Can a person or animal SENSE when their loved one has PASSED ?


Jun 22, 2021
I've noticed a phenomenon where people/animals can SENSE when a loved one has PASSED, even if they did not witness them passing away:

This is what I mean

In this video, a father passed away at the hospital from a gas explosion, apparently at the same time the father passed away, his baby daughter (at home) began to cry for a few seconds during sleep, then immediately stopped:


In this video, this man owned 2 dogs for several years, and one had to be euthanized, the other dog (even though he did not see the other dog pass away), began to howl at the sky an hour after his friend had passed


3rd example is not as clear as the first 2 examples, but this dog seems to understand that his friend has passed at the funeral for his dog and seems to visibly mourn for his friend.


Another thing I noticed: In crime documentaries, I notice sometimes mothers say that they had "sensed" something really bad happened to their son/daughter, like they knew something terrible happened to their child even before they discovered the news.

We all know animals MOURN, but do people and animals also sense when someone close to them has passed away?

I'm definitely interested in anecdotal experiences


Mar 18, 2021
Yes. There is quantum entanglement between relatives. Also between lovers. Sexual encounters create strong entanglements as well. There are other less known ways to create quantum entanglements. The phenomenon is very common in nature in various forms and degrees.
The Soviets did experiments with rabbits to study this. They took the kittens of a female rabbit on a submarine thousands of miles away. When the kittens were killed they detected a clear reaction of the mother in Moscow.


Dec 8, 2016

I have a sister I wasn’t emotionally close to.

For 48 hours (many states away, and years between us seeing one another) i grieved for her in spirit.
Had no idea what was wrong
Nor couldn’t get in touch

Turns out that night she attempted murder on a past lover

I felt the darkness
The heaviness
I knew

I also have this with my children


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Yes, I knew the time my great grandfather passed when I was in high school. It was Christmas and he was 93 and living in a nursing home. I went to my room to be alone and about an hour later my parents told me the official news. It was unexpected.
I had a cat who would go lay down where we buried her friend.
I can often sense this with patients in the hospital even when they appear in stable condition.


Sep 11, 2015
Like the Turk, I should consult my physician if I didn't pass at least something 3 times a day. Loved one or not.


Apr 10, 2021
I wouldn't doubt it. I had a cat for 13 years. My aunt was at my house one day when I got home (not at a regular time) and she said about five minutes before I pulled into the driveway my cat ran to the front door and started meowing. There's a network out there that connects us all. Definitely more to this world than what we can see and feel, and it's not limited to humans.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I wouldn't doubt it. I had a cat for 13 years. My aunt was at my house one day when I got home (not at a regular time) and she said about five minutes before I pulled into the driveway my cat ran to the front door and started meowing. There's a network out there that connects us all. Definitely more to this world than what we can see and feel, and it's not limited to humans.
Our dogs and our neighbor’s dog do the same thing.


Feb 10, 2013
Yes, I knew the time my great grandfather passed when I was in high school. It was Christmas and he was 93 and living in a nursing home. I went to my room to be alone and about an hour later my parents told me the official news. It was unexpected.
I had a cat who would go lay down where we buried her friend.
I can often sense this with patients in the hospital even when they appear in stable condition.
my mom has felt people are sick or dying in her dreams, when i was little she had a dream of her grandmother saying goodbye, we lived far away and i think most people didn't have phones yet, so she rushed for the train in the morning, turns out she had died that night. Some people seem quite sensitive to this stuff and pick it up, I've never had experiences like that myself but my mom has had many.


Sep 11, 2015
Perish not thee my master, of these thy hazardous words. This most dreadful supposition, that a base human or animal might, in his corruption, perceive the death of a kinsman is, I fear, a sign of the modern wind fair, which we might abort.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
@Mephisto, I’m certainly glad to hear I’m not the only one. Thank you for sharing that story.
The chaplain at a hospital where I worked nights from 2007-2009 would always ask me a couple hours into the shift who I thought she might need to check in on before going to sleep. One time the NP asked me how long I thought a patient who was actively dying had left and I told her to the exact minute. It used to creep me out and I didn’t like to think about it much. I thought if I ignored it then it would just go away. Nowadays I simply accept it. God’s ways are often mysterious to us. I didn’t set out to be involved so much with death but it happened and I’m mostly at peace with it although it’s never easy when you are a compassionate person.


Jul 8, 2014
We all know animals MOURN, but do people and animals also sense when someone close to them has passed away?

Yes, absolutely. I’ve sensed loved ones’ passings and was even hit with a knowing that they were going to pass, however, the knowing isn’t just with loved ones and death. The two most recent examples were the death of my mum and grandmother. Five days before my mum died, I had a feeling of terror and was hit with a knowing that she was going to pass, and I was at my home when my grandmother was in a nursing home dying and I actually felt her passing. Because of COVID lockdowns, only two family members at a time were allowed to visit her and her sons, my dad and uncle, were with her the morning she passed. While she was dying, I felt this extreme doom that I couldn’t shake, like the kind felt with anxiety—I later found out that she was experiencing extreme anxiety so nurses gave her sedatives to calm her—and all of a sudden, this feeling of peace came over me and less than a minute later the phone rang. It was my dad calling to say my grandmother had just passed.

An example unrelated to death. I was in a park one day with my mum walking our dogs Cricket and Bee. The park is on a hill and across the street is a row of homes. While we were talking, I spotted a car in the distance rolling down through the park and heard yelling coming from it. Because the park slopes and the car was nowhere near us, my mum wasn’t concerned for our safety, however, a thought came to me that the car would make a sharp right turn and just then, the car hit a bump in the hill and made a sharp right turn and was headed straight for us. The car just missed Cricket and I and as it passed by, I realized that it was a child who was yelling, and the car was headed straight for a massive oak tree. For a split second, I was hit with the knowing that the tree would stop the car without causing any damage and the child would be okay. Then I watched as the car hit the only (Rubbermaid) garbage bin in the park on its way down, bounced off the tree and gently rolled back into it before coming to a stop. The bin had gotten between the car and tree and buffered the impact so there was no damage to the car, and the little girl inside was unharmed. The girl lived in one of the houses across the street from the park and the grandmother, who was taking her to school, had forgot something in the house and when she went to get it, the car rolled down the driveway and into the park.


Mar 18, 2021
link? sick tho.
There are references on Google and more detailed information can be found in various books. The rabbit experiments on submarine were done between 1965-67 by Vitaly Petrov and his group in Novosibirsk. But this was just one of many thousands of similar experiments and all the major powers pumped billions in this kind of research. There has been a silent war going on for decades in this field. People are brainwashed to believe these forces do not exist.


Jan 6, 2019
Undoubtedly such a phenomenon exists. I seem to have a broken version of this ability, as I often 'feel' that one thing or another has taken place, when in reality nothing has happened.


Jun 22, 2021
Yes. There is quantum entanglement between relatives. Also between lovers. Sexual encounters create strong entanglements as well. There are other less known ways to create quantum entanglements. The phenomenon is very common in nature in various forms and degrees.
The Soviets did experiments with rabbits to study this. They took the kittens of a female rabbit on a submarine thousands of miles away. When the kittens were killed they detected a clear reaction of the mother in Moscow.
That is incredible, I was not familiar with quantum entanglement until now

Instinctively, I always wondered if I thought about someone I was close to, would they be able to "feel" me thinking about them even if they were far away? I think they would
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