Bill Gates' Newest Mission: Curing Alzheimer's


Feb 18, 2017


Jun 1, 2016
Sean Parker stands corrected.
... because he has good haircut? lol
Facebook exploiting a vulnarability in humans brain as much as good loving relationship exploit it or the job you love or doing smth exiting or eating delicious food or having great sex or enjoing a swim in the ocean or...
Humans just want to feel good, to feel joy.
And thats our vulnerability...?
I dont even want to open that can of worms: self mutilation by different means (including calorie restriction or marconutrient restriction) is so embedded (or should i say we are conditioned?) in us, that whenever we feel good its almost “sinful”, vulnerable.


Mar 7, 2017
I love that people forget what an Olympic-level-Blowhard Sean Parker is...........and has always been.

Notice how many "Parker" institutions he's creating......

"In June 2015, Parker announced[66] a $600 million contribution to launch the Parker Foundation, which focuses on three areas: Life Sciences, Global Public Health and Civic Engagement.[67][68] It takes an interdisciplinary approach to large-scale challenges, combining insight, capital, science and technology, organization building and public policy.

Since 2005, Parker has been an active donor to cancer research, global public health and civic engagement. In 2012, he pledged a $5 million grant to Stand Up to Cancer and the Cancer Research Institute to create the Immunotherapy Dream Team, uniting laboratory and clinical efforts that will lead to the immunological treatment, control and prevention of cancer.[69] In December 2014, Parker pledged $24 million to create the Sean N. Parker Center for Allergy Research at Stanford.[70][71] In 2015, he made a $4.5 million grant to support the Malaria Elimination Initiative at the University of California San Francisco’s Global Health Group,[72] and a $10 million grant to create the Sean N. Parker Autoimmune Research Laboratory at UCSF.[73] In February 2015, Sean was ranked number 5 on the Chronicle of Philanthropy’s 2014 Philanthropy 50 list.[74] He donated $250 million to create the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy, in April 2016. The funds initially went to over 300 scientists at 40 laboratories, in 6 institutions.[75]

Parker is an active supporter of groups including Code for America, Stand up to Cancer, the Cancer Research Institute, Malaria No More, the Clinton Foundation, ONE, and the "charity: water" campaign.[76][77]

In 2007 Parker founded Causes, originally one of the earliest Facebook applications, as a philanthropic service that uses social media to connect charities with their supporters and potential donors and then communicates that connection to the user's network of friends.[78][79] By 2013, 186 million people had joined Causes, donating over $50 million to 60,000 non-profits.[80][81] Causes is now part of Brigade Media."


Feb 18, 2017
I love that people forget what an Olympic-level-Blowhard Sean Parker is...........and has always been.
Thanks for this. Had never heard of the dude but will disregard in future :)


Oct 13, 2014
It's not a mystery. They are all members of an ancient secret society with a larger sinister purpose. They are given a role to play. The money is meaningless. They play their role and roll on the floor laughing at us everyday for being so gullible. They are in the club. We are not. That is their satisfsction.


Sep 24, 2016
What's pretty clear and "human" is that some of these super-rich openly strive for some sort of immortality or de-mortality. By gene therpaies, regrown organs and so forth some think humans will be able to live eternally unless somebody burs or maims an individual beyond repair.

Will that really be possible? It's thinkable but I guess our orgnism is so complex that there will always be an overlooked aspect and thus such obtained immortality will not be available for another 150 years if ever. Humanity might see some intermediate state much earlier though ... 130 years olds patched together and kept alive by all kinds of scary interventions.
What's sure to me is that a rich elite will have access to powerful algorithms and AI exclusively, that sort of AI might accelerate scientific breakthroughs beyond imagination. But not only in biology/physiology but also social sciences - after all, we all probably live by algoithmic regularities we are not consciously aware of yet - but we are beginning to see it is like that.
Once you'll have a rich elite that thinks immortality is in their reach and has access to powerful AI that can anticipate many ultracomlex developments (which will take up a lot of ressources) and on the other hand you'll have 10, 11 or 13 billions of humans on the planet that will be mortal and largely poor, threatened by climate-change, ressource scarcity and so forth ... what woud happen? Would such an elite that could possibly live forever not feel permantly scared and threatened by the resentful masses? And what will an immortal semi-god do who has wealth and technology at his disposa lwhen he feels permanetly threatened? Will he not try to get rid of the source of his fear?
Dec 18, 2018
What's pretty clear and "human" is that some of these super-rich openly strive for some sort of immortality or de-mortality. By gene therpaies, regrown organs and so forth some think humans will be able to live eternally unless somebody burs or maims an individual beyond repair.

Will that really be possible? It's thinkable but I guess our orgnism is so complex that there will always be an overlooked aspect and thus such obtained immortality will not be available for another 150 years if ever. Humanity might see some intermediate state much earlier though ... 130 years olds patched together and kept alive by all kinds of scary interventions.
What's sure to me is that a rich elite will have access to powerful algorithms and AI exclusively, that sort of AI might accelerate scientific breakthroughs beyond imagination. But not only in biology/physiology but also social sciences - after all, we all probably live by algoithmic regularities we are not consciously aware of yet - but we are beginning to see it is like that.
Once you'll have a rich elite that thinks immortality is in their reach and has access to powerful AI that can anticipate many ultracomlex developments (which will take up a lot of ressources) and on the other hand you'll have 10, 11 or 13 billions of humans on the planet that will be mortal and largely poor, threatened by climate-change, ressource scarcity and so forth ... what woud happen? Would such an elite that could possibly live forever not feel permantly scared and threatened by the resentful masses? And what will an immortal semi-god do who has wealth and technology at his disposa lwhen he feels permanetly threatened? Will he not try to get rid of the source of his fear?

indeed,AI mediated insight into deengineering the mortality factor,Life Forever,and fear of destruction of endlessness which is promised will lead to destruction of the unworthy which pose the last threat to endlessness.


Feb 18, 2016
“Most of the focus in Alzheimer's research has been on tau and amyloid, what Gates likes to call "the mainstream." With his donation, Gates hopes to spur research into more novel ideas about the disease, like investigating the role of the glial cells that activate the immune system of the brain or how the energy lifespan of a cellmay contribute to the disease.”

Gates is like a stray dog that just keeps turning up, you can’t get rid of it and the kids don’t get it could be diseased, we shouldn’t play with him.

He is obsessed with the immune system probably because of CRISPR, he sees this as the ideal way to modify humans, he needs ways to hijack a disease that scares us all like cancer or Alzheimer’s, once hijacked he will be making a vaccine for cancer and Alzheimer’s that we will all need at birth or in later life, it’s a money printing machine ,this isn’t perceived by the public as genetic engineering/eugenics even if the side effects are impotence or stupidity.

The CRISPR fallacy IMO is changing genetic methylation/acetylation while somebody still has the same metabolic rate and can’t provide the energy necessary to fuel changes for a long period of time, we are also a layered organism with different tissues expressing different tempos and genes, CRISPR will only reach the surface,it will take years to reprint yourself with CRISPR signals and you run the risk of incoherency,the wheels coming off as one part of you is a Ferrari, the other a bicycle.
The question is can you change specific metabolic genes using CRISPR ? This could be a quantum physics moment where they pull their heads out of the genetically determined dogma?

Bill gates father has Alzheimer’s I believe, it brings his superior genetically determined theories into focus, eugenic theories would mean bill would have been terminated at birth because of faulty Alzheimer’s genes.
Side note: the elite believed cancer was a dirty disease of genetically inferior , the same with Alzheimer’s ,homosexuality etc ,their tune changes as some of their own crew begin to express the phenotypical behavior they were supposed to loathe, Alzheimer’s is now accepted along with homosexuality, cancer still not so much,behind closed doors anyway.
Interestingly gates mother died of cancer while being connected to eugenicists.

Gates father was also 6’6 ft according to Wikipedia and apparently bill is only 5’9ft , it could explain some of bills insecurities, it also points to him being genetically inferior to his father, Bill is the dysgenic of his lineage and interestingly enough his behavior has the potential to wipe out said lineage by rampaging mobs.
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