Add on to regimen from Idea Labs? to attempt to address remaining issues - temperature dips at times and allergies and severe chemical sensitivities


Dec 11, 2020
Like many here, not sure i have any skin surface area or under tongue or intestinal capacity left to add anything else but still have a few lingering issues so searching for missing puzzle pieces. I already do so much- thyroid, progesterone, now cortinon, energin, have done just about everything possible for my intestine ( charcoal, camphosal, sulphur, antibiotics, lidocaine, carrot/bamboo/mushroom, antibiotics, sporebiotics, colosutrum), stressnon, lapodin/cascara, thiamine, niacinamide, aspirin, methylene blue, cyproheptadine digestive enzymes, D, K, A superb diet etc. Doing great except for the above issues in the title. Temperature still not quite high enough and dips at times. |And the allergies and chemical sensitivity- although a little improvement still pretty serious. Even tried hypnosis to no avail for it. So, looking at idealabs and wondering if diamant since its anti histamine might help with chemical sensitivity and allergies and if a woman can take a tiny amount of andosterone which is thyroid metic and thermogenic and would raise my temperature? other supplements there that intrigue me are metergoline, pyrucet, panquinone , lisuride, cardenosine; but i dont know why i would take them exactly - just would be fun to try different things and maybe will make that an ongoing project over the next couple of years one at a time.

Very grateful for all input on this. My health and fitness are the best ever so these lingering issues are quite the enigma and would love to finally get to the bottom of them as they interfere with my life. Dr. Peat last told me that temperature is responsible for processing chemicals and although ive raised it its not high enough and if thats the cause could resolve all. Thank you!!
Mar 10, 2021
Like many here, not sure i have any skin surface area or under tongue or intestinal capacity left to add anything else but still have a few lingering issues so searching for missing puzzle pieces. I already do so much- thyroid, progesterone, now cortinon, energin, have done just about everything possible for my intestine ( charcoal, camphosal, sulphur, antibiotics, lidocaine, carrot/bamboo/mushroom, antibiotics, sporebiotics, colosutrum), stressnon, lapodin/cascara, thiamine, niacinamide, aspirin, methylene blue, cyproheptadine digestive enzymes, D, K, A superb diet etc. Doing great except for the above issues in the title. Temperature still not quite high enough and dips at times. |And the allergies and chemical sensitivity- although a little improvement still pretty serious. Even tried hypnosis to no avail for it. So, looking at idealabs and wondering if diamant since its anti histamine might help with chemical sensitivity and allergies and if a woman can take a tiny amount of andosterone which is thyroid metic and thermogenic and would raise my temperature? other supplements there that intrigue me are metergoline, pyrucet, panquinone , lisuride, cardenosine; but i dont know why i would take them exactly - just would be fun to try different things and maybe will make that an ongoing project over the next couple of years one at a time.

Very grateful for all input on this. My health and fitness are the best ever so these lingering issues are quite the enigma and would love to finally get to the bottom of them as they interfere with my life. Dr. Peat last told me that temperature is responsible for processing chemicals and although ive raised it its not high enough and if thats the cause could resolve all. Thank you!!
I had histamine issues really bad, sensitive to everything and I couldn’t even use toothpastes or soaps. My problems stemmed from fluoride.



Dec 11, 2020
Like many here, not sure i have any skin surface area or under tongue or intestinal capacity left to add anything else but still have a few lingering issues so searching for missing puzzle pieces. I already do so much- thyroid, progesterone, now cortinon, energin, have done just about everything possible for my intestine ( charcoal, camphosal, sulphur, antibiotics, lidocaine, carrot/bamboo/mushroom, antibiotics, sporebiotics, colosutrum), stressnon, lapodin/cascara, thiamine, niacinamide, aspirin, methylene blue, cyproheptadine digestive enzymes, D, K, A superb diet etc. Doing great except for the above issues in the title. Temperature still not quite high enough and dips at times. |And the allergies and chemical sensitivity- although a little improvement still pretty serious. Even tried hypnosis to no avail for it. So, looking at idealabs and wondering if diamant since its anti histamine might help with chemical sensitivity and allergies and if a woman can take a tiny amount of andosterone which is thyroid metic and thermogenic and would raise my temperature? other supplements there that intrigue me are metergoline, pyrucet, panquinone , lisuride, cardenosine; but i dont know why i would take them exactly - just would be fun to try different things and maybe will make that an ongoing project over the next couple of years one at a time.

Very grateful for all input on this. My health and fitness are the best ever so these lingering issues are quite the enigma and would love to finally get to the bottom of them as they interfere with my life. Dr. Peat last told me that temperature is responsible for processing chemicals and although ive raised it its not high enough and if thats the cause could resolve all. Thank you!!
I had histamine issues really bad, sensitive to everything and I couldn’t even use toothpastes or soaps. My problems stemmed from fluoride.

Thank you. Interesting you bring up fluoride- i of course know how awful it is and avoid it- have avoided it my whole adult life. However, although i use a shower filter, its the spry you can buy at home depot and i dont think it filters fluoride and of course hand and dish washing. I have been leading a nomadic lifestyle due to the insanity of the world and trying to figure out where I can call home. im a bit of a renegade attorney fighting all the Bigs and actually felt unsafe when i left colorado in october of 2021 where i had lived on a ranch for 4 years after leaving behind 19 years in NYC. The ranch had its own water system and no fluoride was added to the water so for 4 years there i had not exposure. My chemical sensitivity was still horrible. Since I left (and i did a lot of traveling the few months before i did), I have moved four times- Boca, FL, Bradenton, FL, Sarasota and now Sprindale, AR. Ive lived in the full gamut of living environments and do the best i can by putting my filter on the shower and filtering all my water with the zero filtration counter top unit which i change diligently. the water is 5 times better in AR than it was in Florida- water in florida is horrible and i was not happy there. however it has occurred to me that i am still exposed through my skin washing and showering to fluroride and i have wondered if that could be the problem. When i have home i will have a full house filtration system that eradicates fluoride but so hard when nomadic. I could certainly secure a better shower filter at least that filters out fluoride. But still get exposure from the sinks. And then again. like i said, even with no fluoride my sensitivity was horrible. So i dont know if its the cause but still good to avoid it. i havent use fluoride toothpaste or fluoride anything since a child and have never drunk tap water my whole life so thinking i have far less exposure than 99 percent of the planet. But food for thought for sure thank you.


Dec 11, 2020
Thank you. Interesting you bring up fluoride- i of course know how awful it is and avoid it- have avoided it my whole adult life. However, although i use a shower filter, its the spry you can buy at home depot and i dont think it filters fluoride and of course hand and dish washing. I have been leading a nomadic lifestyle due to the insanity of the world and trying to figure out where I can call home. im a bit of a renegade attorney fighting all the Bigs and actually felt unsafe when i left colorado in october of 2021 where i had lived on a ranch for 4 years after leaving behind 19 years in NYC. The ranch had its own water system and no fluoride was added to the water so for 4 years there i had not exposure. My chemical sensitivity was still horrible. Since I left (and i did a lot of traveling the few months before i did), I have moved four times- Boca, FL, Bradenton, FL, Sarasota and now Sprindale, AR. Ive lived in the full gamut of living environments and do the best i can by putting my filter on the shower and filtering all my water with the zero filtration counter top unit which i change diligently. the water is 5 times better in AR than it was in Florida- water in florida is horrible and i was not happy there. however it has occurred to me that i am still exposed through my skin washing and showering to fluroride and i have wondered if that could be the problem. When i have home i will have a full house filtration system that eradicates fluoride but so hard when nomadic. I could certainly secure a better shower filter at least that filters out fluoride. But still get exposure from the sinks. And then again. like i said, even with no fluoride my sensitivity was horrible. So i dont know if its the cause but still good to avoid it. i havent use fluoride toothpaste or fluoride anything since a child and have never drunk tap water my whole life so thinking i have far less exposure than 99 percent of the planet. But food for thought for sure thank you.
And i dont own any furniture lol or sit on any of it wherever i go- im usually standing or on a balance ball or yoga mat - so dont think ive reacted to furniture at least.
Mar 10, 2021
Thank you. Interesting you bring up fluoride- i of course know how awful it is and avoid it- have avoided it my whole adult life. However, although i use a shower filter, its the spry you can buy at home depot and i dont think it filters fluoride and of course hand and dish washing. I have been leading a nomadic lifestyle due to the insanity of the world and trying to figure out where I can call home. im a bit of a renegade attorney fighting all the Bigs and actually felt unsafe when i left colorado in october of 2021 where i had lived on a ranch for 4 years after leaving behind 19 years in NYC. The ranch had its own water system and no fluoride was added to the water so for 4 years there i had not exposure. My chemical sensitivity was still horrible. Since I left (and i did a lot of traveling the few months before i did), I have moved four times- Boca, FL, Bradenton, FL, Sarasota and now Sprindale, AR. Ive lived in the full gamut of living environments and do the best i can by putting my filter on the shower and filtering all my water with the zero filtration counter top unit which i change diligently. the water is 5 times better in AR than it was in Florida- water in florida is horrible and i was not happy there. however it has occurred to me that i am still exposed through my skin washing and showering to fluroride and i have wondered if that could be the problem. When i have home i will have a full house filtration system that eradicates fluoride but so hard when nomadic. I could certainly secure a better shower filter at least that filters out fluoride. But still get exposure from the sinks. And then again. like i said, even with no fluoride my sensitivity was horrible. So i dont know if its the cause but still good to avoid it. i havent use fluoride toothpaste or fluoride anything since a child and have never drunk tap water my whole life so thinking i have far less exposure than 99 percent of the planet. But food for thought for sure thank you.
Have you considered histamine intolerance? When my histamines are high grapes swell my ears shut and it is painful for days. They outside of my ears are hot to the touch.


Have you tried Taurine in the doses of up to 10gm a day? Also have you tried supplementing Potassium?

There's many benefits to Taurine, one paper here suggests it may also be good for allergies. Most people are deficient in Potassium. Sodium and Potassium compete for the same receptors, so when you have too much Sodium you will deplete your Potassium. And since Sodium is added to everything, most of us get too much and deplete our Potassium levels, warranting supplementation.

Inserting plug for K-Water (Taurine Potassium Bicarb) that has helped one or two people here that I know of with various issues. It's the one thing I've added to my daily diet/supplement routine where I feel it immediately. And I certainly feel a little bit worse off when it's missing.

Roughly 7gm Taurine, 6gm Potassium Bicarb in 1 litre of water drunk throughout the day. Can add powdered Gatorade or EAA's or something to make it taste good. The Potassium bicarb and Taurine synergize together quite powerfully.

Also warm milk and honey is the best thing I've found so far to raise temperature.


Dec 11, 2020
Have you considered histamine intolerance? When my histamines are high grapes swell my ears shut and it is painful for days. They outside of my ears are hot to the touch.
how do you address this? i take cyproheptadine every night and sometimes more. Benadryl also when needed. and do all the regular things- aspirin thyroid and all i listed. not sure what else to add to address histamine but obviously its still an issue.


Dec 11, 2020
Have you tried Taurine in the doses of up to 10gm a day? Also have you tried supplementing Potassium?

There's many benefits to Taurine, one paper here suggests it may also be good for allergies. Most people are deficient in Potassium. Sodium and Potassium compete for the same receptors, so when you have too much Sodium you will deplete your Potassium. And since Sodium is added to everything, most of us get too much and deplete our Potassium levels, warranting supplementation.

Inserting plug for K-Water (Taurine Potassium Bicarb) that has helped one or two people here that I know of with various issues. It's the one thing I've added to my daily diet/supplement routine where I feel it immediately. And I certainly feel a little bit worse off when it's missing.

Roughly 7gm Taurine, 6gm Potassium Bicarb in 1 litre of water drunk throughout the day. Can add powdered Gatorade or EAA's or something to make it taste good. The Potassium bicarb and Taurine synergize together quite powerfully.

Also warm milk and honey is the best thing I've found so far to raise temperature.
Thank you! ive seen much ado here about taurine and it got my attention - will research all this. I am wide open to trying anything so definitely would try it.
Mar 10, 2021
how do you address this? i take cyproheptadine every night and sometimes more. Benadryl also when needed. and do all the regular things- aspirin thyroid and all i listed. not sure what else to add to address histamine but obviously its still an issue.
My histamines never got better on anti-histamines, supplements exacerbated my issues too. Maybe you could try taking a break on that list of things you are taking for a few days and see where you are at.


My histamines never got better on anti-histamines, supplements exacerbated my issues too. Maybe you could try taking a break on that list of things you are taking for a few days and see where you are at.

+1 to this. Most supplements if in capsule or pill form will have filler ingredients such as titanium dioxide or silicon dioxide, which can cause allergenic responses. I don't know if this is proven but they apparently may cause DNA damage as they are sharp nano particles. Just something to be weary about.

Capsules usually also contain cellulose fiber which are also considered inflammatory. You could possibly bypass this by taking an enzyme formula with celulase.

Of course there is always the dangers of contaminated supplements, even when purchased in pure powder form.


Dec 11, 2020
My histamines never got better on anti-histamines, supplements exacerbated my issues too. Maybe you could try taking a break on that list of things you are taking for a few days and see where you are at.
+1 to this. Most supplements if in capsule or pill form will have filler ingredients such as titanium dioxide or silicon dioxide, which can cause allergenic responses. I don't know if this is proven but they apparently may cause DNA damage as they are sharp nano particles. Just something to be weary about.

Capsules usually also contain cellulose fiber which are also considered inflammatory. You could possibly bypass this by taking an enzyme formula with celulase.

Of course there is always the dangers of contaminated supplements, even when purchased in pure powder form.
Hmm-thank you. mostly taking idea labs and progest e which are pure. And the thyroid dr Peat swears by that I've been taking for 15 years. suspects would be digestive enzymes and pure bulk powders and sporebiotics. But these issues have predated any of this. this is something I have been dealing with for a very very long time and have not found an answer for I don't think it's caused by the supplements because it happened before the supplements; but i avoid supplements with excipients and could just pour contents out from any cellulose capsules i have. Also the temperature not coming up seems to be at the core. although i do better with a higher ratio of t3, wondering if more t4 might help with that and though to experiment by raising it. currently i a tak 60 mcg T$ and 65 mcg t3 per day. Strange because ia am always very warm and hands very warm so the temp makes not sense to me and pulse always 85.
Mar 10, 2021
Hmm-thank you. mostly taking idea labs and progest e which are pure. And the thyroid dr Peat swears by that I've been taking for 15 years. suspects would be digestive enzymes and pure bulk powders and sporebiotics. But these issues have predated any of this. this is something I have been dealing with for a very very long time and have not found an answer for I don't think it's caused by the supplements because it happened before the supplements; but i avoid supplements with excipients and could just pour contents out from any cellulose capsules i have. Also the temperature not coming up seems to be at the core. although i do better with a higher ratio of t3, wondering if more t4 might help with that and though to experiment by raising it. currently i a tak 60 mcg T$ and 65 mcg t3 per day. Strange because ia am always very warm and hands very warm so the temp makes not sense to me and pulse always 85.
Many years ago I was taking MSM capsules, for years, and then the brand was no longer available, so I took another brand. That brand gave me numb limbs in the night so I tried another brand and the same thing happened, so I gave MSM up for many years. Then a couple years ago a lose brand was recommended on this forum so I tried it and the same thing happened, so I dropped it. About three months ago a different person on the forum recommended another brand in rock form, not capsules or powder and it works wonderfully. My point about supplements is that you really don’t know how pure what is in the capsules are. Not only that, but Ray Peat doesn’t recommend supplements for long term. Most of them he says take until your symptoms subside . When you take them daily you create more imbalances. I don’t take any, except recently MSM, once in awhile, and I am 59 with no health problems.


Dec 11, 2020
Many years ago I was taking MSM capsules, for years, and then the brand was no longer available, so I took another brand. That brand gave me numb limbs in the night so I tried another brand and the same thing happened, so I gave MSM up for many years. Then a couple years ago a lose brand was recommended on this forum so I tried it and the same thing happened, so I dropped it. About three months ago a different person on the forum recommended another brand in rock form, not capsules or powder and it works wonderfully. My point about supplements is that you really don’t know how pure what is in the capsules are. Not only that, but Ray Peat doesn’t recommend supplements for long term. Most of them he says take until your symptoms subside . When you take them daily you create more imbalances. I don’t take any, except recently MSM, once in awhile, and I am 59 with no health problems.

makes sense but what about thyroid supplement, progest-e, pregnenelone, cascara,idea labs which we know are pure on skin, D, K, A a- all used and recommended regularly on skin by Dr. Peat. ?those are mainly my "supplements". i only added thiamine in pure bulk powder to try to get temp up but its not a regular supplement. dr. peat recommended colostrum to me so using that and the sporebiotics and digestive enzymes have immensely helped my bowel and intestine and contain no fillers. i am going tyo switch over from a mg powder to magnoil from idea labs. So almost everything i take in under tongue or on skin and does not go through my intestine. The health that i do have is due to all of these things- the issue i have predates all supplements- i have had horrific allergies since child hood and the chemical sensitivity really set in just about the time i started being poisoned with estrogen in my late teens which continued until close to 30. So, i have to wonder whether the estrogen and all the drugs i was on for 12 plus years did something to my system; but i believe this must be reversible and have reversed everything else that happened so must figure out the missing puzzle piece.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Have you tried Taurine in the doses of up to 10gm a day? Also have you tried supplementing Potassium?

There's many benefits to Taurine, one paper here suggests it may also be good for allergies. Most people are deficient in Potassium. Sodium and Potassium compete for the same receptors, so when you have too much Sodium you will deplete your Potassium. And since Sodium is added to everything, most of us get too much and deplete our Potassium levels, warranting supplementation.

Inserting plug for K-Water (Taurine Potassium Bicarb) that has helped one or two people here that I know of with various issues. It's the one thing I've added to my daily diet/supplement routine where I feel it immediately. And I certainly feel a little bit worse off when it's missing.

Roughly 7gm Taurine, 6gm Potassium Bicarb in 1 litre of water drunk throughout the day. Can add powdered Gatorade or EAA's or something to make it taste good. The Potassium bicarb and Taurine synergize together quite powerfully.

Also warm milk and honey is the best thing I've found so far to raise temperature.

why is taurine needed as a supplement, doesnt it deplete beta alanine?
also it slows digestion massively for me, at just 1 gram per day and even 500mg. the digestive slowdown then causes fatigue, bloating, reduced temps and appetite, even worsened oilier skin and acne. even if I up fiber intake, it doesnt do anything to counteract the digestive slowdown. taurine is basically unusable for me, maybe if someone already has a very fast metabolism, constantly 99 degrees or higher temps, they can easily tolerate taurine?


Dec 11, 2020
When i last spoke to Dr. Peat on this issue which he has been in discussion with me for fifteen plus years, he said that temperature regulates chemical processing and mine is not high enough. i increased my thyroid and have gotten it higher but its still not optimal and my chemical sensitivity may be a little better since . but kind of feel like ive maxed out on thryoid dose as cant sleep when i go above what im taking- 60 mcg t4 and 65 mcg t3. i seem to do better on more t3 but am wondering if i up the t4 a little more, if that might raise the temp.


Nov 5, 2021
that's a lot of supplements. some of them could be containing excipients which would be causing problems, particularly the ADEK if they're bought from the typical big vendors.


Dec 8, 2016
When i last spoke to Dr. Peat on this issue which he has been in discussion with me for fifteen plus years, he said that temperature regulates chemical processing and mine is not high enough. i increased my thyroid and have gotten it higher but its still not optimal and my chemical sensitivity may be a little better since . but kind of feel like ive maxed out on thryoid dose as cant sleep when i go above what im taking- 60 mcg t4 and 65 mcg t3. i seem to do better on more t3 but am wondering if i up the t4 a little more, if that might raise the temp.
You need more food. Not more supplements.

If you haven’t done so already
In the Ray Peat email exchange thread
Please post his help there
It would help so many
Thank you



Dec 11, 2020
that's a lot of supplements. some of them could be containing excipients which would be causing problems, particularly the ADEK if they're bought from the typical big vendors.
health natura and idea labs and mostly on the skin and if not under tongue which Georgi says is like transdermal. They are pure and the good health effects palpable. Have not been sick in over a decade, have incredible energy and vitality, strong as an ox, people think im 15 -20 years younger, so many signs of health- just incredibly sensitive. I am going to sub out mg for idealabs magnoil and open up my enzymes andspore biotics and see if any difference though.


Dec 11, 2020
You need more food. Not more supplements.

If you haven’t done so already
In the Ray Peat email exchange thread
Please post his help there
It would help so many
Thank you

Do you take thyroid supplement such as cyonplus, cynomel etc? how old are you please?


Dec 8, 2016
Do you take thyroid supplement such as cyonplus, cynomel etc? how old are you please?
I do not.

Im 48 with two middle school children.
Work full time.

Was near death.
Extremely sensitive to chemicals among a million other things wrong.

I am well now.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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