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Apr 30, 2015
They are blatantly xenophobic and discussing the merits of genetically superior races while ignoring the evidence put in front of them.
I addressed their topics, where do you get I dismissed them?
Keep in mind they still don't explain how an IQ test is the definitive test for intelligence.

I responded with the terms you mentioned but still engaged, the terms I used, it's stretching it a bit to claim they are disrespectful.

These guys don't like anything that doesn't fit their paradigm. Just look at Ledos posts directed at me.

People need to stop projecting tone onto others posts, it's a debate on the Ray Peat forum, your supposed to go point for point,it's also political.

I think your being overly sensitive here.

Where do you get that I thought that you thought you were being dismissive?

I don't see how you are being engaging at all. Where are you being engaging? How is it that you think I think you are disrespectful when I have only ever thought that you thought you were respectful.

What a lame response, completely irrational, stop projecting on me.


Oct 10, 2012
Drareg...people don't normally liked to be called irrational, lame, or overly sensitive. The reason people are reacting to you is because you dismiss them out of hand. Usually people like to feel heard and respected, even if they are mistaken or what not. We are all guilty of having strong opinions sometimes, and over riding people.

I don't think thats a justification for people being wrong though. I posted a quote from Ray Peat in Mind and Tissue and he even stated that people who subscribe to those ideologies are racist and elitist. And Ray Peat doesn't throw those terms around lightly.

The problem is allowing such views to be considered normal. It's about being responsible for what you say.

The whole idea of "evolution" is that the past is preserved within the present, or that the present is built upon the accomplishments of the past. The idea that evolution has been "random," and that the world is simply self-regulating, might seem liberating to those who hate the idea that they might be intrinsically responsible for anything outside of themselves, but it is liberating only in the way that a vandal's manifesto might be, declaring the world to be their playground.

The problem with such a manifesto of irresponsibility is simply that it is built upon the same system of cultural assumptions that produced Nazi eugenics, and that those assumptions are false. The political assumptions of the people who controlled scientific institutions were built into a set of pseudo-scientific doctrines, which continue to be valued for their political and philosophical implications.

Genes, Carbon Dioxide and Adaptation.

*Note: Although Konrad Lorenz (who later received the Nobel Prize) was the architect of the Nazi's policy of "racial hygiene" (extermination of those with unwanted physical, cultural, or political traits which were supposedly determined by "genes") he took his ideas from the leading U.S. geneticists, whose works were published in the main genetics journals. Following the Nazis' defeat, some of these journals were renamed, and the materials on eugenics were often removed from libraries, so that a new historical resume could be presented by the profession.

Eclampsia in the Real Organism: A Paradigm of General Distress Applicable in Infants, Adults, Etc.

I will say, when people on this forum who post ideas that contradict Ray Peat on the nutritional level. They are immediately banned, but when their are members who are literally preaching the same ideological bases of genetic determinism ( which Ray Peat believes the justification of the Nazi racial policy ). There isn't much opposition. I don't know why that is.


Jun 12, 2016
Only you could do this as your intellectually superior,was your theory?

It was more of a figure of speech. I would prefer not to criticize people's language and stick to sharing facts. I wouldn't have said anything if you weren't calling people irrational or xenophobic.

Your IQ tests are redundant for testing intelligence, the quotes from Peat you all ignore are within this thread.

I think what Peat is referring to is using IQ tests to select for certain types of intelligent as a way to handle sorting people into grades of education, work, etc. to create an atmosphere of consensus. He's pointed out how people that advance into the higher echelons of school are good at test taking but not very creative. Here I agree with Peat. I don't put a lot of weight on IQ. As for the topic of ethnic identity, I care about it with respect to building healthy communities not because I'd get off living in a community of MENSA members or something therefore IQ isn't that important to me.

For what it is worth studies like the Minnesota twin study showed quite conclusively that genes are important determinants in intelligence. I believe Peat mentioned this isn't a very conclusive defense of gene theories because of the shared development within the womb: which is worthy criticism. On the other hand, you would have to conclude environment was not a factor either as there didn't seem to be much change in IQ depending on the different environment where they considered education, nutrition, parental investment, etc.

I think Peat is on the right path of the way in which gene therapy is being set up in medicine in order to suck money out of sick people and prevent holistic treatments out.

I haven't seen anyone who defends the genetic determinism challenge Ray Peat's articles on the scientific level. Why ?

I agree with Peat that genetic inheritance is not purely based on Darwinian selection/gene mutation. The epigenetics theory of the environment modulating genes seems much more convincing.

On the other hand, to say genes are therefore irrelevant to a person's biological makeup is also incorrect. Genes do have a very big role in inheritance. We just don't know to what degree we can influence them, etc.

There isn't much opposition. I don't know why that is.

A nazi conspiracy no doubt.


Feb 18, 2016
I think your being overly sensitive here.

Where do you get that I thought that you thought you were being dismissive?

I don't see how you are being engaging at all. Where are you being engaging? How is it that you think I think you are disrespectful when I have only ever thought that you thought you were respectful.

What a lame response, completely irrational, stop projecting on me.

Tarmander you have not addressed any of the points in my posts, you comment on behaviour that is yours and few others opinion. I'm not on the forum to agree with everything everyone says and I don't intend to go along to get along.

Your post above would make sense if you had somehow refuted the points I make in my posts,now you are just showing hubris.


Oct 11, 2015
Why are chimpanzees dumber than British homo sapiens? Too much serotonin? maybe glycolysis or PUFA.


Oct 10, 2012
It was more of a figure of speech. I would prefer not to criticize people's language and stick to sharing facts. I wouldn't have said anything if you weren't calling people irrational or xenophobic.

I think what Peat is referring to is using IQ tests to select for certain types of intelligent as a way to handle sorting people into grades of education, work, etc. to create an atmosphere of consensus. He's pointed out how people that advance into the higher echelons of school are good at test taking but not very creative. Here I agree with Peat. I don't put a lot of weight on IQ. As for the topic of ethnic identity, I care about it with respect to building healthy communities not because I'd get off living in a community of MENSA members or something therefore IQ isn't that important to me.

For what it is worth studies like the Minnesota twin study showed quite conclusively that genes are important determinants in intelligence. I believe Peat mentioned this isn't a very conclusive defense of gene theories because of the shared development within the womb: which is worthy criticism. On the other hand, you would have to conclude environment was not a factor either as there didn't seem to be much change in IQ depending on the different environment where they considered education, nutrition, parental investment, etc.

I think Peat is on the right path of the way in which gene therapy is being set up in medicine in order to suck money out of sick people and prevent holistic treatments out.

I agree with Peat that genetic inheritance is not purely based on Darwinian selection/gene mutation. The epigenetics theory of the environment modulating genes seems much more convincing.

On the other hand, to say genes are therefore irrelevant to a person's biological makeup is also incorrect. Genes do have a very big role in inheritance. We just don't know to what degree we can influence them, etc.

A nazi conspiracy no doubt.

In what way are genes involve with the inheritance process ? Are speaking on intelligence or what ? You are extremely vague with your argument.

The study I posted proves that genes don't have much too do with biological development ( or in this case brain development). Apparently those taxi drivers had "genes" to make their hippocampus grow larger. And had nothing to do with their activities (sarcasm).


Why are chimpanzees dumber than British homo sapiens? Too much serotonin? maybe glycolysis or PUFA.

How can you be so speciest?!
If you give them extra carbon dioxide they outsmart them in at least 2 generations!


Feb 18, 2016
It was more of a figure of speech. I would prefer not to criticize people's language and stick to sharing facts. I wouldn't have said anything if you weren't calling people irrational or xenophobic.

I think what Peat is referring to is using IQ tests to select for certain types of intelligent as a way to handle sorting people into grades of education, work, etc. to create an atmosphere of consensus. He's pointed out how people that advance into the higher echelons of school are good at test taking but not very creative. Here I agree with Peat. I don't put a lot of weight on IQ. As for the topic of ethnic identity, I care about it with respect to building healthy communities not because I'd get off living in a community of MENSA members or something therefore IQ isn't that important to me.

For what it is worth studies like the Minnesota twin study showed quite conclusively that genes are important determinants in intelligence. I believe Peat mentioned this isn't a very conclusive defense of gene theories because of the shared development within the womb: which is worthy criticism. On the other hand, you would have to conclude environment was not a factor either as there didn't seem to be much change in IQ depending on the different environment where they considered education, nutrition, parental investment, etc.

I think Peat is on the right path of the way in which gene therapy is being set up in medicine in order to suck money out of sick people and prevent holistic treatments out.

I agree with Peat that genetic inheritance is not purely based on Darwinian selection/gene mutation. The epigenetics theory of the environment modulating genes seems much more convincing.

On the other hand, to say genes are therefore irrelevant to a person's biological makeup is also incorrect. Genes do have a very big role in inheritance. We just don't know to what degree we can influence them, etc.

A nazi conspiracy no doubt.

It's a forum that includes debate,terms like irrational and xenophobic are going to be used.

You started this thread and yet did not comment on wiggles genetic inheritance post, you show above you understand some of Peats ideas,you comment on mine without quotes of when and where, do you not see what I was arguing against,the points made?
Your claiming I was rude by using terms like irrational and xenophobic in a debate?
Why not stick to the points made.

We do know to what degree we can influence genes, we have more to learn but the picture emerging is clear as a day, we currently are influencing with the use of niacinamide as hdac inhibitor.

Minnesota twin studies Peat gets spot on with an insight that many will run from, the twins were brought up in similar cultures, a culture informs the organism. We would need a study that puts one twin in a first world country in a wealthy family like Bertrand Russell and another in the third world in the lowest social class.

Who at any point said genes are irrevalant biological make up?


Jul 31, 2015
Your video is lame, people will clutch at anything as an excuse for expressing hate.

The groups in his video are American based, America is majority white, white people treated black people deplorably,we all know these stories, not all white people but many.
Their is racism toward Asian Americans and gay people deal with racism still in America even though all the above groups have good support from white people in general.

The groups are designed to create pride and promote to the general public many who don't realise that racism is still present.
The black pride groups got plenty of criticism when they went down the wrong path in the past.

Why would gay pride even be an issue, it shows how desperate you and your Friend in the video are.
Leftist have created protected classes of distinction where there never were any...strikes at the heart of our constitution making everyone less.


Oct 10, 2012
Why are chimpanzees dumber than British homo sapiens? Too much serotonin? maybe glycolysis or PUFA.

Ray Peat apparently doesn't think humans are smarter than chimpanzees. And theres evidence for it too !

A few years ago a group of researchers in Scotland studying learning in apes did some experiments (involving opening boxes to get a piece of candy inside) that showed that chimpanzees learn in a variety of “flexibly adaptive” ways, and that 3 year old children being presented with a similar task most often did it in ways that appear to be less intelligent than the apes. They “suggest that the difference in performance of chimpanzees and children may be due to a greater susceptibility of children to cultural conventions.” (Horner and Whiten, 2005; Whiten, et al., 2004).

Academic authoritarians, language, metaphor, animals, and science


Feb 18, 2016
Leftist have created protected classes of distinction where there never were any...strikes at the heart of our constitution making everyone less.

You personally contradict your constitution on a daily basis,think about that.


Feb 18, 2016
Ray Peat apparently doesn't think humans are smarter than chimpanzees. And theres evidence for it too !

A few years ago a group of researchers in Scotland studying learning in apes did some experiments (involving opening boxes to get a piece of candy inside) that showed that chimpanzees learn in a variety of “flexibly adaptive” ways, and that 3 year old children being presented with a similar task most often did it in ways that appear to be less intelligent than the apes. They “suggest that the difference in performance of chimpanzees and children may be due to a greater susceptibility of children to cultural conventions.” (Horner and Whiten, 2005; Whiten, et al., 2004).

Academic authoritarians, language, metaphor, animals, and science

Was it Peat who spoke about the chimpanzee infant head being similar to humans?


Feb 18, 2016
How can you be so speciest?!
If you give them extra carbon dioxide they outsmart them in at least 2 generations!

Humans do this kind of thing, make them smarter by messing around in their environment and then get xenophobic about the rise of the apes, taking our jobs and ruining or welfare system.

There's a documentary/movie about it called "planet of the apes".


Oct 10, 2012


Apr 30, 2015
Tarmander you have not addressed any of the points in my posts, you comment on behaviour that is yours and few others opinion. I'm not on the forum to agree with everything everyone says and I don't intend to go along to get along.

Your post above would make sense if you had somehow refuted the points I make in my posts,now you are just showing hubris.

How do you know I did not refute your points? What evidence do you have showing that I have not refuted what you said?

You have yet to show me where I am showing hubris. You are being irrational and you contradict yourself constantly.

Also, you have yet to show me why you think that I thought that you thought you were not being dismissive, when you were.

This lame hubris you are showing does not in any way show how your point about making points on a forum and arguing has any ground at all considering that we are here to disagree.


Feb 18, 2016
How do you know I did not refute your points? What evidence do you have showing that I have not refuted what you said?

You have yet to show me where I am showing hubris. You are being irrational and you contradict yourself constantly.

Also, you have yet to show me why you think that I thought that you thought you were not being dismissive, when you were.

This lame hubris you are showing does not in any way show how your point about making points on a forum and arguing has any ground at all considering that we are here to disagree.

You said in your ordiginal post to me I was dismissive off hand. Unless you are attempting satire and failing miserably, you are behaving like a haughty copy cat child now.

If we were here to disagree at all times it wouldn't be much of a forum and people would be taking fish oils while "Peating".

I made a point as to where I felt you were showing hubris unless it's the copy cat thing your doing.....


Feb 18, 2016
You are one ignorant little brainwashed snot. Conservatives worldwide have had a good couple of weeks, I'm at a forth party, talk tomorrow.

I'm sure It would be convenient for your paradigm if I was.


Apr 30, 2015
You said in your ordiginal post to me I was dismissive off hand. Unless you are attempting satire and failing miserably, you are behaving like a haughty copy cat child now.

If we were here to disagree at all times it wouldn't be much of a forum and people would be taking fish oils while "Peating".

I made a point as to where I felt you were showing hubris unless it's the copy cat thing your doing.....

I am not showing hubris, you are showing hubris. Your point about my hubris was hubris itself, ipsofacto you are the more hubri of us.

Where did I say that we were supposed to disagree on everything? Why would we take fish oils if that was the case, and what reasoning did you apply to come to this conclusion? I would think flax oil would also be a valid option but you did not mention this at all, lame and irrational.

Also, I never said you were dismissive, where is your proof of this? I said people felt dismissed, totally different thing.

I am not attempting satire, I am totally serious. Why would you ignorantly think I was attempting satire?


Feb 18, 2016
"The reason people are reacting to you is because you dismiss them out of hand".

This is you stating I dismiss out of hand.

Your clearly infuriated, I would say private message me your feelings and let the thread run,however the thread has been ruined about 7 pages ago so please keep going.
Entertain your immovable haughtiness.

Would you like to pull my hair while your at it or throw paper balls at me from the back of the class?
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