Asking help for girlfriend, she's on 30 mg of methylphenidate for ADHD and hears voices in her head


Mar 15, 2018
I'd advise you to do a deep dive into the topic of methylation. Are you potentially overmethylating?

Common symptoms of overmethylation, also called histapenia , include depression, paranoia, head and neck pain, and the tendency to ruminate on thoughts, irritability, inability to sit and rest, ADHD. Overmethylated patients have elevated levels of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, low whole blood histamine, and low absolute basophils. Anxiety and depression are the main symptoms of overmethylation, at times the symptoms can be severe enough to cause a state of confusion.

Patients who are overmethylated have an adverse reaction to serotonin-enhancing substances such as Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, St. John’s Wort, and SAMe.
They also react very negatively to methylated B-vitamins and copper-rich foods. They react very well to zinc, niacinamide, B6 and magnesium.

Dr. Abram Hoffer treated a lot of psychiatric conditions with the main focus on schizophrenia. He is famous for using high dose niacinamide for severe schizophrenia with a 90% success rate.
Dr. Walsh is also very knowledgable on this topic.

This is just a suggestion of mine. This knowledge for sure changed my life.
The discussion about methylation and histadelia is interesting, degeneration and the causes of it, funny stuff. The things people take influence other things in the body.


Feb 3, 2020
The discussion about methylation and histadelia is interesting, degeneration and the causes of it, funny stuff. The things people take influence other things in the body.
I know a girl who took the copper IUD and developed paranoid anxiety disorder after a year of using it.
She just googled for copper IUD and psychiatric illness and found tons of people having the same experience. Luckily she did connect the dots and fixed the underlying mineral toxicity and with it the mental illness.

I think methylation issues arise from mineral dysregulation or toxicity.
The methylation treatments (like niacinamide) might not necessarily fix the underlying cause, but they help with dealing with the symptoms to a great deal. (quenching the excess methyl groups caused by copper toxicity for example)


Jul 10, 2021
Southern Michigan
I really don’t understand what you mean by all of this. You’re making it sound like the voices are above us in some kind of way?
I don't mean that the vouces deserve respect. Perhaps the phenomenon itself should be regarded with respect, but not the voices themselves. Your attitude is good for being defiant. The voices seem catered to the way they desire to be perceived. For instance, a masculine aggressive voice is formed to intimidate and evoke submissivity. You are right to respond with aggressive defiance.
The voices are not an entity or some other thing. They are called toxic shame. Any intrusive thought has a very large emotion attached to it. Unfortunately most people do not connect it to shame because it is so unbearably painful.
I regard them as entities. I am quite well now. I figured out that they were entities by chance. There were references, word usage, nomenclature that were used completely out of the scope of my awareness at the time, then much later, these would unravel.
As far as shame goes. I don't agree directly, but I see what you're saying. Accusation is the mechanism at play and it has a tremendous effect. I would agree that where a person has done something they are ashamed of or possess some vulnerability, the mechanism of accusation exacerbates genuine shame. Where I would disagree is that even false or exaggerated accusations are a hassle to deal with psychologically. Outside of voices, the use of accusation is very apparent in politics. An accusation directs attention, if there is vulnerability or cause for shame, the accused is burdened. Even the innocent often reflexively go to the defensive when accusations are made. The innocent often has to at least perform some internal audit. The response to a voice evoking shame is to question the authority it has to condemn or bring shame. People can have serious hang ups over mere accusation. Look at how white fragility works, look at how Rules for Radicals works. Accusation and shame are effective because decent people are vulnerable to them precisely because they care about being decent people.
Once again, in the case of shame and accusation, a defiant stance by default is crucial.
advise you to do a deep dive into the topic of methylation. Are you potentially overmethylating?
I will look into this. I think psychosis/hearing voices definitely has a strong biochemical component to it. I don't believe that the condition is purely biochemical though. I regard the entities responsible for taking advantage of some biochemically generated opportunity. I think the entities can take or leave that opportunity according to what they regard as advantageous. Hearing voices is quite common, plenty of people hear a voice at some point in their lives. This conversation has been focused on the negative experience of voices, but I believe there can be positive experiences of voices as well. Positive voices seem rarer, I don't see benevolent or neutral entities as being out to interfere with the sanctity of a persons mind.
My core issue is Narcolepsy. My immune system attacked my hypothalamus' orexin producing cells. I have issues between sleep and wake. The Narcolepsy makes me an easy target for the entities. States of consciousness common in Narcolepsy are rarer for normals, like hypnagogia/hypnapomp(ia?).
Just curious...have you heard of V2K, DEW, etc.?
A little bit. The phenomenon of hearing voices predates sophisticated technology. These things represent themselves as human because we blend the concept of personhood with bodily humanity. I would regard V2K and DEW as rabbit trails to bait the afflicted person along a futile course of suspicion, inquiry, and behavior. The entities are quite clever. They can portray themselves as human agencies through metaphorical means. For instance, the human, physical institution of the air force. The term "air force" is synonymous with "power of the air".


Sep 13, 2012
I don't mean that the vouces deserve respect. Perhaps the phenomenon itself should be regarded with respect, but not the voices themselves. Your attitude is good for being defiant. The voices seem catered to the way they desire to be perceived. For instance, a masculine aggressive voice is formed to intimidate and evoke submissivity. You are right to respond with aggressive defiance.

I regard them as entities. I am quite well now. I figured out that they were entities by chance. There were references, word usage, nomenclature that were used completely out of the scope of my awareness at the time, then much later, these would unravel.
As far as shame goes. I don't agree directly, but I see what you're saying. Accusation is the mechanism at play and it has a tremendous effect. I would agree that where a person has done something they are ashamed of or possess some vulnerability, the mechanism of accusation exacerbates genuine shame. Where I would disagree is that even false or exaggerated accusations are a hassle to deal with psychologically. Outside of voices, the use of accusation is very apparent in politics. An accusation directs attention, if there is vulnerability or cause for shame, the accused is burdened. Even the innocent often reflexively go to the defensive when accusations are made. The innocent often has to at least perform some internal audit. The response to a voice evoking shame is to question the authority it has to condemn or bring shame. People can have serious hang ups over mere accusation. Look at how white fragility works, look at how Rules for Radicals works. Accusation and shame are effective because decent people are vulnerable to them precisely because they care about being decent people.
Once again, in the case of shame and accusation, a defiant stance by default is crucial.

I will look into this. I think psychosis/hearing voices definitely has a strong biochemical component to it. I don't believe that the condition is purely biochemical though. I regard the entities responsible for taking advantage of some biochemically generated opportunity. I think the entities can take or leave that opportunity according to what they regard as advantageous. Hearing voices is quite common, plenty of people hear a voice at some point in their lives. This conversation has been focused on the negative experience of voices, but I believe there can be positive experiences of voices as well. Positive voices seem rarer, I don't see benevolent or neutral entities as being out to interfere with the sanctity of a persons mind.
My core issue is Narcolepsy. My immune system attacked my hypothalamus' orexin producing cells. I have issues between sleep and wake. The Narcolepsy makes me an easy target for the entities. States of consciousness common in Narcolepsy are rarer for normals, like hypnagogia/hypnapomp(ia?).

A little bit. The phenomenon of hearing voices predates sophisticated technology. These things represent themselves as human because we blend the concept of personhood with bodily humanity. I would regard V2K and DEW as rabbit trails to bait the afflicted person along a futile course of suspicion, inquiry, and behavior. The entities are quite clever. They can portray themselves as human agencies through metaphorical means. For instance, the human, physical institution of the air force. The term "air force" is synonymous with "power of the air".
The main reason I don't believe in entities is because I didn't have any intrusive voice or horrifying thought until going through trauma. The trauma is associated with arousal of the nervous system that didn't get to play out to the end which is release of the energy. Also being vulnerable with my man after yrs of not really letting him in my heart brought on horrifyingly painful intrusive thoughts that would wake me up at night and plague me during the day. The voice in my head or scene of a painful experience would play over and over and over. This didn't heal until getting at the larger emotions underneath the fears associated with these thoughts. They were exposed by allowing someone into my heart. Reminded me of all the ways I've been hurt in the past, all the times I experienced toxic shame and then put that blame on him instead of looking at why I'm triggered. I woke up this morning with more intrusive thoughts after not having them for a couple weeks. I tend to get them more when something is bothering my intestine. If I labelled this voice as an entity it may cause fragmentation of my mind. A false self is created to shield against the painful thoughts. But this causes one to never be able to let someone in their heart. They will never be vulnerable enough to experience the fullness of intimacy with this false self. The only way through is to feel all of that shame all of that grief and sadness. Then the thoughts disappear because that inner child just wanted to be heard. The voice is a part of you that isn't integrated yet. It could be the voice of your Father still scolding you.


Mar 27, 2018
Hearing voices is usually Lactic Acidosis. Have her eat sugar and take MB


Jul 10, 2021
Southern Michigan
If I labelled this voice as an entity it may cause fragmentation of my mind. A false self is created to shield against the painful thoughts.
Hmmn. These voices are audible? I don't think you should view something as a part of yourself if it is not your personal inner voice. Early in my experience, I tried to look at the voices as a natural part of myself that somehow manifested as voices distinct from my conscious inner voice. If the voices are outside of your locus of control and distinct from your own conscious inner voice, I would argue that it's not you. Viewing the voice as a component of yourself attaches the voice to who you think you are.
When you view a voice as a part of youself it's like the thing children do, with the stronger aggressive usually older child will grab the weaker child's arm and hit the weaker child with it taunting; 'stop hitting yourself' 'why do you keep hitting yourself'. Just because the voices are in your head doesn't mean they are you. Viewing a voice as separate from yourself, as long as you hear it audibly and do not have control over its content, is not fragmenting yourself. Rather, it is taking ownership of yourself and your own inner voice and confronting the other.
Yes, you feel shame, some of it justified, some of it not. If a voice pushes you, it is trying to rub your face in your shortcomings. Acknowledge your shortcomings, and tell the voice to shut up and deal with it's own shortcomings, like being an invasive expletive. (Be classy with your vocabulary, don't get ahead of yourself and use colorful fighting words, be sharp and defiant, but not sloppy and profane) Acknowledge that the voice is being selective about the shortcomings that it shames you over. After all, you are a human, you've inevitably got shortcomings, probably plenty that you haven't thought enough of to be bothered by.

Shaming only works because you are a decent enough person to want to do right and to feel bad about when you don't live up to that.

Look around you, there are people who don't feel any shame when they should. There are also people who overtly escalate and even celebrate their shamefull behavior to defy the very notion of shame. Some people make careers out of this.

I really see the power in Biblical teaching in this arena. There is a consolidation of the deep work our souls need regarding shame built into the Gospel. Humanity killed God when God put His own skin in the game as Christ Jesus. When we look at the cross, we acknowledge the greatest sin, murdering God, which is kind of what we do any time we sin. When we believe in Christ, and follow Him, He forgives us. Then, when any voice, impression, or insinuation, seen or unseen tries to rub your face in your shortcomings, they are essentially blaspheming the most high, who already dealt with sins. If something wants to accuse and shame a person that God has reconciled with, that something then has God to deal with. That is basically the legal argument in spiritual warfare. One resists the voices in Christ's name. If the voice is smart, it desists, if not, the believer persists in confronting the accusing voice, bearing witness before heaven that the accuser blasphemies by continually pestering the believer over sin God has forgiven.

I keep working on my physical health, hoping that one day my body will heal in the way that makes me less able to hear voices that confront me. In the mean time, I fire back in Jesus' name. I used to hear several voices. Now there is just one, but even Paul the Apostle had a messenger from Satan, a thorn in the flesh, that afflicted him persistently. I found that even though initially, the voices seemed nondescript, there were usually identifiers. Sometimes I could get them to tell me their names, which would often be a contemporary form of an ancient name. (For instance the name Katherine is derived from Hecate, contemporary forms of Katherine are Katy, Karen, Kathy etc. Jim is from James which is from Jacomus which is from Jacob which means heel grabber, supplanter, or deceiver. Lily is short form for Lilith. Etc.) Some of them use attributes to identify themselves.

I don't know about relationships and intimacy. I know women exist, but they are somewhere else. I just know that I have to be true to myself, if I meet someone I meet someone.


Mar 15, 2018
Hmmn. These voices are audible? I don't think you should view something as a part of yourself if it is not your personal inner voice. Early in my experience, I tried to look at the voices as a natural part of myself that somehow manifested as voices distinct from my conscious inner voice. If the voices are outside of your locus of control and distinct from your own conscious inner voice, I would argue that it's not you. Viewing the voice as a component of yourself attaches the voice to who you think you are.
When you view a voice as a part of youself it's like the thing children do, with the stronger aggressive usually older child will grab the weaker child's arm and hit the weaker child with it taunting; 'stop hitting yourself' 'why do you keep hitting yourself'. Just because the voices are in your head doesn't mean they are you. Viewing a voice as separate from yourself, as long as you hear it audibly and do not have control over its content, is not fragmenting yourself. Rather, it is taking ownership of yourself and your own inner voice and confronting the other.
Yes, you feel shame, some of it justified, some of it not. If a voice pushes you, it is trying to rub your face in your shortcomings. Acknowledge your shortcomings, and tell the voice to shut up and deal with it's own shortcomings, like being an invasive expletive. (Be classy with your vocabulary, don't get ahead of yourself and use colorful fighting words, be sharp and defiant, but not sloppy and profane) Acknowledge that the voice is being selective about the shortcomings that it shames you over. After all, you are a human, you've inevitably got shortcomings, probably plenty that you haven't thought enough of to be bothered by.

Shaming only works because you are a decent enough person to want to do right and to feel bad about when you don't live up to that.

Look around you, there are people who don't feel any shame when they should. There are also people who overtly escalate and even celebrate their shamefull behavior to defy the very notion of shame. Some people make careers out of this.

I really see the power in Biblical teaching in this arena. There is a consolidation of the deep work our souls need regarding shame built into the Gospel. Humanity killed God when God put His own skin in the game as Christ Jesus. When we look at the cross, we acknowledge the greatest sin, murdering God, which is kind of what we do any time we sin. When we believe in Christ, and follow Him, He forgives us. Then, when any voice, impression, or insinuation, seen or unseen tries to rub your face in your shortcomings, they are essentially blaspheming the most high, who already dealt with sins. If something wants to accuse and shame a person that God has reconciled with, that something then has God to deal with. That is basically the legal argument in spiritual warfare. One resists the voices in Christ's name. If the voice is smart, it desists, if not, the believer persists in confronting the accusing voice, bearing witness before heaven that the accuser blasphemies by continually pestering the believer over sin God has forgiven.

I keep working on my physical health, hoping that one day my body will heal in the way that makes me less able to hear voices that confront me. In the mean time, I fire back in Jesus' name. I used to hear several voices. Now there is just one, but even Paul the Apostle had a messenger from Satan, a thorn in the flesh, that afflicted him persistently. I found that even though initially, the voices seemed nondescript, there were usually identifiers. Sometimes I could get them to tell me their names, which would often be a contemporary form of an ancient name. (For instance the name Katherine is derived from Hecate, contemporary forms of Katherine are Katy, Karen, Kathy etc. Jim is from James which is from Jacomus which is from Jacob which means heel grabber, supplanter, or deceiver. Lily is short form for Lilith. Etc.) Some of them use attributes to identify themselves.

I don't know about relationships and intimacy. I know women exist, but they are somewhere else. I just know that I have to be true to myself, if I meet someone I meet someone.
The brain along with the thalamus (an 'eye' of the brain) will interpret inflammation (serotonin receptors like 5-HT2AR activating cause hallucinations) in the body and brain itself and present it as something for you to process. Anything else is semantics (rationalizing) used to process that.
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Apr 25, 2018
A little bit. The phenomenon of hearing voices predates sophisticated technology. These things represent themselves as human because we blend the concept of personhood with bodily humanity. I would regard V2K and DEW as rabbit trails to bait the afflicted person along a futile course of suspicion, inquiry, and behavior. The entities are quite clever. They can portray themselves as human agencies through metaphorical means. For instance, the human, physical institution of the air force. The term "air force" is synonymous with "power of the air".


Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal


I'm just going out on limb here and say the voices are demons. This is an interview from a psychiatrist who dealt with psychotics for decades.

Anyway, your girl is taking what is effectively meth, and things will get worse as she continues. If she takes other pharma drugs, the voices will become quieter, but that is a trap as she will eventually be damaged enough that nothing helps. Anyway, they are just thought-forms, they are harmless and you can destroy them. The real issue is that she needs to fix her energy field, which may include a lot of deep trauma work, although vitamins and diet can help.
Apr 25, 2018


I'm just going out on limb here and say the voices are demons. This is an interview from a psychiatrist who dealt with psychotics for decades.

Anyway, your girl is taking what is effectively meth, and things will get worse as she continues. If she takes other pharma drugs, the voices will become quieter, but that is a trap as she will eventually be damaged enough that nothing helps. Anyway, they are just thought-forms, they are harmless and you can destroy them. The real issue is that she needs to fix her energy field, which may include a lot of deep trauma work, although vitamins and diet can help.

Yes she should get off that prescribed speed...


Jul 10, 2021
Southern Michigan
The brain along with the thalamus (an 'eye' of the brain) will interpret inflammation (serotonin receptors like 5-HT2AR activating cause hallucinations) in the body and brain itself and present it as something for you to process.
This makes sense. This would be the biochemical pre condition.
Anything else is semantics (rationalizing) used to process that.
The issue with this is that the way in which the voices make sense. There is coherency within the hallucinated content. I don't pretend to understand all of it, I recognize things after they happen. Sometimes months or years later I will understand what a hallucination meant. Often after reading about something I did not know prior. It's the chronology.

It's like the inflammation is the light source for a magic lantern or projector.

It would be comforting if the inflammation was the conduit for random content. Indeed, some of it seems random at the time, but turns out not to be. The content is sort of encrypted. For instance, in common english we use 'pneumatic' to mean 'inflatable', whereas in a hallucination something inflatable is used to portray something spiritual. This is wordplay that would go undetected until you realize that 'Pneuma' means spirit as well as air from the Greek.

I've heard in podcasts about research done on people under the influence of DMT. Apparently there are instances where people on DMT hallucinated the same thing.

This also makes me think of these mouth retainers that transmitted the output of a camera on the roof of the mouth. People using the retainers were able to press their tongues onto to the retainer and "see" the camera output through their tongues. It's in This article

My approach deals with the content of the hallucinations as originating from an external source that is not directly accessible through the conventional use of the senses. I don't think the "rationalization" is baseless and purely subjective to the individual. For instance, the common complaint with voices is that they accuse and shame us according to our vulnerabilities.
My recommendation is basically to deal with a bully like a bully should be dealt with. To avoid the instinct to insulate yourself from the confrontation by rationalizing away the existence of an outside attacker. Also to avoid confrontation by instinctually taking a submissive mindset. That in so far as the soul is in an unseen conflict, the sanctity of the conscious is broken, resistance is appropriate.

It is better to be beaten down by the burden of the phenomenon in general than it is to be beaten down by the voices within the phenomenon.

It may not be necessary to argue the voices if the biochemical basis for their access is eliminated. In the interim, the period in which hearing voices continues while the biochemical gate is yet ajar, resilience should be cultivated. My suggestions pertain to the cultivation of that resilience.

I concede that I'm particular to the Judeo-Christian cosmology. It's kind of a fixture in western civilization while it lasts. There's plenty of mileage left to that worldview IMHO.
Anyway, they are just thought-forms, they are harmless and you can destroy them.
This is a consoling thought. These things drop hints of their identities, it's subtle, if you don't catch on that they're talking over your head.

To attempt to split hairs, there is a difference between evil spirits and demons. Demons would be the fallen angels, evil spirits would be their offspring. Two categories of evil spirit are those from the Nephilim and those descended from Lilith. There may be more categories, it isn't super clear, the common thing is that they are entities generated by the fallen angels. I don't know about the children of Lilith, but the evil spirits from Nephilim used to have physical bodies. Humanity worldwide seems to remember giants from myths around the earth , just like people around the earth have old stories of the flood.

I'd probably think all of this were bogus if my life weren't interrupted by it. It took years to adapt, I remember some dark times. You have to keep in mind during this type of struggle that the cosmos hasn't changed. Behind the scenes, beyond the scope of our lives, reality has worked the same way for a long time.

Sorry for the long posts. New to using forums.


Sep 22, 2020
My psychotic episodes (with the voices) were drug induced. I was addicted to GHB for prolonged periods over a three year timescale. Yes, GHB. That drug that Dr Peat has spoken favourably about when asked about it. I quit the drug, and about eleven days after I quit I entered a psychotic episode that lasted about 24 hours. I then stupidly dabbled with the drug again a couple of times in the following months and this resulted in further psychotic episodes. I was hospitalised.

Anyway, since September 2020, I haven’t touched that poison, and I now still live (day to day), trying to make sense of those psychotic episodes. It has dominated my life since then, but time has been a healer. I now live with the tactile hallucinations that still occur (which could potentially be nerve/brain damage from the prolonged drug abuse). Initially it was very tough, because I was convinced that these voices I heard during my psychotic episodes were (therefore) still communicating with me through these physical sensations (tactile hallucinations). Whereby I have been convinced that these voices are a group of individuals that have access to technology making it possible for them to read my every thought ( Electronic harassment - Wikipedia ). Which, as you might imagine, has really been quite hard to deal with. Especially when you consider how abusive, slanderous and insulting these voices were towards me. But these days (almost one year on), I am mentally in a much better place and able to deal with these tactile hallucinations. I even asked Dr Peat by email if technology existed that made it possible for people to listen to your thoughts through wireless technology and in typical fashion, I received a very blunt email back with the answer ‘no’.

Source Code

Mar 7, 2020
I was an atheist my whole life till I smoked dmt. I think everyone should have some at least once in their life, its not really like "hallucinating" more like seeing a familiar yet forgotten spirit realm.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
This is a consoling thought. These things drop hints of their identities, it's subtle, if you don't catch on that they're talking over your head.

To attempt to split hairs, there is a difference between evil spirits and demons. Demons would be the fallen angels, evil spirits would be their offspring. Two categories of evil spirit are those from the Nephilim and those descended from Lilith. There may be more categories, it isn't super clear, the common thing is that they are entities generated by the fallen angels. I don't know about the children of Lilith, but the evil spirits from Nephilim used to have physical bodies. Humanity worldwide seems to remember giants from myths around the earth , just like people around the earth have old stories of the flood.

I'd probably think all of this were bogus if my life weren't interrupted by it. It took years to adapt, I remember some dark times. You have to keep in mind during this type of struggle that the cosmos hasn't changed. Behind the scenes, beyond the scope of our lives, reality has worked the same way for a long time.

Sorry for the long posts. New to using forums.
They're lies, do not listen to them or try to make any sense of what they are saying. Secondly, superstitions from mostly illiterate desert people and medieval fantasies are not a reliable source of information, and should be ignored. These are not fallen angels, there are effectively automated machines in the astral.

Mantras should work, I suggest trying some Kali mantras, Psalm 23, if you have the polarity (good enough of a person) you can just ask archangels to come around to help. There are angels and guides just waiting for a permission for a permission to help you, so calling upon them should work, though receptiveness and moral polarity play a role.

Anyway, stop focusing on children's tales about these things. It is a distraction that will prevent you from dealing with them, you just need to understand that they are lying, love dissolves them, other entities will help you and so will prayers of all kinds.
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Mar 27, 2018
Isn't sugar held responsible for producing acidity?

1. No, it's Lactic Acid that is producing the symptoms of acidity. What is "acidity" from food anyway?
2. Is sugar worse than hearing voices? I've had psychosis with loud audible voices and it's the most unpleasant and scary thing. It happened while I was doing a 3 day fast, so apparently for me that was enough.
3. Hearing voices is an EMERGENCY SIGNAL that the brain is being damaged. Hearing voices is not normal, ever. The brain can be calmed with some sugar, progesterone, and GABA so I would try all 3 at the same time.
Jun 16, 2017
I think it's that the acidity is being caused by the lack of a substance to absorb the electrons, since electrons and hydrogens go together. Amazoniac has made a post about this. The pyruvate produced by glycolysis gets reduced to lactate, that is, it absorbed one electron and also one hydrogen. Excess lactate is a sign of excess acidity, and actually is there to help( reducing acidity and replenishing NAD), instead of being the cause, even though it itself will cause problems. Correcting the sugar metabolism by providing thiamine( pyruvate dehydrogenase), niacinamide( NAD) , methylene blue/ zinc/ red light( koncking off the nitric oxide from the cytochrome c oxidase) along with the sugar(electrons and CO2) would lower lactate levels, by forwarding those electrons/ hydrogens all the way to oxygen, producing water.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
1. No, it's Lactic Acid that is producing the symptoms of acidity. What is "acidity" from food anyway?
2. Is sugar worse than hearing voices? I've had psychosis with loud audible voices and it's the most unpleasant and scary thing. It happened while I was doing a 3 day fast, so apparently for me that was enough.
3. Hearing voices is an EMERGENCY SIGNAL that the brain is being damaged. Hearing voices is not normal, ever. The brain can be calmed with some sugar, progesterone, and GABA so I would try all 3 at the same time.
I hear voices quite often thanks to finasteride. They aren't loud but they do get louder when I am not feeling well. I am quite used to it now, though it has gotten better. Anyways I am pretty sure the conventional theory is that sugar feeds bacteria which produce lactic acid, or some kind of acidic excretion. That's why dentists typically recommend not eating sugar.
Apr 25, 2018
I hear voices quite often thanks to finasteride. They aren't loud but they do get louder when I am not feeling well. I am quite used to it now, though it has gotten better. Anyways I am pretty sure the conventional theory is that sugar feeds bacteria which produce lactic acid, or some kind of acidic excretion. That's why dentists typically recommend not eating sugar.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles

Hearing voices is actually quite common, and affects many people. It is also an issue that correlates in frequency with IQ. I remember hearing voices on occasion even before my problems with finasteride, but they certainly increased in severity thereafter. It still can bother me from time to time, especially after partaking in alcohol, although I think of it now almost as background chatter. Ultimately it isn't much more that a manifestation of emotions and how the subconcious feels behavior is or would be percieved by others. I am not sure that had I never taken finasteride, or if I had the "optimal" metabolism, that I wouldn't hear voices, I am fairly sure that it is more of psycho-social or abstract phenomenon rather than strictly biochemical.
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