? I get your point - that would make sense - using a tried and test method. I guess they were in a hurry to get on with the genocide.

Lord Cola

Ignore the clumsy journalism but isn’t it interesting that China is not using mRNA whilst the rest of the world is rushing head with it? I get your point - that would make sense - using a tried and test method. I guess they were in a hurry to get on with the genocide.
I think the Chinese government's actions the past two years make more sense when I don't presume that it is as cynical and malicious as Western-style governments; it seems that, unlike Western-style rulers, they care to some extent about having a healthy population, and Chinese authorities in general have a different philosophy from the reductionist Plato-related ideologies of the Western ruling class that greatly prioritize quantized and formalized information above holistic information, and this makes mass injecting harmful substances allegedly for eradicating or containing merely one disease, while exacerbating many others, more difficult to promote.

I don't mean that the Western rulers genuinely believe mass mRNA injections will contain Covid, but that it is easier for them to publically support such ostensibly myopic policies without great career risk, relatively, because of the culture they are part of, which puts information like simplistic statistics usually absolutely above empirical evidence and context. Chinese people also tend to be less socially isolated than North Americans: they tend to be more open to talking to each other, and if they had been widely forced to take the harmful mRNA injections, and people suffered bad effects, this information would have spread quickly and the state would not have been able to sufficiently limit its spread.

Still, why are they doing their part perpetuating the scamdemic lie, when it is being used aggressively by Western powers to make people hate China? Even if Chinese leaders are part of the conspiracy, having so many people hate their country is dangerous for them, as it can and will be used to promote policies designed to ruin China. Probably internal politics is influencing all this too.
Last edited by a moderator:


Aug 10, 2012
Whats the best way to prevent this if you took the vaccine in October 2021? This scares me a little
I think it would be to follow a Long Covid protocol. Ivermectin would be my friend if in your position.


I think the Chinese government's actions the past two years make more sense when I don't presume that it is as cynical and malicious as Western-style governments; it seems that, unlike Western-style rulers, they care to some extent about having a healthy population, and Chinese authorities in general have a different philosophy from the reductionist Plato-related ideologies of the Western ruling class that greatly prioritize quantized and formalized information above holistic information, and this makes mass injecting harmful substances allegedly for eradicating or containing merely one disease, while exacerbating many others, more difficult to promote.

I don't mean that the Western rulers genuinely believe mass mRNA injections will contain Covid, but that it is easier for them to publically support such ostensibly myopic policies without great career risk, relatively, because of the culture they are part of, which puts information like simplistic statistics usually absolutely above empirical evidence and context. Chinese people also tend to be less socially isolated than North Americans: they tend to be more open to talking to each other, and if they had been widely forced to take the harmful mRNA injections, and people suffered bad effects, this information would have spread quickly and the state would not have been able to sufficiently limit its spread.

Still, why are they doing their part perpetuating the scamdemic lie, when it is being used aggressively by Western powers to make people hate China? Even if Chinese leaders are part of the conspiracy, having so many people hate their country is dangerous for them, as it can and will be used to promote policies designed to ruin China. Probably internal politics is influencing all this too.
Without dismissing China’s oppressive treatment of certain minority groups, I have to say I have never bought into the China bad – Western governments good. I believe the convid plandemic was a collaborative effort between these powers. I’m wondering if the financial instability in the West is behind that decision. The decision to use MRNA as a vaccine which I believe was calculated. We have the evidence – so called experts were willing to turn a blind eye and via away from normal protocols. Can anyone explain how/why an experimental drug was used in pregnant women? And now being used in children? If the pension funds have been looted then it’s understandable why that decision was an attractive one for Western governments. Regarding the use in other age groups there are many actors invested in a depopulation agenda but I get the impression China is moving in the opposite direction with its population. Perhaps China is used to being hated so right now they are happy to watch the West implode. Also we mustn’t forget there is common interest in Africa. Not enough attention is being paid to what Blair and co. are up to there.


Jan 28, 2013
There are A LOT more refrigerators and other big-ticket items that can be sold in China, India and the rest of the developing world-- now and in the future. That's why, in a nutshell, it would make sense to move all the "money" out of the West. Take that "money" to make more "money" where the "money" is really to be made.


Jun 20, 2015

This is a quite detailed article by Robert Malone.

It's about gene therapy and what can go wrong. He explains what kinds of studies need to be done before such a product can be approved, and how they have been skipped because the clot shot is called a "vaccine". He writes that the stuff in the Moderna and BioNTech/Pfizer jabs is not really mRNA and why we should worry.

Robert Malone said:
But now we know that the “mRNA” from the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines which incorporates the synthetic nucleotide pseudouridine can persist in lymph nodes for at least 60 days after injection. This is not natural, and this is not really mRNA. These molecules have genetic elements similar to those of natural mRNA, but they are clearly far more resistant to the enzymes which normally degrade natural mRNA, seem to be capable of producing high levels of protein for extended periods, and seem to evade normal immunologic mechanisms for eliminating cells which produce foreign proteins which are not normally observed in the body.

And he writes that there is no method he knows of to eliminate the mRNA-like stuff from your body. You can only hope that your immune system does the job.


Aug 17, 2016
I think the Chinese government's actions the past two years make more sense when I don't presume that it is as cynical and malicious as Western-style governments; it seems that, unlike Western-style rulers, they care to some extent about having a healthy population, and Chinese authorities in general have a different philosophy from the reductionist Plato-related ideologies of the Western ruling class that greatly prioritize quantized and formalized information above holistic information, and this makes mass injecting harmful substances allegedly for eradicating or containing merely one disease, while exacerbating many others, more difficult to promote.

I don't mean that the Western rulers genuinely believe mass mRNA injections will contain Covid, but that it is easier for them to publically support such ostensibly myopic policies without great career risk, relatively, because of the culture they are part of, which puts information like simplistic statistics usually absolutely above empirical evidence and context. Chinese people also tend to be less socially isolated than North Americans: they tend to be more open to talking to each other, and if they had been widely forced to take the harmful mRNA injections, and people suffered bad effects, this information would have spread quickly and the state would not have been able to sufficiently limit its spread.

Still, why are they doing their part perpetuating the scamdemic lie, when it is being used aggressively by Western powers to make people hate China? Even if Chinese leaders are part of the conspiracy, having so many people hate their country is dangerous for them, as it can and will be used to promote policies designed to ruin China. Probably internal politics is influencing all this too.

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